The devil's wife is too arrogant

Chapter 514 The Grand Finale

Chapter 514 The Grand Finale (4)
The old holy emperor suddenly started to break the situation. At this time, the old holy emperor Zeng said: "Guangyuan, don't be in a hurry to apologize, didn't the demon god come in your direction just now? Didn't you meet him? "

"Back to the great-grandfather, the demon god has already fled in that direction." The old holy emperor Yu Guangyuan said, pointing to the direction in which the demon god fled.If it weren't for Xiao Yun just now, I'm afraid they would all have died at the hands of the Demon God.

"Escaping! It is not a good thing for this demon god to escape. Dharma Venerables, let's chase after him." Old Saint Zeng said hastily.

They came chasing the demon god's breath all the way, and their purpose was not to destroy him. If he was allowed to escape, then the people of Xiluo Continent would suffer.

However, as soon as Old Master Zeng Dharma opened his mouth, Xiao Yun hurriedly said: "Seniors, wait a minute."

When Xiao Yun spoke this time, everyone's eyes focused on him. Although they had seen Xiao Yun just now, they didn't take a closer look. They only knew that he was a handsome young man, and more attention was paid to him Li Lingxiao's body was exactly the same as Feng Wuqing's. Now that Xiao Yun spoke, all 15 people's eyes fell on Xiao Yun's body. This look shocked everyone.

The young man in front of him is not only handsome and unparalleled, but also his body is mysterious and unpredictable. If he wants to be mid-air, he must be supported by spiritual energy or battle energy. But there is no way, the whole person stands in the air like this, feeling weightless, no one of them present can handle such a situation, this boy is not easy.

"Young man, who are you?" Zeng Laosheng was curious. Such a handsome young man is really rare in the world. I don't know whose family is so good-looking.

"Junior Xiao Yun, the master must not be a Taoist, the family teacher has no shortage of yin and yang, and the father is the holy demon country Xiao Yuan." Xiao Yun hurriedly said.

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the word "Irresistible Dao Zun", only to see one of them, a gray old man, stepped forward and said, "Are you Wu Que's apprentice?"

"That's right, unfilial disciples and grandchildren will see their ancestors." Xiao Yun hurriedly bowed.

Slightly stunned, the old man said: "What a clever little guy, how do you know that I am your ancestor?"

"Master Yin's achievements in body art double shadow status, disciples and grandchildren in you can see the body skills and martial arts that your ancestors have learned. Master once said that in the West Luo Continent, there will be double shadow magic arts, except for the master Besides the ancestor and the master, there are only Xiao Yun and the girl, so the disciples and grandchildren boldly guess that you are the master." Xiao Yun said hastily.

"Oh, you're not afraid of admitting your mistake? It's not a trivial matter to admit your mistake to your master." The old man laughed.

"In terms of age, all the seniors have lived for thousands of years and have some relationship with the master. Xiao Yun should call the master." Xiao Yun hurriedly explained.

Slightly stunned, the old man expressed his appreciation: "That's right, Wu Que has accepted such an outstanding disciple like you. That's right, the old man is your master who cannot be refrained from, those eight are the Eight Great Sacred Dharma Masters, and the other three are the Three Great Masters." Juggernaut, and the other three, one is the Saint Dharma Emperor, the other is Yu Chen who is known as the number one genius in the Xiluo Continent, and the last one is Li Lingxiao, one of the four great magic masters."

Seeing the master introducing himself, Xiao Yun turned around and said, "Xiao Yun sees all the masters and seniors."

Seeing the disciple and grandson of the Unstoppable Daoist saluting, everyone laughed and asked him to stand up.

After the ceremony, Xiao Yun said, "Uncle Yu, do you still remember Xiao Yun?"

When Xiao Yun spoke, everyone including Feng Wuqing was stunned. They never dreamed that Xiao Yun had a relationship with Yu Chen.

Seeing Xiao Yun asking himself, Yu Chenjun raised his eyebrows lightly: " are?"

"About 14 years ago, that little boy who fell from the cliffs?" Xiao Yun reminded.

Although Xiao Yun was still young at the time, he still remembered this face clearly. After 14 years, this face has not changed at all. Therefore, the moment he saw Yu Chen, Xiao Yun recognized him.If he hadn't used the magic flute to save himself back then, he would have died long ago, and he saved his life.

Hearing Xiao Yun's reminder, Yu Chen was taken aback, and soon thought of 14 years ago.

"Oh, so you are that child. I didn't expect you to grow so tall after 14 years. By the way, didn't your uncle put the magic flute in your body? Where is the magic flute?" Yu Chenyi face puzzled.

When Xiao Xiaoyun fell off the cliff, he was only breathless. His fighting spirit couldn't save him. He couldn't bear to see him die like this, so Yu Chen put the magic flute that he got by accident into his body. Little Xiao Yun miraculously survived.Unexpectedly, after 14 years, that four-year-old boy has grown into such a appearance, which is so surprising.

"Uncle, the magic flute was originally in my body, but in the Wuzun Kingdom, Xiao Yun discovered that the magic flute had an evil aura in it, and wanted to destroy it, but let it escape. Now, The magic flute has returned to the hands of the demon god." Xiao Yun explained.If the Demon God hadn't just taken out the magic flute, Xiao Yun would not have known where it was going.

"The magic flute has returned to the hands of the Demon God! No wonder, no wonder the Demon God broke out of our barrier so easily!" Yu Chen suddenly realized.

At this time, Li Lingxiao floated over, his eyes fixed on Feng Wuqing: "You are..."

"I... I am Qing'er, the child you put on the side of the road this year." Feng Wuqing was a little excited.

Before coming to Fengmo Mountain, she wondered if her mother would not recognize her. When they met the Demon God just now, she was worried that after the Demon God broke the seal, would she kill her mother? relative.Seeing that she was still far behind, Feng Wuqing was a little happy.In her previous life, without maternal love, she had always longed to have a mother, so when she first saw the Xiao family of the Holy Demon family, she treated Mrs. Zhen as her own mother. Now seeing her mother, she was at a loss for a while.

Hearing the jerkyness in Yue Ruchu's words, the old saint Dharma Emperor Yu Mingguang said: "Yu Chen, Ling Xiao, I came to Fengmo Mountain from the two of you. Your brother Yu Ming has been looking for her for 13 years. Your brother, I heard She appeared in the Holy Demon Kingdom, they sent people to the Holy Demon Kingdom, saying that she appeared in the Demon Zun Kingdom, and sent people to the Demon Zun, but failed twice, she ran to Wuzun again, and finally heard that she would go to the Holy Demon Kingdom He didn’t send anyone to look for France. This kid kept looking for you, but he didn’t ask the right person.”

"You... are you really my daughter? Are you really only 13 years old?" Li Lingxiao's lips trembled. For 13 years, she has dreamed of seeing her daughter as soon as possible. If her daughter is in front of her, how can she not be excited.However, seeing that the daughter in front of him who looked exactly like his wife was his own daughter, Yu Chen was also excited.

Knowing that Feng Wuqing was excited at this time, Xiao Yun said: "Auntie, she is really your daughter. She has the magic crystal you left her in her body. The reason why she became like this is all due to the Light God Sword, because the Light God The sword changed her quality, so she became what she is now."

(End of this chapter)

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