Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 76 One Minute Battle

Chapter 76 One Minute Battle (Part 1)
Everyone in the other academies didn't pay much attention to Shrek Academy. When they heard that their opponent in the first round was actually the deputy team of Tiandou Royal Academy, the expressions on everyone's faces became strange.

Oscar murmured: "It won't be so coincidental."

Ma Hongjun pressed his fingers and made a series of bone crackling sounds, "That's great. Didn't they drive us out? This time, let them experience what strength is."

Tang San and Dai Mubai had wry smiles on their faces.Naturally, they were eager to be able to fight against the Tiandou Royal Academy, but the current attire, to become the focus of the first day of the competition, is really a bit...

It wasn't just the people of Shrek Academy who were surprised.The audience was equally astonished.Other colleges may not have received much attention.But Shrek Academy is so 'brilliant', how could it not be noticed?

For a while, there was an endless stream of booing voices.Many viewers were shouting the word cheating.In their view, the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy is obviously looking for a soft persimmon.And Shrek Academy is not like a team of soul masters at all, more like a group of clowns.

After the lottery was over, the platinum bishop Salas swept his gaze to the audience and said indifferently: "This seat draws lots, I feel that there is no falsehood. This seat swears by the honor of the Spirit Hall. At the same time, this seat announces here that the spirit masters present are present. For the participating students of the academy, those who can enter the finals, the Spirit Palace will make an exception to allow them to directly join the Spirit Palace."

As soon as these words came out, the audience had nothing to do, but the spirit masters in the arena were already in an uproar.

What kind of existence is that in the Wuhun Temple?It is the highest place of the Wuhun Hall after the Pope's Hall and the Douluo Hall, and there are only two capitals of the two empires in the whole continent.The Papal Palace is the sole residence of the Pope.Douluo Temple is also a symbolic existence.Therefore, the status of the Wuhun Temple is actually the highest institution in the Wuhun Temple.Being able to directly enter the Spirit Temple is a shortcut for a soul master to improve his strength.Not only has the best treatment, various cultivation measures and the honor of the Wuhun Temple all have a strong attraction to ordinary soul masters.

Hearing the words of this platinum bishop, Emperor Xue Ye's face sank obviously.Ning Fengzhi, who was beside him, shook his head gently towards the emperor.Emperor Xue Ye's expression softened a bit.

People around them are behind this small detail, so naturally they can't see it.The soul masters below are far away.However, this did not escape Tang San's Purple Extreme Demon Eyes.He clearly saw some of the mysteries in it.Combined with some things the master once told himself.Tang San understood that the conflict between the Spirit Hall and the empire seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, almost reaching an irreconcilable level.Otherwise, that platinum bishop would not dare to recruit excellent soul masters in front of the emperor.

"Okay, then the first match of the first round of the preliminaries will be played by Tiandou Royal Academy against Shrek Academy. All participating academies will retire. Please prepare for the two academies that will compete later. Half an hour later , the game officially begins."

"Kurosan, Rem, Ram, Erika, Estes, Icarus, ready to play."

In the rest area, Ye Feng said to the girls standing aside.

"No, brother Feng, calm down, it's just the opening game, don't use your big moves right from the start, how about giving your brother a chance to perform?" Ma Hongjun was not calm when he heard Ye Feng let Kuang San and the others play. .If Kuang San and the others are allowed to play, wouldn't they have a chance to perform?That's okay?The most important thing is that if they don't play, then they can't beat the group of people who laughed at them.

"I'm playing." Unfortunately, Ye Feng ignored him at all, talked to Flender, and led Kuangsan and the others towards the playing field.

"Brother Feng, come on!" Tang San knew he couldn't persuade him anymore, so he had to cheer on Ye Feng, who was walking towards the competition field in the rest area.

Ye Fengtou didn't reply, and only one sentence came to everyone's ears: "One minute, the battle will be resolved!"

As soon as they reached the exit of the passageway, Ye Feng and the others could already hear the master of ceremonies outside loudly announcing the names of everyone entering the Tiandou Royal Academy and their martial souls.A special golden light beam shot down from the high platform erected on the side of the Great Soul Arena, escorting the members of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy to the stage.

The players of Tiandou Royal Academy don't talk about their strength, but their appearance is quite good. On the left chest of the light gold team uniform, the word Tiandou is embroidered, and the back is a pattern of seven silver stars.That is the symbol of the Heaven Dou Empire.All of them are heroic and valiant, and they all look like they are in their 20s.Under the light of the soul tool, even though it was daytime, they seemed to be emitting dazzling brilliance.Like little golden suns, attracting the audience's attention.

The lights on the field disappeared, and the participating students of Shrek Academy slowly appeared on the stage amidst the boos of the big movie.

Changes had taken place in the arena at this time, and in just half an hour before, the ring that had already been prepared was completed.The arena is ten meters high, circular, and 30 meters in diameter.The area is quite vast.Of course, this is just a ring.Wait until tomorrow when the qualifiers really start.There will be five arenas at the same time. 28 teams will compete in 27 rounds of qualifiers.Each team needs to face 27 opponents.A win gets one point, a loss gets no points. After 28 rounds, the top five teams will enter the promotion round.And entering the promotion match is equivalent to entering the finals.This month-long qualifier is a test for any academy team.28 consecutive days of competition is enough to drag down a team with poor stamina.

In the entire schedule of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, half of the time is before and after the preliminaries.Both the promotion match and the finals will be held at the junction of the Heaven Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire, in the big square in front of the Pope's Palace.The final champion will be awarded the prize by the Pope himself.What an honor that is.

Sure enough, it was treated differently. Kuang San narrowed his eyes slightly, his face still calm, and together with Ye Feng, he led a total of seven members of Shrek Academy to fight in a row in the center of the ring, facing the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy on the opposite side. And stand.

The second team of Tiandou Royal Academy also has seven members.Back then Shrek Academy stayed in Tiandou Imperial Academy for a very short time, these people in front of them naturally didn't know Tang San and the others.Naturally, these noble-born children looked down on the attire of the members of Shrek Academy.If this wasn't in the ring, I'm afraid many of them would burst into laughter.

"What a bunch of toads. Are you here to participate in the soul master competition?" Standing in front of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy was a petite boy.This person's skin is fair and tender, and he is also very beautiful. He looks like a girl.Even the voice of speaking is very feminine.

But seeing the faces of Kuang San and the others, the men have been fascinated for a long time, and the women are also fascinated by seeing Ye Feng's face, and this little man said they are toads, could it be...

"Captain, how could we have been drawn to such an opponent. It's really a toad that lands on the feet, and it responds to others without biting. Look at the logo of their college, it's so funny." The plump girl covered her mouth and nose and said in a low voice.That way, it seems that they are afraid of smelling the students of Shrek Academy.But looking at the flames of jealousy in her eyes, she must be jealous of Kuang San's beauty.

The captain nodded approvingly, and his eyes drifted to Icarus with some lust, "It's just a pity for such a little beauty."

 Add Icarus

(End of this chapter)

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