Our Two-dimensional world

Chapter 77 One Minute Battle

Chapter 77 One Minute Battle (Part 1)
Ram snorted coldly, "A hermaphrodite, a hooker girl, how did we draw such an opponent." If you say that Ram's mouth is poisonous, it is definitely inherited from Ye Feng's true inheritance, and it really doesn't give the other party any face. .

"Little bitch, who do you think is the Goulan girl?" The fiery female student immediately went into a rage.The male student who was called a hermaphrodite turned pale immediately.

Ye Feng laughed, "Lam, you are so talented. How come I can't think of such a good adjective. A hermaphrodite matches a Goulan girl. It really is a perfect match!"

"Thank you, master, for the compliment. Lahm is just telling the truth." This Lam has to make up for it, it's really... so beautiful!
The petite captain of the Tiandou Royal Academy's second team said coldly: "Okay, you are fine. Although it is forbidden to kill the opponent in the competition, injuries and disabilities are indeed inevitable. Since you are looking for death, you can't blame us."

The game has not yet started, the two sides are already at war, and the smell of gunpowder has obviously become stronger.

"Both sides salute, and non-participants leave the ring."

Whether it's Tiandou Royal Academy or Shrek Academy, both sides reluctantly bowed down to salute each other.The extra personnel withdrew from the ring, leaving only the seven people who participated in the first round of this qualifier.

On Shrek's side, Estes, Ye Feng and Erika stood in front, Icarus, Rem, and Ram stood in the middle, and Tokisaki Kurumi stood at the back.

On the side of Tiandou Imperial Academy, except for the man and woman who spoke before, the remaining five people are all strong and strong people. The five people stood in a row in front, blocking the two behind like a wall.The other party standing in the center was the petite captain, no need to ask, he should be the control system soul master in this team.And the fiery girl stood at the back.

VIP seat.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye looked at the arena with a smile, and said to Ning Fengzhi who was beside him: "Sect Master Ning, it seems that this first match will have no suspense!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and nodded in agreement.

Platinum bishop Salas on the other side suddenly said: "Sect Master Ning, can you tell me, among the 28 soul master teams you were optimistic about before, which one is the championship contender you mentioned?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled and said, "Your Excellency Salas, wouldn't it be a little mysterious? I think you must have a supporting team."

Saras said with a nonchalant smile: "So, is Sect Master Ning unwilling to reveal it?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled lightly, and said: "This is my sect's own secret, it doesn't seem to have anything to do with Your Excellency Salas."

"You..." Salas's face darkened obviously.The gazes of Ning Fengzhi and Ning Fengzhi collided in front of Emperor Xue Ye, and neither of them shied away.

The Emperor Xue Ye who was sitting in the middle frowned slightly, and smoothed things over: "You two don't need to be impatient, after this competition is over, there will naturally be a result. Bishop Salas, Sect Master Ning is right, let's see who he is My own business. You see, it is not easy for me to ask this question. Although I am also very curious."

Platinum Bishop Salas glanced at Emperor Xue Ye, and said calmly: "Your Majesty said so. Then let us watch the game."

The first match of the first round of qualifiers officially began. "

Under the signal of the referee, this announced the official start of the first qualifier of this year's Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

Somewhat similar to fighting souls, the competition has 1 minute for both parties to activate their martial souls.

Erika glanced at the other party coldly, "White Dragon, Possession!" A pair of slender dragon horns grew out of Erika's forehead, and her eyes turned into golden vertical pupils, and white spots appeared all over her body. The beautiful dragon scales outlined the beautiful dragon patterns, making Erika a bit more noble and aloof.

"Dragon martial soul!"

At the VIP table, Salas and Emperor Xue Ye shouted out in surprise, as for Ning Fengzhi, he heard that Ning Rongrong said that someone in Shrek had a dragon spirit, so he didn't make a sound in surprise.However, although there are few dragon martial souls, it is not without them. Don't you see that the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex is a typical dragon martial soul?Moreover, Liu Erlong's martial soul is also a variation of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex, generally speaking, there are still dragon-type martial souls.And Emperor Xue Ye and Bishop Salas are also high-ranking people, and a mere dragon-type martial spirit is not enough to make them mess up.

"Emperor Keke, it's time for our show~" Kuang San smiled charmingly, and summoned his angel "Emperor Keke", and the black dress on his body became a black and red gothic loli dress, The left eye covered by bangs is also exposed, and the golden clock's eye is slowly turning, giving people a strange feeling.

Rem and Ram also turned into ghost form, and Ram's horn also grew back because of Ye Feng. Unlike Rem, Rem only had one horn on his forehead, while Ram's head On the top there are two corners.

Esdeth and Ye Feng's martial spirit possession can be said to be relatively ordinary. A colorful flame shot out from Ye Feng's right hand, and a small flame shot out from the silver eye on the left.As for Esdeth, only a layer of ice crystals formed on her body, but she fully reflected her title "General Ice Lane".This form makes Esdesi and Ye Feng, who are already very good-looking, more heroic and full of mystery. In the ring, they are the most dazzling stars.

And Icarus' martial soul possession is the most surprising. I saw Icarus floating in mid-air, with four pink wings growing on his back, and the pink feathers fluttered down with the wings. .It is the "Pandora form" of Icarus.If the "Queen of the Sky" is the strongest form of Icarus, then Icarus in the normal state and the "Pandora" form at this time is undoubtedly her most beautiful form.The current Icarus is undoubtedly the legendary angel. I don’t know how many people’s hearts have been captured by that beautiful posture. It’s a pity that Icarus will only dedicate her most beautiful posture to only one person forever, her eternal master...

At this time, Bishop Salas was finally not calm. Although it was different from the stone statue enshrined in the Wuhun Hall, this was undoubtedly the Angel Wuhun. Could it be the orphan of the Great Elder Qian Daoliu enshrined in the Wuhun Palace?As the Platinum Bishop of the Hall of Spirits, he also knows some secrets. For example, the inherited spirit of the Hall of Spirits is the seraph spirit. Although Icarus only has four wings, it should only be a matter of Icarus' strength. He really can't sit still now, he can't wait to go back to Wuhundian to report this matter.

Back on the field, although Kuang San and the others couldn't unleash all their strength, only part of it was fine, so Shrek's side is undoubtedly the soul sect of the fourth ring.However, compared with the Shrek Academy side, the spirit rings of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy are inferior, not because of their poor quality, they can represent Tiandou Royal Academy in battle, and these students are also the best match for spirit rings .After all, relying on the powerful teachers of Tiandou Imperial Academy and the power of the nobles themselves, it is not too difficult to get the best spirit ring match.It's a pity that the seven people on the stage at this time don't have a fortieth-level soul master.All three soul rings.When their gazes were on Icarus, they were all stunned and remained motionless.

"Hmph, it's a big taboo to be dazed in battle. If you are in the army now, you should be executed, and the beasts come out of the cage!"

Estes frowned when he saw his opponent in a daze during the game. It is a taboo to be dazed in a battle.If this kind of person was placed in her army, he would have been executed long ago, but this is a competition, and it is not easy to kill people, so she had to restrain herself a little, so as not to kill them.

It wasn't until Estes made a move that the second team of the Royal Academy reacted. The petite man controlled the soul master and shouted angrily: "Why are you in a daze, do it."

The five people in front of Tiandou Royal Academy's second team are all attack system soul masters, and their martial souls are: lion, bear, tiger, leopard, and wolf.The impact of this combination is obviously very powerful.Although the reaction was a bit slow, he immediately reacted when he heard the petite man's shout, and rushed towards the beast made by Esdeth ferociously.But who are they up against?That was Estes, who rushed out of countless fights, and naturally they were not something they could resist.In just an instant, their formation was dispersed, and they were in disarray.

"Song of the Storm!"

Immediately following Esdeth was Ram, who was good at using the power of wind. After Esdeth broke up the opponent's formation, he released his soul skill "Song of the Storm" and sent the Royal Academy The members of the second team gathered together again, which puzzled the people in the auditorium.

"Dragon's breath!" Eliyi explained the reason very well. As soon as the dragon's breath passed, many members of the second royal team entered the range of the dragon's breath. After the dragon's breath, Huang Dou All the members of the second team were beaten badly.

Three people, the Shrek team only dispatched three people, and each of them only used one move to defeat all the members of the second Tiandou team, and the total time spent before and after was less than one minute.

There is no suspense, this is indeed a game without suspense, or a unilateral massacre.The object that could be destroyed was not the Shrek Academy they thought, but the second team of the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, which symbolized the royal family of the Heaven Dou Empire, with high hopes.

"Referee, I want to complain. They are not playing at all, they are killing people. They violated the rules of the game. I demand that they be sentenced to lose."

Seeing his team members dripping with blood, their bones and tendons broken one by one, the teacher leading the team from Tiandou Royal Academy roared angrily at the referee.

The referee had come to his senses at this time, and his stern eyes immediately looked at the players of Shrek Academy.

Ye Feng smiled lightly and said, "Dear referee, I just want to ask you one question. Are they dead?"

The referee was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the seven people from the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy who had fallen to the ground. Indeed, although these seven people were seriously injured, they were still breathing, so they probably couldn't die.

"Icarus, the light of the dawn!"

"Hi, master!" Icarus opened the wings on his back, and a warm and soft light appeared from the wings and scattered feathers. Those lights shone on the players of the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy. It is healing rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.After a while, there were no traces of injuries on their bodies.

What kind of contempt is it to let one's own soul master heal the opponent?But Shrek Academy did show strength enough to despise opponents.

The referee looked at this side and then at that side, not knowing how to make a decision for a while.At this time, two more referees ran up, and the three lowered their heads to discuss for a while.The referee on the stage announced loudly, "Shrek Academy wins the first match of the first round of the qualifier."

It's a 1-minute win.

Boom——a huge amount of discussion erupted in the auditorium in an instant. There were voices of doubt, praise, and even horror.The dignified Tiandou Royal Academy's second team was defeated by a little-known soul master team in just one minute.The shock it brought to people was too great.

Emperor Xue Ye stood up with a livid face, his eyes fell on Prince Xue Xing who was in a daze, he snorted coldly, and walked away.

Ning Zhiyuan followed Emperor Xue Ye out of the VIP seat with a smile on his face, and the platinum bishop Salas also hurriedly left his seat, presumably to report something about Icarus.

(End of this chapter)

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