Miss Nine

Chapter 199 The Moonlight Man

Chapter 199 The Man Like Moonlight (Part [-])
"Brothers and sisters, we meet again. It seems that our three teams are very destined." Gu Jiuli had just finished eating and drinking, when the expected voice rang out not far away.

Gu Jiuli sneered inwardly, heh, this Lin Ruoshui really couldn't wait any longer.

When his eyes caught a touch of cold white, Gu Jiuli's heart suddenly moved.

"The senior brothers and sisters came just in time, and the junior sisters are looking for you." Gu Jiuli smiled very sweetly.

Everyone was surprised, what happened to Gu Jiuli?
Because of the previous collaborative mission, the relationship between the six members of the Jiaye team and the Tianshi team was quite good. Although Die Wu and Luo Zetian had some opinions on Gu Jiuli at the beginning, they gradually changed after getting along with each other. I have an attitude, but when it comes to the other Xuanyuan team in the same industry...

Qiu Feng, the captain of the Xuanyuan team, loves Shui Linghan, so he has been targeting Gu Qingyi as if nothing has happened. Then Huang Huahui started to be amazed by Gu Jiuli's appearance. Mo Tianyang, the self-righteous Yufei, let alone Qi Mingshan and Lin Ruoshui.

Calculated in this way, the entire Xuanyuan team, except for one Shui Linghan, has a bad relationship with the Tianshi team.

"Junior Sister Gu, if you need help, just say it, as long as we can do it, we will definitely not refuse." Lin Ruoshui was stunned for a moment, then recovered and immediately smiled gently.

Oh well!

Both of them have been possessed by ghosts, why is one more abnormal than the other?

"It's like this. Junior Sister got a formation plate by chance before. This formation plate can be used to attack and defend, and it can gather the strength of everyone to release powerful group damage skills. It is very suitable in such a situation, but this formation plate Pan needs two people with ice attributes to be the leader to be effective, so..." Gu Jiuli stopped here as he said.

But there was nothing that everyone didn't understand, they looked at Shui Linghan with the same eyes, Gu Jiuli's meaning couldn't be more obvious.

"No!" Qiu Feng looked at Gu Jiuli and Gu Qingyi angrily, and refused without hesitation.

"What do Sister Shui think?" Gu Jiuli ignored Qiu Feng, and looked at Shui Linghan who was still a little stunned.

"I..." Shui Linghan was a little confused.

Although she can't say that she has a good relationship with these people in the team, she is still a small team, and it is not good to leave without permission, but she is faintly unwilling to refuse Gu Jiuli's request, for some reason Psychologically, Shui Linghan subconsciously raised his head to look at the indifferent young man, but the next moment he reacted and immediately turned his gaze away, an extremely faint redness could not help showing on his fair face.

Gu Jiu couldn't help showing a smile in her heart, it seems that her feeling is really right...

Seeing this scene, Lin Ruoshui's heart moved. A thought slowly emerged in his heart, and it became more and more clear. This time, maybe he can take the opportunity to get rid of Shui Linghan...

"Ling Han, I know that you have a good relationship with Junior Sister Gu and the others, so you are naturally willing to help. If so, please agree to Junior Sister Gu's request. There is no problem on our side." Lin Ruoshui stepped forward, gently He flicked Ling Han's sleeves and said, the look on his face couldn't be more sincere.

"Lin Ruoshui!" Qiu Feng said angrily.

"Qiu Feng, what do you want to do? Do you really think that we will all listen to you as a captain?" Qi Mingshan immediately took on the role of the flower protector, stepped forward and angrily scolded.

"Qiu Feng, I know you and Qiu Shui have a good relationship, but that doesn't mean you can control Ling Han's wishes." Lin Ruoshui also said with some disapproval.


"Okay, this is my own business, and there is no need for you to intervene." Shui Linghan finally had mild anger and impatience in his eyes, and he directly raised his feet and walked towards the Sky Slaughter team.

"Ling Han!" Qiu Feng was anxious, and immediately stretched out his hand to grab Shui Linghan's hand.

A cold light flashed in Shui Linghan's eyes, and he mercilessly attacked Qiu Feng with his profound strength carrying ice-cold air.

Qiu Feng was startled and could only be forced to let go.

Qiu Shui's scissored eyes swept across Qiu Feng's body with anger, making Qiu Feng come back to his senses in an instant.

"Hmph!" Qiu Feng looked at Lin Ruoshui and the two of them and snorted angrily, and finally left without saying anything.

Seeing this, several other people glanced gloomyly or indifferently and turned to leave.

Seeing this scene, Gu Jiuli was a little surprised. She could see that the relationship between these people was not very good, but she didn't expect it to be so bad. I really don't know how they got together in the first place.

"Junior Sister Gu, I'm sorry, I made you laugh, but my senior sister came here today to apologize to you. Earlier, my senior sister misunderstood my senior sister, so there were many inappropriate words in my words. Please forgive me, Senior Sister Gu." Lin Ruoshui said He didn't leave directly, but stepped forward and gave a shallow salute.

"Well, since Senior Sister Lin already knew she was wrong, I won't pursue the matter before." Gu Jiuli said very generously.

Lin Ruoshui choked, the expression on his face twisted slightly, but thinking of the purpose of coming this time, he finally accepted it.

A smile flashed across Gu Jiuli's heart, and if she wanted to take medicine, she naturally had to give her a chance.

"However, my junior sister was rude about this matter today. This is the elixir that my teacher gave me, so I think it is an apology to my senior brothers and sisters." Gu Jiuli said as if he had thought of something, and took out a bottle of elixir.

"The elixir refined by Mr. Pill Saint?" Lin Ruoshui said in surprise.

Gu Jiuli nodded with a smile, yes, she, the future alchemy master, is refining elixir.

"Then senior sister will be disrespectful." Lin Ruoshui reached out to take the elixir, but her fingers brushed Gu Jiuli's sleeve inadvertently.

Gu Jiuli couldn't help but smile as his eyes flicked over his sleeves. Lin Ruoshui's method of drugging was probably too rough.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, the smile on Gu Jiuli's face became even brighter.

"Jiu Li, what did you do to Lin Ruoshui? You laughed so hard that I got goosebumps." After everyone was gone, Lou Xiaobei finally couldn't help but walked forward and said curiously.

Gu Jiuli smiled slyly and did not answer, but instead turned his gaze to Shui Linghan.

"Senior Sister Shui, how did your Xuanyuan team get together? Why do I see such a strange relationship?" Gu Jiuli looked at Shui Linghan and asked suspiciously.

"Qiu Feng, Lin Ruoshui, Qi Mingshan, and Yufei and I are all members of the five major families in the central city, and the other two are friends of Qiu Feng." Shui Linghan explained simply, but everyone immediately agreed. Got it.

Well, Zuo is just an exchange between forces, no wonder it looks so strange, but Gu Jiuli can feel relieved in this way.

"Let's eat one by one," Gu Jiuli said, taking out a few pills and handing them to everyone.

"This is?" Shui Linghan asked suspiciously, why did he take the pill?

"Senior Sister Shui, find a place to change your clothes later, Lin Ruoshui just drugged you." Gu Jiuli said lightly.

Shui Linghan was stunned for a moment.

"Junior Sister Gu, why did you keep me here?" Shui Linghan asked, at this moment she finally realized a lot of things were wrong.

"Lin Ruoshui came here to drug me, so I naturally retaliated against him in the same way. The reason why I kept my senior sister is because I don't want to implicate my senior sister." Gu Jiuli didn't mean to hide it either.

Shui Linghan opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

Seeing this, Gu Jiuli was quite satisfied. It seems that Shui Linghan is not some indecisive and kind-hearted person.

Gu Jiuli quickly put the matter aside, and began to think about the beast horde.

Previously, the mother-in-law said that this riot started from the northwest direction, so, is the Soul Eater evil formation this time in that direction?

But soon, the people who replaced the Tianshi team couldn't hold on anymore, and it was Gu Jiuli and others' turn to take over the battle again.

What made everyone confused was that Gu Jiuli really took out a formation disk, but it didn't require everyone to work together as she said before, as long as Gu Qingyi and Shui Linghan took turns to continuously input profound power. .

Countless frosts fell from the sky, and within a short while, the area guarded by the Heaven Killing Squad was completely frozen, which greatly slowed down the speed of the impacting profound beasts, and then the other people Attacking, now their efficiency in slaughtering profound beasts is more than a little bit or two.

But the situation did not show any signs of improvement. By the sixth day, a small number of seventh-order profound beasts had appeared in this area. The profound beasts of this level were no longer something the students could deal with. The elders also had to act.

"I'll leave it to you, I'll go back to the academy!" Gu Jiuli's face was terribly dark, and when the first seventh-order profound beast appeared, she finally realized that this time the matter might be more serious than she imagined!
If it's just that kind of black mist, it won't disturb these high-level profound beasts that can transform in a short period of time. Even these profound beasts feel that their lives are threatened, so the seriousness of the problem can be imagined.

At this time, I am afraid that it is not just a problem of the wave of profound beasts. If the Soul-devouring evil formation completely erupts, the entire academy space will fall into an unprecedented crisis!
Now this problem is beyond their ability to solve, she must go back and tell the dean and teachers about the matter.

"Boom, boom, boom!" There was an earth-shattering loud noise, and countless profound beasts retreated abnormally.

Everyone stopped their movements and looked at the scene in a daze, not understanding what happened.

When Gu Jiuli and the others arrived, they saw such a scene.

"This..." Gu Jiuli was puzzled, what's going on?

"Guardian of Luoxuan." Xiang Yantian looked at a certain direction and said word by word, his voice was rare and heavy, even that guy was alarmed, it seems that it is really as Li girl said, the problem is already critical extreme.

"Xiang Yan Tian Huo Li Yan, you know." The man's soft voice came faintly, and following the sound, a figure floated in the air out of thin air.

Even though this person's words were directed at Xiang Yantian and the two, Gu Jiuli noticed the gaze that stayed on him for a long time.

Gu Jiuli also looked at this man, and there was a huge wave in his heart.

This man seems to be the incarnation of the moonlight, she can only see an extremely soft halo at a glance, she can't see the man's face, everything is hidden in the bright moonlight, but Gu Jiu The only thing Li can be sure of is that this person's strength is absolutely beyond her imagination.

"Who are you?" There was hidden expectation and excitement in the soft voice.

"Gu Jiuli." Gu Jiuli was stunned for a moment but answered subconsciously. After finishing speaking, even she was stunned. When did she become so defenseless?

"Slap!" At this moment, a heavy slap sounded, Xiang Yantian slapped himself on the forehead, hell, how could he even forget such an important thing!
"My lord, your perception is correct." Xiang Yan said solemnly.

"That's right...that's right..." The man's whole body trembled. At this moment, the emotional ups and downs of this man were so great that even the halo from his body slowly dissipated.

Everyone stared blankly at the man who appeared in sight. The moon-white robe was wrapped around his slender body, and his long hair with the same soft halo was casually scattered over his shoulders. With his soft features, he was clearly a man. , but made everyone feel that this person is really pure and soft and beautiful to the extreme, he is the incarnation of the crescent moon in the sky, turned into an infinite brilliance of moonlight and sprinkled on this quiet area.

Everyone only felt the moonlight flash, and the next moment this person appeared in front of Gu Jiuli.

The man suddenly knelt down on one knee, and gently held Gu Jiuli's right hand. The expression on that extremely beautiful face was so gentle that it made people fascinated. He was like the most loyal knight on the back of Gu Jiuli's hand devoutly printed a kiss

"My lord, you are finally back." The man's voice with endless vicissitudes and relief came into Gu Jiuli's mind clearly and unmistakably.

In the next moment, the extremely soft halo completely covered the two of them, and Gu Jiuli's consciousness quickly became blurred.

"Nine away!"


The members of the Heaven Slaughter Squad came back to their senses almost instantly, looking sharply in that direction, but the next moment, all the voices stopped abruptly.

Mysterious and complex formation patterns appeared out of thin air, and the endless moonlight sprinkled the land——the contract formation, completed.

This extremely beautiful man is actually a mysterious beast!
Everyone looked at this scene in a daze, and when they came back to their senses, everyone's expressions became extremely complicated. How good is Gu Jiuli's luck? I want to know how terrifying this man's strength is!

Somewhere in the barren hills, Lin Ruoshui's blood-stained hatred had reached its peak!
Why, why did things deviate from her expectations again?

Why was she the one who was besieged by profound beasts?Why is she curled up in this corner in such a state of embarrassment at this moment, but that person is bearing the envious eyes of countless people and contracting a powerful profound beast?And why did the eyes of that beautiful man never leave that man for a moment from the beginning to the end?
Obviously, all of this should belong to her, shouldn't it?
How can Gu Jiuli, that lowly woman enjoy all this!
Crazy hatred appeared in Lin Ruoshui's blood-red eyes!

But at this time, Gu Jiuli was completely immersed in the extremely comfortable and gentle moonlight, how could he know that Lin Ruoshui escaped with his life by luck, and he hated her even more.

"You..." Gu Jiuli finally woke up slowly, the look in his eyes extremely complicated.

"Just call me Jiaoyue." Jiaoyue smiled softly.

"Xiao Yueyue." Gu Jiuli suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted the man's chin and called out softly and affectionately.

Jiaoyue was stunned for a moment. Is she... teasing him?
"He's not dead." Gu Jiuli tilted his head and said something suddenly.

Jiaoyue's expression was shocked, the indifference in her eyes was shattered inch by inch, she said, he is not dead...

"Regret?" Gu Jiuli raised an eyebrow and teased.

"Oh, there's nothing to regret, it's all the same." The man stroked Gu Jiuli's hand, raised his hand to gently stroke the top of her head, and finally all the look in his eyes disappeared.

"Okay, okay, let's go down and discuss the business first." Xiang Yan interrupted the communication between the two.

It wasn't until then that Gu Jiuli realized that they were still in the air at this moment, so it was Gu Jiuli's turn to be sad, and the agreed low-key, low-key, isn't this too eye-catching? !

Because of the appearance of the bright moon, the group of monsters finally calmed down and retreated tens of miles away for the time being, but they did not intend to leave. Obviously, if the problem was not resolved, the beast tide would definitely erupt again.

But it finally gave them time to find a solution.

 So who is Xiao Yueyue who is who...

  Hahahaha, refrain from spoiling the show, did you guess that there will be a prize!
(End of this chapter)

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