Miss Nine

Chapter 200 Another scam!

Chapter 200 Another cheat! (one more)
"Everyone find a place to rest on their own, the group of mysterious beasts will not attack again for the time being." The sound of fire and smoke spread throughout the barren mountain.

The students all sat down on the spot immediately. They were really tired from fighting with almost no rest during this period!

Immediately, Gu Jiuli and his group sat down temporarily in a deserted place, and it was the other members of the Heaven Killing Squad who also came over.

"Xiao Yueyue, what's the situation in Luoxuan Forest?" Gu Jiuli looked at Jiaoyue and asked.

Jiaoyue's fingers twitched slightly, and finally forced herself to ignore the address.

"The depths of Luoxuan have been completely covered by a strange black mist, and the mysterious beasts can no longer survive there."

"Where is the origin of the black mist?"

"Northeast direction, the deepest part in that direction of Xishan College."

Gu Jiuli nodded. Sure enough, the riot of the mysterious beasts also started from there.

"Have you ever encountered such a situation?" Seeing that Gu Jiuli was not surprised at all, Jiaoyue asked curiously.

"Well, this is the third time. Previously, the black mist that would swallow all kinds of power appeared in various countries in the eastern part of the Apocalypse Continent. It's just that I didn't expect that even the academy space could not escape the clutches of the Soul Palace." Gu Jiuli said helplessly.

Jiaoyue's expression sank: "What's going on?"

Gu Jiuli told everything he knew, including everything about the Devouring Sacrifice Formation and the Soul Palace.

"How is the devouring sacrifice evil formation in various countries?" After listening to Gu Jiuli's description, Jiaoyue immediately frowned and asked. Although he is the guardian of Luoxuan in name, the most important thing to him is Tianqi Continent , because that is the place where that person devoted his life to defend!
"The eastern part is all right now. Those soul-devouring evil formations have been destroyed by the light-attribute strong men sent by the temple. Now there are strong men guarding the various places. Even if you want to come to the Soul Palace, you can't continue to use monsters." Huo Lieyan explained.

Gu Jiuli was a little surprised. It turned out that the temple finally resolved the matter. No wonder he didn't hear anything about it after that.

"I don't know what this Soul Temple wants to do. Ever since they appeared, there has been complete uneasiness in the Apocalypse Continent. Even if there is a temple to hinder them, it is impossible to guard against what they want to do." Xiang Yan Tian frowned.

Indeed, there is always a gap in the hundred secrets. Even if the temple sends people to watch it all the time, if the soul hall really wants to do something, the temple will not be able to find it every time. The matter of the evil spirit formation is the best example, and I don't know how many shameful things the Palace of Soul has done secretly in the past hundreds of years.

"What kind of power is this temple and soul temple?" Jiaoyue asked with a slight frown. He just woke up from a deep sleep and knew nothing about the current situation on the mainland.

"The Hall of Soul is the lower realm of Hunyin, and the temple was built by the people sent by Shenyin later." Xiang Yantian glanced at Gu Jiuli before saying.

An extremely surprised look appeared on Jiaoyue's face. Since when did the lower realm forces of the Shensoul clan have the leisure to do such thankless things?
The establishment of the temple by the Shenyin clan can explain the past. After all, the two clans of the Shenyin clan have always been opposed to each other, and the Yinyin clan has come to the lower realm. Shenyin is naturally worried, but why does the Yinyin clan, one of the five great clans in ancient times, take so much trouble? So much effort to create a force in the lower realm?

The soul is hidden... Gu Jiuli's eyes revealed a look of deep thought. Is this the origin of these two halls?

Suddenly, Gu Jiuli's whole body shook, a problem that had troubled her for a while seemed to finally have an explanation!
"Teacher, does the Hunyin family use Shi as their surname?" Gu Jiuli asked with a complicated expression.

"How do you know?" Xiang Yantian was surprised.

"This year there is a freshman named Shi Tianjue." Gu Jiuli lowered his eyes and said calmly.

She has never heard of Shenyin, but she has a little impression of Hunyin twice.

That day when she was kidnapped by Shi Huan Leng, seriously injured and comatose, she vaguely heard A Yan saying that if something happened to her, she would have to be buried with the whole Hunyin. If you think about it, this Hunyin is Shi Tianjue's family, and he is even more expensive than that. The young master of the hidden soul clan.

It's no wonder that those people from the Soul Palace have kept their hands on her since these days, probably because of Shi Tianjue's order, and the man in black, it seems that he should also be from the Soul Palace now, It's not good for me to disobey orders, so I made a big detour to find Lin Ruoshui and his daughter.

Gu Jiuli's mood at the moment is extremely complicated. After getting along for a period of time, she no longer took that matter to heart, and instead regarded Shi Tianjue as a person who could be called a friend. think…

The members of the Killing Sky Squad understood Gu Jiuli's thoughts in an instant, and fell silent. Although they didn't like Shi Tianjue, they could tell that the man's thoughts on Gu Jiuli were real. .

Sensing the silence of these children, the other three couldn't help but look at each other, what happened to them all of a sudden?
However, Gu Jiuli was originally an open-minded person, so he quickly figured it out. The Soul Palace is the Soul Palace, and Shi Tianjue is Shi Tianjue. It is not necessary to connect the two. , then let's talk about it then.

"We don't know what they want to do, but it's all about being uneasy and kind. Judging from these formations, it seems that they are going to destroy the entire Tianqi." After a while, Gu Jiuli picked up his mood and pouted.

"It shouldn't be." Jiaoyue shook her head incomprehensibly.

"Although the Hun Yin family has always been weird and cruel, they have also contributed a lot in the battle of the ancients. It is meaningless and necessary for them to destroy the apocalypse." Seeing everyone's puzzled eyes, Jiaoyue simply explained.

Hearing the words, everyone was even more puzzled.

"Unless..." Jiaoyue murmured.

Jiaoyue suddenly thought of a possibility, and his heart sank to the bottom instantly.

"Unless what?" Gu Jiuli finally couldn't help it after a long time, this man had nothing to say after going on for a long time.

"It's nothing." Jiaoyue didn't want to say more, there were some things that he could only come to a conclusion after asking that person.

"Forget it, don't think about it so much, no matter what they are for, they should find the devouring evil formation here and destroy it first, otherwise the entire academy space will be gone." She waved her hand and said, after she finished speaking, she turned her eyes to Haoyue again, and there was an obvious questioning in her eyes.

"Look at me?"

"Where is the devouring sacrifice array?"

"how could I know?"

"Didn't you come here after exploring the Luoxuan deep forest first?"

"I've just woken up. I don't have time to go. Besides, I can't go even if I want to. I can't get in the place where the black mist is thickest."


Gu Jiuli was puzzled. No matter how powerful the black mist is, with his strength, it is still possible to go there and investigate, right?

"Xiao Jiuli, you haven't realized that I am not as strong as you now, are you?" Jiaoyue's face showed a beautiful smile like the moonlight, but what she said almost made Gu Jiuli cry staggering.

What... what the hell?

Gu Jiuli looked up, up, down, left, right, left, right, right, and left, right, left, right, and left, right, left, and right, and finally found out sadly that it really is true that even the mysterious master has not arrived yet!
Gu Jiuli really couldn't understand it, why her contracted beasts all sounded crazy, cool, domineering and dazzling beasts, but the two were still in their infancy, so let's not talk about this ten thousand year old beast. Weak to the point!

"Why is it like this ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Gu Jiuli was going crazy, she couldn't understand why Jiaoyue, a beast who was so awesome at first glance, was actually a little weak chicken? !

"My strength is sealed by myself." Jiaoyue said innocently, blinking her eyes, but Gu Jiuli clearly saw the evil light in his eyes.

Gu Jiuli's whole body was shaken, she finally understood that this guy looked like a holy and beautiful beast that condensed the essence of the sun and moon, but it was actually a black-hearted beast!

"From what I've seen..." Xiang Yantian spoke at this moment, with a rare deep expression.

Gu Jiuli immediately turned to look at him, with anticipation in his eyes, it seems that his teacher is more reliable at critical moments!

"In my opinion, leave this matter to you, girl Li." Xiang Yantian said very seriously.

The expression on Gu Jiuli's face became stiff in an instant. What does it mean to leave it to her to solve it? What can she, a little Xuanzong, do to solve it? !

"I think so too." For the first time, Huo Lieyan didn't refute Xiang Yan's words, but nodded in agreement.

Xiang Xia is so happy and excited, this is the first time Ah Yan agrees with him in these years!
"Let me tell you, Li girl, some things have their own will in the dark. Every time this soul-eating evil formation appears, you will solve it in the end. I believe this time will be no exception." The old god Xiang Yantian was in the Said.

What is the reason for this? Gu Jiuli said that she didn't believe it at all!
"Tiandao, do you think so?" Gu Jiuli suddenly raised his head and said to the empty sky.

There are black lines all over the faces of a few people, what the hell is this girl doing, can Tiandao still communicate with her?

However, the next moment everyone was completely dumbfounded!

"Boom! Boom!" Just as Gu Jiuli's voice fell into the air, there was a rumbling sound of thunder, as if he was really answering Gu Jiuli's question.

"Get out of here!" Gu Jiuli was annoyed.

"Boom!" Tiandao was furious, it had never met someone who dared to be so arrogant in front of it, woo woo woo, blame it for not being able to kill this girl!

Speaking of it, Tiandao is also wronged and wants to die. The body of chaos is actually conceived in this world just like it. It can be regarded as its "sister", but this... this stinky girl!
"Okay, I'll go!" Gu Jiuli quickly stood up, turned around and headed northeast without saying a word.

"Brother, you stay here, this time I will go by myself!" Gu Jiuli's voice came from afar.

Everyone's black line, isn't this girl a little too vigorous and resolute?

Everyone in the Killing Sky Squad was trying to catch up, but they were stopped by Xiang Yantian and Huo Liyan.

"The devouring sacrifice evil formation can only be solved by Li girl. You don't have people with light attributes. Not only will you not be able to help you if you go, but you will have to spend all your energy to protect you." Xiang Yantian persuaded.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally stopped their pace of catching up. What Xiang Lao said was indeed correct.

"Don't worry." Jiaoyue comforted softly, and the next moment it turned into a moonlight and appeared beside Gu Jiuli.

Seeing this, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Jiaoyue said that her strength was low, the aura of that voice could not deceive people, but no one would really believe that he is really powerless now.

Gu Jiuli only felt a slight tremor in the space, and when she came to her senses, she had already appeared in an empty passage.

"Hey, don't you have no strength at all?" Gu Jiuli said with a smile.

Jiaoyue rolled her eyes in her heart but was too lazy to explain to her.

"Wow, Jiaoyue, you are so amazing!" Gu Jiuli exclaimed with starry eyes. She recalled the extra information in the sea of ​​consciousness before finally understanding what kind of existence Jiaoyue really is.

The Bright Moon Beast is said to be the descendant of the Moon God. They have the purest light attribute, but among the Bright Moon Beast, there is also the most supreme existence—the two-horned Bright Moon Beast.

The two-horned Bright Moon Beast has a pair of horns endowed by the Moon God. These two horns can perceive the changes and rhythms of space, allowing the Double-horned Bright Moon Beast to control the power of space from birth. And Bright Moon is such a special exist.

Therefore, even if his strength is completely sealed by himself at this moment, his control over the power of space is not weakened in the slightest.

Silver-white rays of light flashed from Gu Jiuli's black eyes. Gu Jiuli looked at the space barrier without blinking. I felt that the rhythm of space that I had faintly explored before became much clearer now.

"I can only send you here, and if you go further in, I can't bear the current situation." Before Gu Jiuli could feel it carefully, the two of them had already appeared in the deep place in the northwest of Luoxuan Forest. place.

"Well, you go in first." Gu Jiuli immediately put his thoughts to the back of his mind and said, the most important thing is to solve this matter now, let's talk about the rest later.

Jiaoyue nodded, and the next moment the light of the moonlight flashed, she entered the chaotic space.

The corner of Gu Jiuli's lips curled up into a nasty smile, looking at the bright moon who searched the chaotic space like a headless chicken, but she didn't say anything, hum, if you dare to tease Miss Ben, I'll let you hurry up urgent!
The holy golden light appeared outside Gu Jiuli's body, Gu Jiuli restrained his thoughts and began to walk towards the deepest part of Luoxuan Forest.

What Gu Jiuli didn't know at this time was that there was a figure approaching her hundreds of miles behind her.

The location where Jiaoyue sent Gu Jiuli was obviously already in the deep part of Luoxuan Forest, but she still walked for more than two full days to reach the border of Luoxuan Forest.

It was Gu Jiuli who stopped suddenly, seeing the scene in front of him with huge waves in his eyes.

The holy light only illuminated Gu Jiuli's position about an inch in front of her body, but what appeared in her sight at this moment was boundless emptiness—behind the layers of darkness, there was an even more boundless emptiness .

Gu Jiuli slowly stretched out his hand as if bewitched, but unexpectedly, he felt a strong invisible resistance in his hand.

As if suddenly realizing what she was doing, Gu Jiuli quickly withdrew her hand and broke out in a cold sweat. She must have been kicked by a donkey in her head. If there was no barrier just now, she would have fallen down by accident. Her life is in danger!
But it seems that this should be the edge of the entire academy space. Gu Jiuli took a few steps back and stood still at a certain distance from the boundary. Although there is this barrier, it still feels quite scary of.

Gu Jiuli began to carefully examine the surrounding situation.

The black mist is already extremely dense here, and it is estimated that even the seventh-order mysterious beasts will be slowly devoured to death if they stay here for a long time. It is no wonder that those mysterious beasts will make such crazy actions Well, after all, unknown power is the scariest thing. Anyone who notices the irreversible loss of their vitality will be so panicked.

It's just that where is this devouring sacrifice array?
All the way she came along the direction of the thickest black mist she perceived, which is supposed to be in this position, but looking around at this time, she didn't find anything.

Gu Jiuli kept walking in this small area, scanning the past inch by inch, and finally, Gu Jiuli found something that was not quite right.

 This chapter happened to be stuck and uploaded and passed the review. As a result, when I looked back, I found a few unsatisfactory plots and some problems. I was obsessive-compulsive and deleted it impulsively, so the review time passed. , so this chapter can only be updated at nine in the morning.

  I really can’t afford to get stuck, baby Xiao must write well today, don’t get stuck again!

(End of this chapter)

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