Chapter 10 Wu Sangui fights against a piece of stone Regent Wang An arrives in Beijing City
But it is said that Tang Tong sent Sangui's reply to the letter, returned to Beijing, and presented it to Li Chuang.Li Chuang was furious, and immediately ordered more than 60 people, including Chen Yan, Wei Zaode, and Zhu Chunchen, to be beheaded outside Donghua Gate.The crown prince and Wu Xiang were placed in Beijing for fear of accidents, so they sent people to guard them and went to the front enemy together.There have long been meteor scouts reporting to Sangui.Sangui said to the generals: "We are going to ride a tiger at this moment, maybe everyone will have to work harder."

Feng Youwei said: "The Manchurians promised to help us, we have such a good helper, what can we do?"

Sangui said: "That's not the case. How do you know what he's thinking? We have to rely on ourselves. But with helpers, we just need to be more courageous."

As he said that, Meteor Spy reported again that the Manchukuo deterrent king personally led three armies to come to rescue him.Kong, Geng, and Shang, the three generals of the Han Dynasty, led the Han army, with Hongyi cannons as the front road, Prince Duoduo of Yu and Prince Azig of England as the middle road, and the Prince Regent personally commanding the Mabu troops as the rear road.After hearing this, Sangui felt a little relieved.

Since then, meteors have been probing horses one after another, and all the probing reports are urgent military letters.The vanguard of the Chuangjun is three hundred miles away, two hundred miles away, and 150 miles away.Sangui ordered to set up several virtual camps outside the pass, and drive the people in the pass into the camps to serve as soldiers.But the elite army and sharp soldiers were picked up to the pass, and they stood firm in Dengji.It happened to be properly arranged, and it was reported that the invasion of the army was great.Sangui ascended the pass and looked west, where the dust was rising, the invading army was like waves in the rivers and lakes, pushing towards the future, and the empty camp outside the pass became flat in no time.See you when you close it, nothing changes color.Sangui went to the pass, gathered all the generals, and discussed the method of resisting the enemy.Suddenly Baoguan City was besieged. From a rock to Luocheng, there were all invading troops, and the east and west roads were cut off.Sangui bowed to the generals and said: "Today's matter, you must do your best. Please don't look at the points of Sangui, but look at the word 'loyalty'."

As he spoke, he deliberately acted passionately and generously.Feng Youwei drew his sword in his hand, and said generously: "Why does the country support us?
For today's matter, whoever refuses to obey the coach's order, I will fight with him. "

After finishing speaking, he looked around, looking for someone to fight.Therefore, all the generals agreed in unison.Sangui ordered to go out, and when the cannons sounded, the door was closed and opened wide. Sixty or seventy generals, straddling angry horses, holding on to weapons, surrounded Sangui, and galloped down the pass like the wind.It has always been said that if one person works hard, ten thousand people can't stand in the way.Wu Sangui's men and horses came here with all their might, and their momentum was extraordinary.Helpless, Li Chuang's subordinates are all veterans who have survived a hundred battles.The battlefield is used to the long march, why not fight fiercely in the cloud array.Ye you rushed left and right, like a copper wall, you didn't move.

Li Chuang immediately rode to Gaogang, raised the flag to command, Chuang army bees steamed and ants gathered, trapping Sangui in the center.

At this time, outside Shanhaiguan, the sound of shouting and killing, the sound of horseshoes, the sound of drums and horns, the sound of bowstrings, and the collision of weapons, combined with the sound of the wind in the sky and the echo of the valley, made a commotion.From the morning to the evening, they fought until the evening before the troops were withdrawn for a truce.All the generals were not sweating through their heavy clothes, and their legs and arms were numb.Untie the jersey, some were seriously injured, some were slightly injured.Sanguili Chuan Traumatology Doctor, healed wounds with all the generals, and he did not take off his shirt, went to each battalion to comfort and see him, all the generals wept.

That night, I received the military report, knowing that the Manchurian soldiers had arrived, and camped on Huanxi Ridge.Sanguili hit the officer and passed the letter to all the troops.When the soldiers heard that the rescuers had arrived, they were overjoyed and all of them became more courageous.At dawn the next day, all the people in Guancheng were clamoring, and the sound of hacking and chiseling the walls was deafening.The guards flew to report that the Chuang army was coming to attack the city again.It turned out that Li Chuang didn't use the method of rushing stones with ladders to attack the city. He came up with two ingenious methods: he specially ordered the soldiers to chisel out the city bricks, remove the city bricks, and dig caves with their hands. The order is passed down from the soil.Every three to five steps, leave a soil pillar. When the cave is dug out, tie an extremely thick hemp rope on the earth pillar. Tens of thousands of soldiers dragged the wall, and the earth pillar broke, and the city collapsed. .Another method is to dig a cave and bury gunpowder in it. When the fire burns the powder, the city will collapse.Sangui has been famous for these two methods for a long time, but now they come to his own realm, how can he not be afraid?Immediately he said to the generals: "The Manchurian soldiers are stationed on Huanxi Ridge, who can go to urge them? The invading army is huge, and it takes time for the troops to reach the enemy."

Sangui's nephew Wu Guogui got up and said, "I would like to break out of the siege and go to Huanxiling."

Sangui was overjoyed and wrote a letter.Guogui selected [-] elites, switched on and shouted loudly, opened a bloody road, and rushed to the full camp.Guogui Kuayun is a famous horse in the Kanto region, and in just one hour, he has already returned to the original level.Sangui asked about the situation, Guogui said: "I don't think the Manchurian soldiers are very reliable. After hearing our critical situation, Dorgon acted as if nothing happened. It doesn't look like sending troops."

Sangui was startled and said: "It seems like this, what can I do?"

Guogui said: "Are you afraid that you are taking advantage of the situation to rob, and you want us to surrender first?"

Sangui said: "I'll send someone to write a letter explaining that Li Chuang has been repelled, so I will surrender to him."

Feng Youwei answered, "That's right. Just write a letter from the coach, and I'll go for you."

After Feng Youwei left, Dorgon still did not send troops.Sangui was very anxious, and immediately sent out eight emergency letters and sent eight special envoys, only then did the regent sound the trumpet and slowly mobilize the troops.

Sangui ascended the pass and looked out, saw the flag of the Qing Dynasty, and happily said to his subordinates: "We will die now."

Lieutenant General Xia Dengshi said: "We have our fate, we are afraid of the Ming Dynasty, and we will die from then on. Although Li Chuang is not good, he is from the Ming Dynasty after all."

Sangui said angrily: "Xia Xietai, are you willing to surrender the thief? I, Wu Sangui, did not give the country to Li Chuang, but to the Manchurians. It has always been said that the enmity between the king and father is irreconcilable. I, Wu Sangui, am a bloody man." .”

While speaking, the Manchurians will arrive at the pass next time.Sangui sent the order to switch, and personally carried the gun and straddled the horse, led a team of people, rushed out of the encirclement, and went up to meet the Manchurian soldiers.

The forwards of the Manchu army are the three Han generals Kong, Geng and Shang.Kong Youde said: "The Prince Regent is driving behind. You get rid of your weapons, and I will send someone to accompany you to see him."

Sangui agreed, and Youde sent a leader to accompany Sangui to the brigade.Here the drums and horns sounded, and they marched without stopping. Sangui followed the leader, and the two horses advanced side by side.First I saw the squadron of Ying and Prince Yu, and walked for a while before I saw the embroidered flags unfurling. A group of people and horses came slowly. Cut the ax and cut it, there is no difference at all.Shen Lingtong: "This is the prince's brigade."

Sangui hurriedly got off his horse and waited by the side of the road.The leader went up and went back, and there was a rumor, "See you, my lord!"

Sangui followed the leader and walked forward.Until the Chinese army, Dorgon and a group of princes and ministers in red tops and yellow coats were stationed on horseback.Sangui bowed down in front of the horse, and said in his mouth: "Wu Sangui, the lonely minister of the subjugated country, knelt down to welcome the prince and the tiger."

Dorgon hurriedly wanted to get off his horse, but before he did, he asked with a smile on his face, "Is Cong the same as Ping Xibo?"

He blamed the leader again: "I haven't supported you yet."

Sangui is already in the ground, and he has worshiped several times.Dorgon laughed and said, "I don't want the two of us to meet again here."

Sangui cried out about Li Chuang's cruelty, and also said that he wanted to avenge Chongzhen on his own initiative.Dorgon said: "This shows that the noble is loyal.

The country's military promotion is nothing more than the word "loyalty". "

The left and right ministers asked Sangui to shave his hair.Sangui groaned silently.Just listen to Dorgon's order: "You help Uncle Wu go to the back camp quickly, and take good care of him."

The left and right agreed, and helped Sangui go.When he came out in an instant, he had shaved his snow-white hair and combed his braids. He looked like a Manchurian, but he was still wearing Ming Dynasty clothes.Dorgon held on to Sangui with a smile and said, "We are a family now."

Sangui thanked: "This is all the grace of the prince."

Dorgon said: "When Li Chuang's business is over, I will also make you a prince. At that time, the two of us will be side by side."

At this time, Congren had already pulled up Sangui's mount, and Dorgon gave Sangui the horse, and walked with him in the bridle, chatting all the way, asking about the situation in Guanzhong, and inquiring about the battle situation.

In a short time, the attacking army had already been killed by the first two teams full of soldiers, so the outside of the pass was quiet.Wu Guogui, Feng Youwei and others greeted him with switches.Sangui accompanied Dorgon into the pass, so he summoned his generals to call and attend.While slaughtering black cattle and white horses, they sacrificed to heaven and earth.

Holding the blood basin, Guogui said to the generals: "The Qing Dynasty begs for thieves on our behalf and avenges our emperor. It is our great benefactor. If you don't accept your benefactor, you will not accept your own country, and you will have no king. The commander has already surrendered. All of us should surrender together with the coach, and those who are willing, please come up and drink blood."

Feng Youwei said: "Whoever refuses to agree, I will fight with my life."

All the generals agreed in unison, and came up one by one.After eating, a notice was posted immediately, ordering the soldiers and civilians to shave their hair.On the notice, the year name of Chongzhen was wiped out in one stroke, and Zhengshuo in April of the first year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty was written in a big book.Just after the deployment was completed, the guards flew the report, and the Chuang army was lining up.Dorgon led all the generals, went to the pass and looked around, and saw the Chuangjun lined up in a long snake formation, which was three to five miles long from the foot of the Beishan Mountain to the seashore.Everyone is brave and strong, and everyone is a hero.Li Chuang, with a silver helmet and a gold armor, with a yellow cover and a horse, is commanding the troops on the hill.Dorgon said to the crowd: "Thieves are so powerful, let's start a war, we have to be careful."

Everyone promised.Dorgon immediately raised his account and issued an order to teach Wu Sangui to lead his troops to attack the right side of the army formation; generals Azige, Duoduo, Kong, Geng, and Shang San led the troops from the north to attack the left side of the army formation; With fewer troops, guard the pass and watch the battle.

When the bugle sounded, the men and horses mobilized together, split into two wings like a wild goose formation, and outflanked the front.

The war drums beat like firecrackers, and the men and horses followed the drums like a tide.The sky was covered with sand and dust, and the sun was dim.After a while, the two armies met and started fighting.Shooting with guns and arrows, the fight was extremely fierce.I saw the place where the flag was moved on the hill, and the Chuang army encircled it in all directions. It had already surrounded Wu Sangui's army three or five times.Sangui led his subordinates, shouting and shouting, and the sound of mountains and valleys echoed, shaking the city of Guan to shiver.Dorgon couldn't help but stare dumbfounded. Suddenly there was a strong wind, and all the yellow sand on the ground was blown up.Tens of miles outside the pass, the fog was thick, and it was impossible to tell which army was the Chuang army and which army was the Qing army.Dorgon stomped his feet and said, "Oops! Oops! According to this, aren't we killing ourselves?"

Said left and right: "The wind is cooling down, look, my lord, the horse over there with a high white flag is not the iron cavalry of our two kings Ying and Yu?"

Dorgon looked at what he pointed out, and he saw that the two kings, Ying and Yu, led their cavalry, from the right of the Sangui formation, to the center of the enemy's formation.

The wind is surging and invincible.Dorgon said joyfully, "No matter how tough the thief is, he will never be able to bear it."

Left and right said: "Look, my lord, hasn't the bandit army's formation already moved, I'm afraid it will be defeated."

Dorgon saw that the Chuangjun formation was overwhelmed by the full army, and then he looked at the hill and saw Li Chuang's cape. He didn't know where he went.At this time, the battlefield was full of noise and noise.Clashing through the crowd was defeated, scrambling to be the first to escape, the momentum seemed to collapse.The Manchu and Han armies pursued and attacked forty miles away.Dorgon issued an order: ask Wu Sangui to chase Li Chuang in the north, command all the troops himself, and then respond.At this time, Sangui was bold and bold, and the governor led the troops of the headquarters, and the starry night guests, everywhere they went, posted the Anmin Announcement of the first year of Shunzhi.

On this day, when we reached the boundary of Beijing, Qianfeng reported that the thieves had closed the city and stood firm.Sangui ordered to set up camp.After setting up the camp, he suddenly reported that thief Li was on the city, and asked his uncle to answer. Sangui held his bow and arrows, and led the generals until the city.But he didn't see Li Chuang, only a few generals of the Chuang army, carrying Wu Xiang, and more than 30 old mothers and wives, standing tall in the battlements.

When Wu Xiang and his wife saw their son, and Mrs. Wu saw her husband, they couldn't help but burst into tears and said: "The whole family's life is on you alone, so you just surrender. If you surrender, the whole family will still be reunited; if you If you refuse to surrender, our lives will be lost."

These few words were spoken very sadly, and all the sergeants in the city burst into tears after hearing them.Looking back at Sangui, I saw that his face was sullen and he didn't speak a word.Suddenly he draws an arrow, puts it on the string, and shoots towards the city. The general who rushed to the army with Wu Xiang in his arms falls down in response to the string.Hoo hoo hoo, a few arrows in a row, it really hits nothing.These generals who broke into the army shot down one by one.Wu Xiang anxiously said in the city: "It's fine if you don't surrender, but shooting the bandit general to death won't anger Li Chuang and force me to die?"

Sangui shot and killed the general who broke through the army, and ordered the soldiers to attack the city.

With an order, the stone ladders all started together.After three or five chases, the city was flickering with swords, and Wu Xiang and his family of more than 30 people became ghosts with sword heads, bloody heads, and orders were hung up one after another.When Sangui saw it, he immediately fell to the ground, fainted and lost consciousness.Back to the camp with the help of left and right sides, after pouring water for a long time, Fang gradually woke up, beat his chest and feet, and cried bitterly.It just so happened that the soldiers and horses from the Manchuria Brigade arrived, Sangui cried and complained about the situation, Dorgon comforted him, and then said: "Let's break this city, capture Thief Li, and the general's family enmity can be avenged." .”

Sangui thanked him, and suddenly reported that there was a fire in the city, and the nine gates were opened wide. The intruders tied up the gold treasures, captured the women, ran out of Pingzemen, and fled to Xi'an.Dorgon ordered to enter the city.Sangui said: "The intruder and I are incompatible.

The minister is willing to supervise and lead the elite to chase him in person. "

Dorgon said: "It has always been said that poor people should not chase after them, and just throw them away when they leave."

Sangui said: "The thieves harmed my old lord, killed my parents, the vengeance of the lord and father, how can you let it go lightly?"

After finishing speaking, I cried bitterly.Dorgon said: "This is an act of loyalty and filial piety. How can I stop you? There is only one sentence to tell you that you need to do things according to the situation. If you can catch up, you really don't have much to say. If you can't catch up, you can throw it away. It doesn't matter whether you want it or not." Follow him."

Sangui promised.Returning to the base camp, he ordered the men and horses, and at the same time summoned the general Feng Youwei to tell him: "You follow the regent to the city to Anmin, and search for a person's trace for me while you are there. Thank you very much.”

Feng Youwei said: "The commander will obey all orders. But I don't know who is going to search."

Sangui said three or five words in his ear, and Youwei took the order to go.Sangui led the three armies, big and small, and marched forward.

This day, when I traveled to the border of Jiangzhou, I was building a meal in Anan. I suddenly reported the good news to General Feng of Beijing on a flying horse.When Sangui came in, the man saw Sangui, kowtowed to congratulate him, and said, "Ms. Chen Yuanyuan has visited, and General Feng sent ten maids to support him in the old mansion of the commander. There are guards at the front and rear gates." Guards, idlers, etc. are not allowed to enter or leave."

Sangui said happily: "Feng Youwei is really capable, there is nothing that others can't do, he can't do anything."

He always asked, "What's your name? What is your position under General Feng? You've worked hard on the road! Haven't you eaten yet? I'm going to have dinner here. Wait till we eat together."

Seeing that Sangui treats him so favorably, the man was so confused that he didn't dare to do it, and he didn't dare to do it when he shouldn't.Sangui felt it, and hurriedly said: "It doesn't matter, you just sit down, because I want to know the recent situation in Beijing, I want to ask you a few words, sit down and talk."

The man pleaded guilty and sat on half a stool.Sangui first asked the Manchurians what they did when they entered the city, and then gradually asked about family affairs.The man said: "Tartars are very generous in doing things. As soon as they entered the city, they ordered to put out the fires everywhere, and then showed them to Anmin. There was no harassment at all. Before the intruder left, Wufeng Tower, the palace, the Taimiao, and the gate tower of the Nine City Gate All the gold and silver in the treasury, and the utensils in the big house, were melted into big bricks by a silversmith a few days ago, and a hole was carved, and they were pierced with ropes and worn on the backs of mules and horses. Go up and take them all away. The King of Tartars didn't care about it, and said to his subordinates: "We came in only to save these people." He even ordered a funeral for Emperor Chongzhen, and asked his subjects to mourn for three days. And go to worship in person.”

Sangui said: "Is the capital calm?"

The man said: "The first few days were very chaotic, and the people were busy searching for and killing the bandits. Now the King of Tartars issued an order, saying that anyone who shaves their hair is not a thief, so now there is no one in Beijing who does not shave their hair, and things are calm. gone."

Sangui asked Chen Yuanyuan how he found it.If you want to know how the man answered, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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