Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 11 Yuxi came from the Southern Capital, Cai Yunfei went to the Northern Kingdom to welcome L

Chapter 11 Yuxi came from the Southern Capital, Cai Yunfei went to the Northern Kingdom to welcome Luan
But it is said that Wu Sangui was stationed in Jiangzhou and got the good news of Chen Yuanyuan's visit. He was so happy that he lost his face and entrusted someone to chat with him at the same table to find out the whole story of Yuanyuan.It turned out that when Li Chuang was defeated and returned to Beijing, he planned to behead Yuanyuan and Wu Xiang's family.When this news reached Yuanyuan's ears, she was still talking and laughing freely.Li Chuang was very surprised when he heard about it, so he shouted and asked, "I want to kill you, do you know?"

Yuanyuan said: "I know."

Li Chuang said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

Yuanyuan said: "That is the grace of the king to complete me, I am still grateful, why dare to be afraid? Just thinking about the king's side, it is not worth it."

Li Chuang said: "How can it be worthwhile for me to kill you? You just tell me the truth."

Yuanyuan said: "Your Majesty sent people to Shanhaiguan to surrender. Didn't General Wu surrender already?"

Li Chuang nodded and said, "That's right, it's already surrendered."

Yuanyuan said, "Why did you rebel again later?"

Li Gou said: "That's not careful, did Guangjing listen to the instructions of the Manchurians?"

Yuanyuan shook her head and said, "The Tartars did not instruct General Wu to raise troops for the sake of being alone in front of your majesty."

Li Chuang said: "Who is it?

Dare it just for you? "

Yuanyuan said: "General Wu raised his army, I heard it was for me.

Now that the king has killed me, I am really worthless.But I am afraid that General Wu and the king will form a deadly enmity from now on, and they will not give up for the rest of their lives.Isn't it worthless for Your Majesty to have such a powerful enemy for a person like me? "

Li Chuang said: "Your words are very reasonable. I will not kill you. I will take you to Shaanxi together. Are you willing?"

Yuanyuan said: "That is my blessing. But I am afraid that General Wu will chase after me, and the king will suffer again."

Li Chuang said, "Whatever you want?"

Yuanyuan said: "For the king's sake, it's better to keep me in Beijing, General Wu is naturally happy to have me.

I can say it while he is happy, he doesn't want to pursue him, so the king will arrive in Xi'an safely and safely. "

Li Chuang said: "I will do whatever you want, it's just too cheap for you."

Yuan Yuan said: "I'm nothing more than a king. If your king can defeat General Wu, you can kill me or keep me, but I will never disobey."

Li Chuang then left Yuanyuan in Beijing.When the Qing soldiers entered Beijing, Feng Youwei helped Anmin, and unintentionally, he searched and searched, so he sent a report to Sangui.At that moment, the man chose what he knew and reported back to Sangui.Sangui was overjoyed.The officer of the Chinese army reported: "The men and horses have rested for three hours, please send the order to advance."

After hearing this, Sangui remained silent.The middle officer stood there for a long time, but he didn't see any signs of failure, so he had to bend down and ask for it again.Sangui said: "Who told you to come and ask me? I am the commander in chief of the three armies. If I have to stop, don't I know how to give orders, and you, an officer, can't do it?"

The middle officer hit a snag for no reason, didn't dare to refute, held back his body, answered "yes" a few times, and slowly withdrew from the tent.Sangui suddenly remembered something, and called the Chinese army back from outside the tent.The guards outside the tent spread the sound one by one.The Chinese military officer hurriedly turned back and stood with his hands down, waiting for the order.Sangui said: "When we didn't get on our horses, the regent originally taught us not to chase them. Now that the thieves have passed through Tongguan, that place is not too dangerous. All the soldiers have worked hard. Even though there are many people at the time, the horses have to rest. I think it's better to go back to Beijing. How long will it be good to rest. When you go out, pass on my order, the men will unarmor, the horses will look back, and they will all go back to the capital."

Sangui said, and the Chinese military officer replied "Yes."

With this order, the joint venture soldiers were a little suspicious.It's just that the commander in chief didn't dare to disobey the order, so he had to pack up and go.

As soon as he arrived in Beijing, the army and horses were settled, Sangui was dressed in luggage, and people visited Dorgon.Dorgon said: "Just as I was about to issue an order to summon you, you turned back."

Sangui asked, "What's the big deal?" Dorgon said, "Who is Shi Kefa?"did you know? "

Sanguidao: "Shi Kefa's name is Xianzhi, his name is Daolin, Xiangfu Renshi, Chongzhen Wuke Scholars, and he is now an official of the Ministry of War in Nanjing. The prince asked about him, dare he also surrender to my dynasty?"

Dorgon said: "It's good if you surrender. Now he, Gao Hongtu, Ma Tuying, etc., support the king of Fu Zhu Yousong as emperor, build Yuan Hongguang, and make Jinling the capital. The Yangtze River area, Huguang, Guangdong, and Guangdong all listen to him. How do you think about this matter? Otherwise, I spent so much money and food, labored so many people, and finally won the beautiful country, can I still return it to the descendants of the surname Zhu?"

Sangui was about to answer, when the sound of boots sounded, the internal supervisor reported that Mr. Fan Ge had come in.I saw Fan Wencheng come in from the building, please be safe, and Dorgon asked him what he wanted to do.Wen Cheng bent down, took out a roll of paper from the boot heel, and said to Dorgon, "Go back to your lord, the Southern Dynasty sent people to spread the call to action, and there are many papers scattered in Beijing."

Dorgon said: "This is a trick to confuse people, that's fine! You read it to me, what is it talking about?"

Wen Cheng answered "Yes," unfolded the paper, and read aloud: Woohoo!Therefore, there are unforeseen changes in old age, He and millet are sad, and the whole world has a common hatred.Pointing spears, strong men in white clothes.Yi Shui is proficient in the rainbow sun, Xiangjun is a horse and chariot, and Qiantang angrily attacks Jiang Tao.Alas!The report of looking forward to the future in March, and the one who eclipses the sun and the moon after Pangu.In the past, my great-grandfather, Emperor Gao, held a three-hour shaft in his hand, swept away the fishy smell, and his body was a hero of two celestial beings, both driven by sincerity and forgiveness. Over the past [-] years, who would not be blessed by the emperor?It has been handed down for fifteen dynasties, and the whole world has been ruled.My Majesty, Yu Yu, has lived here for seventeen years.At the beginning of the administration, he punished Dang, and he alone encouraged the thunder and drums; he defended against the enemy for many years, and he used the night drought as his clothing.In the cold and heat of the nine borders, there are several police calls, Geng calls, and Gui's sighs; all surnames cry, and they are always in the pain of drowning and hunger.Although there are so many meat eaters in the court, but one person is extremely unmoved, and he suddenly fell to the Ou, what's the disorder?Alas!That is to say, the generation of rebels who have never had the grace to recuperate for many generations, but the flames are overwhelming the capital, the nine temples cannot be settled by their masters, the palace is full of blood, the first emperor cannot be punished, the crime is extremely high, and the knowledge is full. Deep in the world, vowing to live together.Alas!Whoever holds the country is successful, has nothing to do, and the door is blind, and the Hebei thieves ignore it.The fence was destroyed, but the general turned a deaf ear.To open the door to receive rebellion is to watch the military envoys; to surrender the seller is to be a scholar of the Hongwen Museum.It is shameful to beg for return, and if a disciple dies, he will be a loyal minister.An Lushan replaced the generals of the Han Dynasty with fan generals, and the pigs in the tent drew their knives early; Li Xilie went from Bianzhou to Caizhou, and the poison in the pill was advanced.Since Feng was at the mouth of Zhanjing, did the dissected body escape?Jing also died in the boat, and the lameness is over. No strongman will break, and anyone who rebels will be punished. Besides, Hande still exists.When Yi Yi meets Meng, it is inevitable that Shaokang will be killed together.The courtiers have the heart to repay the master, the spring and autumn righteous revenge, the industry depends on the spirit of the country, and the nine people have already respected their ears.Sincerely angry with the annexation of Han and bandits, the six armies will come out of Qishan.Alas!The golden man who moved to the place also shed tears on the copper plate; the horse dancing with the troupe is like the soul of jade rising.He has a beard and eyebrows, and wears a hairpin. The wealth is not mine, and it is always the favor of the king. How can we sleep and eat?To extend the national humiliation, clench your fists and claws, and swallow your anger all the way.The gnats break through, the sound breaks the horns of the fifth watch, shed Shen Baoxu's tears, and swears to burn the boat of Bailishi.Fortunately, Zegang is the flag of Zhang Yizong.Xie Gong is in power, and he is willing to join Xun Yu, carry the battle axe of Xing Han, and sharpen his strength to have two or three sons.In Jinling Chengzun Zhengshuo, there is no meeting of the thousand and eight kingdoms, and Jiangzuo depends on Yiwu.Is it not the king's scholar, is it the king's minister, I invite the enemy to be angry with the king; don't you call it the same robe, don't you call it the same Ze, Chengge shares the same hatred with the son.Gather the heart of Chi County in Shenzhou, go straight to the lair of poverty; express the anger of filial sons and loyal ministers, and wipe out the qukui.The leaves of the horses are like the north wind, and the flags are always in the Antarctic.Supporting the gods with a child is a matter of human effort, that is, the white clothes are the first, and the king will not bear it.Once the guns are washed away, the sun and the moon will regain their light; and then the mountains and rivers will be opened, and the imperial court will not correct the whole country, and the gods will learn from this sincerity.Sincerely.

After reading Wen Cheng, he explained it again according to the meaning of the text.Dorgon said: "Talking bad things about Li Chuang, but finally not talking about us, just let him go."

Wen Cheng said: "'Jinling Jian respects Zhengshuo, Jiangzuo depends on Yiwu'. These few words are afraid of submitting to the ministers, so there are two hearts."

After hearing this, Dorgon nodded and said, "Your concerns are very reasonable."

As he spoke, he raised his eyes to look at Sangui, was so frightened that Sangui was sweating all over his back, hurriedly rushed to greet him, and said: "Your Majesty Mingjian, I don't dare, I don't dare."

Dorgon smiled and said: "Changbai, you are a loyal and filial person, how could you do such a thing, I trust you very much, just rest assured."

Sui Dao: "When I returned to obedience, I promised you the title of king. As for the matter of a piece of stone, your merits have not been verified. Now I can make you a prince. I can't remember that name for a while. Chongzhen granted you the title of prince." Ping Xibo, please call him King Pingxi now. I will ask old man Fan to write the imperial edict of the dragon, and then I will give it to you.

" Sangui knelt down and kowtowed: "the imperial court is so kind, it is difficult to repay Sangui's bones and powder. "

Thank you for your kindness, and offered a plan: "Nanzhong established a monarch because there is no master in the pass. According to Sangui's foolishness, it is best to welcome the driver into the pass, or find another way, and always get rid of the longing thoughts of the people in the pass. That's good."

Dorgon said: "It's really a good way to meet the driver and enter the customs. You said to set up another way, how can this other way be set up? Let's talk about it."

Sangui met each other and said: "This humble official should die, I dare not go to Chen."

Dorgon said: "What are you thinking about? Why don't you talk about it?"

Seeing that Dorgon was suspicious, Sangui hurriedly said: "The humble minister has selfish intentions, the prince is highly respected, and if he becomes the master of China, the Chinese people will be blessed."

Dorgon laughed and said: "If I love to be the emperor, I can't wait for this moment", and then said: "You have worked hard on the road, go home and rest!"

When Sangui returned home, he worked together from heaven and talked about Zhayong, and he and Chen Yuanyuan were in love with each other, needless to say.After a few days, there will be a funeral for Wu Xiang, with cars coming and going, and guests seeing off and welcoming guests. I don't have time to describe the bustling scene.

In addition, Dorgon was very unhappy when he got the news of Nanzhong Lijun. He gathered several confidantes such as Duoduo, Azige, Fan Wencheng and so on every day to discuss how to deal with it.Duoduo said: "Forgive a few bookworms, if you come up with something, give me [-] elite soldiers, and go to the south of the Yangtze River to play, and guarantee that there will be no one left."

Dorgon said: "We have only just arrived in the pass, and the people in the north may not really surrender. Once the soldiers and horses are transferred, there may be accidents.

In addition, Li Chuang's failure to destroy is also a disaster. "

Fan Wencheng said: "When the army marches south, the thieves will definitely take advantage of the opportunity. According to the foolish plan of the minister, it is better to write a letter to go to the south, and recruit Shi Kefa and several other people. If it is possible, we will avoid using swords. On the one hand Hearing Wu Sangui's advice, he sent a commissioner to Fengtian to welcome the empress dowager and the emperor.

Dorgon said: "Then you just write the letter of surrender!" "

Wen Cheng promised to write a letter by himself.

Dorgon ordered Azige to be the Minister of Yingluan, and Kong Youde and Shang Kexi to be the Deputy Ministers. He got up immediately and went back to Shengjing to welcome him.At this time, Wen Cheng's surrender letter had been written and presented to Dorgon. Dorgon asked him to read: Mr. Daolin, Deacon: Yu Xiang is in Shenyang.

After entering the customs to break the thief, you have to meet people in the capital. I met my younger brother in Qingban, and I will ask him to keep him safe.The boxing is the heartfelt thread, and it has not yet been judged when it will be achieved.Compared with hearing that there are many roads, it is often said that Jinling has independent people.The enmity between husband, ruler and father cannot be shared. In the righteousness of the Spring and Autumn Period, if there are thieves not to be punished, the old king will not be buried in the book, and the new king will not be able to ascend the throne.Therefore, to guard against chaos and thieves, the law is extremely strict.

Li Zicheng, the thief, claimed that the soldiers had committed crimes, poisoned the emperor and his relatives, and the subjects of the pass.

Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, was in the eastern frontier. He only cried like Bao Xu. The court deceived him for his loyalty.On the day of entering Beijing, the posthumous title of Emperor Huaizong was first honored, and the mountain mausoleum was buried, which was like a ceremony.Below the king and general of the county, one is still sealed without modification.All the civil and military ministers of Xunqi are in the imperial court, and their kindness and courtesy are added.

There is no surprise in the farming market, and there is no disturbance in autumn.Fang planned to send his generals to the west in autumn, and spread them to the south of the Yangtze River, chatting about soldiers in Heshuo, and Chen Shiju's brigade. They were united in their efforts to avenge the monarchy and shadow the virtue of our court.Unexpectedly, the gentlemen of Nanzhou, who live in peace, never judge the opportunity, talk about the false name, and forget the real harm, so I am very confused.The country's pacification of Yandu was obtained from trespassers, not from the Ming Dynasty.The thieves destroyed the temple owner of the Ming Dynasty and humiliated the ancestors. Our country is not afraid of the labor of conscripting and repairing.As a filial son and benevolent man, how should we show gratitude?This is to take advantage of the rebels to punish them, and the king's teacher took a break, so he wants to dominate the south of the Yangtze River and enjoy the benefits of fishermen. How can it be said that all the reasons are fair?You can't fly across the sky with the moat, and you can't stop the flow if you throw the whip?The husband broke into the thief, but he was a troublemaker in the Ming Dynasty, so he might offend our country.They only use Bo Hai as the same enemy, and they are doing great justice. If they hold the title of respect today, it will be like an enemy for two days.Yu Jiang Jian, who was traveling westward, turned to the eastward expedition, and planned to release him to punish him, and ordered him to be the forerunner.With the full power of China, Huangchi is under the control, and he wants to use the left corner of the river to support a big country.I have heard that a gentleman loves others with virtue, while a fine person treats them with appeasement.Gentlemen, if you know the time, you know your fate, you remember your old master deeply, and you love the virtuous king deeply, you should persuade your order to cut down your title and return to the vassal, so that you can always sue Fulu.The imperial court should treat the guests of Yu, inherit gifts, bring mountains and rivers, and be on the princes and princes.The concubine lived up to the original intention of the imperial court to extend righteousness to fight against thieves, and to continue the rise and fall.As far as Nanzhou Qunyan, Pianran came to Yi, Ze Ergong and Erhou, the nobles divided the land, there is a classic example in Pingxi, but the execution is for profit.Recently, scholar-bureaucrats liked the name of tall trees, regardless of the urgent needs of the country, and whenever there was a major event, they often built houses together.In the past, the people of the Song Dynasty were undecided in their discussions, and the soldiers had already crossed the river.Mr. Leaders and celebrities, who preside over tricks, will surely be able to go deep into the beginning and end.I would rather endure the ups and downs of the vulgar, and choose to obey the violation, and should be judged early.The army is on the verge, you can go west or east, and the safety of the southern country is in one fell swoop.May all gentlemen have the same heart to seek thieves, not to be greedy for a fleeting glory, but to bring endless disasters to the country, and to be laughed at by rebellious officials and thieves.I really have high hopes.It is remembered that only good people can receive all their words, respect their hearts, and rather hear Mingjiao, Jiang Tian is in sight, and stretch their feet for labor.The book doesn't make sense.On May [-]st, the first year of Shunzhi, the Regent signed it.

Dorgon listened and didn't say anything.Wen Cheng said: "Send this letter to Deputy General Han Gongwei and General Chen Wanchun, okay?"

Dorgon said: "Send whoever is free, why ask me. You see how busy I am, Azige is going to meet him, and the two palaces are coming in a moment, don't I want to be ready?" ? The empress dowager has a bad temper, you always know it."

Wen Cheng answered "yes" a few times, and sent someone to deliver the letter without mentioning it.

Dorgon arrived in Beijing in a few days because of the two palaces, and sent people from Beijing to Shanhaiguan. All the royal drivers passed through various roads, and hired civilians to rush to fill it.The Da Nei palace, which was disturbed by Li Chuang, was repaired in one case, and various craftsmen of water, wood and lacquer were rushed to do it day and night.He sent his surrender Jin Zhijun as the minister of supervision.In addition to a few important military and state affairs, Dorgon went to various places to monitor and inspect in person every day, and recruited the palace eunuchs of the Ming Dynasty and sent them to various places to be on duty.All the palaces display antiques, toys, gold and silver utensils, and special commissioners go to the Quartet to buy them.After two full months of work, it was roughly ready.

This day, I received the Tang newspaper and knew that the two palaces had already risen.Dorgon also sent Duoduo, Prince of Yu, to lead the Eight Banners to inspect the area and close the defense at the stations.From then on, there are always three or five meteors visiting the horse every day, reporting the places where the two palaces are lucky.On this day, it was reported that the royal driver was only [-] miles away from the city. Dorgon passed on the news to the civil and military officials of the Qi Manchu and Han Dynasties.

Once outside the city, looking from a distance, the escorting sergeants were lined up in a row, and they came slowly with respect to the team.After the sergeant passed, the ministers, the princes and kings, the people of Baylor and Beizi followed.Long Jingfeng fan all kinds of ceremonial guards, holding towels and holding deacons and eunuchs in various positions, after passing them one by one, it is the two palaces.Dorgon and the others quickly knelt down and greeted them by roll call.A eunuch has long passed down a decree for peace.So he followed Luan into the city.If you want to know what the two palaces will do after entering Beijing, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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