Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 140 Jiang Yi ordered the Qing Emperor to cede the government's preferential treatment a

Chapter 140 Jiang Yi ordered the Qing Emperor to cede the government's preferential treatment and return it to the Republic of China

It is said that Jian Guo swears an oath to the temple and promulgates the Nineteen Creeds, and finally he is brave enough to reform with the people.Reluctantly, the hearts of the people are gone, and the destiny is hard to know. The provinces declared their independence, and one after another.

However, Yuan Shikai and Cen Chunxuan were unwilling to take office, so they expressed their resignation.Jian Guo had no choice but to resign the decree, granting Yuan Shikai the imperial envoy to control the troops.With President Feng Guozhang's first army and Duan Qiduan commanding the second army, he called Yinchang back to Beijing.Yikuang, Zai Ze, Zou Jialai, etc. knew that this mess was not easy to deal with, so they all stood before the prison and begged to be reprimanded.After the approval of the supervisory state, Yuan Shikai was appointed as the prime minister of the cabinet.Yuan Shikai also said that he had not recovered from his old illness, so please delay his appointment.

At this time, the arrogance of the Guangmin Army has spread across the country like a prairie fire.The Qing government was so anxious that they urged Yuan Shikai to put forward four proposals: first, to shorten the period for the establishment of the National Assembly by one year; second, to determine the responsible cabinet; ; Fourth, lift the ban on associations and assemblies.Please also prepare some military expenses in advance.Yuan Shikai went south from Zhangde with the permission of the supervisory state.When we arrived at Shikou, we sent a telegram to the Beijing government, please stop the troop advance, and start negotiations with the militia for a permanent peace plan. If the negotiations fail, you should go to Wuchang in person to negotiate directly.Jian Guo repeatedly summoned Yuan with urgent calls, telling him to come to Beijing quickly and organize a cabinet, hoping to save the overall situation.Yuan Shikai then led two large groups of troops, and boarded the chariot in a stately manner.

When he arrived in Beijing, he paid homage to the Empress Dowager Longyu and the regent, and still said that "the Philippine is not qualified for the job".Start to organize a new cabinet, with Liang Dunyan as Minister of Foreign Affairs, Zhao Bingjun as Minister of Civil Affairs, Yan Xiu as Minister of Duzhi, Tang Jingchong as Minister of Academic Affairs, Wang Shizhen as Minister of Army, Sa Zhenbing as Minister of Navy, Shen Jiaben as Minister of Justice, and Zhang Jian as Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce Ministers, Yang Shiqi is the Minister of Posts, Dashou is the Minister of Lifan, and Hu Weide and others are the Deputy Ministers.After Yuan Shikai took office, he sent telegrams to various provincial roads: "Since Guizhou has declared independence, will it obey the orders of the central government in the future?"

At this time, except for Zhili, Henan, and the three eastern provinces, they all agreed to be independent and not subject to the restraint of the Beijing government.However, Wuhan and Nanjing met each other in battle, and Shandong was declared independent by Governor Sun Baoqi.The rest used peaceful means to organize a military government and elect governors.Now that Yuan Shikai's telegram arrived, all the provinces laughed it off and did not reply.

Yuan Shikai was also helpless, and was shocked.So Jian Guo asked himself to abdicate and return to the vassal, and the Empress Dowager Longyu agreed to do so.Special Jiang Yi said: "According to the face-to-face report of the regent of Jianguo, since the regent, it has been here for three years."Employing people for administration is often contrary to public opinion.The constitutionalists rely on empty words, and the evils are still stacking up.People's hearts collapsed and the country collapsed.

Because of one person's mishandling, all the living beings in the whole world have been caused, and the alkali has suffered a tragic disaster, and there is no time to regret it!If one regains great power and does not think about retreating, one will lose the credibility of the people, and even if one governs the country, it will be difficult to achieve results in the future, and there is no hope of political improvement.Weeping, please resign from the position of regent of Jianguo, and stop interfering in politics and other matters.I am deep in the palace, and I have not been in touch with the great government.However, since the Wuhan incident, the provinces have responded, and the military has been in trouble, and the business of allies has also been affected.It is urgent to observe the situation inside and outside, and determine the best plan for the country.The regent of Jianguo is generous and cautious. Although he has the intention of seeking governance, he is incapable of responding to the situation, so that he is deceived by others and endangers the people's livelihood.Therefore, the seal of the regent of Jian Guo will be destroyed immediately.Still under the title of Prince Chun, he returned to the mansion and no longer pre-government.A salary of 5 taels of silver is awarded every year, which is spent from the royal family's funds.Since then, the administration of personnel has been assigned to the prime minister of the cabinet to bear the responsibility, and the emperor's imperial seal has been ordered to be used.The ministers and workers met and led the emperor to do it.The emperor is still in his prime, and he should be honored to protect the holy bow. He has given the inheritance, Xu Shichang as the Taibao, and guarded it wholeheartedly.Now the four directions are in trouble, and the country is in danger.All the princes and princes, who are close to each other, should remember the difficulties, strictly abide by the family law, restrain themselves and love themselves, and do not go beyond the scope.The ministers take on this important task, and they should especially strive to be loyal to the public, eliminate the evils, and jointly seek the benefit of the country and the people.All the citizens of our country should know that the imperial court does not seek the power of the monarchy, raises the common people, respects them to strictly observe order, and ensure that everyone lives in peace, so as to avoid the danger of conflicts and divisions, and look forward to the rule of peace and great harmony!This is it.

The prison country retreated to the vassal mansion, and the civilian army became more and more powerful.Originally, the independent provinces were not affiliated with each other at the beginning, but now the Shanghai Navy Government advocated the adoption of a republican form of government.The organization of republican politics advocates that independent provinces, representatives of each faction, go to Shanghai to hold a conference.At one time, 49 representatives from sixteen provinces were sent, some to Wuchang and some to Shanghai. It was agreed that China would adopt a unified system, establish a responsible cabinet, and set up the government in Wuchang.It happened that Feng Guozhang, commander-in-chief of the Qing army, captured Hanyang, and Xu Shaozhen, commander-in-chief of the civilian army, captured Nanjing.The situation changed, so the interim government was moved to Nanjing.

Yuan Shikai was shocked when he heard the news, and suggested formally negotiating a peace with the militia. Naizuo sent Tang Shaoyi as Minister of Plenipotentiary, Yang Shiqi and Yan Xiu as Counselors, and went south to negotiate a peace.Tang Quanquan accepted the order of the imperial court, that is, he led counselors Yang and Yan, and 33 entourages, departed from Beijing, took a train to Hankou, crossed the river to meet Li Yuanhong, and exchanged opinions.After two days of negotiations, the People's Army Government advocated using Shanghai as the venue for peace talks, so Tang Quanquan came to Shanghai by ship again.

At this time, on the side of the militia, Dr. Wu Tingfang was publicly appointed as a member of the peace negotiation plenipotentiary, and the consuls of Britain, Japan, Russia, Germany, France and the United States were both witnesses. In the city hall of the British Concession in Shanghai, the two plenipotentiaries met five times.Wu Quanquan advocated the abdication of the Qing emperor, the reorganization of the republican government, and the sharing of peace between Han and Manchu.

Tang Quanquan asked the Beijing government for instructions because of the seriousness of the matter.In a few days, I received a call back saying what kind of political system China should have. The cabinet meeting planned to use a peaceful solution, and the National Assembly was convened to decide and implement it.The two plenipotentiary meetings were held five times, and the negotiations had a clue. Suddenly, most of the political circles in Beijing opposed it.Tang Shaoyi then sent a telegram to Yuan Shikai and dismissed him as the Minister of Plenipotentiary. Therefore, Yuan Shikai and Wu Tingfang discussed the peace negotiation directly by telegram. After dozens of round-trips, they still failed to reach the point.

At that time, Sun Wen, the leader of the Revolutionary Party, suddenly returned from the United States, and the militiamen's arrogance soared ten feet high.Representatives from various provinces named Sun Wen as the great president, who has already taken office in Nanjing.On the side of the civilian army, they advocated that the Qing emperor should not abdicate, that is, not to review the peace.The negotiation and negotiation almost broke down.The assassination groups of the revolutionary party came to Beijing one after another, and most of the dignitaries below the prime minister were attacked by assassins.The situation was so dangerous, so Yuan Shikai repeatedly asked to resign and retreat to a leisurely place.

The court was greatly alarmed, and the empress dowager sent a special envoy to Yuan Shikai's mansion to deliver a warm message and confer the title of first-class marquis on him.Yuan Shikai is hereby honored, and he expresses his firm resignation.But in Beijing and Tianjin, some people organized the Republic Promotion Association.The generals of the Northern Army on which the government relied jointly petitioned for the declaration of a republic.People's hearts collapsed and the country collapsed.Looking up at the temple, you can only see gloomy and melancholy clouds covering the sky.

So Empress Dowager Longyu specially summoned the royal family to discuss the matter of abdicating the throne.All the princes and princes did not deny it, but Prince Dugong Puwei opposed it the most.After the meeting is over, please see me alone.The queen mother said angrily: "When the country was fine, they made such a mess! Today is such a mess, and they are making trouble again. I don't want to see them."

The cabinet was summoned as ordered, and all the ministers of the cabinet came in and asked a few words as usual.Tan Xueheng, Minister of the Navy, said in a solo: "Emperor De Zongjing first created constitutional government, and his merits lie in the people. His aspirations have not yet come to an end, and his hatred is gone. Now the Empress Dowager agrees with the republic, and following De Zong's behest will be a thing that will last forever.

"The queen mother said with emotion: "I also know that the world is public property, not Manchuria's private property.But since Manchuria has been inherited for more than two hundred years, I only hope that the mausoleum of Emperor Dezong can be built, so that the status of the royal family will not fall, and I have no hatred!As for the emperor, although he is small, I will take responsibility for major events in the future.

"So he ordered to issue an edict and said:

According to the order of Empress Dowager Longyu, because of the uprising of the militia, all the provinces responded, nine summers were boiling, and people were dying. I specially ordered Yuan Shikai to discuss the overall situation with representatives of the militia, discuss the opening of the National Assembly, and a referendum on the political system.In the past two months, there has been no definite solution. The north and the south are separated and confronted with each other.Merchants drop out on the way, Shilu wanders in the wild, just because the state system cannot be decided for a day, so the people's livelihood is uneasy for a day.The psychology of the people of the whole country today tends to be republican. The southern and central provinces advocated it first, and the northern generals also advocated it later. The destiny of the people can be known!How can I bear to tell people's likes and dislikes because of the honor of the same surname?It is to use the appearance of the general trend, the internal review of public opinion, and the special rate of the emperor to make the ruling power public to the whole country.Designated as a republican constitutional government, it will comfort the hearts of the people who are tired of chaos and look forward to governance, and far cooperate with the righteousness of the ancient holy world.Yuan Shikai was previously elected as Prime Minister by the Council of Ministers. When the old and the new are replaced, it is advisable to unify the north and the south, that is, Yuan Shikai has full power to organize a provisional republican government and negotiate with the militia for a unified method.In the general period, the people will be safe and the sea will be safe. It will still be combined with the five ethnic groups of Han, Man, Mongolia, Hui and Tibet. It will have a complete territory and become a big Republic of China.Wouldn't it be nice for Yu and the emperor to be able to retire to a leisurely place, enjoy the years, receive the preferential gifts from the people, and see the success of Zhizhi? !This is it.

After the decree of abdication was promulgated, Yuan Shikai immediately canceled his leave and entered the court to discuss all major issues.

On the same day, another decree was issued:

I am following the order of the Empress Dowager Longyu, and according to Cen Chunxuan, Yuan Shuxun, Lu Zhengxiang, etc., Duan Qirui, who is the commander of the army, etc., please send a telegram to quickly determine the constitution of the republic, so as to avoid the loss of life and other words.Now that the current situation is difficult and the people are unemployed, how can the imperial court bear the honor of one surname and cause harm to all the people?However, the ancestral temple mausoleum is very important, as well as the royal family's preferential gifts, royal family preservation, the livelihood of the Eight Banners, and the treatment of Mongolia and Tibet, all of which should be properly considered.Yuan Shikai was granted full power to study all methods, first to discuss conditions with the militia quickly, and to express his request.This is it.

Signed by Yuan Shikai.

Yuan Shikaiqin obeyed the decree and did not dare to be negligent. He went back and forth with the representatives of the People's Army and studied it again and again, and proposed eight preferential treatment for the royal family, four for the royal family, and seven for the Manchurian return to Tibet.According to the imperial edict: I follow the order of the Empress Dowager Longyu. Before the overall situation was in danger and the people were in distress, I specially ordered the cabinet and the militia to discuss and preferentially treat the royal family on various conditions, with a view to a peaceful solution.According to the replay, the preferential conditions prescribed by the civilian army will be enshrined in the imperial mausoleum forever.The emperor did not abolish the power, but did not abolish the honorary title, and agreed to treat the royal family eight preferentially, treat the royal family four, and treat the Manchus and Mongolians and return to Tibet seven.

It is specially declared that the royal family is full of Mongols, Huis and Tibetans. From now on, it is necessary to eliminate the barriers, maintain public order, and see the peace of the world again, so as to achieve the happiness of the republic.I really have high hopes!Qin this (A).

Regarding the conditions of preferential treatment after the resignation of the Qing emperor, since the Qing emperor announced his approval of the republic, the conditions of preferential treatment for the Republic of China after the resignation of the Qing emperor are as follows: Paragraph 400: After the Qing emperor resigns, the honorary title still exists Abandoned, the Republic of China treats foreign monarchs with the same courtesy; the second paragraph, after the resignation of the Qing emperor, the annual use of [-] million yuan, this money is allocated by the Republic of China; the third paragraph, after the Qing emperor resigns, Temporarily living in the palace, and moving to the Summer Palace in the future, the guards will remain as usual; the fourth paragraph, after the resignation of the Qing emperor, his ancestral temple mausoleum will be enshrined forever, and the Republic of China will set up guards at its discretion to protect it carefully; Mausoleum, the unfinished project, if it is made and repaired properly, its dedication ceremony will still be the same as the old system, and all practical funds will be paid by the Republic of China; the sixth item, the various deacons used in the previous palace can be retained as usual, but they will not be recruited again in the future. Eunuchs; item [-], after the resignation of the Qing emperor, his original private property will be specially protected by the Republic of China; item [-], the original imperial guards will be assigned to the Ministry of Army of the Republic of China, and their salaries and salaries will remain with each other. Old (B).

Regarding the conditions for the treatment of the Qing royal family:

One, the princes and princes of the Qing Dynasty are probably still the same;

Second, the Qing royal family has the same public and private rights as the nationals of the Republic of China;

Regarding the Manchurian, Mongolian, Hui and Tibetan ethnic groups agreeing to a republic, the treatment of the Republic of China is as follows: [-]. Equality with the Han people; [-]. Protection of their original private property; Those who try to raise their livelihood on behalf of them; fifth, raise the livelihood of the Eight Banners first, and before the preparation is made, the soldiers of the Eight Banners will pay their salaries as usual; , the original religion of Manchurian, Mongolian and Tibet, let them believe freely.

The above conditions are listed in an official document, and the representatives of the two parties will send a note to the ministers stationed in Beijing of each country and convey them to the respective governments.

Fearing that the subjects inside and outside Beijing would not understand the court's difficulties, they issued another decree stating: "I respect the decree of the Empress Dowager Longyu. The ancient rulers of the world focused on protecting the lives of the people, and could not bear to harm others by supporting them."Now that the new state system is being established, it is nothing more than trying to eliminate the chaos first and hope to protect Yi'an.If the hearts of the majority are overturned and endless war disasters are triggered, the overall situation will be broken, and the massacre will inevitably lead to racial misery.The Nine Temples are about to be shocked, Zhaomin is poisoned, how can we bear to say anything about the future disaster?Two evils compare to each other, but whichever is the lesser.When the imperial court is reviewing the changes, it threatens the difficulties of our people in the Song Dynasty.All subjects outside of Beijing should empathize with this intention, because the overall situation is familiar with the rights and interests, and they should not be hypocritical and exaggerated, causing both the country and the people to suffer.The infantry commanders of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Jiang Guiti, Feng Guozhang, etc., took strict precautions and earnestly enlightened them, so that they all knew the intention of the court to be obedient and selfless.When the state sets up officials and divisions, it is thought that the people are the poles, the cabinet government is listed inside, and the governors and governors are built outside. Therefore, Kangbao Qunli is not set up for one person and one family.All officials, big and small, outside Erjing, think about the difficult times, and be cautious about their duties.All the chiefs should be instructed immediately, earnestly admonishing, not to be absent-minded, and to caress the common people with the sincerity of the past!

This is it.Xuantong three years December 25th.

Covered with an imperial treasure, signed by Yuan Shikai, Premier of the Cabinet, and signed by the Minister of State.

From then on, the Qing Dynasty died.From the entry of Shunzhi to the abdication of Xuantong, it took 260 years.Since the announcement of the Republic, the Empress Dowager Longyu has lived in seclusion in the palace and rarely interacted with outsiders.In the winter of the following year, he suddenly suffered from a swelling disease, and the medicine failed and died.When he was dying, he asked the waiter to hug the emperor and said, "It's too young, don't make things difficult for him."

The government of the Republic of China complied with the preferential treatment conditions and held a great funeral, honoring her posthumously as Empress Dingjing of Daoxiao. "Romance of Qing History" ends.

Inscription on Romance of Qing History

Dantu Zuoyou Mountain

The Golden Chamber has not been repaired in the previous dynasty, and the great chapters have been circulated in the country.

The chronology is in Wengong style, and it is miscellaneous that the original is not wild.

The pen is held under a strict pillar of frost, and the version is shrunk on the same place and retracted in the pillow.

My family once wrote the Spring and Autumn Biography, and I would like to attach Mr. Wen Xuanlou.

Taicang Xu Shoudie
It has happened since 300 years ago in the Qing Dynasty, and performed a strange literary battle with Lu Lang.

A generation of knowledge and truth, Fei Pingzhang, a figure of the ten dynasties.

In terms of merit and good history, the ending should be inferior to the king.

Talking about the ups and downs of capital, the autumn stirrups feel the vicissitudes of life.

Youji Dingan sentence

Danghu Chenxi Tour

If you talk about my worries with a frugal belly, how can it be said that the pen will set the sun and autumn?
Lin Jing broke the material Yan Liu Shi, who leads the nine streams of secrets?
Inscription on Romance of Qing History
Changshu Dai'an

Six flying away, I don't know where to go, the world is troubled by injustice, vegetation and trees.

Looking at the coal mountain in the distance, the hostility is condensed, and looking back at the Panshui, the torrent is broken.

Ambition swallows the river belt in vain, and the sea of ​​dust should make it difficult to survive the ravine boat.

Hao exhausted south to act on the axis of Kun, poor ten days in Yangzhou.

The Qing society was already on the verge of splitting, how about ZTE's cause?
Wanjiang is elegant and crafty, and Hengyue heroes are doing their best.

The battle fortress has been cremated for thousands of years, and there are many bandits in one night of drumming.

It is not God's will to separate the regimes in the four directions. Who will walk the white mule to the army?
Xiao Fengmeiyu patrols the sun in the west, and the earth forces Yuyang to end his luck.

He came back to Wang Dingguo again with a policy, and went out of the pass to cry and be ashamed.

Only the Yangtze River can clean the water of dragons and pigs, and the homeland frequently brags about horses and horses.

There are people who are too arrogant, and rat liver and worm arms compete with each other for merit.

The eyes of the extreme eyes and the dragons and banners are all pale, and the goblet looks to the north and tears are like hemp.

The vast city is still the same today, and the swaying Ji Guanshang is already on credit.

Cover up the ups and downs of the new edition alone, and talk about the prosperity of the past.

Distinguish a history of the Southern Dynasties, arguing that Jiang Lang's pen is good.

(End of this chapter)

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