
In the first episode, it is said that Jin Zhijun wrote the congratulatory form and was considering the profit and loss at Hong Chengchou's house. Suddenly, Jiao Lei came over his head and reported that the ancestor Long Yu was the honored guest. Jin and Hong stayed for a long time.The family asked, "Master, do you want a car?"

After asking twice, Chengchou just woke up like a dream, Xiang Zhijun said: "Yesterday it was fine, why did it happen all of a sudden?

Zhijun said, "It's really unexpected!" "

Chengchou turned his head and asked if the car cover was ready, and his family members had already passed on the word.Chengchou said: "Master Jin came here by car?"

Zhijun said, "I have a car."

So Jin and Hong took a car to Donghuamen and walked inside.It was similar to hearing the crying inside shaking mountains and shaking mountains.The two rushed in and cried for a while with the shift number.After leaving the class, I went to the side hall and saw that the princes, dukes, and relatives had crowded half of the room.A few people I know come over to say hello.After talking for a while, an inner eunuch hurried in and said to Chengchou: "Mr. Hong Ge, our prince invites you to come over."

Chengchou recognized that he was the king of Xinjun, and the first important thing was to read the will.We are not very familiar with the Yizhu in the Central Plains.You are an official in the Ming Dynasty. After a long time, you will be appointed as a minister, okay? "

Chengchou agreed.Immediately, Duni sent a few more Han officials to ask for the will of Da Xing.According to the notes of the instrument, after reading it out, Xuan Ye, the third son of the emperor, was registered as the emperor, the holy ancestor of the Qing Dynasty, and the year was proposed to be Kangxi, that is, next year will be the first year of Kangxi.This holy ancestor of the Qing Dynasty was usually only eight years old, and an eight-year-old child knew something.As soon as the state affairs of the imperial court were met, they were all presided over by Duoni and Hong Chengchou.But there is a strange thing, although this child is young, Fuze is not young. He took Emperor Yongli of the Ming Dynasty alive after he took the throne for a short time. no deposit.

Do you know which Qixun who built this?It turned out to be two generations of ministers, one dynasty pillar, Pingxi King Wu Sangui and General Wu.First, after Emperor Yongli fled to Burma, Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan ruled the remnants and only made noise with the Burmese in Mengliangmu State, so the Qing Dynasty did not take them seriously.Several ministers of state affairs discussed the need to cut troops and save wages. Shizu called Wu Sangui to ask.Sangui replays, there are canals and big Kui who don't cut them down, three troubles, two separations and one sparseness, which is abbreviated as "Li Dingguo and Bai Wenxuan used the name of support to lure the defeated family to spy on our border defense, and the trouble is at the door.

Chieftain repeatedly, only profit-seeking, once incited, suffers from the elbow and armpit.Dedicated soldiers, remembering the old lord, hearing the police heart, thinking about the truth.The rice crops in central Yunnan are thriving, transported and cultivated, fleeing due to famine, it is difficult to raise soldiers, and it is also difficult to secure the people. Only by eradicating all the roots can it be done once and for all. "

Shizu sent his minister, Ai Xing'a, as the general of Dingxi, and led his troops to suppress it.Sangui came up with a unique plan. While urging the troops to advance, he flew to the King of Myanmar and asked him to sacrifice Emperor Yongli.In December of the 18th year of Shunzhi, Sangui soldiers entered Burma and camped in Jiuwanpo.The king of Myanmar was so frightened that he hurriedly sent Xizhen, the minister of Myanmar, to surrender to the Qing camp with the Beiye Wen, and at the same time sent troops to escort Emperor Yongli out of the country.Emperor Yongli knew it was inevitable, so he wrote a letter in his own hand and asked someone to deliver it to the Qing camp.In the world, he was awarded the rank of nobility, and he was granted the outer borders.

Emperor Lie is very generous to the general.The country of Juyi was destroyed, thieves and thieves broke into our capital, destroyed our country, forced to death my first emperor, killed my people, generals will rejuvenate Chu, weep at the court of Qin, swear oaths, ask soldiers to question their crimes, the foundation of the day Sorrow, the original is not obliterated.

However, relying on the great power, the fox pretends to be the tiger's might, and uses the false name of revenge to serve as the order of the new dynasty.

After the rebels were given their heads, the earth and buildings in the south are no longer what they were in the previous dynasty.The ministers in the south couldn't bear the subversion of the clan society and welcomed Nanyang.He Tu's pillow is not safe, and Qian Ge arrives suddenly.When Hongguangzhen took it, Longwu was punished. At this time, he almost wanted to die.Is it still time to plan for the community?The ministers are strong again and again, falsely inheriting the prelude.Since then, Chu was lost in the first battle, and Eastern Guangdong was lost in another battle.Displaced and frightened, innumerable!Fortunately, Li Dingtu welcomed his servants in Guizhou and Nan'an.He claims to have no troubles with others and no disputes with the world.But the general forgot the great virtues of his father, and wanted to create a great success. He supervised the division and went to Yunnan to overthrow my lair.The servant is crossing the desert, chatting with the Burmese people to strengthen our Yu, the mountains are far away and the water is far away, whoever laughs and laughs will only make me sad.Since the rivers and mountains guarded by the world have been lost, Gou Quan's life is in the barbarian clothes, and he is lucky.But the general does not avoid hardships and dangers, please order to come from afar, bring hundreds of thousands of people, and pursue the body of the rebellious traveler, why do you think the world is not so vast!Is there no guest and servant alone in the sky and the earth?After suppressing the title of Wang Xijue, do you still want to wipe out the servants to claim credit?Despite the wind and rain, Emperor Di Sigao could not leave a piece of land for the general to make meritorious deeds.The general destroys my house and wants to take my son, read the chapter of the scorpion, can you not feel sad and sympathetic?The general is still a descendant of Shilu, that is, he does not feel pity for his servants, but does he not remember the first emperor?

That is to say, if you don't think about the first emperor, don't you only think about the second ancestors?That is to say, if you don't think of your second ancestors, but don't you think of your own ancestor as your father?I don't know how kind and virtuous the Qing Dynasty is to the general, and how much hatred and hatred the servant has to the general!The general thinks he is wise, but he is a fool; he thinks he is thick, but he feels that he is Bao Yi. Afterwards, there are legends in history and books, so you should think why the general is like a human being!The servants of today's soldiers are weak and weak, standing alone, and their fate hangs in the hands of the general.If you must want to serve the leader, even though your body is smashed to pieces and your blood is splashed on wormwood, you dare not give up.If it turns misfortunes into blessings, or uses a square inch of land, there are still three things, let alone hope.If you can share the rain and dew in the holy dynasty with the grass and trees of Taiping, even if there are hundreds of millions of servants, you will also pay to the general, but the general is his life.The generals and ministers who served the Qing Dynasty can also be said to not forget the blood and food of the old master, and to live up to the great virtues of the late emperor.But I hope to cut it.

After this letter went, there was no movement.Two days later, Emperor Yongli was in front of the Empress Dowager to settle the province, when he suddenly heard the noise outside the tent.The internal supervisor flew a report: "Mian will lead the troops in, what does that mean?"

The empress dowager and the emperor all lost their colors.I saw the eunuch in charge of the courtyard, and came in to report: "Mian will break into the palace."

Emperor Yongli looked up and saw General Namian entering with a smile on his face, wearing leather armor and a bronze sword.After seeing the driver, he played along: "The soldiers of the king of Jin have arrived, and the emperor is welcome to drive!"

Only when Emperor Yongli wanted to ask questions, General Myanmar commanded: "Come in, please drive!"

Then saw seventy or eighty Burmese soldiers, swarming in, without asking why, carried Emperor Yongli and the Empress Dowager to the palace, carried them away on chairs like a meeting to welcome the gods.All the concubines cried and followed, never giving up.

At this time, Emperor Yongli seemed to be in the clouds, being carried by them, he didn't know how long he had passed, how many roads he had traveled, and suddenly he was sent into a tent.All the Burmese soldiers put down and went away, and another group of Tartar-like people came up to serve.Emperor Yongli asked what it was here, and the servants replied that it was the camp of Gao Dejie, the forward of King Pingxi.Emperor Yongli only sighed.At this time, Sangui bid all the officials come to see him, kowtowed and kowtowed, finally still obeying the rules.

After a while, Sangui entered the camp, but he bowed and did not worship.Emperor Yongli asked who it was, Sangui saw Yongli's appearance like a heavenly emperor, his heart was startled, and he couldn't answer a word.When I asked for the second time, I fell to my knees and fell on the ground like a dog.Emperor Yongli asked again and again, Sangui said in a trembling voice: "Sinner Wu, Wu, Wu Sangui."

Emperor Yongli said: "So you are Wu Sangui, you are such a capable person. I only know you today. You are really capable in doing things, but you are too mean."

Speaking of this, he sighed and said: "It's not necessary to talk about it until now. I was originally from the north, and I want to go back to the north, visit the twelve tombs of my ancestors, and then die. Can you do it? "

Sangui replied tremblingly: "It can be done."

Emperor Yongli said: "That's very good, you go!"

Sangui lay on the ground, his face ashen, sweating profusely, he couldn't even move!

The subordinates went out of the tent with their arms on their arms, Sangui wiped the sweat from his forehead, and said to his subordinates: "I am in the army of millions, and I have nothing to fear. When I saw him today, he behaved like this. I don't even know it myself. If Jing Tianwei is so close, it's not entirely false, and I won't dare to see him from now on."

The next day, Zoukai turned north.Emperor Yongli and the East Palace both rode horses, the Empress Dowager and the Central Palace both rode on four-person shoulders, and the palace family members all rode.In less than ten miles, all the armies of the Manchu and Han Dynasties all changed together, and the commander of the army could not suppress the bullets, so they flew to report to Sangui, and Sangui panicked.It turned out that the soldiers of the Manchu and Han Dynasties had never seen the real emperor, but now seeing Emperor Yongli's appearance and bearing, just like the Western Buddha, Emperor Yuque, they couldn't help admiring him.

More than [-] people knelt down in front of the horses and shouted "long live".Immediately, the sound of mountains and valleys shook the sky, and the sound of "Long live, long live, long live" was everywhere.

Sangui turned pale with shock, and hurriedly discussed with his confidants, welcomed Emperor Yongli into the brigade, transferred to Ruanyu, and comforted the soldiers with kind words.The original intention of Sangui was to release Emperor Yongli to Beijing alive and hold the ceremony of presenting prisoners at the Tai Temple.After going through this setback, I immediately put an end to that enthusiasm, bowed to Beijing, and asked Yongli and his son to rectify the Fa on the spot.

In March of the first year of Kangxi, when Wu Sangui returned to Yunnan, he placed Emperor Yongli in the old yamen of the governor and sent troops to guard him.At that time, Gong Yi, a minister of the Ministry of household affairs, came to deliver the food with his heir dishes.The gatekeepers refused to let him in, Gong Yi said angrily, "This is my master, the righteousness of a monarch and his ministers is the same in the north and the south, why stop me?"

The gatekeeper reported to Sangui, and Sangui told him to let him in.Gong Yi set up a banquet hall, performed pilgrimage, and knelt down to drink. Emperor Yongli cried bitterly and couldn't drink.Yi Fu cried and persuaded him, worshiped more than one, and then fell to the ground and died.

When Sangui heard about it, he was also very impressed.On April [-]th, the Holy Patriarch of the Qing Dynasty issued an edict to Yunnan on this day, "Zhu Youlang, Gui Fan of the former Ming Dynasty, exempted him from offering captives, and ordered Wu Sangui, the king of Pingxi, to pass on a decree to grant him death. I do as requested. Hereby."

Sangui received the edict, raised his account immediately, ordered all the troops of the feudal clan on horseback, from the governor's old government office to the Biaozipo practice field, arranged in a similar way to the side walls.Use two shoulders to carry Emperor Yongli and Donggong to the execution ground, and order to hang them with bowstrings.Dong Gong was only 12 years old, and when he was about to die, he cursed at Sangui and said, "Sly thief, how can I owe you? How can my father and son be hated by you? Put us in this state."

On this day, there was strong wind and sand, thunder and lightning, and the soldiers and civilians of the Man and Han Dynasties were all mourning.Wu Sangui was very pleased, and on the one hand ordered the body of Emperor Yongli to be buried outside the north gate of the provincial capital, and on the other hand asked the shogunate to prepare a complex performance.

There is a common saying in the department, if there is something to say, it will be long, and if there is nothing, it will be short.After the Holy Patriarch of the Qing Dynasty ascended the throne, although there may not be a good harvest and the people are happy, but because of the destruction of Yongli by Sangui, the worries in the southwest are gone.Zhang Huangyan lived in seclusion in Nantian, and Zheng Chenggong built a state on Taiwan Island, and no one came to bother him from the southeast.Just muddle along, and finally become the Taiping Emperor.The Taiping emperor has always had a few romantic affairs to embellish history.Emperor Chang of the Sui Dynasty and Emperor Ming of the Tang Dynasty are all examples.Since the Holy Patriarch of the Qing Dynasty was regarded as the Son of Heaven, he naturally couldn't escape that routine.And Kuang Shengzu is clever and natural, he is cute and clever, and he is outstanding, and he is not as good as one of hundreds of them.Growing up in the palace, he mingled with the maids day and night, and he was loved by his mother, indulged in every way, and let him ravage the fragrance and jade, scold the swallows and the warblers.Therefore, even in childhood, he was weird, tricky and mischievous, even more powerful than adults.

One day, he didn't know what kind of thought came to him, so he went to the Compassionate Ning Palace to meet the Empress Dowager.

This queen mother is the daughter of Tong Tulai, the first-class public Dingnan general of the Mongolian Horqin tribe.There is no one in Mongolia who does not believe in Lamaism. When the ancestor entered the palace, he saw the Queen Mother was sitting opposite to a lama monk, preaching scriptures and sayings, and they talked very vigorously.The eunuch reported: Master, come in.The queen mother liked to say: "Brother Xuan came just in time, you also come to listen to what the master said."

As he spoke, he hugged the holy ancestor in his arms, stroked his neck, and listened quietly to the lama monk's sermon.The holy ancestor said impatiently: "This master must be hungry, so send an order to the imperial kitchen to give him food."

Seeing the state of the holy ancestor, the lama monk didn't dare to talk any more, thanked him and left the palace.The holy ancestor said to the queen mother: "Queen mother, I have something to do. I want to go back to your old man's house."

The queen mother hurriedly asked what was the matter.Shengzu said: "These days Jingyan lectures are about "Shangshu", and I like it very much."

The Empress Dowager said: "It's really good to like to study, but don't take it too seriously, and your body is also important. We are no better than ordinary people. We need to pass the exam because of this, but we can recognize a few Chinese characters and read chapters."

The holy ancestor said: "What the mother taught is true!"

After a pause, he said again: "My son heard the lecturer talk about the masters of the Central Plains. From ancient times to the present, it is best to count Tang Yao, Yu and Shun.

The advantage of Tang Yao is that he is in harmony with the people of the nine clans. When the nine clans are in harmony, they will be transformed into hundreds of officials and all nations. No one in the world will not be favored by him, and no one will not obey his rule.Now that I am the master of the Central Plains, I want to learn from Tang Yao's method and first reconcile the people of the nine clans.Look at the queen mother, okay? "

The Empress Dowager said: "The whole family wants to be kind. Since you are willing to follow the example of Yao and Shun, what's wrong with that?"

The holy ancestor said: "I implore the queen mother to issue a decree, all the clan members are allowed to enter the palace to meet at any time, otherwise, how can there be harmony?"

The Empress Dowager nodded and said, "It's still you who are thoughtful.

"The next day, as expected, a decree came down. Therefore, Gege from the residences of the kings of Rui Taiyu and Taisu, and girls from the princes of Zhenguo and Fuguo, could enter the palace at any time and joke with the ancestor. Da Nei , suddenly became much more lively. After the pilgrimage, the holy ancestor went back to the palace, and laughed proudly with the crowd, and lived a very happy life.

This year was the eighth year of Kangxi, and Shengzu was 16 years old.The patriarchal mansion pays a discount, and issues the age of each mansion, asking for a decree to remarry.When the holy ancestor saw this, he was already impatient, and thought to himself: Why do girls have to marry when they are old? It really doesn't make sense.

When I saw the name that was opened, there was a man named Qigege in it, and said with a smile: "This mansion really doesn't know anything, Qigege has been accepted as a concubine for a long time."

Sui mentioned the Zhubi and commented: "Qigege has been accepted as a concubine, and there is no need to discuss it for a day of marriage. I admire it."

Seeing this Zhu Zhu's comment, the clan's family was very surprised, and argued: "In the etiquette of the Central Plains, the same surname is not allowed to be married. Qi Gege is in the emperor's father's generation, and the emperor calls him aunt. How can he be accepted as a concubine? Ministers would rather die than obey the imperial edict. .Please take it back!"

Shengzu smiled and said: "Why are you so unreasonable? The so-called non-marriage of the same surname in the Central Plains is just referring to the mother who gave birth to me, the daughter I gave birth to, and the sister who gave birth to me. Like my aunt, it is neither mine. Mother, not my daughter, let alone my sister, what's the hindrance?"

After hearing such ingenious and incisive arguments, the clan's mansion couldn't figure it out.All the Han officials in the court, seeing the embarrassment of the clan's family, unanimously expressed their generous speeches.You are also confrontational, and I am also courteous, admonishing and arguing very hard.After all, the holy will is firm, and all the ministers mess around for a while, and that's all.

At this time, although the holy ancestor was in charge of the government, in fact, more than half of the national power was in the hands of strong vassals. Wu Sangui, king of Pingxi, founded Yunnan; Shang Kexi, king of Qiannan, founded Guangdong; and Geng Jingzhong, king of Jingnan, founded Fujian.The two prefectures of Geng and Shang each had fifty assistant leaders, each had six or seven thousand green flag soldiers, and Dingkou each had 53. There are tens of thousands of mouths.Among the three vassal kings, King Pingxi had the highest contribution, the strongest soldiers and horses, and the most generous treatment from the court.In the employment of the Western Mansion, the two departments of officials and soldiers must not be constrained; in the use of wealth in the Western Mansion, the Ministry of Households must not delay; the Western Mansion has the privilege of removing civil and military officials.Therefore, more than half of the officials in the world are elected from the west, and the governors of the provinces are appointed to the towns. It seems that they only know the edicts of the vassal kings, but not the emperor's edicts.

The son of King Pingxi, the lord of the Shang Palace, works in Beijing, regardless of the size of the government, and reports to Yunnan day and night.Therefore, the officials in the court were also very worried when they heard the word "Pingxi Wang".If you want to know the details, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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