Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 22 Sa Lang Zhong Xing Chi Reports on the Qing Dynasty's Holy Patriarch Deliberately Usi

Chapter 22 Sa Lang Zhong Xing Chi Reports on the Qing Dynasty's Holy Patriarch Deliberately Using Soldiers

It is said that San Francisco has a high title and a long-standing dictatorship, so it naturally shows a domineering look.All the courtiers knew that they were going to make trouble.Coupled with the withering of veterans, in the past few years, Fan Wencheng, Hong Chengchou and other veterans have all passed away one after another.This year, King Shang Ke of Pingnan suddenly paid homage to the old Liaodong, and let his son Zhixin manage the affairs of the Guangdong mansion.Why do you think he worshiped this discount?It turns out that Shang Kexi is in Guangdong, and the master can't do anything. The big and small affairs of the mansion are all handled according to the words of the son.The doorman Jin Guang came up with this idea for him, hoping that Sheng Zuqin would be summoned to Beijing, so that he could present Zou face to face.Unexpectedly, it was discussed in the Ministry that he was allowed to move back to his hometown.The news spread to Yunnan and Fujian Provinces, Pingxi King Wu Sangui, Jingxin King Geng Jingzhong, and the death of the rabbit and the fox were sad, and they all felt uneasy.So they folded up one after another, and asked to withdraw their troops.

Shengchou called the University Scholars Six Departments and Nine Ministers Conference. Most of the courtiers advocated not to move. Only a few Ministers of the Ministry of Households, Lai Sihan, Minister of the Ministry of War, Mingzhu of the Ministry of War, and Minister Mo Luo of the Ministry of Punishment, urged them to move to the vassal.Then let the ministers of political affairs, the kings Baylor, discuss it again. After a long discussion, they still insist on two opinions.Shengzu said: "The town has held a heavy army for a long time, and it has become a big force. It will eventually cause trouble, but sooner or later it will be a little bit. Wu Fan's son and Geng Fan's brother are all in Beijing. I will move here while I am here. Forgive me for nothing to change!"

Then the decree was granted as requested.When it was secretly uploaded to Yunnan, Sangui was taken aback, and secretly said: "If you seize my domain today, you will lose my military power tomorrow. If I want to save or take my life, can I still be the master?"

So he declared to guard against the Burmese and Yi invaders, passed on to the generals of the Qi Fanbiao, and performed in the school grounds every day. At the same time, they sent people to guard the post stations.Therefore, Beijing did not know about the move in central Yunnan.

Less than two months later, Beijing sent two imperial envoys to urge King Wu to ask about the date of his departure. One was Zhe Keken, the servant, and the other was Bo Dali, a scholar.Although Sangui followed the edict, he always pushed back and forth, either because he was in poor health, or because he was not fully prepared. Today he made an appointment with tomorrow's son, and tomorrow he made an appointment with the younger son. In the end, he really couldn't make an appointment again.On this day, Sangui got up early and passed down the teaching order. All the commanders, generals, and assistants of this mansion gathered in the palace to serve them.At the time of Chen Pai, the account was raised.All the generals are lined up, and the class beats Tae'er to kowtow to see him.Sangui looked down and saw Hong Ding'er, Lan Ding'er, Jing Ding'er, and Hua Ling'er shaking their guises, crowding the whole room, and then he said, "Mrs. In a word, I want to talk to everyone, so I specially called everyone here."

Having said that, he paused, looked around with his eyeballs, and then asked: "Everyone is now a first- and second-rank official of the imperial court, do you know where the future on the top of your head came from?" ?”

Everyone said: "This is the great grace of the emperor, the cultivation of the prince."

Sangui shook his head and said, "Neither of them."

Du Tong Xia Guoxiang took a step forward and said: "Mu En is ignorant, and I still want to ask the prince for instructions."

Sangui said: "The future of everyone is still the grace of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty."

When everyone heard this, although they didn't ask any questions, they all showed surprise on their faces.Just listen to Sangui said: "Think of me, Wu. Thirty years ago, I was Ping Xibo of the Ming Dynasty and the commander-in-chief of Shanhaiguan. Because of the national disaster, I went to the Qing Dynasty to borrow soldiers to avenge my master's revenge. It took years to strive for this future. Isn't it all the grace of the Ming Emperor?"

Speaking of this, he sighed: "Who would have thought that if we won the future, the old master would not be there long ago."

After hearing these few words, everyone felt sore in their hearts, and tears of heroes almost dripped from their eyes.Sangui said: "We have received such kindness from the old master, and now we are going to move far away to Liaodong. We should go to the mausoleum of the old master to say goodbye. I have prepared three cattle and sheep, and asked someone to display them in front of the Yongli Emperor's Mausoleum. Are you willing to go to kowtow with me?"

Everyone was willing to go in unison, and deserved to be extremely tragic.Sangui said: "To sacrifice to the old master, you need to change into the old uniform; if you wear the current clothes, the old master will feel heartbroken when he sees it."

Everyone agreed again in unison, this sound was more tragic than before.Sangui turned his head and said, "Bring it out!"

I saw the family members bring out more than a dozen cages and open them in the hall.The boa robe and crown belt are full of Ming Dynasty clothes.Sangui was the first to be replaced, and everyone put them on one by one, and they all changed into people of the Ming Dynasty in an instant.Sangui led the crowd, walked out of the city, and went to the grave of Emperor Yongli, crying on the ground.Everyone wept loudly.The soldiers of each battalion, and the people all over the city, were all agitated by their coming and the idea of ​​leaving the Forbidden City, and they all burst into tears.There was an aura of anger in that mournful voice.

Zhu Guozhi, Zhe and Boqin envoys from Futai, Yunnan Province were all horrified when they heard such cries.

Send someone to inquire, and report that it is King Pingxi crying to sacrifice to the emperor's tomb.Zhu Guozhi rubbed his hands together and said, "It's over, it's over, I'm the official of the frontier, and I have nowhere to escape. The two of you may as well go your own way."

They both said: "The imperial court at this level has also considered it. I'm afraid it won't be the case. It is expected that the soldiers and horses of the San Francisco will stand up and march, and they will gather in Yiyang."

Guozhi said: "Look at the situation in front of you, are you afraid that you won't be able to wait for the assembly?"

The two said: "Let's go and have a look."

Take the sedan chair to look at Pingxi Wangfu.I saw many soldiers lined up in front of the gate of the mansion, each of them bent their bows and showed their blades, with angry eyes and brows, looking like they are looking for trouble.Get out of the sedan chair and enter, and see that all the generals are wearing the uniforms of the former Ming Dynasty. They know it is not good, but they have already arrived, so they have no choice but to bite the bullet and enter.I saw Wu Sangui sitting high in the mansion hall, with five or seven square tables lined up in front of him, and the tables were full of gold, silver, jewelry, silk, satin, clothes and the like.Seeing two people, they didn't get up to meet each other.I just heard him say to the generals: "The world of the Qing Dynasty, without me, Wu Sangui, would never have won it. We have helped him for more than 30 years in bloody battles. Now that everything is going smoothly, he doesn't need us anymore. Just a piece of imperial edict Move us to the outside of the pass. The sky has always been unpredictable, and when we arrive in Beijing, it may be possible to disband the vassals under another edict. It is only pity that our old brothers who have shared weal and woe for more than 30 years will be separated from now on. "

Hearing this, everyone gritted their teeth and burst into anger.Sangui pointed to the table with his hand and said: "These things have been saved over the years, and now they are distributed to everyone as a farewell commemoration. After the dissolution in the future, in case something happens to me, everyone will see the things , It’s like seeing myself in the same way. I, Wu Sangui, have another word to tell everyone that the current emperor is not the same as us. He has always said that he is not my race, and his heart must be different. In the future, everyone must pay special attention. Be careful, so as not to be suspected by others."

Before he finished speaking, all the generals said in unison: "Fanzi is so ignorant, let's do the opposite, so as not to be angry with others."

Sangui said anxiously: "All of you, hurry up, if Futai finds out about this, you and I will die."

Hu Guogui said: "What bird Futai, I'll go and kill him.

"He went angrily with a knife. In an instant, he brought in a bloody head and shouted: "Zhu Guozhi has been killed, so let's go against it." "

Sangui cried loudly: "I, Wu Sangui, have been trapped by everyone since then!"

Then he also ordered Zhe and Bo to be sent to prison, raised a flag and raised a flag, claiming that the whole world recruited the Marshal of the Army and Horse, and promoted the third prince of Chongzhen as the main one.Moved far and near, his speech said: "All the world recruits Marshal Wu of the army and horses to make a complaint. This town deeply praises the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and governs Shanhaiguan."For a while Li Ni advocated chaos, gathered millions of thieves, ran rampant all over the world, and turned to invade the capital.

It hurts!The collapse of Empress Yi Huanglie was tragic!The ups and downs of Donggong Dingfan.The civil and military disintegration, the six palaces are in chaos, the ancestral temples and ruins, the people are devastated, and the subjects look sideways. Who dares to say what?In the whole world, there is no righteousness to revitalize the teacher.The town lives outside the pass, with all the arrows and soldiers exhausted, tears and blood dried up, and the heartache is silent.As a last resort, he made a feudal feudal lord and temporarily borrowed 30 barbarian soldiers. As a pioneer, he will enter the pass.Li thief fled and vowed to capture the thief master and behead him personally, in order to thank the spirit of the late emperor, and to abolish the eternal hatred.Fortunately, Qu Kui gave the head, and Fang wanted to choose a heir and inherit the clan society, but he didn't want to be cunning and betray the alliance again, taking advantage of my internal emptiness, occupying Yanjing, stealing the artifact of my first dynasty, and changing my Chinese crown.Knowing that it is wrong to refuse tigers to enter wolves, there is no time to regret.It happened to be the child of the late crown prince when he wanted to turn against Ge and go north.Therefore, forbearance did not dare to act lightly, avoided living in poverty, and waited for the time of hardship, covering [-] years.The king of Biyi has no way: "Confucians who are treacherous and exaggerate morality are all subordinates, and those who fight for money, become prominent. The ruler is dim and the ministers are dark, comets are falling, and the sky is resentful; the mountains are cracked, and the earth is angry below. The town looked up and looked down. It was the day when the violence was rescued and the people were obedient to the heaven. He led the civil and military forces to conspire with righteous deeds. On New Year's Day of the first lunar month in Bu Jiayin, the three princes were promoted. The land and sea troops were dispatched concurrently, and each should obey the commandments.

Cao Shenji, governor of Guizhou, Li Benshen, governor of Yunnan, and Zhang Guozhu, governor of Yunnan Province, all raised their troops to respond to the appeal.At that time, there was no other way for Wenbao except post delivery, so the first person in Beijing didn't know about it.

This morning, before the end of the court, Shengzu was discussing with a group of ministers such as Mingzhu and Suo'etu about the incident of guarding the bannermen.The guards at the gate flew to play, and someone rode straight into the Meridian Gate.The Holy Patriarch was overwhelmed with astonishment, when he suddenly saw a Jingding official rushing up to the hall in a panic.The guards hurriedly stopped him.The man stumbled on the Danji, slapped his hand, fell to the ground, and passed out.All the officials were stunned, among them Shangshu Mingzhu of the Ministry of War was the most calm, went to the man first, looked at him for a while, and replied: "This is Samuha, the doctor of the household department who went to Guizhou for the governor's relocation incident."

The Holy Ancestor ordered to rescue Samuha for questioning.

Therefore, all the internal eunuchs rushed to rescue him with ginger soup, and after saving for a long time, he finally regained consciousness.Samuha could only say a few words: "Wu Sangui has rebelled, and the two provinces of Yunnan and Guizhou have all followed the bandits."

But passed out again.The holy ancestor hurriedly passed on the imperial physician's fried ginseng soup to cheer him up. When the officials of the whole dynasty heard the news, they all panicked.After drinking the ginseng soup, Samuha regained his original energy, and then he said: "In the middle of Guizhou, I got the news that Gan Zhitai was about to be guarded by the superintendent, but all the officials refused to listen to his orders. Wait until Gan Zhitai Let the arrow go out, his middle officer has already made up his clothes, set up a white flag, and has surrendered to the thief for a long time. The governor of Gan Zhitai is not doing well, so he escaped from the provincial capital overnight, trying to mobilize the defense troops from all over the country, and Xu Tu recovered. Only arrived at Zhenyuan , when he encountered a bandit army, he was captured alive and executed. The humble minister galloped alone, day and night, and walked for twelve days before he could see the emperor. I don't know what's going on there now .”

The ancestor said: "I have a reason for this matter. You have worked hard on the way, go home and rest."

As he said that, Cai Yurong, the governor of Huguang, sent a report from the outside, which also reported the chaos in Yunnan, which was roughly the same as Samuha's report.

The holy ancestor asked his subordinates: "How to deal with this matter?"

University scholar Suo'etu said: "The power has come to this point, is there any other way besides appeasing? There has been no military revolution for more than ten years, and the Eight Banners soldiers' bow and horse battle formations are also unfamiliar. Town, and most of them are his confidantes, if you use troops, I'm afraid that the country may not benefit!"

The holy ancestor said: "It has been reversed, how can it be caressed?"

Suo'etu said: "That's also very easy, as long as the person who advocates the relocation of the vassals is punished immediately, and then a special envoy is sent to Yunnan to declare virtue and Italy, and he is allowed to guard Yunnan for the rest of his life and stop migrating, wouldn't it be peaceful? !"

The Holy Patriarch turned to the crowd and said, "How about this?"

Seeing this situation, Mingzhu, Mo Luo and others who advocated the relocation of the vassal were all shocked and turned pale.The holy ancestor said: "It was my idea to move the vassal. If you want to punish the crime, you should punish me first."

Suo'etu was so frightened that he knelt down and said, "I don't know taboos, so I deserve to die."

The holy ancestor said: "It doesn't have to be like this, you are just planning for the country."

Soetu thank you.Just listen to the holy ancestor said: "A master, if he is weak, what else can he do! It has always been said that the sky is respected and the earth is humble. The reason why the sky can be respected is that it can live and kill. If you blindly auspicious wind and rain, there will be no frost, snow, thunder and thunder. , Who else will respect it!
My plan has been decided, no matter the enemy's faults, or the enemy's defeat, I will always use soldiers to suppress them painfully. "

Suo'etu said: "The temple is considered high and deep, and it is definitely beyond the reach of slaves. This is related to Geng and Shang's feudal lords, which are related to Wu Ni's close relationship. If they get in touch with each other, things will be difficult. Can you be kind to the two feudal lords for a while?" Migration, so as not to move around many times."

The ancestor said: "This is also true."

So on the one hand, imperial envoys were sent to Fujian and Guangdong to tell the two kings not to move; on the other hand, they decreed that Wu Sangui's official titles should be cut off, and Wu Yingxiong, Sangui's son-in-law, was imprisoned.Ordered Dutong Barbu to lead three thousand Manchurian elite riders, and Jingzhou to guard Changde; Dutong Zhuman led three thousand troops, and Wuchang guarded Yuezhou.Governor Niyahan, Heye Xibugen, Temuzhan, Xiu Guoyao and others defended the important places in Xi'an, Hanzhong, Anqing, Yanzhou, Yunyang, Runing, and Nanchang, and also worshiped Leerjin, the king of Shuncheng County He is the general of Ningnan Jingkou, the scholar Mo Luo is the minister of economics and strategy, and the prime minister of military affairs.When the courtiers saw that Qing Shengzhu was confident and well-organized, they all secretly liked it.Unexpectedly, after one wave was not settled, another wave would rise again. General Sun Yanling of Guangxi, Wang Shangzhixin of Pingnan, and Wang Geng Jingzhong of Jingnan, all changed within a few months.Although the holy ancestor was a great talent and general plan, it was difficult to take care of it because of the vast land.The generals sent out will report back to Beijing. The victories are always small, and the defeats are always big. Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, Guangdong, Huguang, Shaanxi, Jiangxi, and Fujian are all lost in three to five years.Qing Shengzu was extremely anxious.On this day, I was discussing the strategy of calming the chaos with the minister of the king of politics in the hall.Suddenly it was reported that the Dalai Lama of Tibet had arrived.Take it apart and look at it, it's all lobbying for Sangui, abbreviated as Wu Mouqiong begging for surrender, begging for his death, if he refuses to accept it, please be extra merciful, so as not to cause trouble.It was also reported to Nan Huairen, the adjutant of Qin Tianjian and a Westerner, that the artillery was made, and asked to send personnel to check and accept it.The Holy Patriarch sighed and said, "The Dalai Lama of Tibet has been greatly favored by this court, but he is not as loyal as the Westerners."

He ordered Yue Le, Prince An, to check and accept the artillery, while sternly reprimanding the Dalai Lama.

But it is said that Wu Sangui's early days, dragons singing and tigers roaring, clouds and wind following, has a lot of momentum.Pingnan Wang Shangzhixin, Jingnan Wang Geng Jingzhong, Dingnan Wang, and his son-in-law Guangxi General Sun Yanling all responded.They also sent people to communicate with the Dalai Lama in the west, and with the Zheng family in Taiwan in the east, almost becoming an appointment.It's a pity that the hearts of the people are not in harmony, everyone must seek self-interest, and you fight for it, and the troubles in your own nest will start first.The holy patriarch of the Qing Dynasty used a countermeasure to get rid of Geng, Shang, and Sun Jin, and cut off the wings of Sangui, but asked Geng Shang and others to return troops to attack Sangui.They also sent a few Manchurian generals to attack steadily, step by step, forcing Sangui into a corner.

Although he had also established a year name, that is, passed the throne, the false name could not be used for real things. This short-lived emperor only died of worry and anger.As soon as Wu Sangui died, the civil and military men under him were all short-sighted. They advocated aggressiveness and retreated.The world is still in the Qing Dynasty, the corpses of Emperor Zhaowu and Emperor Honghua were all moved to Beijing by the Sao Tartars, where they were crushed and ashes were healed.Geng Jingzhong, Shang Zhixin, and Sun Yanling believed in countermeasures, and they all tried their best to help the Qing Dynasty and attack Wu Sangui.When Sangui was wiped out, the Holy Patriarch of the Qing Dynasty repaid his kindness with an imperial edict and summoned them to Beijing to kill them all.So the world was amnesty, and a special edict was issued: When the Yunnan rebellion first changed, it was often said that it was caused by the withdrawal of the vassal, and those who wanted to punish those who suggested it were thanked.

Since I was young, I saw that the San Francisco was in full swing, so I had to withdraw.Because of Sangui's betrayal, he blamed others.Today, the great rebellion has leveled off, and the wounds have finally recovered. They will support the soldiers and support the people, and rest with the world.

The holy patriarch of the Qing Dynasty was wise and wise, his holiness and miraculous skills, and his clumsy storyteller's mouth, can't be described exhaustively.There is another peculiarity, his romantic temperament, suave demeanor, even in the afternoon by the military book, he still goes his own way and is very comfortable.It can be seen that the sage has his own truth, which is not obtained by ordinary people.Wu Sangui ascended the throne and changed the Yuan Dynasty in Hengzhou, appointed hundreds of officials, and conferred the titles of generals. At this time, things in the world were in chaos.Facing the officials, the holy ancestor frowned and pretended to be worried about work at night.After leaving the court, he secretly changed his clothes, slipped out of the imperial city, and went to various private streets and alleys to enjoy the spring scenery.

One day when he returned to the palace, the little eunuch saw him and followed him in to help him change his clothes.The holy ancestor didn't pay any attention to it, walked into the honest and upright official, and leaned on the kang in a daze, the little eunuch waited on him for a long time, but he didn't see that he wanted to change, and he didn't ask to quit, so he had to stand by holding his clothes.Li Fuquan, the chief eunuch, came in to treat the ancestor to dinner, and was very surprised to see this appearance.Then he asked, "Master, do you want to have dinner?"

The holy ancestor was in a daze, but didn't answer.Fuquan asked again, but he still didn't listen, so he had to go closer and ask again.The holy ancestor just woke up like a dream: "What are you doing here?"

Fuquan said, "Please have dinner, sir."

Saint Ancestor shook his head.Fuquan said: "Empresses in all palaces and palaces have to serve the banquet. If the Lord doesn't eat, can they all starve?"

The holy ancestor said: "Let them eat first, I have to wait."

Fuquan couldn't do it, so he had to ask the little eunuch to pass the decree to eat.The little eunuch guarding the gate came in to report: "The head of the Palace of Compassionate Ning has passed on the decree."

The holy ancestor hurriedly knelt down to receive him.The head courtyard walked into the palace and said: "The empress dowager has a decree to tell the emperor to sleep early and sleep well, and the quilt should be tightly covered. The coldness of spring is not as cold as winter, and it is not appropriate to be safe when it is cold."

The head of the courtyard said a word, and the holy ancestor responded. He didn't get up until he had finished speaking.Fuquan stayed in the courtyard to drink tea, and told him that the master was not feeling well, so he didn't come to pay his respects, and turned to the empress dowager. "

There was no time for dinner, and the head of the hospital came to pass on Yi's decree again, and immediately called the Imperial Hospital to enter the palace to ask for pulse.Please take your pulse, the prescription is still waiting to be seen by the Empress Dowager!
Shengzu complained to Fu Quandao: "It's all because of you making such a fuss that the empress dowager knows about it.

I'm not sick, but I'm irritable, so I'll be fine with a little rest. "

Fuquan said with a smile: "My lord, I was terrified. I don't remember that time last year, my lord took some medicine for step-by-step correction from Doctor Jin, and called Wugege and Qigege to play together. He said it was a try. It was a test drug, and in the middle of the night, the servants were almost scared to death. After five or six people were angry, my father woke up. Later, the empress dowager found out, called me, scolded me severely, and explained to the future master If there is anything, I will report it immediately, how dare I hide it!"

The holy ancestor shook his head and said: "What happened in the past, why don't you still mention it. After a while, the imperial doctor is here, let's not look at it, I am in good health."

Fuquan said: "I hope it will be like this. It's just that the slave aunt is looking at the master, and he is not as lively as usual."

The ancestor said: "I know you have misunderstood. People are unhappy in their hearts, so how can they get on their bodies?"

When Fuquan heard this, he understood in his heart, nodded and said: "That's no wonder, but it's useless to worry, so I advise you to come up with an idea. This thief will be full of evil one day."

The Holy Patriarch said, "What are you talking about?"

Fuquan said: "Isn't the Lord worried about Wu Sangui?"

Shengzu smiled and said: "Wu Sangui is a traitor, whoever is impatient will worry about him."

Fuquan said: "My Daoist is for Wu Ni, so it's not. The servants are stupid, but they can't think of this."

Shengzu said: "I have another incident, which is more than ten times more difficult than Wu Ni's chaos."

Fuquan was startled and said, "What's the matter? Can I ask the Lord to tell the servants?"

If you want to know what the ancestor said, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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