Chapter 68

But it is said that Hong Xiuquan raised an incident in Jintian village, and Zheng Zuchen, the Fuyuan, was stationed in Pinglefu just to suppress bandits.Then he called the police, so that he just recited the Buddha's name and said repeatedly: "Buddha bless you!"
God bless me, I've had a terrible time this time. "

Fortunately, several old masters in the shogunate have the best strategies to stabilize the country, the extraordinary ability of Jingwenweiwu, seeing the master of Juding in such a hurry, they are busy offering advice to relieve his depression.Among them was a man whose surname was Shi and whose name was Ju'an. He was the most resourceful and wise, and immediately offered advice: "Hong Ni advocated chaos. From the perspective of late life, there is no problem."

The Fuyuan said: "The old master does not serve as an official and does not eat salary. Kou Zhi will go, so naturally I don't mind. Brother is an official, and he is on duty. How can we get rid of this responsibility?"

Shi Ju'an said: "Wansheng has a trick that can make Guangxi, no matter how disturbed, the superiors can never ask Zhongcheng a word."

Xi's Fuyuan asked for advice.

Shi Ju'an said: "Zhongcheng hastened to make a report and went to Beijing for emergency. He only said that the bandits are very powerful and the province's troops are weak and difficult to defend. I implore Jane to send senior officials to Guangdong to suppress and deal with it. On the one hand, I ask the Ministry of Communications for strict discussion Seeing that Zhong Cheng pleaded guilty, the superiors felt very uncomfortable. They were afraid that they would lose ninety-nine cents. Needless to say, the punishment was light. Once the imperial envoys are dispatched, we don’t have to worry about the burden of suppressing thieves. That's right. Zhongcheng has a look at this plan, okay?"

The Fuyuan was overjoyed, so he invited him to draw up a manuscript, which was good after reading it, and sent it out immediately after copying it.This chapter was accelerated by six hundred miles, sent by flying horse, and arrived in Beijing in a few days.The eunuch on duty, seeing that he was stepping up to report, did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly sent him to a clean official.Unexpectedly, Wenzong was not in the palace, so he asked around, and replied, "Grand Concubine Wuya is sick, where is the Lord greeting her?"

It turns out that Concubine Wuya is the biological mother of Prince Chunjun.According to the ancestral system, after the princes are entrusted, the concubine should return to the mansion to take care of her.Now that the prince of Chunjun is on the bank of Taiping Lake, he welcomes the concubine as usual.Because of the gentleness and virtuousness of the concubine, Wen Zong specially ordered her to stay in the palace, and she paid great respect to her. Later generations wrote a poem praising her, saying: "There is a rich family by the shore of Taiping Lake, and when the government is divided, it inherits the kindness of its peers."

Biao Shuhan and Zimu trained, and the Lanshan ceremony in the palace was often respected.

Seeing that Wenzong was not there, the eunuch explained the whole story and left Zhang Zou to go.At that time, Wenzong returned to the palace and presented it from left to right.After reading it, Wen Zong felt very uncomfortable. He sent out a secret order and called Du Shoutian Qianqing, the co-organizer of the university, for questioning.Wen Zong came out of the Qianqing Gate, and Du Shoutian saluted. Seeing Sheng's sad face, he didn't dare to ask.Just listen to Wen Zongdao: "Mr. Zheng Zuchen must always know about this person."

Du Shoutian was taken aback when he heard this, but thanks to his clever mind, he asked in a second, "Dare you be in Guangxi, what's going on?"

Wen Zongdao: "Talk about people in terms of people, what is he like?"

Du Shoutian said: "When Zheng Zuchen was in the prefecture and county, he was very famous. From the prefecture and county to the supervisor, from the supervisor's side, it's normal. As a man, he has more lives than people, but not enough borders."

Wen Zongdao: "That's right. He's just a governor, and he's still called a prefecture or county. Sir, look at his chapters, Guangxi has caused such a big mess."

Du Shoutian read it.Wen Zongdao: "How do you think about it? Should I leave it to him, or send someone else?"

Du Shoutian said: "We still leave it to him, Zheng Zuchen really doesn't regret it, it's just that the people in Guangxi are going to suffer, it's not that my emperor treats the people like hurt.

Wen Zongdao: "Send someone, who do you think should be sent?" "

Du Shoutian said: "The minister recommends two people, but only one of them. I want to ask the emperor to give me extra favor."

Wen Zong asked who it was?
Du Shoutian said: "Xiang Rong, Lin Zexu."

Wen Zongdao: "Lin Zexu..."

Du Shoutian said: "Lin Zexu was dismissed because he was not good at handling foreign affairs. The previous emperor knew his injustice, so he was rewarded with the title of Fourth Grade Minister shortly after he was dismissed, and he went to the Zhejiang military camp to serve. After being dismissed, he was sent to Yili. The garrison was ordered to go back to Hedong, and within a few years, he was ordered to return to the capital to be a fourth- and fifth-rank Jingtang alternate. Although Mu Zhang'a, Qiying, etc. repeatedly blocked them, they had to wish the emperor to use Lin Zexu. It can also be regarded as the forerunner of Shaoshu.”

Wen Zongdao: "Mu Zhanga, Qiying, I also know that he is not a good person."

Then he ordered Du Shoutian to draw up an order, and appointed Lin Zexu as an imperial envoy to go to Guangxi to suppress the volunteers, and transferred Xiang Rong to be the admiral of Guangxi.On the one hand, he issued Zhu Yu, exaggerated the crimes of Mu Zhang'a and Qiying, dismissed Mu Zhang'a from his post and never used them, and demoted Qiying to the top of the fifth rank, and replaced him with a member of the sixth department, Wailang.In the Qing Dynasty, since Emperor Sejong established the Military Plane Office, the drafts were all drafted by the Military Plane in response to an imperial edict.Du Shoutian had never been in a military plane before, and he was ordered to draft an order.So when Zhu Yu came down, all the ministers and workers of the Military Aircraft Department were surprised.

When Xiang Rong arrived in Guangxi, the conquest was not very successful. Lin Zexu asked for training to leave the capital, and traveled day and night, hoping that he would succeed immediately and win the flag.Unexpectedly, when I traveled to Puning County, Guangdong Province, I got a disease, and the medicine didn't work, so I went to ride a skip.When the legacy arrived in Beijing, Wen Zong was very shocked and mourned. He specially issued an edict to donate it to the prince and Taifu, and to give Yi Wenzhong.He also appointed Li Xingyuan, the former governor of Liangjiang, as the imperial envoy to go to Guangxi to deal with thieves, and Zhou Tianjue was appointed as the acting governor of Guangxi.

Then Zheng Zuchen and Guangxi Admiral Min Zhengzai were sent to Xinjiang to serve in Xinjiang in order to nourish their health.It is also the local people who deserve to be robbed. Li Xingyuan and Zhou Tianjue have their own opinions.Hong Xiuquan took advantage of this moment to attack Xiangzhou and Yong'an, establish a state, proclaim himself king and confer titles, and his momentum suddenly became huge.

It turned out that Hong Xiuquan broke through Yong'an Prefecture and established a country called the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. He called himself the King of Heaven, and his followers called the Taiping Army.Heroic officials in the same difficulties were all conferred titles by kings, including Yang Xiuqing as Eastern King, Xiao Chaogui as Western King, Feng Yunshan as Southern King, Wei Changhui as Northern King, Shi Dakai as Wing King, Hong Daquan as Tiande King, and the rest of Qin Rigang, Luo Yawang, Fan Liande, Hu Yi, etc. Huang, etc., are all appointed as prime ministers and military advisers.After the award is over, there is a high-level wine meeting, and the monarch and ministers gather happily, very proud.Hong Xiuquan took advantage of the wine and said: "When I was young, on a moonlit night, I took a bath in the fish pond with my classmate and friend Luo Bingzhang. I casually said a couplet: 'Bathing in the fish pond at night, shaking the sky full of stars'." Luo Bingzhang responded: " Go to Lin Pavilion early and restore the universe of three generations'. Now that Luo Bingzhang has been enlisted, he has indeed become an official of the Qing Dynasty.

Relying on the strength of all my brothers, I have achieved this idea, and it can be regarded as my own success.

"After he finished speaking, he laughed. Everyone praised him. Shi Da opened his eyes and touched his heart, aroused the excitement of poetry, raised several cups, called his servants to bring pens and inkstones, swiped his brushes impromptuly, and wrote a poem of five rhythms. , The spirit of drawing a sword to chop the ground. When everyone looked at it, they saw dragon-like characters, which read: The thief also has a way, which is disdainful in poetry and books. Gold is like dung, and the liver is as hard as the body.

Riding the horse over the cliff, bending the bow to shoot at the bright moon.The human head is used as a wine cup, and the blood of the enemy is drunk.

Hong Daquan said: "Wing Wang is so heroic, he is worthy of the true qualities of a hero."

While talking, Ma Fei, the meteor inspector, handed over the military newspaper, saying that "the Qing Dynasty has transferred Li Xingyuan back to Hunan, and reassigned Sai Shang'a, a scholar of the Shangshu University of the Ministry of Household Affairs, as the imperial envoy to supervise the troops from Hunan and march straight to Guangxi.

Saishang Axi ordered the admiral Xiang Rong and the deputy capital commander Ulan Tai to divide the troops into two groups and attack Yong'an Prefecture.Xiang Rong's soldiers are on the north road, and Ulantai's soldiers are on the south road. The two groups of soldiers and horses are only a hundred miles away from here. "

Hong Xiuquan said in shock: "Xiang Rong is fierce and durable, we often suffer from him, and we can't afford to add another Ulan Tai. U Lan Tai is a hero of Manchuria, this is terrible."

Shi Dakai said: "As the saying goes, when water comes to cover it, soldiers will welcome it. I'm afraid what will happen to them."

Yang Xiuqing said: "That's a good statement. We are only going to resist the enemy, and we don't have to worry about whether the generals are brave or not."

Hong Daquan said: "Our army has enough lead and medicine, and the grain and grass are piled up like a mountain. Although the city is small, it will be okay for a month or two."

When Xiuquan heard about it, she was relieved a little.

But when Xiang Rong and Ulan Tai soldiers arrived at the foot of Yong'an City, they saw clear banners on the city, densely covered with swords and guns, and the atmosphere was very clean. They knew that they were not waiting for grass bandits, and they would not attack the city.Under Wulantai's command, there is a county magistrate who works with the camp. His surname is Jiang, his first name is Zhongyuan, and his style name is Minqiao. He is from Xinning, Hunan.Read the books of war extensively, and know the strategy of war well. He can be regarded as a hero who can save the world and save the time.When Zhongyuan was in the capital, he met Zeng Guofan in Xiangxiang. Zeng Guofan was very knowledgeable, and immediately said to others: "Jiang must be a martyr for the country, and he will live forever."

At that time Fang Shengping, the listeners refused to believe it.When Zhongyuan heard about it, he benefited from his encouragement.On this day, Wulantai gathered the civil and military forces in the headquarters to discuss the strategy of attacking the city.Jiang Zhongyuan suggested: "The city is tightly guarded, and there must be capable people among the thieves. Our army is exhausted from afar, and we are weak and attacking. It is not sure that there will be benefits. It is better to build a village because of the mountains, cut off its firewood, cut off its waterways, and destroy the city. The siege will take place within three days, and the bandits will be in disorder. At that time, it will not be difficult for the two armies to work together to bring peace to Xiang Titai."

Wu Lantai was overjoyed, and took a corner of the official document, and immediately sent the army to deliver it to the battalion.In less than half a day, the messenger came back and reported that Xiangjunmen was very happy. He asked Biaoxia to pay homage to the Lord. He said that Xiangjunmen would be in charge of the northwest area, and the southeast one should be taken care of by the battalion. . "

Ulan Tai said: "This is natural."

So a military order was issued to divide the soldiers of the battalion into four squads, two during the day and two at night, one for defense, and the third for rest.In case of robbers, all four squads of soldiers will be armored, two squads will defend against the enemy, one squad will respond, and one squad will guard the stronghold.

This kind of plan was made by Jiang Zhongyuan.After three days of guarding, nothing happened. On the fourth day, at dawn, when the cannons were heard in the city, Jiang Zhongyuan said to Wu Lantai: "Shang Mao is going out of the city, let's be on guard."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the gate of the city opened wide, and a large group of people rushed out, some in short clothes, some in long clothes, with disheveled clothes and equipment. It is estimated that there were about 2000 people.The pace is regular, they don't understand everything, they are noisy, they are simply mobs.Wu Lantai laughed and said, "I've always heard that the long hair is powerful. I thought I was a superhuman, but it turned out to be this kind of thing. It's better to meet people than to be famous."

Jiang Zhongyuan said: "Your Excellency underestimates the enemy, and the bandits have plotted against them. Hearing that Changmao is going to fight, he is used to driving refugees to take the lead. The gangsters' best friends are all behind, waiting for the officers and soldiers to run out of ammunition, and then swarm over to fight for the sake of them." This officer and army often suffer losses, so your lord must not fall into the trap again.

"Ulan Tai said: "I am also puzzled, how can the long hair of killing officials according to the city be so unhelpful.

" Then the military order was passed down: "The foreign gun team is not allowed to open lightly, only to watch the red flag of the Chinese army wave before they are allowed to shoot. "

The emperor declares three times, and the general makes one order.Who would dare to disobey this order?So the officers and soldiers waited in full force, quietly and no one dared to make noise.Looking at the enemy camp, I saw that group of refugees, in groups of three or four, cheering and jumping, and making a fuss for a while, seeing that they ignored them, they suddenly scattered in all directions.Jiang Zhongyuan said: "It's really long hair."

Before the words were finished, I heard the sound of drums in the enemy's formation like thunder. Five or seven hundred men and horses with red scarves on their heads and foreign guns in their hands rushed towards the future like a torrential rain. Confused.Thirty or forty cavalry generals in the back, surrounded by a chieftain, with a big book on the flag "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Tiande Wang Hong."

I saw that chief, wearing a yellow scarf for the first time, with a face like a crown of jade, and an unrestrained attitude, he didn't look like an ordinary person.Wu Lantai was surprised: "How can this person be a thief?"

Jiang Zhongyuan said: "I heard that Hong Daquan is the military advisor in the bandit camp, let's find a way to capture him first."

When he was talking, the two armies went to each other, only a few dozen steps away.The Taiping army fired first, Ulan Tai just waved the red flag of the Chinese army, and the foreign gun team pulled the trigger.Jiang Zhongyuan also put on a firm head and charged forward.A vicious battle lasted for more than two hours before the winner was gradually determined.Here it is like a battle between huge deer and soldiers, the dust rises and the sword is pointed directly at it; over there it is like the defeat of Pengcheng, the sand flies and the daytime faints.Seeing the opportunity, Hong Daquan quickly withdrew his team and returned to the city.No matter how willing Jiang Zhongyuan was to give up, he led his troops and rushed to the general like the wind.One army marched out alone, ten thousand horses galloped together, the momentum was so powerful that the sun and the moon were decisive, and Hong Daquan had no choice but to return to the army and fight again.In a critical situation, with the sound of a cannon, a new force rushed out of the city, embroidered flags were raised high, and the words "Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Wing King Stone" were written in big letters.Seeing that Hong Daquan had rescued troops, Jiang Zhongyuan withdrew his team back to the camp, and said to Wu Lantai, "If Shi Dakai hadn't been there, Hong Daquan would have been captured by this humble officer."

Wu Lantai said: "Whether you are busy for a while, you will always catch the end."

It's exactly: Arrive at the palm and talk about soldiers, laugh at the other army's cohesion;

Since the victory of the day, the defense of the officers and soldiers has become tighter and tighter. How dare Hong Xiuquan go out of the city to fight?The city has been besieged for a long time, food is scarce, and a bucket of rice costs a thousand dollars. Life is simply sad.

Moreover, the wells and waterways are cut off. Although dozens of wells have been opened, there are too many people and little water. How can they be comprehensive?

A group of generals gathered together to plot and break through the siege, seeking a way to survive forever.It was decided at the moment that Hong Xiuquan, Yang Xiuqing, and Xiao Chaogui rushed to the west gate, Feng Yunshan, Shi Dakai, and Hu Yihuang rushed to the north gate, Wei Changhui, Hong Daquan, and Qin Rigang rushed to the south gate, Luo Yanwang and Fan Liande rushed to the east gate, and opened four gates in the dark and moonless night. , Let out a cry, rushing towards the future like a hungry tiger and wolf, the flames are raging, and the dust covers the wild.Unexpectedly, the officers and soldiers had already made preparations, the gunshots of the two armies were like firecrackers, and the guns were like migratory locusts. They fought all night, but they still didn't cross the thunder pool.He went back to the city to look for people, but Hong Daquan, king of Tiande, was nowhere to be seen. He asked Wei Changhui and Qin Rigang, and Qin Rigang said: "King Tiande fought with the Qing army, his mount was injured, and he fell off his horse. .”

Hong Xiuquan was shocked, and hurriedly asked all the princes if there was any clever plan to rescue King Tiande.Only one person laughed and said: "King Tiande doesn't need anyone to save him, he has his own tricks, and he will get out of this difficulty."

When everyone was watching, it was the Southern King Feng Yunshan who spoke.Hong Xiuquan said: "Brother Feng, how do you know that King Tiande can escape?"

Feng Yunshan said: "Tiande Wang Guang has strategies, he is not an idler, even if he is in trouble, he will never stand still. This is the first level.

Furthermore, from here to Beijing, Quanzhou is the only way.In the whole prefecture, we have many old brothers who are lying in ambush there. When they saw King Tiande's disaster, they would rise up and invite him to stop him.Heavenly King thinks about it, so what are you afraid of? "

After hearing what Yun Shan said, Hong Xiuquan had no choice but to let it go.

In addition, after Hong Daquan was captured, after questioning, Ulantai prepared official documents and sent them to the Ministry of punishment in Beijing by the waterway overnight.Before leaving, Daquan said to the escort officer: "Take care of me in Quanzhou, and I have to go ashore to do something."

The escort said: "That's fine. When we arrive in Quanzhou, I will take care of you."

Da Daquan was very comfortable, sitting in the boat, as if nothing happened, fell asleep after eating.After waking up, he chatted with the escort officer to relieve his boredom. He was full of sharp words and embroidered with each other. He didn't look like a prisoner.I just hate that the black ground around the tent window is covered by the black veil by the escort officer, so I can't enjoy the scenery of the water.Hearing the drummer drumming, the boat buckling on the side, and the singing of birds and swallows on both sides of the strait, it is like singing together in neon clothes, playing Hongyi in Jun, and the artistic conception suddenly emerges.After walking all day and night, he asked the escort officer, "Has Quanzhou arrived yet?"

The escort officer is coming soon.Daquan is very proud.At that time, Zhouzi had arrived when he returned to Quanzhou.The escort officer ordered to open the tent window, please take a look.When Da Daquan got up to look at it, he saw the deserted countryside at dusk, the ancient crossing under the setting sun, the green mountains and the uneven battlements, he was shocked and said: "Oh, how is this Quanzhou!
My life was unexpectedly ruined in your hands, and it is the fate of heaven! "

Then ask, "What is here?"

Zhouzi said, "It's Changsha."

Da Daquan asked in surprise, "How did you do it so quickly?"

Zhouzi said: "We use two sculls to drive day and night."

Da Daquan sighed, and then sat with his head bowed in silence, without saying a word, and he was not in the mood to enjoy the scenery of the water and the mountains, the bright flowers and the willows.Grievous and depressed, with nowhere to vent, I asked the escort officer for a pen and paper to write a poem, the end of the hero, and the unspeakable suffering.This Hong Daquan understands that when he arrives in Beijing, it is natural that there is good luck and bad luck, and there is death and no living.There is no need to explain in one word.

But it is said that Wu Lantai and Xiang Rong originally agreed with each other, and they did not kill Lian and Lin at the neck.Xiang Rong gradually had an opinion, and quarreled with Wu Lantai over trivial matters.Jiang Zhongyuan tried to mediate on both sides, but to no avail. Knowing that the generals were at odds, there would be no good results in the end, so he took advantage of one incident to lead his troops to join the general army and go to Hechun.Hong Xiuquan found out that Wu and Xiang were at odds and how happy they were, so he set up a plan to ask the people of the city to sacrifice the city to Xiangying.However, he himself wrote a letter of surrender and sent people to the Wulantai army, begging to surrender.The two armies of Wu and Xiang did not conspire with each other, but they all agreed.The defenders of the important village were relieved for the most part when they got the news.Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, the whole city's mighty generals merged into a large group, opened the south gate wide, and rushed towards the future like hungry eagles and tigers.Everyone is scrambling to be the first, everyone is desperate, they are like lightning, and they are like galloping stars.The sound of the army flew together with the houses, and the mountains responded; the murderous aura surged together with the river, and the surrounding fields were dimmed.The earth is miserable, the sky is sad, the stars are dim and the moon is dark.The poor officers and soldiers were unprepared, and were torn apart by Taiping.Commander-in-Chief Rui, Commander-in-Chief Changshou, Commander-in-Chief Dong Xianjia, and Commander-in-Chief Shao Heling fought bloody battles, and all died of exhaustion.

Ulan Tai, the deputy commander of the capital, was so angry that his eyes burst into flames, he puffed smoke from his nose, and led the remnant soldiers, chasing and killing them desperately.

Unexpectedly, in the mountain gorge, a group of troops laid down early in Taiping, and a drum sounded. Feng Yunshan was on the left and Shi Dakai was on the right. Thousands of guns were fired together, and all sons flew together.Wu Lantai was shot three times, fell off his horse, left and right soldiers, desperately rescued and returned to the camp.It was postponed to the next day, alas, Chengren has gone.

Xiang Rong regained Yong'an Prefecture. Seeing that it was a dilapidated city, he guessed that the Taiping Army would never come to disturb him again, so he simply abandoned it and led his troops back to Guilin.Zou Minghe of Fuyuan asked about the situation of the defeat of the soldiers, and while flying Zhang to report, he managed the soldiers and defended the city.The deployment was decided, the flames of war raged, the banners covered the fields, and the Taiping army came again.After all, Xiang Rong had some cleverness, and managed to keep the provincial capital with a strange strategy.The Taiping army couldn't get any advantage in Guilin. They led the troops, broke out from the siege, went down to Xing'an, fell into Quanzhou, and took advantage of the victory to enter Hunan. It came like a shower and went like a strong wind.Unexpectedly, Jiang Zhongyuan was scratched at the coir raincoat crossing, and all the supplies and equipment were lost in three wars and three norths.Southern King Feng Yunshan was shot dead, Hong Xiuquan broke an arm, wept bitterly, and led the disabled people to flee to Daozhou, Jianghua and Yongming.Fortunately, the Taiping army could be recruited anywhere and looted anywhere. After a while, the momentum still recovered.So they plundered land and attacked the city, captured Guizhou, Liuzhou, Changsha, crossed Hunan and went west, defeated Yiyang, crossed Dongting, and trapped Yuezhou.However, when attacking Changsha Shiguang, he ran into three formidable enemies, Hechun, Jiang Zhongyuan, and Xiang Rong, and never succeeded.Xiao Chaogui, the king of the West, was also shot to death at this time, and suffered a small loss.The rest of the military is actually victorious in every battle, Hong Xiuquan is disturbed like this, if you want to know what the Qing court will do, let's listen to the next chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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