Qing Dynasty Secret History

Chapter 69 1 Song Qing Ge Xincheng Enze 3 Changing Banana Dreams Like Climbing Immortals

Chapter 69 A Song of Qing Dynasty
It is said that the big officials in Guangxi and Hunan provinces flew to the capital, and there was a strong atmosphere of reporting and reporting.Wen Zong read and sighed, "if the master is vacant, who will worry about the union?"

It turned out that Du Shoutian passed away in July of this year. Wen Zong missed his support and admiration for Qixun, wept bitterly for him, went to lay a memorial ceremony in person, withdrew from the court for three days, bestowed sacrifices on nine altars, presented him as a gift to the grand master, and gave him the posthumous title of Wenzheng as a decoration for his death. Dian, very generous.Now that the situation has changed, and I often miss it, I summoned the Minister of Military Aircraft to make an order to dismiss Sai Shang'a, the Minister of Imperial Envoy, and Cheng Yucai, the governor of Huguang, to stay in the camp.Xu Guangjin was appointed as the imperial envoy, and the governor of Hunan was dispatched. The governor of Guangdong who was dispatched was called the governor Ye Mingchen.At this time, the flames of war were raging, and the atmosphere of thieves was everywhere. Hong Xiuquan was already in a state of desperation.Fortunately, luck never comes, but misfortunes never come singly. In Taiwan, there is another Hong Ji, who raised the pole and started chaos.When the alarm came to Beijing, Wen Zong frowned and said, "It's Hong, who is against us."

Sheng Zhong was very displeased, and when he returned to the palace, he was very depressed.Suddenly hearing that the Empress Dowager had an order to summon her, she had to change into her clothes, went to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, greeted her kindly, and stood with her hands down, waiting for her kindness.The queen mother said: "Brother, I asked you to come here for nothing else. The queen has been gone for almost a year now, and there is no one in the sixth palace. That is also a very important matter. I see that among the concubines, Niu Kulu's personality is also neat, and her temperament is also virtuous, so it is a good thing to have her registered correctly, what do you think?"

Wen Zongdao: "People who are admired by the Empress Dowager can never be wrong, and the ministers obeyed the order."

After saying a few more words, he backed out, smiled and said to the left and right: "The empress dowager is so troublesome, I can't say it, so I have to do it."

So an auspicious day was chosen, and a decree was made to appoint the noble concubine Niu Kulu as the queen.

Although this Niuhulu family was in the middle palace, Wenzong treated her indifferently, not very favorably.Cui Fu, the eunuch in charge of the upright officials, agreed first to invite Wen Zong to visit the Old Summer Palace to relieve boredom.Wen Zong went to the Empress Dowager's Palace to ask for an order. The Empress Dowager said, "I'm lazy, so you go first. I'll come back in ten and a half months."

Wen Zongdao: "then the minister will go there first to supervise the cleaning, and then come to welcome the chariot."

The next day, I was lucky enough to drive to the Old Summer Palace, and I saw that the garden was full of red and purple, all of which had withered, and only a few Aoshuang chrysanthemums remained, wearing golden armour, declaring war on the west wind.Wen Zongdao: "I even missed the chrysanthemums this year. I didn't get them, so I let down the good days and festivals."

At this time, Wu Linchun, Mudanchun, Haitangchun, Xinghuachun, the leaders of Shanglin Chunse, were looking forward to Xin, and they had long been looking forward to the end of the autumn waves.

Wenzong lived alone in the depths of Tongyin that night, and he had nothing to say all night.The next day, Wenzong got up and took on the role of eunuch, and waited for him to wash before he wanted to go to the court to listen to the government.

Stepping out of the corridor, I caught a glimpse of a woman by the stone of Taihu Lake, where she was picking remnants of chrysanthemums. She had exquisite jade wrists and a slender willow waist, which seemed very beautiful.Because I was eager to go to court, I didn't have time to look carefully.This day, there is no major event. The bandits in Taiwan have been put down by the town's road supervisors.Ji Zhichang, the governor of Fujian, made a special return to report the victory. Huang Zonghan, governor of Zhejiang Province, found out that Chunshou, the Chief Secretary, committed suicide because of insufficient funds and difficult water transportation.After Wen Zong read it, he picked up a pen and criticized a few things: "There is another purpose."

"Qin this, I got it" "Qin this" said as usual, and then discussed current affairs with the Minister of Military Aircraft, and then retreated.He took off his court clothes, took a dry pipe in his mouth, walked casually, walked out of the corridor, and saw eight or nine palace maids squatting on the ground under the plane tree, picking up withered grass.He looked carefully, but he didn't see the woman just now. Wen Zong was puzzled and wanted to call her by name, but he didn't know her name.For a while, the inner eunuch knelt down to ask for a meal. After eating, he went shopping elsewhere, but finally felt hopeless, so he took the little eunuch and walked back along the mountain road.Suddenly heard a group of Qing songs, coming through the forest and across the water, the voice is clear and crisp, like the young swallows in three springs, and the oriole singing nine times. Several families are worried.

Several couples set up tents together, and some were separated outside.

Wen Zongdao: "This is the tune of people from the south, who is it?"

The little eunuch knelt down and said, "It's Lan'er."

Wen Zongdao: "Who is Lan'er? I have never heard of this name."

The little eunuch said: "It's a palace maid on duty in the depths of Tongyin."

Wenzong's heart moved, and he thought to himself, could it be the woman in the morning?While thinking, walking, walking like a tiger, walking as fast as flying, how can the little eunuch catch up.Wen Zong walked into the depths of Tongyin, and without sitting down, he called Chuan Lan'er repeatedly.The eunuch on duty flew forward to pass it on, and after a while, he saw a woman brought in, who was indeed the one he saw in the morning.When I saw Wen Zong, I kowtowed to salute, and said in a warbler voice: "My servant, Lan'er, kowtow to see the Lord Long Live, and wish the Lord good luck and good luck."

At this time, Wen Zong was full of energy to look after her, only to see that she was slender.

The physique is light, the apricot face is full of spring, the willow eyebrows are emerald green, and the pair of water-cut autumn waves are agile and lively, looking forward to the sky, which is really lovable.Then he asked, "What's your last name? How old are you?"
How many years have you been here? "

Lan'er said: "The maidservant's surname is Nala.

I have been working in the garden for three years.The maid came in in May of the 30th year of Daoguang. "

Wen Zongdao: "The song just now, but you sang it?"

Lan'er kowtowed and said, "My servant deserves to die for a while."

Wen Zongdao: "what's the hindrance? I like it very much. I just wonder how you can sing the tunes of the people from the south since you are our bannerman?"

Lan'er said: "My servant's father, master Sidian, is an official in the south, and my servant is there at any time. Therefore, I know a little about all the minor tunes in the south."

Wen Zongdao: "What's your old man's name?"

Lan'er said: "The maidservant's father's name is Huichang. He was a county magistrate in Guangdong before, and he was promoted to a Tongzhi in Hubei by grace, and then a co-leader in Zhejiang."

Wen Zongdao: "I probably live in Zhejiang now."

Lan'er said: "Father, servant girl, it has been four years since his death."

Wen Zongdao: "How many sisters do you have?"

Lan'er said: "The servant girl has two sisters, both of whom are married, and one of them is still young."

Wen Zong was delighted to see her articulate and fluent in coping.Then he said: "Lan'er, your song is very good. When you get up, I will let you sit on the railing and sing a few songs that you have chosen to relieve my boredom."

Lan'er saw Long Yan's joy and praise from the sky, she was so grateful that she thanked her with her head, stood up and sat down on the Xianglan according to the order, and sang in a graceful and melodious voice.When Wen Zong listened, he felt that it was more intimate and interesting than Juntian Nine Plays and Moon Palace Feather Clothes, so he couldn't help praising it repeatedly.

After a while, Wenzong was thirsty and called for tea, and the eunuch on duty quickly poured tea. Wenzong was annoyed when he saw it, and scolded: "Who wants you pickled slaves to pour it out? Get out of here, it's too much."

All the eunuchs who were bluffing hurriedly withdrew.Lan Er's heart is intelligent, and she has realized it long ago. She is boring, and her pink face can't help but blush with embarrassment.I saw Wen Zongdao: "Lan'er, pour a cup of tea."

Lan'er had no choice but to go inside, poured a cup of tea, and offered it timidly.Wen Zong took a sip from her hand and said, "The rest is for you to drink. You don't need to thank you, just drink."

While speaking, while stretching out his hand to pinch her jade wrist, he felt that the skin was as smooth as fat, soft and boneless, it seemed that Liugong Fendai was not as gentle and delicate as her.Seeing her shy and timid, with delicate pear cheeks, worthy of the first spring breeze, beautiful willow eyebrows, so special on the third day of the new month, I can't help but fall in love with her more and more.The official remembers clearly that this night, Nala Lan'er has accepted the favor.The next day, when Wen Zong got up, he was already three feet high, and all the ministers in the court were impatient.It is exactly: the spring night is bitter, the day is high, and the king will not go to court early.

It turns out that Nala's surname is a descendant of Ye Heyin.Yehe is a neighboring country of Manchuria, and the customs and customs are all the same.The marriage of the two countries is connected, the queen of Nurhachi, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, is the queen of Yehe, the prince of Yangnu, the prince of Lilie, Daishan, and the emperor of Taizong, Huang Taiji, are all descended from the empress Nala.Taizu of the Qing Dynasty excavated a stele with the words "Ye He, the one who destroyed the state" on it.

And because Yehe refused to attach himself to the national army, he conquered Yehe three times, destroyed his capital, and killed his lord. The Ming Dynasty sent troops to rescue him, but it was too late.After Yehe's demise, the emperor of the Qing Dynasty thought of marriage, and gave him extra favors, and ordered him to keep his ancestors, so the surname of Nala continued endlessly.The pearl of power in the age of the ancestors is said to be the nephew of Jin Taishi, the lord of Yehe.In the Ji year of Daoguang, Emperor Xuanzong selected concubines for the princes. The girls from the families of Manchu and Mongolian ministers, who were old and young, were sent to the palace for selection.There is a girl with a servant who has been selected and will be assigned to the fourth son of the emperor.Xuanzong suddenly asked her what her surname was, and the girl replied that her surname was Nala. Xuanzong said in shock: "Nara is our world enemy, how can I give it to the prince, if one day I become the mother of the country, my family will be ruined."

So he stopped referring to marriage.From this point of view, it can be said that it is God's will that Lalan'er has to serve Wenzong.Nalalaner's father, Huichang, was originally a poor bannerman. He had bad luck, a lot of fate, and was in trouble. He never got a good fortune.When I was an alternate in Guangdong, I ate all my food and often stopped eating. The suffering was unspeakable.At that time, thanks to a colleague from Xuyi named Wu Mingtang from Xuyi, he was benevolent and chivalrous, and he often gave money to help.

Huichang always said to his family: "We have to turn around, brother Wu Yin's kindness, we will never forget it."

Because Huichang has a lot of food and mouth, he is in a difficult situation. He sighs and sighs for his old age, and he has no good face when he takes care of his children.Lan'er, on the other hand, has a eccentric temperament, speaks and behaves like a stranger.Unlike her two older sisters, they are easy-going and gentle, making them adorable.Therefore, Huichang and his wife stayed in Laner very normally.At the age of 14, Lan'er suffered from a serious illness. She was lonely and sick, and suffered from a miserable state.Parents and sisters, although they often take care of them, are so poor that they have nothing to eat. Where can they find spare money to delay the doctor and take medicine?One night, the cold rain knocked on the window, and a lamp was like a bean.Lan'er hugged the torn quilt and leaned against the broken pillow, turning her thoughts around, unable to fall back to sleep.Thinking of his future life experience, he couldn't help but feel dejected, wiped his eyes full of tears, wept secretly for a while, felt mentally tired, and fell asleep hazily.Unexpectedly, when I closed my eyes, I was in a trance, but I saw Qionglou Yuyu, Guidianlan Palace, Fudao Lingling, Lin Palace embraced, magnificent and majestic, never passed by in my life.It is also red and purple, and the garden is full of flowers that never fade in four seasons and evergreen grass in eight seasons.The good bird on the branch, chirping and chirping, singing in harmony and complacently, is even more refreshing. It is exactly: the melting of spring is better than the sound of warblers in the day, and the swallows speak frequently in the quiet and sparse curtain of day.

Lan'er said happily: "This is a great place to go. I'll live here for the rest of my life. Even if I lose my home, I'm willing. It's better than being detained by my parents every day, bullied by my sisters, and subjected to that unnecessary idleness."

When I was thinking about it, I suddenly saw a woman coming out of the corridor, with lotus sleeves hanging and feathers fluttering, which was very different from ordinary people's attire.Seeing Lan'er, he greeted him with a smile, "It's a coincidence that the distinguished guest is here."

Lan'er was startled when she heard this, and thought to herself that I was so poor, why this person called me a distinguished guest.I saw the woman said: "It's hard for a distinguished guest to get here. Would you like to come in with me?"

Lan'er vaguely agreed, followed the woman, and walked inside, only to see bead curtains embroidered, painted buildings and carved eaves, tortoise shell beams, coral pillars, and several cases are all beautiful jade and gold, and the carvings are like magical craftsmanship.Lan Er asked in surprise: "What is this place?"

The woman said with a smile: "You don't need to ask, if you stop for a moment, you will know."

Seeing her, she shouted inwardly: "The honored guest is here, you come and accompany me quickly."

Before he could say a word, five women came out, each with bright eyes and bright teeth, misty temples and cloudy hair, and their actions and demeanors were erratic, full of immortality.The woman said to all the women: "This is the future Holy Mother of the Kingdom, it is rare to get this, everyone has come here and seen it."

So all the girls greeted Lan'er with their hands, and they were very affectionate during the conversation.For a while, the little servant girl held the tea and fruit, and the bowls and utensils were all chiseled from jasper. The tea was fragrant and very special.After drinking tea, the woman smiled and said to Lan'er: "I'm afraid the banquet is ready, let's go to the banquet."

Walking hand in hand into the Yifu Road, there are brocade barriers on the two walls, embroidered with treasures, bright pearls like eggs, shining brightly on the bright moon, Lan'er is very envious when she sees it.Turning into a room in an instant, the chairs are covered with dusty mattresses, the table is covered with dragon silk clothes, the tripod is always burning, and the cups are warmed by themselves.The woman said: "Let's sit on our own, there is no need to give way, there are names on the front of the seats."

When Lan'er took a peek, she saw that there was a red jade plaque in front of each seat, with gold characters inlaid. Looking at each of them, it was Xia Empress Meixi, Yin Empress Daji, Zhou Empress Baosi, Han Empress Lv Zhi, The Jia family after the Jin Dynasty, and Wu Zhao after the Tang Dynasty, the last one is his own name.Lan'er suddenly realized it, and couldn't help being both surprised and happy.Just waiting to be seated, I suddenly heard a strange sound like the sky collapsing and the earth sinking. I opened my eyes and saw that there was no Qionglouyuyu, Qixixixiashang, still sleeping in the broken quilt.The sound of bangs on the street is exactly the same as the three drums. Looking back on the dream, it is as vivid as yesterday.Secret payment: I am a poor and weak girl, but I dream of traveling and sitting with the queens of previous dynasties. I will not be very lonely in my future life experience. When I feel happy, most of my illness will disappear.From then on, the family members treated her with any grievances, just laughed it off, and did not compare with others.

Parents and sisters, seeing her like this, were surprised. They said that she had changed her temperament after being ill, but who knew she had no deep meaning.Huichang was sick and had no place to work. Thanks to the help of several hundred taels of silver from his colleagues, he had to reluctantly help the coffin back to the flag.Unexpectedly, as soon as I got home, I received an order from a beautiful woman, so that the rich bannermen can sell them for free.Mrs. Hui had no money, so she had to send in Lan'er's name, but she chose it.She has endured hardships, and then she is a master, rich and powerful, but she is subjected to this extraordinary fate.It's exactly: the centipede doesn't laugh at the snake and has no feet, so it has its own time to ride the clouds and the fog.

After Lan'er got lucky, relying on her ingenuity and intelligence, her full energy, all kinds of diligence and all kinds of flattery, she buried herself in the quilt by her pillow, bowed all her life, and bound Wen Zong tightly with a strand of love.In less than a few days, Enlun Tepei won the title of a nobleman.The emperor's virtue is great, and the emperor's grace is deep.After three to five months, the nobleman Nala became sick with soreness and nausea. He ordered the imperial physician to examine him and said it was a happy pulse.Wen Zong was so happy that he said to the nobleman, "If you give birth to a prince, I will make you a concubine together."

When the nobleman heard about it, he quickly knelt down and thanked him.Wen Zong said with a smile: "I have never seen such a hasty person. After the seal is closed, it is not too late to thank you."

Nala nobleman said: "Long live Lord Tianyu, I know this name, and I will definitely seal it."

Wen Zongdao: "Do you dare to decide it's a boy?"

Nala nobleman said: "With the spirit of a dragon and a horse like the Long Live Lord, how can he give birth to a girl? Doesn't the Long Live Lord himself know?"

Wenzong was overjoyed.

Since then, Wenzong has been favored by the nobles of Nala more and more. There are three thousand beauties who are pampered all over the body, and all the concubines resent it.Although the queen is virtuous, seeing her behave like this, after all, she feels a little uncomfortable.In the system of the Qing Dynasty, all the concubines and nobles in the palace were registered and stored in the queen's palace.The emperor night favored a certain palace to guard a certain person, and the inner prisoner of the palace must immediately return to the Empress of Ming Dynasty and mark the registration.The queen has the right to inspect the concubines of the whole palace. If there is any behavior to release the birthday, and the behavior is more polite, it will be punished immediately.When the emperor lost his sound sleep, the empress could directly build the bedroom door and read the ancestral precepts.When the emperor heard the ancestral precepts, he had to put on his clothes and kneel down, and listen respectfully.

Since the nobleman Nala got lucky, Wen Zong often lost his time in the early court, and the empress was always depressed about it.That night, Wen Zong was in the nobleman's palace in Nala again. For some reason, the hour clock had passed and the edict had not yet been delivered to the court.The queen said angrily: "Lan'er, a vixen, I can't bear to be so fascinated by the master."

Please follow the instructions of the ancestors, and lead the maids and eunuchs to come to the nobleman's palace in Nala.Arriving at the bedroom door for a while, the queen stopped and called the eunuch to send a message: "The queen is here, please listen to the ancestor's precepts."

When Wen Zong heard the three words "reading the ancestor's precepts", it was like Sun Dasheng hearing the curse, his head swelled up, he hurriedly put on his clothes and got up, and asked people to stop: "I will go to the court to listen to the government immediately, please don't read the ancestors. Training."

Seeing what Wenzong said, the queen had no choice but to let it go.Sui Dao: "I don't want to be troublesome. If you look like this, firstly, you should take care of yourself. Second, the Empress Dowager finds out, and she will also blame the concubine. The concubine can't bear it."

The inner supervisor turned to Wen Zong, and Wen Zong said: "The queen's remonstrance is all good words, and I obey every sentence. It's getting late, and I'm going to court. Please ask the queen to return to the palace."

The queen was not angry when she heard this, knowing that Wen Zong was afraid of going in by herself and making it difficult for the nobleman, she sneered and said: "My lord is too much trouble, I don't dare to disobey the order."

After finishing speaking, he led his followers back to the palace.Nala nobleman asked Wen Zongdao privately: "Has the queen gone? Please tell me a good word for me, sincerely."

Wen Zongdao: "Don't be afraid, there is me. She will never dare to make things difficult for you."

Nala nobleman then combed a braid for Wenzong and served Dingdang. Wenzong sat in the soft palace, carried by the eunuch, and went to court.Noble Nala adjusted her makeup to the mirror. Just after finishing her makeup, she saw a eunuch hurried in and said, "The empress summoned Noble Nala to Kunning Palace for questioning."

When the nobleman heard that the queen was summoned, it was as if Jiao Lei had been blasted at the top door, his face turned ashen, and he hurriedly called the little eunuch beside him to deliver a letter to Wenzong.The little eunuch said: "The master is in the court, and the servant can't do anything."

The nobleman Nala asked anxiously: "Won't you wait behind the screen and wait for the master to come down and play?"

The little eunuch responded and flew away.Why do you think the nobleman Nala is so anxious?It turns out that this Kunning Palace is the main palace of the empress, and she doesn't usually visit the imperial court very much, and only visits the imperial court when there are big rewards and punishments.This meeting is not a time or a festival, and it is specially called for, and there may be punishment but no reward.However, Wen Zong was not in front of him, and there was no one to rescue him, so he had no choice but to go, so he followed the eunuch, not moving more than three inches, and came here.When I arrived at the gate of the palace, I saw a few maidservants around the empress saw me, all pursed their lips and smiled secretly, looking at their expressions, it was very meager.Seeing the eunuch first, he went in and replied, "Lan'er is here."

The queen sternly said, "Call her!"

Hearing this voice, the nobleman of Nala had lost his mind for bluffing, so he had the courage to go in and kowtow to salute.Peeking at the queen, her solemn face looks like the Queen Mother of the West Pool and the Guanyin of the South China Sea, she feels a little shivering, she is not so simple, she just kowtows.The queen said: "Good Lan'er, you are really capable. You waited on me so much that I even missed the court. I have served you well, and I will reward you heavily."

The eunuch Sui Gu said: "Get the palace stick quickly, and give this foxy girl [-] sticks, and ask her if she is still charming next time. Whoever wants to report to the master, I will settle the account with him."

Nala nobleman kowtowed to beg for forgiveness.The queen said: "This is the system of the ancestors. If you ask for forgiveness, you first go to ask the Lord to abolish the system set by the ancestors.

As he said, he shouted repeatedly, "Quick stick!" "

Then the eunuch took out a bamboo stick with four fingers wide and narrow, and walked up to two eunuchs, one to press the head and the other to press the foot.Nala nobleman secretly said: "It's over, it's over, I will inevitably do it today."

If you want to know whether the noble Nara is responsible or not, let's listen to the breakdown below.

(End of this chapter)

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