Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 14 Tang San's Counterattack!

Chapter 14 Tang San's Counterattack!
As soon as it was dawn, Tang Er got up, because he wanted to lick the box before the third son woke up. So far, he didn't lick the box once, which made Tang Er very upset.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he just walked to the Tang gate.

Seeing the scene in front of them, they were stunned. Why did the father and son go crazy in the morning? They got up so early!
Tang San, "Day Tian pokes the head of the subway!"

"Bang!" Then, with a big bag on his head, he slammed into the wall fiercely.

Tang Hao, "Daily pokes the head of the subway!"

Then he slammed his head hard against the wall.

Tang San, "Dad, your posture is wrong, you have to shake your head and stomp your feet while saying the formula, come and learn from me!"

Then Tang San shook his little head, stomped his little feet, and bumped into it again.

Tang Hao saw Tang San's head full of baldness, and his heart thumped, "Little Sanzi, can you do it, why do I feel so dizzy!"

"Don't worry, Dad, the second child practiced like this, it must be true." Then he patted his head and bumped again.

Then, with a full head on his head, he shouted excitedly, "Look at the old man, I have knocked off the wall, and I don't feel any headache anymore, this should be a sign of a small achievement. "

"Really! Get up, let me see!" Tang Hao surrounded him excitedly and curiously.

"Um, these two haven't given up yet. Shall we tell them the truth? No, what if we succeed in practice!" Tang Er was thinking darkly, what else could he do if he had nothing to do and didn't cheat his father and brother.

Then, while the two of them were practicing vigorously, the cat slipped out of the city.

Scud, trotting all the way, soon arrived at Wild Wolf Valley, looking at the three unrecognizable corpses on the ground, Tang Er seemed to see a mountain of soul coins, "The systems all fell into boxes!"

【Ding!Landed in a box!
Resource details: 50 Golden Soul Coins, three Tokens of Spirit Hall Elders and Deacons...]

【Ding!Recycled Wuhun single dog has been processed into Erha.

Ding!It is useless to recycle the Wuhun long whip. It has been exchanged for 100 selection coins.

Ding!The Golden Shield of the Martial Soul has been recovered and processed into a first-class helmet. If you want to live a decent life, you have to have some green on the top of your head, a low-end version of the iron-headed baby! 】

"Hahaha, developed, now my prodigal career is officially on the right track, haha!" After gaining a lot, he laughed and ran towards the three boxes.

Then the next moment, the flat ground in front suddenly collapsed, and Tang Er's figure suddenly disappeared!
The triumphant laugh also turned into a scream, "Nimma, what kind of vile thing is so bad."

A more proud little head emerged from the edge of the pit, "Hey, is it a surprise! Is it a surprise! Brother, I didn't sleep all night, just for this moment."

"Brother, I'll lick the box to make it clean first, you can slowly crawl inside, by the way, I greased the edge of the pit, you can lick it when you're hungry! Hahaha!"

Tang San was so proud at the moment, he was shaking his body while laughing, his appearance was as much beating as he wanted.

Then he pushed a huge cart, pulled the three boxes away, hid them, and licked them slowly.

"Tang San! Wait for me, you boy!" Tang Er's shameful roar came from the pit.

By the time Tang Er climbed out of the pit covered in greasy mud, Tang San had long since disappeared.

Tang Er is completely loveless at the moment, "I don't want to play with it like this, don't I just want to lick the bag once, am I easy?"

"Squeak! Squeeze! Hahaha!" Tang Er, who was depressed, suddenly felt his fingers being licked by something.

Looking down, a fluffy little milk dog is sneering at himself, and that stupid look has already begun to take on Erha's majesty.

"My mother, it's really Erha!" Looking at the harmless little Erha in front of him, Tang Er seemed to think of the extremely wicked thing about me.

"If I train Erha to be a super soul beast, I don't know how to demolish the house? If the Wuhun Temple is demolished by a soul beast, tsk tsk tsk, it must be very exciting!"

Tang Er got up, hugged Erha, and stared at the direction where Tang San disappeared, "Why bother, little San, why force me to take action!"

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Host, your idea is very dangerous. After all, your unlucky younger brother is the son of the plane. At least save some face for Douluo Continent. Please serve your younger brother with virtue, and reward the summoner with flashing skills. Currently level 1, you can teleport ten meters , the cooling time is one day, and the upgrade requires 10000 selection coins!
2. If you don’t say anything, you will have a hard meal when you go home, and you will be rewarded with 10000 selection coins]

"Although I really want to choose the second, let's give Douluo Dalu a little face, hehe, flashing the invincible supernatural skills!" Tang Er hugged Erha, bouncing and walking towards Tangmen.

In Tangmen, Tang Er and Tang San are sitting at the two ends of a table.

"Brother, you'd better beat me up!" Tang San looked at Tang Er who was grinning at him all the time, feeling his whole body trembling.

"Good brother, my elder brother loves you the most, so I won't give up beating you!" Tang Er continued to smile enthusiastically.

"Brother, please spare me! I can do it myself, please don't laugh!"

"Brother, where is the box hidden! Brother seems to have dropped a time bomb in it yesterday!"

"Brother, you really think I'm stupid. You didn't even touch the box. Don't say anything. If you want the box, you won't give it to me. If you hit me, I'll complain to Dad immediately!"


The negotiation fell into a stalemate, Tang Er looked at Tang San in disbelief, why did this guy suddenly become a group of witty people.

It seems that I can only use the big move, "Brother, the low-end version of Iron Head Skill is here for you!"

Then he threw the level one green hat he just got to Tang San.

Then this guy grabbed it with his little hand and ran away, "Haha, brother, I want a box, it's impossible, it's impossible in this life!"

As if thinking of something, Tang Er didn't seem to be angry, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Sister Fox Fairy, so-and-so's sister Fox Fairy, without the golden soul coin, so-and-so will never be seen again!"

Hearing this, Tang San stopped smiling, but his calf ran even faster.

A few minutes later, the three boxes were placed in front of Tang Er intact, "Brother, they are all here."

"Very good, very good, my brother is doing well!" Tang Er smiled and stared at the expectant Tang San, it seems that Xiao Daji's charm is indeed invincible!

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Choose to become the richest man in Notting City and reward the technical research department. The host can not only buy goods directly from the mall, but also process them by himself!
2. If you work hard at home, you will be rewarded with 10000 selection coins. 】

"Is it interesting to become the richest man? I didn't expect that I would have the chance to become the richest man." Tang Er smirked.

"Brother, what are you laughing at? When will Sister Fox Immortal come? You have to keep your promise." Tang San asked flatteringly, frustrating his little hands.

"Your elder sister Fox Fairy is one of your brother's and mine's martial souls, how do you think we can meet her?" Tang Er laughed.

"Oh! Why are my shoulders a little sore!"

"Don't move, brother, brother rub it for you!"


 Brothers, add more and more, please recommend tickets, please collect!The second child of the new book period needs the support of all brothers!In the next few chapters, the second brother wants to speed up the pace. I don’t know how the brothers feel about the book at present. I beg you brothers to leave a message in the book review area and express your precious opinions. The second brother can make some adjustments in time!

(End of this chapter)

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