Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 15 Tang 2's ambition!

Chapter 15 Tang Er's Ambition!
At night, Tang Er and Tang San were discussing the great cause of making a fortune.

A mournful voice came out, "I want to make a fortune, is it easy for me?"

"Which son of a bitch is so wicked, dig a big hole."

"Hurry up, boil some bath water for me, you son of a bitch, you pour oil into the pit, don't let me know who it is!"

Then Tang Hao walked in cursing and covered in greasy dirt.

Tang Er and Tang San were dumbfounded, the three of them confirmed their eyes, they were undoubtedly father and son, and their virtues were exactly the same.

Tang Er held back his laughter, and looked at his father sympathetically, "Is it okay for my father to scold me like that?"

Immediately, he realized, "You are a tortoise, so I will also be a tortoise's son, the hateful third child."

Then he glared at Tang San fiercely.

Seeing this, Tang San panicked a lot, but his appearance was as steady as an old dog, "Dad, that turtle grandson is really hateful, calm down, I'll go and boil you bath water."

In order to clear his innocence, he can only be wronged as a turtle grandson. Anyway, he is not losing money, even scolding the second child, and making a small profit.

But the next moment, Tang San was dumbfounded, remembering the plan he had just made with his second child, when his father came back, they would discuss plans to make a fortune together.

Three boxes full of stolen money were placed on the table, and the dazzling golden soul coins could blind the eyes.

Tang Hao's old face turned dark immediately, and he understood everything. It turned out that these two brats had stepped up first, "Who dug the hole?"

Tang Er pointed to Tang San with his finger, and then took out his clothes covered with oil and dirt.

"Third brother, you are so cruel! Even dare to scold me, does this father look like a tortoise?" Tang Hao lifted up Tang San who was looking desperate.

"You scolded yourself, I just repeated it." Tang San muttered in a low voice.

"It's against you! How dare you talk back!" Tang Hao was furious, and carried Tang San into the house.

"Come on, dad, I'll give you the rope, just hang it up and hit it, don't hit too hard!" Er Tang followed up.

"Ding! Trigger selection!

1. Rescue the younger brother from the father's mouth, and reward Tangmen Street. The host only needs to buy land, and the system will help you build a commercial street integrating eating, drinking and entertainment!Be excited!Then act quickly!

2. Persuade the old man not to use the belt to draw it, but to use the mace more vigorously!Relieve hatred!Ditto for rewards! "

"Who made me a good brother!" Tang Er took out a elixir from his pocket, and walked in front of Tang Hao who was furiously twitching his belt.

With one move of his little hand, he put the system reward last night, the god of love, into Tang Hao's mouth.

Immediately!Tang Hao stopped the movements in his hands, and his eyes were about to pop out because of the shock.

A thick white mist surrounded it, and I felt that all the injuries I had suffered in the past were quickly healing, whether it was physical or spiritual.

"This, how is this possible! The second child is him! Could it be that he is really the reincarnation of the gods! This is too incredible!" Tang Hao only felt that he had lived in vain for decades, and the second child refreshed his consciousness time and time again. Know.

"However, even if it's really a god, so what, it's not my son, Tang Hao, to beat the god like a son, it's too pretentious, isn't it!"

Tang Hao's novel brain circuit caused Tang Er to be confused next time.

Tang Hao let go of Tang San, but the movement of pulling his belt didn't stop.

"Well, isn't such a big surprise enough to offset the old man's anger towards the third son." Then Tang Er couldn't bear to look directly and closed his eyes.

"It seems that the third son is finished this time."

"Papa papa!" Tang Er was stunned for a moment, and asked with disbelief on his face, "Father, where is the third son! Why are you whipping me?"

Don't talk about it, but after talking about it, Tang Hao smoked even more vigorously, "Haha, it's you who smoked!"

"With such a good thing, if you don't honor your father sooner, your father will be in pain for so many years!"

"Hahaha, I'll beat you to death, you unfilial son!"

"Haha, it's so refreshing. It feels much better than smoking the third child!"

"Father, you have dementia! Stop smoking! It hurts!" Tang Er yelled in a daze, he couldn't figure out Tang Hao's novel brain circuit even if he killed him.

Tang San was stunned for a long while before he realized that although he didn't know what was going on, he couldn't be idle when he was pumping his second child.

"Dad, rope, hang it up, and pump it seriously!"

"Third brother, you are shameless, I am here to save you, you wait for me!"

"Dad, he threatened me, I'm so scared!"


Fortunately, this time the father was just having a convulsion, and the attack was not serious. It seemed that he was just smoking for the sake of smoking. Unfortunately, there is no law on the protection of minors, otherwise he would be charged with child abuse. Woolen cloth.

The next day, the father and son discussed for a whole day how to make a fortune.

Tang Er has three things on the table, a bottle of Moutai!A bunch of candied haws!And a hamburger!

A fierce dispute arose from this.

Tang Hao, who is addicted to alcohol, blushes and has a thick neck, "All the money is used to open the bar! This wine is made of fairy wine, and it will definitely make a lot of money. Who dares to object to me beating him well!"

Tang San, who was completely overwhelmed by the sourness and sweetness after eating a bunch of candied haws, didn't hesitate at all.

"Candied haws, all used to invest in candied haws! I got the money back! All the money belongs to me, so you have to listen to me!"

Tang Er looked at it for a moment, as if these things seemed to be mine!Why are you waiting for me so confidently? Can you still ask for some face?
"Hey, look here, old man, brother, can you follow my instructions?" Tang Er smiled while holding candied haws in one hand and Maotai in the other.

The father and son were so sparked just now, they immediately stopped arguing, and within a second, Tang's hands were empty.

Licking their faces, they all spoke in unison.

"Moutai has enough control, everything is easy to talk about!"

"I'm full of candied haws, I'm my brother's little padded jacket!"


The next step is to buy land with great vigor, and Tang Er has also experienced what it means to be a local rich developer.

It took nearly a week and nearly 45 gold soul coins to buy the entire street in front of Notting College.

Although the street is not big, there are dozens of shops, large and small, and some of them are not willing to sell, but the unscrupulous developers Tang and his son are not good at it!
Once the Italian cannon was fired, the house was bombarded into scum, and the unscrupulous developer demolished it.

Then things were simple, crying and begging to sell, and it was still the kind that didn't give money.

This world is like this, there is no so-called law, only whose fist is bigger!
The whole street just surrounded Notting College, and the father and son looked at the street in front of them with some excitement.

Tang Hao, "This Tangmen Street will be our father and son's territory from now on."

Tang San, "Father, look at your potential, I want the whole Notting City!"

Tang Er grinned, "Is it Notting City? It's too small, I want to..."

"Second, what do you want?" Tang Hao and Tang San asked curiously at the same time.

Tang Er smiled lightly, and waved his small hand, "I want this day, and I can't cover my eyes anymore!"

A thick white mist rises from the ground, filling the whole street in an instant, and then the whole street seems to be separated from the whole Douluo Continent, becoming an independent small world.

"I want this place, I can't bury my heart anymore!"

Then he stomped his little feet lightly, and in an instant, the whole street was reduced to ashes!

"I want all sentient beings to understand what I mean!"

With a light blow from the small mouth, countless pavilions and towers rose from the ground.

"I want all the forces of this Douluo to disappear in smoke!"

The smoke dissipated, and a beautiful new street appeared in this Douluo Continent, but it was completely out of place!
Tang Er, with his small body, was so angry at the moment, "Haha, I'm so scared, this pretense is perfect!"

"Second, what do you mean!"

"Brother, I didn't understand what you said!"

Two bewildered voices came out.

"Pfft!" Tang Er spit out a mouthful of old blood in anger, and fell to the ground!
"Second brother, explain, why did you cover your eyes today, I understand what I saw, there are still birds flying, you didn't cover it!"

"Brother, why don't you bury your heart? If you bury it, you will die, haha, brother, you are so funny!"

"Third son, do you understand what the second child means? Anyway, I don't. We both don't understand. You sentient beings, don't make fun of me! Haha!"


Tang Er was completely stunned by the anger of the pair of idiot father and son, and shouted, "I want to use Notting City as a base to overthrow Tiandou! Smash Xingluo! Crush the last three sects to death! Annihilate the Hall of Spirits!"

"I want the entire Douluo Continent to know that I, Tang Er, are the best! Hahaha!"

As soon as these words came out, there was a gust of wind all around, Tang Er's small figure seemed to be able to stab the ground at this moment, and his aura of domineering really exploded.

The premise is that the father and son are not demolished.

Tang San, "Hey hey hey... It's so boring! It doesn't cost money to brag, I'm going to choose my candied haws shop!"

Tang Hao, "Third son, how dare you, that building was the one I saw first, it's my bar!"

"If you keep running, kid, watch me break your leg!"


"Hey! Hey! Don't! At least save some face for me!" Tang Er had a look of lovelessness on his face.

Labor and management can't shout, "I want to be Douluo's number one prodigal son and Douluo's number one dude. I originally wanted to count on the two of you, but with your virtues, it's really hard to say who is the prodigal and who is the dude!"

 Sorry guys, the second child is not feeling well today, went to the hospital, took a lot of traditional Chinese medicine, almost vomited, and sent out the signing contract by the way, so the update is a bit late, sorry, sorry, sorry, look For the sake of the second brother waiting for me so sincerely, brothers recommend tickets to comfort the second brother. If possible, go to the book review area and give the second book a five-star praise. The second thank you brothers!

(End of this chapter)

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