Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 17 Tang 3 was eaten by a dog!

Chapter 17 Tang San was eaten by a dog!

Everything in Tangmen Street is slowly getting back to normal. The bar is filled with various types of wine, the candied haws shop is filled with hawthorn and other raw materials, the beauty shop is full of cosmetics and skin care products, and the clothing store...

If Douluo Dalu doesn't have it, Tang Er will buy it desperately. If Douluo Dalu has it, Tang Er will buy better ones.

In short, his purpose is to prodigal, prodigal and prodigal again!

【Ding!Congratulations to the host prodigal for 50 gold soul coins, and successfully advanced to the second level prodigal son!The development level of the magnet fruit is level two, and iron objects within a radius of one kilometer are controlled by the host! 】

Hearing the system prompt, Tang Er felt a little pained, and exchanged the gold soul coins for selection coins, and the selection coins were used to purchase system products.

Just like the WeChat and Alipay payments in the previous life, if you don’t count the coins in your heart, the money will be gone.

Tang Er frowned seeing that there were very few option coins left in the system. Now everything was ready and he only owed the opening to collect the money.

But at present, there are only three fathers and sons, and all three want to be bosses. Where can I find manpower!And it's trustworthy staff!
【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. The grace of dripping water should be repaid by springs!Recruit the villagers of Shenghun Village as employees of Tangmen Street, reward Erha for upgrading to Ergouzi with a great background, and promote him to a century-old soul beast!

2. Recruit employees in Notting City, and reward 10000 selection coins! 】

Tang Er heard the system prompt, "That's right! Saint Soul Village! Jack and the others!"

Back then, my father had been decadent for quite a while, and my family basically relied on the villagers to help them survive these years.

Now that they are developed, it is natural to take them into the city to enjoy the blessings. Compared with struggling to worry about food and clothing in Shenghun Village every day, Tang Er is confident that they will live a happier life!

【Ding!Er Gouzi is evolving...]

Tang San is currently teasing the poor Er Gouzi.

It's more like bullying than teasing, obviously it's revenge for the candied haws with saliva last time.

Tang San held a piece of meat in one hand, and Ergouzi's tail in the other, handed it to Ergouzi's mouth, and then took it away, tempting again and again.

Tang San, "Come on, Ergou will eat for you!"

Ergou happily wagged his tail, "Wow, woof!"

Tang San laughed loudly, and lifted the meat high, "Haha, if you can't reach it, if you can't reach it, I won't eat it for you! Don't be angry!"


After being teased again and again, Er Gou was completely angry, his little milk teeth were gnashing, and his small eyes were rolled up, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"

Limbs struggled feebly in the air, growling in a low voice due to anger.

Seeing this scene, Tang San was extremely happy in his heart, "Hahaha, something is coming to bite me!"

"Come on! If you can bite me, I, Tang San, will call you Brother Invincible Dog!"

"It's a pity that your third master is wise and powerful, Ergou, you will never be able to take revenge in your life!"

Tang San was incomparably smug, and he was in a good mood, now in this family, he could finally have a little guy who bullied him at will.

But the next moment, I suddenly heard an earth-shattering roar, "Aw!"

The Er Gouzi in his hand suddenly swelled extremely rapidly, half a meter, one meter, two meters!

Then I saw a bloody mouth coming towards me.

Tang San murmured in confusion, "Er Gouzi! Mutated! Am I dreaming?"

Then I felt that the whole head was sucked into the mouth by Er Gouzi.

The tongue wrapped around Tang San's little head like a towel.

Like the icing of the candied haws last time, Tang San's head was wrapped in his mouth frantically, and he wrapped it with his tongue.

"Ah! Ah! Brother! Brother! Help!"

"Brother! I was eaten by a dog!"

"Brother, I'm going to be eaten by dogs! Come here!"

"Brother! I was really eaten by a dog!"

"Brother! Vomit! Ergou, you didn't brush it! Vomit!"

"Ergou, let go!"


Tang San let out desperate roars, perfectly explaining what it means to pretend to be coercive but get caught.

Hearing the shout, Tang Er rushed into the house and saw such a nonsensical scene, so he didn't have to wonder what happened just now.

Tang Er, "Er Gouzi, let's eat it!"

Er Gouzi shook his head desperately, the dog's face was full of disgust!
Tang Er, "It's not tasty, just spit it out, why force yourself!"

Er Gouzi still shook his head desperately, suppressing his nausea.

The system translated, [Ergou said, Tang San promised to call him brother dog if he bit him, and if he didn't call him brother dog, he wouldn't spit it out even if he was disgusted to death! 】

"Hahahaha, the third son can do it! He's promising! Forgive me for being powerless!" Tang Er held his stomach and laughed out of breath, the third son can do it!

"By the way, Er Gouzi said, if you tell Brother Gou that I was wrong, he will let you go! Hahaha!"

"Ah! Alright, Brother Gou, I was wrong, I will never bully you again!" Tang San quickly gave in, and a pitiful voice came from Er Gouzi's mouth.

Er Gouzi showed a humane triumphant smile, and spat out Tang San's wet little head.

Then two shocking sounds of vomiting came out at the same time.

Tang San suppressed his nausea, his small face changed suddenly, he started to run Ghost Shadow, and rushed towards the unsuspecting Er Gouzi.

"Er Gouzi, dare to sneak attack your third master! See if the third master won't beat you well!"

Tang Er didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he left the battlefield of one man and one dog, and went to discuss with his father about the Holy Soul Village.

Inside the bar, there was no sign of Tang Hao, and all the wine on display disappeared.

Tang Er was stunned for a moment, "I can't finish drinking so much wine, could it be that there are thieves!"

Tang Er hurried to check other shops.

The little thief was not caught, but a house thief was caught. Inside the hot spring hotel, in a hot spring pool, Tang Hao was lying there with his old face flushed, snoring like thunder.

Tang Er was a little drunk after taking a sip of the extremely strong aroma of the wine. Seeing the strangely colored hot spring pool, Tang Er suddenly became furious. What kind of hot spring pool is that? It is clearly a wine pool!
Looking at the pile of empty wine bottles next to him, Tang Ersheng wept helplessly, "What happened to me in my previous life!"

"My brother and my father are more unreliable than each other! It's not like this in the original book!"

"God! Help me!"

As for why it was different from the original, he had no time to think about it.

Because Tang Er, who was heartbroken one moment ago, jumped naked into the wine pool the next moment.

"Father is amazing, why didn't I think of this fancy prodigal!"

"Jiuchi, hehehe! The system will bring me a dozen meat forests, and let's enjoy the treatment of King Zhou of Shang!"

【Ding!System warning!The host must not teach the children badly! 】


Early the next morning, the father and son, and the evolved Er Gouzi, left Chinatown and headed for Holy Soul Village.

"Crash! Crash!"

The sound of metal collisions came out continuously.

Taking a closer look, the father and son, plus Er Gouzi, were wearing clothes. They were golden soul coins. The dazzling golden light blinded the eyes of passers-by.

"Brother, brother! Can Er Gouzi be called San Gouzi in the future!" Tang San asked expectantly.

"Wow, woof!" Er Gouzi echoed.

Looking at these two wonderful things, Tang Er was speechless for a while, after eating and being eaten, and being in love with each other, they really developed feelings for each other!Who can tell me this, these two guys really love each other, that saliva, tsk tsk, exciting!

The system said that Er Gouzi had a great background, and it seems that what he said was true, and it was definitely not processed by a bullshit single dog Wuhun.

"Third Gouzi, little Sanzi, um, perfect match!"


Just as Tang Hao and the others left, there was an undercurrent in Notting City.

A group of people came from all directions of Notting City, holding various weapons, and walked aggressively towards Tangmen Street.

There are thousands of people in Tangmen Street, and the dense crowd of people will fill up the whole street.

The leader was a gloomy young man lying on a stretcher, staring angrily at everything in front of him.

With a big wave of his hand, "Smash it! Raze this shit Chinatown to the ground!"

"Take the cuckold in there and wait for me to catch my little bastard. This young master will torture him! Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

Terrifying strange laughter, mixed with noises, came from Tangmen Street, which had just entered the right track!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ladies and gentlemen!The second child asks for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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