Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 18 The wrath of the sky!

Chapter 18 The wrath of the sky!
After two months, the father and son returned to Holy Soul Village again!
When I left, I was broken, and when I came back, I was wearing soul coins. It was a beautiful scene, and the quiet village was also boiling.

"Have you heard? Blacksmith Tang has prospered in the city!"

"It's not just what I heard, I saw with my own eyes that even his dog was covered with gold soul coins, and my eyes were almost blinded!"

"Go, go to the old blacksmith's shop to have a look, I have never seen so many gold soul coins in my life!"


Outside the blacksmith shop, the villagers were bustling around, discussing with one another.

Inside the blacksmith shop, the old village chief Jack and several respected village elders looked at this proud family in disbelief.

"Tang Hao, what you said is true! Do you really have a whole street of shops in Notting City?" Village Chief Jack asked excitedly.

"Haha, you'll know where old Jack is. The whole street is magnificent. There are nearly a hundred shops and all kinds of precious treasures..."

Tang Hao's face was full of spring breeze, and he waved his big hand, blowing it was incredible!
"Go to the place and make sure that your old jaw will be shocked!"


"Haha, that's great, let's hold a village meeting right now!" Old Jack and the elders walked out excitedly.


The next morning, more than [-] households in Holy Soul Village brought some valuables and yearned for the future, and happily followed Tang Hao and Old Jack towards Notting City.

After half a day, the crowd arrived at Notting City, with three dogs and one dog leading the way, leading the way.

Tangmen Street is just around the corner, but what a street!
Looking at the ruins in front of them, everyone was dumbfounded.

Old Jack was a little confused, "Tang Hao!
What about majestic?
Nearly a hundred shops?
What about rare treasures? "

Old Jack asked three times about his quality, which completely confused Tang Hao.

It was fine when I left, how did it become like this?
Then he stared vigilantly at the surroundings, and the only one who has a grudge against him is Wuhundian, could it be that his identity has been exposed!
Tang San looked at everything in front of him in disbelief, "Brother! Brother! What's going on here?"

Tang Er saw that Tangmen Street, which he poured all his efforts into, was destroyed overnight, and felt angry for the first time!He wants to find the real culprit!He is going to kill!To kill a lot of people!

Seeing this, the villagers behind him also seemed to realize that something was wrong, but they also thought that Tang Hao was bragging and there was no shop at all. Although they complained in their hearts, so what.

Tang Er and Tang San basically grew up eating Wanjia food when they were young, equivalent to half their children, and they could only smile awkwardly.

Several old representatives of Su came forward and patted Tang Hao on the shoulder.

"Haha, it's okay, Tang Hao, let's go back now! This time, let's see the world!"

"Yes, we can rest assured that your family is doing well here!"

"Haha, it's getting late, let's go back to Holy Soul Village first!"

"Second son, third son, remember to visit the village often if you have nothing to do, it will always be your home!"


Old Jack sighed faintly, very disappointed with Tang Hao.

"Tang Hao, they don't talk about you, I say a few words about you, the second son and the third son are not young, you have to set an example for them, don't just make a small fortune, and just blow the bullshit to the sky, this time it's the second son For the sake of the third son, I won't argue with you."

Old Jack shook his head in disappointment, and looked at Tang Er. Tang San's eyes were full of worry, "Second son, third son, if you don't feel comfortable living here, go back to Saint Soul Village. Grandpa will support you!"

Tang Er saw these villagers who looked like relatives leave with disappointment on their faces, and his heart was already extremely angry.

Tang Er was like this, and so was Tang San, "Brother! Give me the Italian cannon!
Give me the grenade!
M249 to me!


Tang Hao was already trembling with anger at this moment. It seemed that he was the most angry among the three.

Listening to Old Jack's words and seeing the disdain in the villagers' eyes, needless to say, he knew what the villagers were thinking.

"Bragging to the sky! Irresponsible father! Playing the villagers for fools!"

His eyes were burning with anger, and he subconsciously stared at his omnipotent second boy.

"Second brother! Find out who did it for me! It's even Wuhundian! Labor and capital rush over immediately and kill him a few more Title Douluo!"

Tang Er held back his anger and analyzed calmly. From the current point of view, Wuhundian is the most likely, because his Tang Sect did not offend the forces of Notting City!
Tang Ergang wanted to borrow tens of millions of selection coins from the system selection bank, buy equipment, and go to the Wuhun Temple!

San Gouzi suddenly bared his teeth and rushed out.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Ah! Don't bite!"

"Ah! Help!"


After a burst of hoarse wailing, Tang Ersan and the others saw a dozen punks bitten by three dogs behind the broken wall.

As soon as they saw the person coming, those punks immediately threatened them arrogantly.

"We are members of the Qinglong Gang, you better let us go!"

"You guys are so brave. If you dare to let a dog bite us in Notting City, you will die!"


Seeing these arrogant gangsters in front of them, the faces of the father and son were ashen. Not surprisingly, his Tang Sect was ruined by that shit Qinglong Club!But why?It seems that they have not offended them!

Tang Hao and Tang San looked at Tang Er, signaling him to make a decision.

"Three dogs, let them go!" Tang Er said coldly.

"Count your acquaintances!"

"You wait for me!"

The punks fled in a panic after saying a few harsh words. The posture of nearly a thousand people just now really frightened them.

"Brother! Why did you let them go! Destroying my Tang Sect, a thousand cuts to pieces is not enough to eliminate a ten-thousandth of my hatred!"

Tang San gritted his hated little teeth and panted heavily.

"It's precisely because killing them can't solve the hatred, so we have to kill more, more people! All forces that are involved in this matter! Kill them all!"

Tang Er, with a murderous intent, sat cross-legged and waited quietly.

Tang Hao had known for a long time that the two sons were definitely not very human, and the second boy was more likely to be the reincarnation of the supreme god, so he was not as shocked as before, so he didn't want to, just wanted the father and son to kill him to have a good time!

The peaceful city of Notting boiled again.

Dense crowds of people rushed from all directions in Notting City towards the Tang Sect with a murderous look.

"What happened? The four major gangs of Notting City were dispatched at the same time!"

"It seems that some people didn't open their eyes and beat and disabled the only son of the leader of the Fourth Meeting!"

"Don't look, close the door quickly, don't be targeted by these desperadoes!"


All of a sudden, the whole city of Notting was in turmoil.

In the west of Notting City, in the ruins of Tangmen Street, the father and son were surrounded by dense crowds, at least 3000 people.

At this time, a gloomy young man in the crowd appeared in front of the three of them lying on a luxurious bed.

The young man stared at Tang San with tearing eyes, "Do you still remember me, brat?"

Tang Er and Tang Hao looked at Tang San at the same time, it seems that the reason has been found, what did this brat do!

Tang San was taken aback for a moment, then remembered that a few days ago, at the door of the candied haws shop, when he was yelling at someone to buy candied haws, he was wearing a first-class head and hit the young man who was half dead.

It turned out that Tangmen Street was destroyed because of himself, Tang San only felt endless guilt, ignored the young man, and said to Tang Er and Tang San, "I'm sorry, brother, dad, I ruined Tangmen Street !"

"Haha, silly boy, we are family members. I'll say sorry next time. See if I don't take care of you. It's just a ruined street. If you destroy it, it will be ruined. See how promising you are. At worst, let's breathe a sigh of relief and rebuild one!"

Tang Er put his arms around Tang San, and slapped his little head.

"Bastard, damn it, how dare you ignore labor and capital."

"Damn untouchables, labor and capital can only be paralyzed on the bed for the rest of their lives."

"Labor and management not only want to destroy and annihilate your bullshit Tang Sect!"

"Labor and management will still cramp and skin you!"

"Those villagers from Holy Soul Village just now seem to be some shit! They seem to have a lot to do with you! Haha, labor and capital will kill them all!"

"Offending labor and capital, I want you to know what despair is! Hahahaha!"

The young man laughed wildly, roared, and went crazy.

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Host, this is too arrogant, go, wipe out the four underworld forces in Notting City, rule the underground world of Notting City, become the Black Emperor, and reward a dozen Type 99 main battle tanks!It's so cool to crush all the way!

2. What do you want to do to coax the host, there are thousands of people, run away, waiting to be chopped into meat!Reward 10000 selection coins! 】

 Bros!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!The second brother begged for a recommendation ticket!The Notting City trilogy is about to complete the first part, but the contract of the second child has not been sent to China Literature, which is very hurtful. Thanks to the brothers for their support and encouragement. Brothers and the second child will join hands together, Let the second book go further and fly higher!Hey, brothers, if you can, go to the book review section and give the book a score for the second child. The current score is 8. I really can't hold it???????? Brothers, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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