Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 33 Tang 3's 1rd Soul Ring

Chapter 33 Tang San's First Soul Ring
As the moon entered the sky, a luxurious and beautiful big tent quietly crawled in the middle of the Hunting Soul Forest.

Inside, on a big comfortable and soft bed, Tang Er, Xiao Wu, and Tang San lay in all directions immersed in dreamland.

San Gouzi was squeezed to the corner of the bed, whimpering and barking in a low voice, as if he was having a nightmare.

As for the poor Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang, they were still in a coma and were thrown outside, using the sky as their quilt and the earth as their bed!
In the middle of the night, Tang San rubbed his sleepy eyes and got up to pee.

Just in the middle of peeing, I suddenly heard, "Gurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr."

Then yawned and glanced curiously.

I saw a 3000-year-old poisonous dragon crawling nearly eight meters in the place where Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang were unconscious!

But Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang who were in place disappeared.

The poisonous dragon's belly was bulging, and it was still swallowing a foot.

It is obvious that the most powerful Titled Douluo in Tangtang Douluo Continent, Haotian Douluo, and the number one theoretical person in Tangtang Douluo Continent, Master Yu, were eaten!

Tang San immediately peed in fright, no, he was already peeing, it should be that Tang San didn't care to lift his pants when he was so scared, and ran to the tent while urinating.

He ran and cried at the top of his voice.

"Brother! Brother! It's not good!"

"Father and teacher were eaten by snakes!"

"It was really eaten!"

"Get up! There are only bones left in the party!"

"Whoa whoa! Whoa whoa!"

Tang Er, who was soundly asleep, was awakened by Tang San's ghostly screams, feeling a little displeased in a daze.

"You kid was eaten by dogs, eaten by trees, and eaten by something!"

"Brother! Wow! It's not me! Get out quickly! Take a look!" Tang San trembled and cried in fear.

Seeing Xiao Sanzi like this, Tang Er lost all sleepiness and ran out of the tent.

Xiao Wu and San Gou Zi nervously followed.

"Ah!" Seeing the scene in front of her, Xiao Wu cried out in shock.

Of course it wasn't because he was afraid of the poisonous dragon, but because he saw the two vaguely humanoid silhouettes inside the poisonous dragon's stomach!
San Gouzi bared, "Wow, woof, woof, woof, woof!" The unprecedented ferocity, he was about to rush over and bite!
Tang Er quickly grabbed the guy, "Don't be impulsive!"

Tang San also calmed down at this moment, "Brother! What should I do? How about I bump it!"

Du Jiao glanced at them humanely, saw that they were three little kids, chose to ignore them, and digested them on their own.

Tang Er frowned. The 3000-year-old poisonous dragon, fighting with it will definitely hurt his father and the others.
【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. What are you still hesitating about?Fight it hard, what Italian guns, grenade bombs, the system provides them for free, and blast the poisonous dragon into scum! Reward selection coins 100000
2. The contemptuous eyes of the poisonous dragon can't bear it, let it know what it means to be forced, and reward all control heroes with a one-time experience card!]

Hearing the system prompt, Tang Er heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head and comforted the weeping Xiao Wu, "Xiao Wu, you should go back to sleep first, they will be fine!"

Xiao Wu shook her head, "No! I want to find a way with my brother!"

Tang Er is helpless, there are some things that Xiao Wu cannot know yet.

At this time Tang San came to assist him, didn't say anything, just paced back and forth anxiously in front of Xiao Wu.

Then the next moment, Xiao Wu covered her blushing face and fled into the tent, "Stinky boy! You pervert! I won't let you go!"

Tang San was taken aback for a moment, and then felt Tang Er playing with the birds under the moon, his little face flushed instantly, and he pulled up the pants he had forgotten.

As titled Douluo and great soul masters, Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang can't hurt them even if they know the poison dragon for a while.

Tang Er turned his head and told Tang San, "Go over, cut open the belly, and pull the old man out for me!"

Then he stared fiercely at the poisonous dragon, "If you dare to eat my relatives, I will let you experience what it means to cut you alive!"

Out of trust in his elder brother, Tang San took out the invincible saber from his waist, and killed the poisonous dragon.

The poisonous dragon spat out letters, its cold and cruel pupils were full of sarcasm, its tail was wrapped with a huge force, and it swung towards Tang San.

[All control hero experience cards are in use]

Seeing that the giant tail was about to blow Tang San away.

at this critical moment.

Tang Er waved his little hand, "Go, little Daji!"

【Come and play with Daji!The second skill idol charm, stuns the enemy for three seconds! 】

The giant tail was imprisoned in the air, with a wave of Tang San's saber, the giant tail was cut off, running ghostly shadows, dodging to the poisonous dragon.

With the Purple Magic Pupils running in his eyes, he began to carefully dissect the snake skin.

"Roar!" The poisonous flood dragon was in pain, and seemed to have noticed that these two little guys were not easy, and began to go all out.

Tang Er looked at him coldly, "Go! Miss Zhaojun!"

[Second skill Imprison Frost!Freeze enemies for five seconds! 】

This is a tragedy for the poisonous dragon, he can't move his whole body, he can only watch helplessly as his belly is slowly cut open!Life is better than death!
Five seconds later, the poisonous dragon felt free again, roared again, and wanted to escape.

"Miss Zhen Ji! Zhang Liang! Donghuang Taiyi! Control it to death!" Tang Er waved again.


In the end, the 3000-year-old poisonous flood dragon was scratched alive by Tang San.

Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang were pulled out, there was nothing serious about their bodies, but they were covered in abscesses from the venom in the poisonous dragon's body, and they were in a terrible embarrassment.

The poisonous dragon hiccupped, and the rich purple light quickly gathered above the poisonous dragon's body.

Tang Er looked at Tang San who was still stabbing the poisonous dragon with a thousand knives and said with a smile, "Okay, I'm dead, quickly absorb the soul ring for me!"

Only then did Tang San react, his little face was full of excitement, after Tang Er's previous rewards and blessings, Tang San's martial spirit had mutated, and could absorb any spirit ring under 10 years old.

【Ding! The 1-year soul ring upgrade card has been used to upgrade the 3000-year poisonous dragon soul ring to the ten-thousand-year poisonous dragon soul ring!Tang San has successfully absorbed it! 】

Coupled with the Wuhun upgrade card obtained some time ago, Tang San's first spirit ring is the Wannian spirit ring, which can be called invincible!

When the crisis was over, Tang Er and the others continued to go back and sleep soundly, but this time they also pulled Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang into the tent.

The next morning, Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang woke up leisurely, looking at the sores all over their bodies.

Tang Hao screamed in confusion, "What's wrong! What happened? Why am I in such a mess!"

Yu Xiaogang seemed to remember something, buried his head in the quilt, and said nothing, unwilling to come out, farting is embarrassing.

Farts that are stinky and loud are shameless, farts that are invincible to the stinky ghosts and gods, at this moment Yu Xiaogang has the idea of ​​wanting to die!

At this time, Tang Er came out to make up the knife, and said with a smile, "What's wrong! What happened! Haha! The teacher's fart is poisonous! Not only are you stunned by the smell, but you are also poisoned by the fart! Hahaha!"

Hearing this, Tang Hao remembered the stench of despair that made life worse than death last night, and stared at Yu Xiaogang with an unfriendly expression.

"Damn Yu Xiaogang! See if I don't block you!"

As he said that, he rushed up with a cork.

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaogang was frightened to death, pouted his buttocks, and threatened weakly.

"Brother Hao! Don't be impulsive! I feel that Luo Sanpao wants to fart again, or the kind that farts like thunder, breaking the earth!"

"Ah! Don't! Don't! I'll call you brother, it's fine!" Tang Hao admitted in an instant, as if recalling the smell of last night, he ran outside and vomited crazily.


At this moment, Tangmen Street, which is [-] miles away, is facing a fatal threat.

Under the orders of Xiao Chenyu, the son of the city lord, thousands of elite soldiers in armor and holding sharp knives are surrounding Tangmen Street.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!The second book has been uploaded for almost a month!Up to now there is no cover of the book, the second cover has been uploaded a week ago!The more words, the worse the data of the book, no recommendation!The second child is semi-autistic every day!Suspect!Especially today's data can be described in one word, basically nothing!The second child's heart was shaken!In addition, recently some trumpets who have read for 0 minutes or a few hours, went to the book review section of the second child to make malicious bad reviews and get low points. Although they know the inside story, the second child still can't help but feel uncomfortable. Brothers, go to the book review area to encourage Second child!Submerge those malicious book reviews!


(End of this chapter)

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