Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 34 The one who violated my Tang Sect!punish!punish!punish!

Chapter 34 The one who violated my Tang Sect!punish!punish!punish!
I've had enough fun, and I also got the Wannian Poisonous Dragon Soul Ring. The family's trip to the Soul Hunting Forest, except for Tang Hao and Yu Xiaogang being swallowed, was perfect.

The helicopter roared in the blue sky and white clouds of Douluo Continent!

Tang San, "Ah! I'm Tang San! I'm the best!"

Xiao Wu, "Ah! My name is Xiao Wu! Dancing Wu! I'm better than a brat!"


Tang San and Xiao Wu looked at the beautiful mountains and rivers from a bird's eye view, their little faces were full of excitement, and they shouted to the sky at the top of their voices.

Tang Hao also had a look of shock on his old face, admiring the magnificent scenery on the ground intently.

But there are three exceptions.

Yu Xiaogang lay on Luo Sanpao's ass, "Sanpao! I'm farting!"

Then he frowned and took a pen and paper to record it seriously, "The taste is wrong! Sanpao, did your fart mutate last night!"

San Gouzi also crawled in front of him, smelling it with enjoyment.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Tang Er couldn't help but smile wryly. Douluo Dalu Theory No. 1 really lived up to his reputation. This seriousness deserves his excellence.

At the same time, I also know why Yu Xiaogang loves stinky tofu so much!Feelings have a soft spot for stinky!
There was peace and tranquility in the helicopter.

But Notting City, four hundred miles away, is undercurrents.

Thousands of heavily armed soldiers surrounded Tangmen Street.

At the entrance of Tangmen Street, Xiao Chenyu was wrapped in bandages all over his body, lying weakly on the luxurious bed, staring at Tangmen Street angrily.

"Father, it's here, it's full of treasures! Every item can create huge wealth for our Xiao family!"

A mighty middle-aged man in golden armor stood beside Xiao Chenyu, staring greedily at Tangmen Street.

"Tangmen Street! Tangmen Street! What a Tangmen Street! After I get it, I will be able to become a prince and prime minister, and be rich in the world! Maybe becoming the king of a country is not a dream! Hahaha!"

The Lord of Nottingham, Xiao He laughed wildly, and has already started planning his future.

"How is Yu'er's investigation going?" Xiao He turned to Xiao Chenyu and asked.

Xiao Chenyu smiled ferociously, "Don't worry, father, my son has already investigated clearly, that Tangmen Street is just outside the city of Shenghun Village, opened by a nouveau riche surnamed Tang, and all the people inside are pariahs from Shenghun Village, who have no rights. Powerless!"

"Haha! That's great, God help me too!" Xiao He was ecstatic.

With a big wave of his hand, "Come on! The untouchables in Tangmen Street beat nobles, suspected of treason, everyone in Tangmen Street will be arrested, and Tangmen Street will be owned by the city lord's mansion. Remember to arrest people, don't hurt people, and don't smash things. People and things are treasures!"

Because he has already investigated clearly that only these lowly people can produce those precious commodities, so their lowly lives are still useful to him at this moment!
"Boom!" As soon as the words came out!Thousands of soldiers swarmed in.


"You guys! What are you going to do?"

"let me go!"

"Master, we are all good people!"

"Why are you arresting me! What crime have we committed!"


Looking at these ferocious soldiers, the villagers of Tangmen Street panicked, crying, trembling, and begging for mercy.

As an ordinary person, I have never seen this kind of battle. For a while, the entire Tangmen Street, the sound of wailing resounded throughout Notting City.

"Untouchable, be honest!! As an untouchable with such treasures, you should die!"

"Hamburgers, spicy strips, candied haws, bars, and other god-given things, only the city lord deserves to have them!"

"You untouchables, who are worse than animals, still want to covet such treasures, ridiculous! Ridiculous!"


Soldiers, ridiculed, ridiculed, scorned, humiliated them mercilessly!

Village Chief Jack looked at the scene in front of him tremblingly, the city lord's mansion was robbed by force, his old face was full of panic.

But looking at the crying and trembling villagers around him, he remembered Tang Hao's trust in him, and handed over the entire Tangmen Street to his management.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard, the bloody smell and severe pain in his mouth suppressed his fear and stopped his trembling body.

Calm down and analyze, all the craftsmanship and processing skills in Tangmen Street are only known to us, as long as we don't let go.

They can't kill us, and if they kill us, Tangmen Street will be abolished, as long as they survive until Tang Hao and the others come back!
The old village chief Jack was the most knowledgeable person in the village after all, and he shouted at the surrounding villagers.

"Everyone, don't resist! Trust me, it will be fine!"

At the words of Village Chief Jack, the villagers who were still trying to resist suddenly calmed down. They are not stupid. They know the current situation and what they should do!
"Dare to ask this military master, what crime have we committed?"

Old Jack asked calmly.

"Hahaha, what a crime! You are untouchables, of course you committed a low crime!"

"That's right, because you're cheap! So you're guilty! Because you're cheap, you deserve to die! Isn't labor and management clear enough! Get out of here!"

The soldiers around laughed, and the sound of crazy ridicule and insults was endless.

Old Jack seemed stupid at the moment, and seemed to have an epiphany, muttering to himself, "We are cheap! We are guilty! We deserve to die!"

Then he took out a flare from his waist and shot it into the sky, with a solemn roar.

"A cloud-piercing arrow! Thousands of troops will meet you!"

The soldiers around didn't take it seriously, didn't take it seriously.

"There are still thousands of troops, this pariah is stupid!"

"Hurry up and leave! If you don't leave, labor will cut you off!"

Under the escort of thousands of soldiers, the villagers of Tangmen Shenghun Village walked towards the City Lord's Mansion.


Notting City, southeast, northwest, four directions, see the bright fireworks in the sky.

Suddenly pale with shock, the Tang Sect is in danger!

The presidents of the four associations ordered at the same time.

"Assemble all brothers! Defend Tangmen Street to the death!"



The entire Notting City was instantly filled with a shocking evil spirit, and there was a shocking fighting spirit in the air!
"Defend the Tang Sect to the death!"

"Whoever offends my Tang Sect will be punished!"

"Those who offend my Tang Sect, kill them!"


Tangmen Four Meetings, mobilized for suppression, more than [-] people, shouting shocking slogans, quickly gathered from all sides of Notting City towards Tangmen Street!
Suddenly, the whole Notting City trembled.

"What's going on? Just now, the city lord's mansion is heading towards the Tang gate! What are the four halls going to do?"

"You don't know. Just now, the City Lord's Mansion arrested all the shop owners in Tangmen Street. The gossip said that these four halls have been taken over by Tangmen Street. It seems that what they said is true. They are going to rescue people!"

"Why did the City Lord's Mansion arrest the merchants in Tangmen Street?"

"You are stupid, such a piece of fat, not to mention the City Lord's Mansion, even the Emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire would be greedy, why do you say!"

"It seems that this Notting City is about to bleed like a river! My house has a cellar, brother, come and hide!"


The residents of Notting City talked a lot, those who could run escaped from Notting City, and those who couldn't ran hid one after another.

A head-on conflict between black and white is about to break out. As for who is black and who is white, the benevolent will see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom!

The original Suzaku Xuan, President Wu, the current president of Qinglong Baihu, and the current president of Suzaku Xuanwu is their son!Those two teenagers who cut their tongues to make atonement!

The president of the Fourth Association looked at the empty Tangmen Street in front of him, and his face turned pale instantly, knowing that he was a step late when he waited for someone to come.

"Ah ah ah ah..."

"Ah ah ah ah..."

Suzaku, after all, Xuanwu is a young man with a lot of blood, and he roared to the sky angrily!

"Report to the presidents, my lords in Tangmen Street have been arrested by the city lord's mansion!"

A subordinate knelt down and reported.

President Qinglong and President Baihu looked at each other with fighting spirit in their eyes.

"Brothers! Fight to the City Lord's Mansion with me! Rescue the adults of the Tang Sect!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Whoever offends my Tang Sect, punish! Execute! Execute!"


Tens of thousands of brothers from the Tang Sect rushed to the City Lord's Mansion with great fighting spirit!

 Bros!The second child cried for a recommendation ticket!Begging for a recommendation ticket!book review!A little tip and a lot of love!There were 56 recommendation tickets all day yesterday!The ranking of the free list has dropped by 200 places, falling to more than [-] places!The result of the book with almost the same number of words has left the second child far away!What's even more desperate is that the new books with [-] to [-] words are all ranked higher than the second child, with good grades!well!Brothers recommend tickets, book reviews!Come and comfort the second child!Now the only hope for the second child is that the editor-in-chief can take pity on the second child and give him a recommendation!Thank you, my brothers, for your generous reward of [-] book coins!Thank you brother for always encouraging and supporting the second child!Thank you Brothers in the Night for your kindness!In addition, according to the news in the brother group this morning, yesterday was brother Canmeng's birthday!The second brother is here to congratulate you, Brother Canmeng, happy birthday!

(End of this chapter)

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