Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 52 Tang 2 is deflated! [4th update!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Ask

Chapter 52 Tang Er is deflated! [Fourth update!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Ask for a reward! 】

"Little devil, you're running very smoothly!"

The big man rushed over and blocked Tang Er's way in an instant.

"Bang!" Before the little head hit the big man's chest, there was a sound of metal collision.

"I wipe, what the hell!"

Tang Er turned pale with shock, he missed the game, this speed, besides San Gouzi and his father, can be ranked third among what he has seen.

And the invincible iron head skill that he used to be invincible seems to have encountered an evenly matched existence at this moment.

Looking at the muscular man standing like a hill in front of him, Tang Er felt a little hopeless for the first time.

"Hey! Girl, why are you out for a walk without any clothes on!"

Tang Er stretched his neck, shouted excitedly, and pointed his finger.

"Ah! Where? Where?"

Hearing this, the big man immediately turned red, his head was like a rattle, and he searched around.

Seeing this, Tang Er smiled triumphantly, ran his scud legs, and immediately got away and ran back.

"I'm running! I'm running! I'm running crazily! Damn profiteer, it's really not a thing, you wait for the second master!"

"Hey! No, why is there no wind at my speed?"

"Hey hey hey! Brat, even if you praise me, I won't be happy! Hey hey hey!"

He only heard the profiteer's happy and unnecessary laughter coming from his ears, Tang Er was about to pee in fright.

I saw the big man holding Tang Er's small head with his big hands, and directly lifted him up abruptly.

And Tang Er closed his eyes, hugged the cash box tightly with his hands, and kicked the air with his feet crazily, which was extremely funny.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The big man's other big hand slapped Tang Er's little butt frantically.

"I told you not to learn well!"

"I made you steal something!"

"Do you still dare in the future!"


Tang Er's eyes filled with tears of grievance, the system you are a bitch, if you get promoted to a higher level, labor and management's ass will bloom.

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Continue to run crazily, and the reward is to strengthen the Xingye version of the scud, passive, let the chasers hit the wall, the chance is increased to 70%
2. Obediently beg for mercy, this person can't be provoked, reward selection coins 1000]

"Ah! I run! I run again!"

Tang Er gritted his teeth and kicked his legs frantically.

"Haha, brat? It's useless, let me go obediently! Hahaha!"

The big man stared at Tang Er greedily, his old face flushed.

【Ding!Trigger the enhanced version of the Scud passive, let the pursuers hit the wall! 】

Suddenly, a strange evil wind blew past the big man who was laughing wildly.

"Don't! Don't! What the hell?"



The big man was kicked over by a gust of wind, hit his head against the wall, and trampled the whole room alive.

"Professor, wash it up obediently and wait for the second master. If you dare to spank my ass, you will die! I will let my father beat you!"

The sound of Tang Er's aggrieved cry came from a distance.

When the big man reacted, the two figures of Tang could no longer be seen.

He crawled out of the disgraceful ruins, clutched his chest, and stared helplessly at the direction where Tang Er disappeared.

There was a look of pain on the old face, "Pfft!"

A wisp of donated blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

"This brat, what a damn iron head, damn it, he knocked Laozi out of his internal wounds."

"And what happened to the wind just now, this kid is really evil, it's a pity that he ran away!"

"The money is gone! The fruit is gone! How can I support my big family! Hey!"

"But luckily the store is fine, why don't you go dig someone's ancestral grave tomorrow, dig some soul guides and sell them, that's a good idea, zero investment and high income, hehehe..."

The big man stood up, smiling treacherously, laughing, laughing, feeling that the ruins in front of him were a little familiar.

Then suddenly sat on the ground and cried loudly.

"Ah! Ah! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Tang Er ran frantically with the box in his arms, not daring to turn his head. This was the first time he was in such a mess. As expected of a big city at the main city level, what a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!

The night had already fallen, and the surroundings were extremely dark. Gradually, two figures with their buttocks pouted and frantically fleeing came into view.

I didn't even find these two goods when I lost them.

"The profiteers are chasing you! Run!" Tang Er stamped his feet frantically from behind, scaring Tang San and Xiao Wu.

"Ah! Run! Xiao Wu, run!"

Tang San yelled, picked up his daughter-in-law, Ghost Shadow Mizuo ran crazily, and fled away, because in his subconscious mind, if he steals something, he has to run away, and he can't be caught yet.

"Hahahaha, look at your promise!"

Tang Er stopped, seeing that there was no figure of a big man behind him, he breathed a sigh of relief, and walked slowly in a leisurely manner.

When they arrived at the Tangmen Hotel, they saw Tang San and Xiao Wu standing in front of the door, looking nervously into the night.

It wasn't until seeing Tang Er's figure that he felt relieved and ran over.

"Brother! Why are you so slow?"

Tang San asked puzzledly.

"Slow? Oh! That's right! I went back and pressed the profiteer on the ground and rubbed it hard. Second Master's money is also something he can cheat!"

Tang Er raised his little head in trepidation, talking nonsense in a serious manner.

He couldn't say that he was caught stealing and his ass was spanked!The second master can't afford to lose this man.

"Haha! Big brother is mighty! Xiao Wu's idol!"

Xiao Wu stared at Tang Er adoringly.

"Brother! Why are your eyes so red! There are water stains on your face!"

Tang San wiped the tear stains on Tang Er's face, and put it into his mouth.

"Salty! Brother, you are crying!"

Hearing this, Tang Er's face darkened, "Cry! Cry you big-headed ghost! This is sweat, the sweat from beating profiteers!"

Tang Er didn't say a word, he just gave Tang San a slap in the face.

"Brother! Brother! Sweat, sweat is enough, why are you hitting me!"

Tang San yelled aggrievedly, but he didn't hesitate, he yelled and fought back.


"Hehehe, brother, come on, knock the brat off, hehehe."

Xiao Wu smiled coquettishly at the side.

In the night of Soto City, the three brothers and sisters started a new journey, playing and laughing.

The next day, Tang Er stayed in the Tangmen Hotel all day long without leaving a single step, because of what, because he was cowardly, and he wanted to hide from the limelight.

And wrote a letter to the old man, asking him to bring the three dogs over quickly, because he was bullied, so he hurried to find a place.

It wasn't until the fourth day that three familiar figures appeared in Notting City, wandering around.

"Brother! We've been wandering here all day, what are you looking for?"

Tang San asked with a bitter face.

"Don't talk nonsense, kid, follow the old facts!"

"Pay attention to a shop with a sword, a hammer and a blue electric Tyrannosaurus engraved on the signboard."

Tang Er looked around while explaining.

It stands to reason that in this timeline, Flender, the head of Shrek Academy, should be selling soul tools in the city.

Dai Mubai met, as long as this timeline is aligned again, his influence on the future should not be too big, knowing the future plot, he doesn't have to live in the unsure of the future.

"Brother! The profiteer's shop is right in front of him. Shall we go there and beat him up!"

Tang San yelled, and walked towards that side viciously.

Tang Er was so frightened that he quickly stopped the little ancestor, his butt still hurts.

"What are you going to do! He is also a poor man, is it easy to sell a piece of fruit? Why are you so cruel, and I don't know who you learned from!


Chirping, chattering, Tang Er babbled a lot, led Tang San and Xiao Wu, and hurriedly searched elsewhere.

 The fourth change, please recommend a ticket!Ask for a book review!The second child is relieved, there is no good recommendation, as long as there is no one, as long as the second child has brothers!You are the most precious second child!But I still want to mention that the current recommendation votes are less than 46. It seems that today it will not break [-]. Hehe, starting from Chapter [-], the second child has written very aggrieved and uncomfortable. I write every day for writing, and I write very well. Unhappy, I coded four chapters today, close to [-] words, and finally found my status in this chapter, and regained my original intention. The data and everything are just floating clouds. As long as the brothers are okay, go to the book review area to leave a message and tell the boss If you are still there, the second child is satisfied!Girls and I seldom say we love you, but today I want to say to my brothers in a very hypocritical manner, I love you!my brothers!


(End of this chapter)

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