Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 53 Tang 2 Revenge! [Please recommend a ticket!book review! 】

Chapter 53 Tang Er's Revenge! [Please recommend a ticket!book review! 】

There are still a few days before the start of school at Shrek Academy. In order to find Flender's soul tool shop, Tang Er broke his leg.

All the streets, large and small, have been inquired, and even the personnel of Tangmen Street have been mobilized, but nothing has been found.

Tang Er finally gave up. How could the butterfly effect be saved by himself, a traverser, so let him go.

Fortunately, he slept soundly in the Tangmen Hotel, waiting for the Shrek Academy to start.

In the early hours of the morning, on a street east of Suotuo City, a brand new shop stood up.

A big man with a shoehorn face and black-rimmed eyes was carrying a shovel.

Covered in mud and carrying a large package, he sneaked into the shop.

The big man opened the package with excitement on his face, and inside were fragmented and decayed soul guides.

"Those old ones really slammed the door, and they didn't bring any good things to be buried with them when they died!"

"Forget it, stitching together, tinkering, and barely being able to fool the past, and making a fortune, haha, I'm such a big profiteer, haha!"

The big man smiled triumphantly, then suddenly covered his face, a little embarrassed.

"A profiteer, how can I praise myself as a profiteer! This is too shameless!"

"Oh! How can you boast that you are shameless again! This is too shameless! Hahaha!"


The strange man was entertaining himself, as if he had fallen into an endless loop.

In the early morning, the big man took out a brand new signboard with a circular mark engraved on it.

Inside is a sword, a hammer and a blue electric tyrannosaur!

"Grandma's, with this signboard, labor and management will see who dares to grab labor and management's things."

The big man smiled triumphantly, thought of something at random, his teeth itched angrily, "Damn brat, you give me back my fruit and my money!"

Then go back to the shop, lie on the wooden recliner, close your eyes and shake with the recliner, to calm down the painful feeling.


The effect of a butterfly flapping its wings is long, but the inevitability of history is indeed immediate!

A few days later, it was almost time to play in Suotuo City. Tang Ersan and the others rode their own mountain bikes, left Suotuo City from the south gate, and started their journey to find Shrek Academy.

After riding for half a day, Tang Er and the others stopped at the foot of a mountain to rest.

Looking at the criss-crossing trails in front of him, the farmlands with thousands of miles of green fields, the green hills full of wild fruits, and the breeze blowing on his face, Tang Er squinted his eyes intoxicated.

"Clang! Clang! Clang!"

"Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The sound of digging and shouting came from the mountain not far above the head, breaking the unbelievable tranquility.

Through the thick bushes, a shoehorn face with black-rimmed eyes was digging a grave with excitement.

"Brother, it's that profiteer, he seems to be digging someone's family grave!"

Xiao Wu looked curiously and said softly.

"It's true, it's not that the enemies don't get together, this wicked thing, let's see if the third master will not meet you."

Tang San picked up the pistol at his waist, and was about to step forward.

Tang Er was about to stop it.

"What kind of bullshit has turned into dust, a waste of effort."

The big man grumbled, and his figure disappeared into the thick bushes.

Tang Er heaved a sigh of relief, Nima, he swears, he has never seen such a wicked person, digging someone's ancestral grave, and scolding him.

"Hmph! It's a pretty smooth run! Or I'll kill you, you bastard!"

Tang San muttered angrily.

After eating some wild fruits, the three continued on their way to find Shrek Academy.

The three of them ate and played while admiring the scenery, heading south all the way, and finally came across a dilapidated small village when night fell.

"Brother! Do you think that is a profiteer?"

Xiao Wu shouted a little not sure, because the sky was already dim, so she couldn't see very clearly.

"Go! Let's go to the side to observe!"

Tang Er pulled Xiao Wu and Tang San, and hid behind a pile of firewood behind the village, watching quietly.

"Brother! What are you afraid of? He's just a profiteer selling fruit. Watch me go out and beat him up."

Tang San didn't know what was wrong with his elder brother Fan, so he wanted to rush out to fight hard.

Tang Er couldn't say that he couldn't beat that guy, so he had to hold Tang San and persuade him earnestly.

"Don't be impulsive, this person is not simple, listen to my command!"

Tang Er said lightly.

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Meeting twice a day, such a good friend, what a fool!revenge!Burn down this den of thieves, and reward three beloved motorcycles, it will never be stuck in traffic!
2. Go home, wash up and sleep. When is the time to repay the grievances, you will be rewarded with 1000 selection coins. 】

Hearing this, Tang Er stared at the big man with an unfriendly expression, forget it, don't wait for the old man, he is going to take revenge now, last time he was just careless, this time you are dead!

There are hundreds of families in the village, surrounded by a wooden fence, and inside the village are thatched huts.

It seems that profiteers have a high status in the village, no, it shouldn't be called a village, it should be called a den of thieves.

Those thieves are as long as an iron tower, with strange shapes.

Some were shirtless, with a hideous scar on their chest.

He has a big beard and forks all over his face, and he looks like a vicious man.

With knives, guns, swords and halberds placed on both sides, this Nima is clearly a den of thieves.

Under the cover of night, Tang Er, Tang San, Xiao Wu, dressed in auspicious clothes, walked in furtively.

When it was time for dinner, the thieves gathered together for dinner under the leadership of the big profiteer.

This is convenient for Tang Er and the others.

"Brother! What should we do? Tell me! I can't wait!"

Tang San urged excitedly.

Tang Er took out a bunch of red gasoline barrels from the storage ring.

Smiling sinisterly, "Hey hey hey! Burn his den of thieves!"

"Brother! You are too bad, but hey, Xiao Wu likes it!"

Xiao Wu smiled mischievously, and then poured barrels of gasoline on the wooden thatched house without waiting.

"Haha! Take action! Damn profiteer, dare to offend your second master! This is just a small lesson!"

When Tang Er gave an order, the three immediately smirked and took action.

Under the cover of the night and the stealth auspicious suit, the operation went smoothly.

The village was slowly filled with the smell of gasoline.

Inside the cafeteria.

The profiteer wrinkled his nose and asked suspiciously, "Did you smell anything?"

The voice just fell.

There was an extremely arrogant shout from outside.

"Listen to the people inside, I'll count to three and all will come out! Take responsibility at your own risk!"


Dozens of people inside let out unbelievable surprises one after another.

"Who is shouting outside?"

"It sounds like you're here to mess things up!"

"Hahahaha, let's make trouble, hahaha!"




"Okay! Don't come out!"

Tang Er held a lighter, and the light yellow flower seedlings danced cutely, and flung them into the air gracefully.


"Wow wow wow..."

The next moment, the peaceful and peaceful village was immediately ablaze and smoke billowing in the sky!

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Please leave a message in the book review area!Ask for anything!Thank you Guan Brothers for the 100 book coins reward!Thank you Brother Yun for your generous reward of 200 book coins!The grades are dismal, brothers, if you don’t support and support the second child, the second child really wants to...

(End of this chapter)

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