Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 62 Greedy Snake!

Chapter 62 Greedy Snake!
Shrek Academy's enrollment ended, Zhao Wuji was cheated and had nothing to say.

The next day's appointment was more about saving face.

On the green grass, three luxurious and beautiful tents crawl quietly.

One side of the mountain spring is gurgling and clear, and insects are chirping in the ears.

Oscar and Dai Mubai share a tent, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Ning Rongrong share a tent.

In the last tent, Tang Er and Tang San lay quietly, admiring the starry sky through the transparent top of the tent.

"Brother! It's good to have you!"

Tang San smiled happily, hugged Tang Er's arm and fell asleep sweetly.

But Tang Er didn't feel sleepy, staring at the sky full of stars, as if he was looking for something, his eyes were full of confusion.

"What is the purpose of my coming to this world?"

"Why did I come to this world? Did I come here? Or what did I come here for?"

These years, there has been such a question that has been bothering Tang Er, and now looking at the stars in the sky, it seems that he has an answer.


【Ding!Trigger selection!This is a multiple choice question!Selected rewards, vast starry sky!If you choose the wrong system, it will explode!

1. Come for the sake of coming, come!That's the end result!
2. For what!Come!Just cause! 】

Is it true that I came to Douluo Dalu just to visit or participate in the experience of every classic plot in the original Douluo Dalu like a tourist, and occasionally spoof it!
He looked at Tang San who was smiling happily and hugged him tightly.

Speaking of everything I have done so far since I came to Douluo Dalu, no matter whether it is intentional or unintentional, the people around me have become stronger than in the original book!

And his martial soul is the hero pool!Heroes are born to save the common people!

If you choose the wrong answer, the system will explode, obviously the answer is ready to come out.

Tang Er chose two!

【Ding!Congratulations on choosing the right host!Reward the vast starry sky! 】

Then Tang Er felt himself floating up, soaring fast, fast!

He saw himself in the tent who seemed to have died, saw Tang San, and then got higher and higher.

He saw Soto City!I saw Barak Kingdom, I saw Tiandou, Xingluo, and the two great empires.

I saw the Douluo Continent turning into a drop in the ocean and merging into the sky full of stars.

Douluo Continent is one of the colorful dots of light, bright or dark.

Then he felt that he was sucked into different light spots countless times, and came to a different world!
He saw a burnt willow, which seemed to be a village sacrificial spirit!And a young lady who loves to eat animal milk!
He saw the legendary Xiao Huohuo, who was bullying the young and poor!
He saw a crow busy planting green bamboos and raising carp!
What was even more exaggerated was that he saw Sangouzi in a spot of light, no, there was also a boy in white!

He saw many, many, many years, one year, one hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years...

In the long river of time and space, Tang Er swam freely, without shock or fear, as if everything was taken for granted and calm!

Until he was in a world of light spots, that world suddenly collapsed, and countless creatures were instantly annihilated.

He escaped from the light spot and floated to a higher place again, where the light spots were fewer and dimmer.

Until there is only a solitary azure blue spot left.

A huge long black beam of light, surrounded by countless vortexes, devoured and circled crazily, like a huge greedy snake.

And those countless light spots are being devoured by this greedy snake crazily. Every time a light spot is swallowed, the greedy snake will grow in size.

wrong!There are also several smaller greedy snakes, about one-tenth the size of the big snake.

They circled crazily, circling with the huge greedy snake, preventing him from devouring more spots of light.

right!In the current world that cuts through time and space, the spots of light are countless continents!

"Ah! You old bastard! Come back!"

"Old bastard, we can't last much longer!"

"Wow! You old bastard who kills thousands of knives, only you can resist one or two, what are you going to do!"


A few small beams of light stared at Tang Er and cursed, with endless complaints and puzzles in their tone.

This Tang Er is not capable, "You are old bastards, your whole family is old bastards!"


"Jie Jie Jie Jie... You can't stop me! No matter what you do! Come back! It's useless!"

The huge spot of light stared at Tang Er sarcastically, as if deliberately provoking.

With a flick of the big tail, several spots of light were absorbed, which at the same time represented the complete annihilation of several worlds!


Tang Er watched this scene quietly, feeling completely at peace in his heart.

As if I have been experiencing this scene in front of me from the very beginning of my birth, for countless years!

Tang Er seemed to understand something at this moment, as if he was looking for, looking for beams like the one below, and trying to make them longer and brighter!

"You! Little Black Snake, I'll wait for you to Second Master! Second Master! I will stew you later!"

Although Tang Er has been in a daze, it does not prevent him from being a snake.


Then!There's no after that!
Douluo Continent, Shrek Academy, Tang Er woke up.

"Did I wander around the Snake game interface just now?"

Tang Er chuckled, but there was a sense of urgency in his heart, what was his identity, and was that azure light spot his previous world?

Then the identity of my previous life is not my true identity anymore!What is it?Is it also a snake?Those snakes seem to be quite familiar with me!
"Forget it, don't think about it, let's take a step and see it!"

Tang Er felt that it was dark in front of his eyes, and the surroundings were still a bit damp, "Isn't it dawn yet!"

Tang Er tried to stand up.


His head hit a wooden board hard.

Feeling the narrow space around him, he quickly took a flashlight to illuminate it.

The next moment Tang Er was stunned, "Damn it! Why does it look like a coffin!"

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Lie quietly!That's right, this is the coffin!Reward selection coins 1000.

2. Quickly uncover the coffin and get up! The host can't just die like this!Reward three level 30 flash bombs!It can blind all the power of the soul saint, and the effective time is [-] seconds! 】

Fuck!Labor and management just fell asleep, and Nima was buried!


Tang Er's invincible iron head hit the top, and the coffin exploded.

He went out with a dark face, looked up at the sky, it seemed to be dark just now!
Looking at his own grave mound, the soil is still new, and it seems that he has been buried for at most one day.

The Shrek Academy in the distance is still the same, but there seems to be some lively activity, a group of teachers gather around and watch with great interest.

"Zhao Wou-ki, you really don't want Bilian, what's your name with a student!"

"Old bastard, be gentle with your little hands. If you break them, labor and management will fight you hard!"

"Xiaosan, Xiaowu, Rongrong, Xiaoqing, just give in! This old bastard is not stingy!"


As Tang Er walked in gradually.

The unsettled wailing became louder and louder.

"Immortal! Woohoo! Just after my brother died, you came to bully us! Ah! Don't slap us in the face!"

Tang San cried out heartbroken and screamed in pain.

"Haha! Wait for me to be you!" Zhao Wou-ki shouted extremely.

"Old ghost! You dare to hit me! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

Ning Rongrong cried aggrievedly.

"Your father has written to me a long time ago, asking me to teach you hard! It seems that the teaching is not enough!"

Zhao Wuji laughed arrogantly.

"Brother! Brother! Xiao Wu is being bullied! Huh! Brother! You can't leave Xiao Wu! Xiao Wu misses you! Come and beat him up for me!"

Xiao Wu cried out hoarsely.

"Ah! If you can't cut jade, you can't make it into a tool. This dean is doing it for your own good!"

Zao Wou-ki is full of benevolence, righteousness and morality.

"Ah! Ah! Immortal! You dare to hit my Xiao Wu! The third master will fight with you!"

"Ah! You don't have the guts to use the fourth spirit ring! Be careful that my brother cheats and kills you!"

Tang San growled, roared loudly.

Only Zhu Zhuqing didn't say anything, but there was a touch of loneliness in his eyes.

"Hahaha! Deceitful corpse! That brat must have done too many immoral things, and he is condemned by God!"

"Come on! The fraudulent corpse is coming to bite me! The dean is waiting."

Tang Er got closer and closer, but his little face became darker and darker, and his anger became more and more intense.

"Okay! Dare to bully my second master's younger brother and sister! Okay! Zhao Wuji! You are very good!"

Tang Er went through the crowd, walked up to Zao Wou-ki, pointed at his old face with his little finger, and said coldly.

"You! Zhao Wuji! If you don't die today, the second master will take half of your life!"


"Brother! I knew you would definitely survive!" Tang San lay in Tang Er's arms.

"Brother! Kill you! Kill you! Let you scare Xiao Wu!"

Xiao Wu beat Tang Er's chest frantically with Xiao Fen's fist, and then burst into tears.


"Okay, don't cry!" Tang Er comforted me gently.

Then he stared sharply at Zhao Wuji who was in a daze.

"Brother! Get justice for you!"


(End of this chapter)

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