Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 63 Chaotic Academy!

Chapter 63 Chaotic Academy!
Tang Er led Tang San and the others, staring at Zao Wou-ki with an unkind expression, approaching step by step.

"Don't come here! I'm not afraid of you!"

Zhao Wuji, who was still invincible just now, stared at the ferocious Tang Er with some apprehension, and stepped back.

Seeing this scene, the other teachers were dumbfounded.

"Who is this young man? Duke Ming seems to be afraid of him!"

"It's unbelievable, this old thing is still afraid! What is so magical about this boy!"

"It's miraculous, I heard that Lao Wang was almost shot to death yesterday! He's extremely evil!"


"I'm going to pee, today's teaching is over, you all performed very well!"

Zhao Wou-ki braced himself, turned his head and was about to pee, everything from yesterday was still vivid in his memory.

If he was controlled by the bastard Tang Er for a few seconds, and was hammered by these little guys, where would he put his face!
"Go! Where are you going! If you hit the little one, the big one will naturally stand up and ask for justice. This is a matter of course."

Tang Er smiled, "Dean Zhao, King Ming! I advise you not to move, let my brothers and sisters fight enough!"

As soon as this remark came out, all the teachers stared at Tang Er in disbelief.

"Where does this kid have the confidence to threaten Prince Fudoming like that!"

"No matter how evil you are, at most the soul sect, if you die like this, you will undoubtedly hit a stone with an egg!"

"Young man! You are so proud, you thought you succeeded in attacking Mr. Wang yesterday, and your self-confidence is overwhelmed. Let King Ming beat him, beat him, and dampen his spirit, otherwise such a good seedling will be completely ruined!"


"Hmph! It seems that I won't teach you a lesson!"

Zhao Wou-ki turned around, he was possessed by the Vigorous Vajra Bear martial spirit, if he was threatened like this, he would retreat without fighting.

This group of old guys, maybe how to laugh at themselves, so they can only bite the bullet.

"I'm Throwing Lei's mother!"

Tang Er watched Zao Wou-ki galloping towards him in a menacing manner, and threw a level [-] flashbang over him.

Zhao Wuji raised his hand in a chic way, and caught it.

"Hahaha! Brat, you still want to plot against me!"

"What kind of thing is this!"

Zhao Wuji glanced away.

A dazzling white light came blindingly.

"Fuck! F*ck! F*ck!"

The current mood can only be described in three words.

He found that his soul power was gone, and he couldn't see anything, before he could react from the shock.

"Hit him! Hit him to death!"

Tang Er took the lead, and several people rushed over.

Punches to the flesh, bloody every time, violent punches and kicks, the most hateful.

"Don't! Don't slap your face!"

"Aww! It hurts! I'm your dean! Stop!"

"Little ancestors! Wrong! Can't I be wrong!"


Seeing the scene in front of them, the teachers around them completely exploded.

"Crazy! Crazy! How is it possible! I'm not dreaming! Dean Zhao was rubbed on the ground by several dolls!"

"This is too monstrous! Monster! A bunch of monsters! How will we teach them from now on!"

"Something's wrong! Look at Dean Zhao, he doesn't have the slightest fluctuation of soul power around him, what's the matter?"


Voices of surprise or doubt can be heard endlessly.

Hearing this, Zhao Wuji's old face turned red, and he felt extremely regretful, why should I mess with these little devil kings again.

Half a minute later, under the leadership of Tang Er, several people retreated.

"Boom!" Zao Wou-ki's suppressed soul power exploded.

"Great, recovered, you little bastards are finished!"

When the scar is healed, he forgets the pain. Zao Wou-ki is a typical example, with a swollen head, chasing after him in the air.Fell down.


"Mother Thurrey!"

Another flashbang.

Zhao Wuji volleyed and fell.

"What the hell is this!"

Then he covered his head, gritted his teeth, and was beaten quietly!

Tang San, "Excellent! Dean Zhao is here! Come teach us!"

Ning Rongrong, "Haha! I'm hitting Zhao Wuji, King of Ming Dynasty, and I'm hitting Soul Sage!"


"Oh! I see, it's the ghost of that strange ball. It's amazing. Dean Zhao seems to have lost his soul power and perception!"

"These monsters! Which faction are they who have such a treasure? This should be a special kind of soul tool!"

"Haha! I didn't expect this old thing to have today. The last time I robbed my golden soul coin, I haven't settled with him yet! Hehehe!"

"Yes! This old bastard, relying on his strength, has bullied me a lot. He snatched the wine he just bought last time!"


All the teachers looked at each other, and stared at the ground with unfriendly expressions. Zhao Wuji, who was screaming, laughed maliciously.

"Get up! My dear students, the teacher is here to vent your anger on you!"

"Yeah! Get out quickly! The teacher will teach this old bastard a lesson for you!"

"Yeah! Go!"


In 25 seconds, Tang Er and the others withdrew, and the dozen or so teachers onlookers rushed towards Zhao Wou-Ki who was lying on the ground, screaming excitedly as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

I was usually bullied by this old bastard, and finally got the chance, so I must beat him up!

After half a minute.

Pairs of big feet were raised high, wanting to kick towards Zhao Wuji.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Wuji looked at the big feet in confusion.


The ruthless big foot kicked over.

"Old bastard! Let you steal my money!"

"Old guy, give me back the wine!"


"Ah! Do you want to rebel!"

Zhao Wuji was completely enraged, a terrifying soul power erupted, two yellows, two purples, and three blacks lit up at the same time.

Level 76 soul sage cultivation base explodes at full strength!

"Oh, my god, how did he see it!"

"Not good! He recovered, the dean misunderstood, I'm here to give you a massage!"


Not listening to the teachers' sophistry, Zhao Wuji completely lost face, he will go all out to catch these little devils.

A dozen or so teachers met each other and were all crushed by Zao Wou-ki.

Seeing this, Tang Er was a little flustered, "Damn it! You really pissed him off!"

Tang Er hurriedly threw the last flash bomb over and shouted, "Run!"

This time Zao Wou-ki has mastered it so much that he doesn't even look at it, the third soul skill, Gravity Enhancement.

The fourth soul skill, location tracking.

He swears, he must take out a layer of skin from these little guys!

Arriving in a flash, without the blessing of cheating, Xiao Wu, Tang San, Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong were arrested one by one.

【Ding!Trigger selection!

1. Be honest and submissive. When is it time to repay the grievances? At most, you will be beaten. The vice president is actually quite a good person. You have gone too far!Reward, select coins 1000.

2. Convince yourself, who is the second master, challenge!Continue to provoke him, let Zhao Wuji know your second master's ability!Reward a college reconstruction card, after all, the host will mainly live here in the future, so he has to enjoy it! 】

Without further ado, Tang Er ran his scud legs and started scurrying in the ravine of the academy.

Whenever Zhao Wuji wanted to catch him.

【Ding!Trigger the enhanced version of Scud Passive!Let the chasers hit the wall! 】

Then the broken thatched hut that had just been built suffered again.

Zao Wou-ki was bumped, waiting for me to have bags all over my head, I was extremely puzzled, hit!Collide!It seems that someone is always kicking me in the back, this strange feeling is so familiar!
"Brother! Come on! Run! The dean can't catch you!"

"Haha! Tang Er! You are so tired, you are Rongrong's idol!"


The defeated Tang San and the others cheered from the side.

Tang Er was very complacent, and then, then this guy got carried away with complacency.

Turning his head and sticking out his little buttocks, he patted his buttocks with his small hands, and started his classic mocking posture.

With a cheap voice, she sang her own theme song.

"Hahahahaha! Can't catch up with me!

There's no way I'm just that strong!

La la la la la la la!
Let's all go together!I'm not afraid at all! "


The familiar singing voice, the provocative butt slapping that is too cheap to have friends.

"It's you!"

Zhao Wou-ki thought of the little bastard who burned the academy, with exactly the same posture!

Not only Zhao Wou-ki thought of it, but also the other teachers who were watching.

"You are an arsonist!"

"Quick! Catch this little brat and burn down the academy. He did it!"

"Haha, run! I'll see where you are going!"


The academy completely exploded.

Five soul rings, six soul rings, the soul sect, the soul emperor, and the soul sage all surpassed Tang Erwei to chase and intercept them.

"Damn it! It's a show!"

Tang Er slapped himself across the face, watching this scene with unrequited love.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a book review!Thank you for the generous reward of 100 book coins from Brother Qianyi Nama Lishang!
(End of this chapter)

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