Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 68 Why Are You Laughing! 2 Master made you laugh!

Chapter 68 Why Are You Laughing!Did Second Master make you laugh!
Seven Treasures Sect, the training ground for disciples, with wooden stakes standing in it, with a radius of nearly a kilometer.

These wooden stakes are usually used by disciples for cultivation, but at this time there are hundreds of people tied to the wooden stakes.

It was the bosses and employees, big and small, in Tangmen Street, Soto City, who were all the aborigines of Soto City.

Being recruited by Tangmen Street, he thought he would reach the sky in one step, but who knew that he would suffer such an indiscriminate disaster.

At this moment, they were all pale from being frightened, begging frantically for mercy.

Tremblingly looking at the very center, on top of a huge ring.

A frail woman in a white dress was tied tightly to a pillar, and the woman was Erya!

The ring suddenly trembled violently, and a fat woman who weighed at least three hundred catties walked up.

The fat face was covered with flesh, a huge black mole grew on the lip, and there was a bunch of black hair growing on it, it was really disgusting.

The fat woman stared viciously at Erya and the hundreds of people from Tangmen Street below.

Walking up to Xiaoya, he patted her innocent and lovely face lightly.

"Why are you so beautiful!"

"so cute!"

"I will peel off your skin in a while, and this beauty will belong to me!"

The inverted triangle eyes were full of jealousy, and he took out three human skin masks from his bosom, all of them were as beautiful as flowers, and they were really vicious.

"Little girl!"



Tang Er and the others finally arrived, seeing the scene in front of them, they were furious!

Just about to fight forward.

"Boom boom boom!"

They were surrounded by more than [-] big men, all of them had the cultivation base of Soul Venerable.

"Hahahaha! Damn you three brats, you are finally here." Fat Granny's disgusting drake voice rang out.

"This fairy is really smart, and she saved their humble lives just to lure you three brats into a trap!"

"You can't escape even if you put your wings on today, haha, you also brought me a surprise, and you can have three more beautiful faces!"


The fat woman laughed wildly viciously.

"Come on! Everyone is here, bring up the gift that this fairy prepared for these bastards!"

In a short while, hundreds of meters of disciples, holding their noses, walked up to everyone in Tangmen Street with large buckets.

The one in front of Tang Er and the others was particularly huge, as tall as half a person.

In an instant, the entire training ground was filled with a stench.

"Damn it! What stinks so much!"

"What kind of tricks does the eldest lady want to do? Just kill her with a single knife, she's just a bunch of lowly businessmen!"

"If they were killed directly, we wouldn't be able to watch the show. It would be wonderful if we tortured them to death slowly."

"The guy who offended the eldest lady last time seems to have been cooked by her! I don't know how to play this time, so looking forward to it!"


The surroundings were full of disciples watching the excitement, staring at the scene in front of them expectantly, discussing in a hurry.

The fat woman enjoyed the feeling of being admired by thousands of people, and remembered the heart-wrenching slap in the clothes store.

Immediately, he was so angry that his flesh was ferocious, and his fat hand, like a pig's trotter, pinched Xiaoya's chin tightly.

"Kids, watch! Look what this is!"

Scoop out a full yellow sticky substance from the bucket, and there are countless white flesh worms wriggling inside, and the stench is pungent.

An extremely vicious voice came out.

"Didn't you three brats want me to clean the toilet?"

"Didn't you tell me to eat shit!"

"Haha! Today I will let you eat your fill!"

"Dare to hit me, Zhou Cuihua, dare to humiliate me, let you bastards survive today, and die!"


Er Ya stared at the fat woman coldly, there was no fear in her big beautiful eyes, she just smiled faintly.

"Prepare so much, you will be full later!"

Hearing this, the fat woman was furious, "Bitch, you're still stubborn when you're about to die!"

"Quick! Quick! Feed them! Eat until they are stuffed to death! Those three little bastards, even if they are dead, have to feed them! Only until their belly bursts! Hahaha!"

The fat woman growled crazily, pinched the little girl's cherry lips, laughed viciously, and lifted up the filthy things.

"Bitch, don't worry, I will make you full before you die!"


"Damn you!"

"Put it down, bastard!"

"Brother! Save the little girl!"


"Don't worry! Leave it to me!" Tang Er's expression was gloomy.

【Ding!Use Nuwa's skill three, leap, and you can only teleport within [-] meters! 】

A burst of dazzling light spots flashed!

Tang Er's figure disappeared!
On the ring in the center, a small hand that is not very big, but can hold up to heaven and earth, is like a pair of pliers, tightly clasping the fat woman's pig's trotters.

"You! You..." The fat woman was shocked in disbelief and didn't finish her sentence.

The other small hand held a huge funnel, which was inserted into the fat woman's stinky mouth and directly into her throat.

"Boom!" The fat woman fell to the ground in horror.

"It's shit!" Tang Er's cheap voice came out.

The full of filth went down the funnel, and every drop was fed to the fat woman!
"Second brother! I knew you would definitely come!" Xiaoya smiled sweetly.

"Girl! As long as you are fine! Second brother is scared to death!"

Tang Er was undecided in rescuing Er Ya, lovingly rubbing her cute ball head.

The crowd below were stunned by the sudden change.

"What! How did he get there!"

"One thousand meters in a flash! Even our suzerain is absolutely impossible to do it! He can't be a soul saint who is more powerful than the suzerain!"

"How is it possible? It's just a little kid. Even if you practice in the womb, it's impossible. You must have used some special treasure just now!"

"Haha! It seems that it is difficult for them to die this time. I heard that Elder Zhu also confiscated a special attack soul tool, which is being studied with the suzerain in the meeting hall. There is a big secret in Tangmen Street, and they cannot die!"

"I can't die! The eldest lady has eaten shit, she can't control so much, she will definitely cramp and skin them!"


Some of the disciples below were shocked, but more of them watched the excitement without knowing their lives!
"Grandpa Ninth, save me!"

The fat woman vomited heart-piercingly, staring at Tang Er with great hatred, and growling desperately.


A monstrous soul power swept over.

A gloomy middle-aged man appeared in front of Tang Er.

"It's the Ninth Elder, these brats are dead!"

"Elder Ninth is a level 52 battle spirit king, no matter how powerful these brats are, they will definitely die!"


The disciples in the audience started discussing excitedly, looking at Tang Er and the others, as if they were looking at a dead person.

The Ninth Elder stared at Tang Er, as if confirming something!
The atmosphere suddenly froze.

"Why are you still standing there! Continue to feed them shit! This brat is nothing to worry about, I'm going to torture him!"

The fat woman's face was pale from vomiting, and her eyes were full of resentment, wishing she could swallow Tang Er alive.

The people below were ordered to act again.

I saw the dozen or so soul masters, carrying huge buckets and laughing teasingly, walking towards Tang San and the others.

"Don't worry! We will definitely treat you well!"

But the next moment, a howl sounded.

"Ah! My legs!"

"Ninth Elder, help me!"

"Do not kill me!"


The evil dragon roared in Tang San's palm, the second spirit ring shone under his feet, and the terrifying purple-brown liquid poisonous dragon devoured five people.

After a short while, there were five more skeletons on the ground!
Dai Mubai's fierce tiger roared, smashed a head with one claw, and five headless corpses lay in it!


Tang San, Xiao Wu, Dai Mubai's main force, and the other four showed their supernatural powers. For a moment, more than a dozen incomparable soul masters were slaughtered!


"how is this possible!"

"In an instant, more than a dozen soul master guardians were all killed!"

"Monsters! They're not people! They're monsters! Terrible!"

"What are you talking about! The Ninth Elder wants to kill them, it's not a matter of raising your hand!"


The crowd was blown away by this brutal scene!

"Haha! Interesting! It's so interesting!" Seeing this, the Ninth Elder not only didn't get angry, but laughed even more happily.

"Grandpa Ninth! Are you crazy! Hurry up! Go and kill them!" Fat Granny's eyes were tearing apart, they were all her cronies.

"Come here! Pull the eldest lady down!" The Ninth Elder ignored Tang San and the others greedily.

In an instant, several soul sects pulled down the struggling and roaring fat woman.

"You little brats! If you want to live! Kneel down and beg me! Take me as your teacher! I will protect your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life!"

The Ninth Elder raised his proud head and smiled confidently. Such monstrous people must each have a big secret.

I want to squeeze out all their value, besides, those female dolls are stunning, it's a pity to die, he has already started to fantasize about the wonderful life of singing and singing every night in the future.

 Try to come back in the evening for another update. At present, the grade of the second book is very poor, and it is close to 16 words. After I got the recommended slot on Monday, there will be no recommended slots. The second one lost, and the loss was very thorough, but brothers The consolation one by one made the second child see hope again, thank you!my brothers!


(End of this chapter)

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