Douluo's super god level choice

Chapter 69 One Step One Realm!

Chapter 69 One step at a time!

[Ding triggers selection!

1. Obediently kneel to him as a teacher, he is an extremely powerful soul king, and the reward is 1000 selection coins.

2. Kneel on his mother's knees to sell batches, slap him in the dog's face, and slap him hard, reward as long as the host slaps him in the dog's face, each time, shocking him for 30 seconds, during which he will only be shocked and will not resist! 】


A slap slapped hard on his old face full of obscenity.

Tang Er's faint laughter came out, "What are you laughing at?"

"Crack!" Another slap.

"Did the second master allow you to laugh!"

"Kneel your mother to sell batches!"

Jump up and round your arms and slap hard!

"Interesting! Interesting, your mother sells batches!" Tang Er smiled ferociously and cursed!

The jaws of everyone below were about to drop in shock.

"Soul King! He even slapped the Soul King! Is he crazy!"

"Crazy! This brat is already frightened crazy!"

"Fuck you! The Ninth Elder is going to accept him as a disciple! I really want to kill myself, what a fool!"


Elder Ninth covered his face in disbelief, and pointed at Tang Er with his withered hands tremblingly.

"You! You! You are hitting me!"


Tang Er was not polite, and slapped his backhand again, and said with a faint smile.

"No! Don't get me wrong, I didn't hit you!"

Then at some point, he took out a megaphone from his hand and walked to the edge of the ring.

"Second Master, I slapped an old dog! Haha!"

With a pop, Tang San and the others below couldn't help laughing.

"Brother! Don't insult the dog! If Sangouzi hears it, I must kill you!"





The Ninth Elder finally came back to his senses, roaring angrily, and the soul power of the Soul King swept all around.

Step towards Tang Er, step forward!The arena trembled violently!

"Damn little bastard, you seek death!"

"I am the soul king! A noble and powerful soul king!"

The second step out!The arena was shaken out of terrifying cracks!

"Accepting you as an apprentice is a blessing you have cultivated in several lifetimes!"

After taking the third step, the ring collapsed, and the Ninth Elder came to Tang Er, contemptuously contemptuously continued to sneer at him.

"Soul King! A powerful realm that you will never be able to experience in your entire life! You little beast! Today I will crush you to ashes!"

Looking at the livid and ferocious old face in front of him.

Tang Er smiled brilliantly, under the disbelieving eyes of everyone.


Another slap on the face of the Ninth Elder.

"Your mother's bad breath smells to the second master!"

The Ninth Elder was completely stunned by Tang Er's abnormal behavior, I am the soul king!Incomparably powerful Soul King!This little bastard, doesn't he know what it means to be afraid!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were several figures rushing towards him in the distance, each with the cultivation base of a soul king!Came over curiously.

But Tang Er regards it as false news!

Another slap on the old face of the Ninth Elder.

Tang Er smiled faintly, "Isn't the soul king awesome!"

【Ding!Buy the Void Staff!Equivalent to a soul ring of 10 years!Equipped! 】

Tang Er took a step forward, and the terrifying soul power rushed out of his body, directly stepping into the soul master!
"how is this possible!"

The Ninth Elder took a step back, murmuring in disbelief.


Another slap made his old face bleed.

"Accept me as an apprentice, right! The blessings of several lifetimes, right! Only you deserve it!"

【Ding!Buy and equip the Frost Staff, which is equivalent to a 10-year soul ring, equipped! 】

Tang Er took the second step, the terrifying soul power stirred the void, and he stepped directly into the soul sect!
The Ninth Elder's face was full of horror, and he took another step back in fright, "Monster! You are a monster!"

"Crack!" Picking up the soles of his shoes, he jumped up and slapped his dog's face again, blood and flesh flew all over the place.

"Little bastard, right! Destroyed, right!"

【Ding!Purchase the holy grail of equipment, which is equivalent to a 10-year soul ring, equipped! 】

Taking the last step, he stepped directly into the Soul King. The Ninth Elder's eyes were blank, and he collapsed on the ruins of the arena. There was a puddle of yellow liquid on the ground, and he was completely scared to pee!
"Soul King! Is he very powerful? Hehe!" Tang Er turned around in a cool manner.

He stared disdainfully at the Ninth Elder at his feet, and the soul kings in the distance who seemed to be so frightened that they even forgot to breathe.

quiet!The atmosphere was completely frozen at this moment!
"This! How is this possible! One step at a time! It's terrible!"

"Hoo hoo! Who is this young man! He's too monstrous! It's too terrifying! Such an unpredictable method! Only gods can do it!"

"Most of the soul kings can't achieve it even if they work hard for a lifetime, he! He can become king in just three steps!"


The soul kings in the distance were the first to react, their legs trembling, and they exclaimed in disbelief.

Countless ordinary disciples below reacted and looked at Tang Er devoutly.

"Gods! Only gods can step by step!"

"Gods really exist in this world! I'm not dazzled!"

"Greetings, Lord God! Calm down, Lord God!"

"Greetings, Lord God! I am blind and offended Lord God!"


"Bump bump!"

The sound of devout kowtows and kneeling reverberates throughout the Seven Treasures Sect!
"Yeah! Very good! You are ruthless, this god is very satisfied!"

Tang Er waved his little hand and smiled shamelessly.

But my heart is bleeding, this pretending is not a simple coercion, but pretending to be empty of my own family!Even paid off a little loan!

Why spend so much money, because the investment is big, the return is naturally big, the property of the Seven Treasures Sect, tsk tsk tsk, is enough to pretend to be a few big men!
And the Ninth Elder below reacted, looking at Tang Er who was extremely complacent at the moment and had completely let down his vigilance.

The soul power of the soul king exploded, holding a huge golden sword in his hand, a touch of madness leaked from his old face.

Suddenly violently, the giant sword slashed at Tang Er's head, cursing angrily.

"Go to hell! Monster!"


Tang Er continued to pretend to be coercive, seemingly unaware of the murderous intent behind it.

"God be careful!"

"God hide quickly, behind you..."


The crowd exclaimed!

Seeing the sword rise and fall.

A phantom of a young girl appeared behind Tang Er, with two fluffy ears, extremely cute.

【Ding!Use Daji's second skill: Idol Charm, stun the enemy for three seconds! 】

【Ding!Use the third skill of Daji: Worship the Queen!Instant Soul King! 】


A pink heart is accompanied by five groups of beautiful foxfire.

The giant sword disappeared strangely together with the Ninth Elder, as if this person had never appeared in this world!
"Master God! Supernatural powers!"

"Master God! The magic power is boundless!"


The hundreds of people below bowed even more piously.

Although Tang San and the others had already experienced Tang Er's magic in all aspects, this move, which was extremely coquettish and pretended to be invincible, still stunned them for a moment.


"Not good! Everyone join hands to kill this evildoer!"

"The Soul King should already be the limit of this evildoer, don't be afraid, everyone!"

"You must kill him! Otherwise, my Seven Treasures Sect will surely be destroyed!"


When the other soul kings saw this, they put away the shock in their hearts, each of them circulated their terrifying soul power, possessed their martial souls, wrapped in monstrous power, and went towards Tang Er, who was still waving his hands and pretending to be aggressive.

Tang Er didn't even piss on them, and now he's a shotgun for a cannon, this is forced to pretend.

In an instant, three figures appeared behind Tang Er.

Throwing out terrifying skills one by one.

【Ding!Use Daji's second skill: Idol Charm, stun the enemy for three seconds! 】

【Ding!Use Angela's second skill: Chaos Fire, stun the enemy for [-] seconds! 】

【Ding!Use Angela's three skills: Blazing Radiance, Explosive Damage, and Soul King will take seconds! 】

【Ding!Use Nuwa's four skills: Destruction, the soul king will take seconds! 】


After a series of terrifying light beams, several soul kings were completely reduced to dust, and the dead could not die anymore!


On the ruins of the huge arena, the gravel rolled, and the fat woman who had just been crushed and knocked unconscious got out.

The head was bleeding, and the disgusting pig's head was swollen again.

Staring blankly, looking at the kneeling disciples below, he yelled loudly.

"Quick! You trash, why are you kneeling? This fairy is not dead yet!"

"Hurry up and get out of here, kill them!"

"Kill them quickly! Chop them into a pulp!"


Tang Er looked at the fat woman smiling brightly, and waved to the crowd below, "Listen!"

"Willing to go through fire and water for Lord God!"

The people below responded reverently.

"Feed all the feces and urine to her! Remember not to leave a drop!"

"Remember, even if you die, you can't let her go hungry!"

Tang Er said, taking Xiaoya along, walking towards Tang San, Xiao Wu and the others.

 Thank you Purple Rainbow Brothers for your generous reward of 500 book coins!Thank you Guess You Guess Brother for your generous reward of 200 book coins!I owe a change to the brothers, the second child is back, currently at 21:730351306 in the morning, the second child is going to wash up and go to bed, brothers, remember to vote for the second child, and take a look around the book review area, and the second child’s Book friend brother group number: [-]
  There are so few people in the group, my brothers, where have you been!Hurry up and join the group!

(End of this chapter)

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