The Edge of Love and Pain: My Double Husband

Chapter 13 Don't Lie to Me

Chapter 13 Don't Lie to Me

Obviously he played it last night.

But it was placed on the bedside, and I couldn't say that "big brother" put it down, so I had to admit it against my will: "I'll try..."

"Don't smoke anymore!" He pretended to be vicious and stared: "If I find you again, you will die!"

"Ouch!" It's okay for Xiao Mian to become a gangster and bully me, but Xiao Tiantian still yells at me when she is in a state: "If you find out, you will find out what you can do to me!"

"Wife!" He stretched his neck and called, "Smoking is bad for your health!"

"Then what should I do if I really want to smoke?" Is this something I promise to do?I also yelled: "I started smoking because you were drinking and running around! Because you broke my heart!"

He glared at me angrily for a while, then pursed his mouth and began to sob: "You have changed... Wife, you were not like this before."

I don't want to comfort him at all.Being a mobster is annoying enough!Can't Xiao Tiantian quickly comfort my heart that is riddled with holes?
"Smoking is very harmful to your health. You listen to me and quit it quickly. If it is because of me that I smoke, then I will not drink in the future. It is my fault. I did not take good care of you. You should quit it now ..." He babbled while crying.

"Don't quit." I can't handle him in the boss state.

"Then I'll tell Big Brother!"

"Go and tell!"

As soon as the voice fell, the doorbell rang.

I went to the door and opened the intercom, and it was really Achang.

As soon as he came in Fanyin, he started to complain, saying that I not only smoked but also didn't listen to persuasion.

Achang immediately put on a serious face and taught me a lesson: "How can you smoke?"

I glared at him: "Don't you smoke?"

Achang concluded: "I..."

"If you can smoke me, can't you?" Why didn't he wink at all? "Are you discriminating against women?"

"This..." Achang was defeated, and looked at Fanyin helplessly: "Brother-in-law, what she said is also reasonable. It's okay to smoke less, and you have to take your time to quit smoking."

Fanyin cried even more sadly.

Fanyin ignored me all morning, and silently went into the study with the excuse of writing a novel, staring at the computer in a daze.

I peeked at him a few times and felt a little distressed, but I couldn't promise him, but I decided to risk my life and try to persuade the boss to quit smoking.

Achang found a gap and said to me: "Yesterday's matter has been resolved, don't worry anymore, someone will install the glass at eleven o'clock."

I said, "Yesterday he gave me a real gun."

"That's right." A Chang said helplessly, "The police didn't know what to think about the car bombing in Italy. They have been investigating Yinyin. The relatives of the deceased thought that Yinyin did it, so they came here last night to take revenge. But the police have made it clear to them that Yinyin is not guilty after all."

"Aren't you lying to me again?"

"How can there be? Yinyin is a member of the firearms club and has a gun license. I gave him the gun because they threatened to retaliate. If they rush in to bully you, you have to shoot them and kill them. Yinyin doesn't break the law." He said, "Don't worry, he won't bully you with a gun."

I was a little dubious: "Don't lie to me, is he really a gangster?"

"How is that possible?" He frowned: "You've watched too many movies! What do underworld people do? Which is not a felony? It’s not easy for the police to catch him? Is it possible to let him stay here?”

"Oh..." also makes sense.

(End of this chapter)

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