Chapter 14 Escape

Afterwards, he didn't withdraw directly like the boss version, but stuck to my side, blushing and asked: "Honey, are you feeling alright?"

"Okay. You're great." I held his sweaty little head and kissed him hard on the forehead: "How about you?"

"I'm so comfortable too..." His cheeks turned redder.

"Hey" I couldn't help teasing him: "Little shy ghost!"

He became more courageous, and turned his head to the side and gently bit my mouth.

In the evening, Fanyin was cooking, when the publisher suddenly called and informed him that the manuscript fee had arrived, and he immediately clamored to change my car, but after my earnest persuasion, he finally changed to go shopping.So I called Achang, he was a bit reluctant, but he agreed, and finally said that he would come to install the camera tomorrow morning.

So, we went out together after breakfast.

I spent 1000 euros for shopping in the morning, which is quite extravagant for the two of us. Most of it was my clothes, and Fanyin didn’t buy anything.

After arriving at the parking lot, Fanyin stuffed the handbag in the trunk.I got into the driver's seat ahead of time, and when I was looking around bored, I saw in the mirror a very sturdy man strangled Fanyin's neck from behind with a rope!

I didn't think much about it, and I wasn't even afraid. I instinctively opened the co-pilot's locker, pulled out the emergency wrench, rushed up and hit the man's bald head hard.With a muffled snort, he fell down with his eyes wide open, thick blood overflowing from his head.

I ran to untie the nylon rope around Fanyin's neck, his neck had already been strangled with a sunken bloodstain.He covered his neck, stared at me blankly, opened and closed his mouth, he couldn't make a sound.

I was trying to comfort him when I suddenly found people everywhere.

Their clothes are not uniform, and their skin colors are also different, but what they have in common is the hostility that is very similar to Fanyin's version of the boss.Anyone who has seen it will never forget it, because as long as they see a person with such a temperament, they will immediately feel the hair stand on end.

I quickly pushed Fanyin into the back seat, rushed into the car at the limit speed I could, started the car, and yelled at Fanyin while reversing: "Lie down on the back seat!" Damn it!If I knew it earlier, I would have brought a bottle of wine out!

The rear wheel suddenly clicked, and it could be seen from the rearview mirror that it had crushed the corpse.The performance of my car is not good, and I can't rush through it after several attempts.In front are the square concrete pillars of the parking lot, with no gaps on either side for cars to pass through.

I gripped the steering wheel desperately, put the gear in the highest gear, and stepped on the accelerator with all my might.However, the corpse was still behind the wheels, making my car look like a seriously ill beast, which could only roar dully, but couldn't move at all.

At the same time, there was a loud bang from the co-pilot glass. I turned my head to follow the sound and saw a black man sticking his teeth in.

I was so startled that I forgot to scream, and instinctively turned the steering wheel vigorously, but forgot to let go of the accelerator.The car rushed forward, rubbing against the stone pillars, making sparks and screeching noises.

Although the reflectors on both sides were knocked off, the bumper was knocked crooked, and the BMW on my right was cut a lot, but it finally came out, and I couldn't care about the money.

This parking lot is a separate building with the same entrance and exit roads as the dragon coiled on the pillar.I was so dizzy that I rushed to the wall several times.In the rearview mirror I could see a car coming after me, and I had less than a gas left in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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