Chapter 439 Obligations
I touched my painful little arm, but I didn't expect it to be neither dislocated nor broken. Should I thank him for his "gentleness"?
As I was thinking about it, I felt pain in my jaw.He likes to pinch my jaw all the time, and I figure it's because he needs to be watched and listened to.

I wanted to move, so he used his strength.I had no choice but to move and look into his eyes.

This confrontation lasted for quite a while, and I don't know what he was thinking, anyway, his demeanor was very fierce, as if he would definitely kill me if I didn't follow suit.This made me a little scared, and I regretted my irrational behavior just now: After all, there was no divorce, after all, I still asked him, and I couldn't refuse such a thing.What's more, I know that he can't tolerate rejection, the more he refuses, the more he will work hard, but we have already quarreled to the point where we are today, and it is absolutely impossible to follow him.

After a while, he let go of his hand and put his cheek against it.I couldn't help but tilt my head, I still didn't want to kiss him.Out of the corner of my eye, I saw his movements froze, his eyelids lifted, and his snake-like savage eyes stared at me coldly.

I had no choice but to stay still.After a while, he moved again, and his lips were on mine.I didn't want to respond, so I endured it dryly. He still likes that kind of suffocating kiss, likes to chew while giving, and likes to consolidate his control through my pain.I felt that his palm first held my arm, then slowly lingered to my chest, circling, and unscrewed the buttons one after another, like a giant soldering iron, scorching hot, heavy, dry, Pain... Finally, he let go of my mouth and walked all the way down, like a fire, scorching. Burning every part of me, I struggled to breathe fresh air and looked at the wood grain on the ceiling.I admit that my body doesn't feel bad, on the contrary, he always makes me want to die. This is why I feel particularly bad in my heart.

Later I felt very empty and lay in bed in a daze. He went to the bathroom and came out soon.I didn't want him to talk to me, so I quickly closed my eyes.

But I still felt a jolt on the bed, his body pressed against my back, the temperature dropped somewhat, but it still made me uncomfortable.I flinched helplessly, and his arms wrapped around me, asking: "Pretending to be asleep?" He was smiling, which shows that he is very happy now.

Of course I didn't want to answer.

He held my little arm, stroked it with his thumb, and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

There was a little more, but it wasn't serious, but I still didn't speak.

He rubbed it gently, as if he was healing me, and explained: "I didn't mean to hurt you, but you grabbed too hard at that time, I was just trying to stop you... the bones are definitely fine, don't worry Well, I'm useless."

I do believe that he didn't use any force, but it hurts me even if I don't use any force, which is really disgusting.

He hugged me, kissed my cheek for a while, and his tone softened: "Are you angry?"

I didn't move, I closed my eyes tightly, but suddenly a soft thing stuck to my lips, and it got into my mouth very quickly.I was bored for a while, and I opened my mouth to bite, but unfortunately he withdrew quickly, and I was left empty.

When the laughter came, I couldn't pretend anymore, so I had to open my eyes.

Satisfied, he leaned his head on my shoulder and said with a smile, "I knew you weren't asleep, so I pretended."

"What else do you want?" I really felt like I was going to collapse.

"I still want to be warm with you for a while." His hands were still twitching, "If you want, we can fight again."

"I don't want to." I said, "I want to sleep."

"It's already four o'clock." He nibbled my earlobe while talking, "Don't go to sleep."

I was bitten by him so badly that I pushed his face with my hand, and he took my finger in his mouth.

Seeing his smug face from the corner of the eye, I understood that if I continued to toss about like this, I was just being passive, so I drew my hand away and didn't speak any more.

He held my hand again, was quiet for a while, and said, "Lingling..."

I ignored it.

"Having a relationship within marriage is an obligation. Although I am hurt, I still try my best to satisfy you. You should be happy." He began to pretend to be innocent, "Why are you showing me the face?"

"I already said I didn't want to do it."

"You never said you didn't want to do it." He still rubbed his face against my shoulder, and I felt like he really wanted to do it again, "but your body is much more active."

I really can't stand his cheap tone, "Don't tell me you don't even have this level of physiological knowledge."

His smile deepened, and he pinched my chin with his hand, "Stupid pig, this is not physiological knowledge... this is experience."

I was even more annoyed, and couldn't help but sarcastically, "Yo, it turns out that you regard more experience as your advantage in your heart?"

I didn't hear his answer, I just felt that he was pinching my fingers, as if he was absent-minded.

It was so quiet that I closed my eyes.

It seems like a long time has passed, I was a little sleepy, and I was about to fall asleep, but suddenly I felt a strange feeling coming from my body.I couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, and after I realized it, I felt annoyed. No one likes being raped, let alone it hurts.I grabbed his arm around my waist, but he was already prepared, turning over and pressing me down.

I know he's angry, and I know why, he can't take offense, and he can offend anyone.I'm used to it. Although it hurts, I don't feel surprised at all. Frankly speaking, I'm more willing to accept him like this than to talk softly and please me, because I'm fed up with my own worthlessness. I'm afraid I can't hate him firmly, I need to go over and over again the pain he gave me, which feels both familiar and safe.

Finally, he got off my body. I was just thinking about taking a rest, and finally relaxed, but he slapped my ass suddenly, and ordered coldly: "Get up, it's five o'clock."

I asked, "What do you do at five o'clock?"

"Take a shower and get dressed." He urged, "Hurry up, go see the kids first, and then go to the airport."

I got up and he had already turned to go to the bathroom.

I found a nightgown and put it on, and I still felt some pain when I walked. At this time, I really regretted it, regretting what I was doing against him?Obviously knowing that he will not be sympathetic to others.

My room used to be for my own use only, and there was only one bathroom. Due to the layout of the house itself, it was not built very large.When I went in, Fanyin was washing with a shower, his body was still wrapped in gauze, his face was still injured from my beating, and his arms still had blood stains from my scratching last night.He looked like a heinous criminal standing behind the glass, and his eyes slowly slid from my face to my legs, gradually becoming deep.

I looked down, only to find that blood had been left along the skirt, so I quickly wiped it with a towel.Based on my own experience, I judged that the wound should not be big, but the blood was getting more and more rubbed, it was like a miscarriage.It's not the first time I've seen blood, and I should be calmer about this kind of scene, but I'm not.Unknown fear suddenly filled my entire consciousness, making my heart pound, my eyes turned black, and I was sweating profusely.Everywhere in my body was shaking, which made me unable to stand still. At this moment, a force grabbed my waist.

Someone is calling me, "Lingling?"

I could hear Fanyin, and at the same time I felt a strong sense of disgust.At the same time, there was pain and a cold touch on my face - I finally woke up.

My vision slowly began to recover, and I found myself sitting on the ground, opened my nightgown, there was still blood, and my heart started beating wildly again, at this moment, Fan Yin's voice came from my ear, "Don't be afraid, It's menstruation."

I couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and turned my head to look at him, only to realize that he was kneeling beside me, with his arms around me.He kissed my forehead and stroked my back with his palm. I calmed down a little and said, "I'm sorry."

He didn't speak, and put his arms around my body.

Afterwards I felt better and pushed him away to take a shower.Fanyin didn't have anything to do, but stood outside and watched me.

After I came out, he held a bath towel to help me wipe it, and even took medicine to help me apply it, which is rare to be so considerate.

I was naturally willing to be served, so I didn't refuse. In the end, he helped me get dressed, squatted next to the chair, held my hand, and asked, "Do you feel better?"


He didn't ask any more questions, took my hand to his lips and kissed it, and didn't speak.

Time was already wasted, so I hurried to get dressed up. Fortunately, the make-up artist and hair stylist acted very quickly. When it was over, I stood up and found that Fanyin was at the door.

We went to have breakfast together, and he didn't find a topic during the period. I was still in pain, so naturally I didn't want to talk.It was like this all the way to the hospital. It was only six o'clock, and the two little guys were still awake.Fanyin tactfully didn't come in, I went to see Lianyin first, the red marks on her neck had faded, she was sleeping very well, unlike Niannian who looked like a big crab.I kissed her little head quietly and stroked the soft hair on top of her head.Actually, I think Lian Yin looks more like me, but I don't want her character to be like me, I hope she is as domineering as Nian Nian.But compared to Nian Nian, I do love Lian Yin more, probably because Fan Yin loves Nian Nian more, I don't want to neglect Yin Yin.

Later, when I went to see Niannian again, she didn't stretch out like usual, but hugged Fanyin Xiong, looking a little fragile.What is surprising is that the bear's ear has a small opening, and the cotton wool has been exposed, and the top is wet, as if it was bitten.Nian Nian has always cherished her own things, and has always picked on others to destroy them, especially the bear who represents her father.

I also kissed her, touched her little head, and felt very warm in my heart.As a mother, I was supposed to shield her from all pain, and I didn't.So even though she understands me now and hopes to divorce Fanyin, it makes me even more sad.

After thinking about it for a while, I went out, and Fanyin was not there again. The attendant said that he went to see my adoptive father again, which was filial.

(End of this chapter)

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