Chapter 96
After this slap was over, Pu Tao opened her mouth: "It seems that Miss Su's conscience has been eaten by dogs."

I didn't speak.It's less likely to irritate her because she doesn't know how to ask.

Fortunately, Pu Tao made a direct request: "Follow me."

I followed her downstairs, the car was already waiting downstairs.

The driver came down and opened the door. I didn't want to get in the car yet, so I asked, "Where is Miss Pu taking me?"

Pu Tao said: "Match type."


"He suffered liver failure due to a wound infection," she said. "Liver replacement needs to be considered."

so serious?

I hurriedly asked, "Is it still because of the wound two months ago?"

"What do you think?" She said with a cold face: "Come to match the type, if you are lucky, maybe you won't be needed."

Pu Lan was completely harmed by me last time, so it is only natural for me to match him, even if I transplant him, there will be no problem.

It's just that I will definitely not be able to fly again, at least no civil aviation will want me, so I am a little hesitant.

Pu Lan immediately showed a mocking smile: "What? Miss Su is afraid?"


"Hurry up and get in the car." Pu Lan said coldly, "I thought Miss Su thought my brother deserved to be shot for you, and was trapped in the cellar for another two days."

Forget it, if you don't fly, you won't fly. At worst, I'll find another job.

I got in the car.

The car started, and I asked Pu Tao, "Is he in good condition?"

"Barely." Pu Tao said nonchalantly: "I hope you are worthy, otherwise we will continue to trouble you until we feel that we have paid off. Moreover, if my brother dies, I will I don't think Mr. Fan will have any objections, after all, whose house is it bad for you to go? You must come to my brother's house."

I did not speak.

It's also ridiculous, it's obvious that Fanyin is crazy, but I have to solve the matter.But if I insist on analyzing it, of course I also made mistakes. My mistake was that I didn’t take the contraceptive pill, my mistake was that I was too stupid to think that we could have children, and my mistake was that I didn’t obediently go for an abortion.Just go to the hospital honestly, so as not to suffer from this flesh and blood, and to avoid implicating Pu Lan.

The drive from our school to the hospital took nearly an hour and a half, and my back was soaked in cold sweat by then.

As soon as he entered the hospital, the phone rang immediately, it was Fanyin.

I explained to PuTao, ​​and went to the side to pick it up.

Fanyin's voice was cold: "The driver said you were not at school."

"I'm in the hospital." I said, "Mr. Pu is suffering from liver failure. Ms. Pu wants me to participate in the matching."

Fanyin didn't say a word.

"I'll take a taxi back." I said, "It should be soon."

"Give her the phone." Fanyin's tone had dropped to freezing point.

I knew what he was going to say, so I said: "No, I did implicate him in this matter, and I hope I can be worthy. This way, I can pay back his favor."

"Give her the phone." He spoke a little slower than before, and also more deeply and forcefully, showing some anger.

"What are you going to tell her?"

"I asked you to give her the phone!" As expected, he was completely angry: "Don't understand?"

"I said it!" I said, "This is a matter between me and him, and has nothing to do with you. His liver failure is all because the previous wound was not treated properly. I did meet him that day!"

Fanyin was silent again.

I waited for a while, and when he still didn't speak, I said, "I'm dead, bye."

"You just said," he said viciously, "you hope to be worthy?"


"Okay." He said, "May your dreams come true."

After hanging up the phone, I went upstairs with Pu Tao.

Pu Lan's ward was on the fourth floor, and the corridor was very quiet.

Pu Tao knocked on the door, and a nurse opened it.

Pu Tao asked, "Is my brother awake?"

"Just fell asleep."

Pu Tao nodded, and then asked me: "Do you want to go in and have a look at him, or do you want to get a match first?"

"Let's take a look."

Frankly speaking, I really didn't think much about Pu Lan in the past two months, I have always disliked him, not to mention that the reason why he and I have intersected is because of his identity as "Miss Su".Because Fanyin's health recovered fairly quickly, I always felt that Pu Lan was fine, and I didn't expect him to be so serious.

And I've never had anyone with liver failure, so I didn't try to imagine his condition along the way.

So when the door of the ward opened, my feet seemed to be nailed in place, my brain slammed, and I couldn't look away:

He was lying on the bed with tubes all over his body and an oxygen tube under his nose.His exposed hands were sallow, as was his complexion.I can still see a bit of his face from this angle, his eye sockets are sunken deeper than usual and seem to have a faint shadow.His lips were completely colorless, just white.His cheeks were swollen and his fingers were withered.

If I hadn't just heard what the nurse said, I would definitely think he was dead by now.

Pu Tao didn't pull me in, but closed the door and said, "Don't disturb him."

I still couldn't help shaking.

If I had known that climbing into that wall would cause this scene, I would rather have done nothing but be arrested and aborted, so that any suffering would be borne by myself, at least I would not have wronged anyone.

After coming out, I asked Pu Tao: "How long has he been like this?"

"It's been more than a month," she said. "Me, my elder brother and my father are not suitable. Others are not willing to match."

"Why?" The success rate of family members is obviously higher.

"My father likes him." She whispered, "So they all want him to die. Besides, he was born by a woman my father raised outside. Except for me, no one in the family decides for him."

"I see."

"You'd better hope you're worthy anyway," she said, "or you'll have to kill yourself."

"I hope so too."

The matching process was not complicated, and it was already eight o'clock in the evening after the end.Pu Tao said that it will take a few days to know the result, and will call me if it is appropriate. "

I took a taxi back home. The driver was quite happy at first and kept chatting with me.When he was driving near Fanyin's house, he suddenly stopped talking, and a drop of cold sweat dripped down the back of his neck.

His hands kept shaking when I paid, which made me very curious and asked, "Have you ever been here?"

"No." The driver said fearfully, "I've never been here before."

"Oh," I said, "You look frightened."

"NO, I have not."

I got out of the car and was about to enter the yard when the taxi turned back suddenly. The driver lowered the window and asked, "Can you please chat with me? It's right here."

"Convenience." I wonder why he was so scared all of a sudden.

"I passed by here one night, in this house..." He pointed to the blind corner of the pillar at the gate, and said, "This is the place. I saw a man strangling a woman's neck. At that time I fled, They have all disappeared after calling the police, and no one saw them here. When you said the address just now, I didn't immediately think of this place. I think it was just an accident. I hope your mood will not be affected by my emotions. "

I hurriedly asked, "Then do you still remember what that man looked like?"

"No, I don't remember. It was dark in this corner, but that man was tall." The driver wiped his sweat and said, "I don't remember at all, sorry."

The driver left after speaking, and I entered the door in a daze, got in the car and went back to the villa.

I thought Fanyin would be at home waiting to yell at me, but he wasn't there.I think the reason why he stopped me from donating a liver was because I was his wife, and it would make him lose face if his wife donated a liver to someone he hated.As for my health, he wouldn't have kicked me down the stairs if he'd thought about it.

I eat, read, and sleep as usual.

While lying in a daze, there was a sudden sharp pain.

I opened my eyes to find myself on top of someone who had invaded me rudely without any foreplay and I was almost fainting from the pain.The room was very dark, I couldn't see his face, I could only see his eyes burning with anger, I didn't like this punishing look, so I closed my eyes.

Finally, when he went out, I was completely paralyzed.

The pervert went to take a shower, so I tried to fall asleep again in a slightly less painful position.However, just when I finally started to feel drowsy, Fanyin suddenly pressed up again and started to move without hesitation.

I pushed him quickly, and he pressed my head with his palm, biting his mouth hard.I also quickly bit him. During this process of biting each other, we were like two beasts who had blood feuds in the past and present, and planned to tear each other apart and swallow them before we stopped.

Finally, he let go.

I also let go, licked the sweet fishy smell around my mouth, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"What am I going to do?" He still pressed my head hard, his fingers biting my scalp, pulling my hair so painfully: "I want to be you."

"Oh, I thought it was a big deal?" I laughed.

His hands suddenly grabbed my neck.

My body trembled, and then I realized that he didn't use any force, but just stuck there.

But I believe he will use his strength, so let me understand.I breathed a sigh of relief and asked, "Is it because I went for a match?"

He didn't say a word, still staring at me with such hatred, the cold water drops from his hair fell on my eyelids and flowed into my eyes, making my eyeballs a little uncomfortable.

"The matching results haven't come out yet. I'm not related to him, so he definitely doesn't match." I said, "Don't be too sensitive."

He didn't say anything, just stared at me so viciously.

"What's more, even if the match is right." I felt his hand tightening, but I still insisted on finishing the sentence: "Liver transplantation is only cut in half, and it will usually grow back after a few years. Uh..."

He strangled me speechless.

After a long time, he sneered, "It's only half."

I still can't speak, thankfully I can still breathe.

"I will arrange surgery for you tomorrow morning." He let go of his hand and said mockingly, "Take out that half."

I hurriedly asked, "What do you want it for?"

"Eat it with bread." He patted my face several times with the palm of his hand, smacked his lips and said, "It's a great tonic!"

(End of this chapter)

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