Chapter 95

She nodded: "That's right."

"Maybe it's because his feelings for you are too complicated that he split into two personalities!" I knew I had a bad attitude, but I couldn't help it.It was Luo Man who told me the same thing last time, and I couldn't accept it then.I feel disgusted, I feel resentful, what I love is just a symptom?No, he is a living person: "But things have come to this, you still just want that him to disappear, you have never thought about why he exists, and you have never worried about his feelings! He is also a part of your son!"

Mrs. Han was not moved at all, she just asked, "How much do you know about us?"

"Barely," I said, "I'm not a judge of your character, but at least you have a very cold mind about the matter."

"Okay." Mrs. Han asked: "Then you can express your position and tell me, do you need my help?"

"I do," I said, "but if that's why you're helping me, I'd rather not."

"Bone." Mrs. Han stood up and said, "Then come to me to help you divorce after you agree with me."

"Xu Yan!" Mr. Han also stood up: "You..."

"Stop talking." Mrs. Han was obviously irritated by me: "I want to die, no one can save her."

"It's my own choice to find death." I also stood up: "But I don't think you should be too stubborn. If I were you, I would treat them all as my own sons, even if one of them doesn't know me or hate me. relationship. I think it would at least help his condition."

"Oh?" Mrs. Han sneered: "Since you are so noble, don't try to force a second personality to replace my son."

I was stunned.

"Why do you think we want Yinyin to treat you better?" Her eyes were sharp and her tone was almost aggressive: "I just want you to be reluctant to replace him, just like now."

I almost couldn't answer: "Why do you say that?"

"Why?" She said disdainfully: "I was killed several times and aborted by him personally. Is there any reason why you don't want to take revenge on him?"

"Mrs. Han!" Since there is no evidence, of course I have to fight to the end: "You are framing me."

"Evidence is easy." Mrs. Han crossed her arms and said, "As long as you promise, after seeing the evidence, you will divorce Fanyin no matter what. And you will keep tight-lipped about him and his related matters for the rest of your life. In the end, please Take off this watch first."

Of course her judgment was not wrong, and she suddenly exposed it, which made me suddenly not understand her in an instant.I thought she was a very nice person, very generous and rational.Her attitude towards me has always been good. Although she is not as close as Fan's father, she is still quite caring.And she used to persuade us to divorce, using reasons that were for my sake, and I am really grateful.

But her attitude immediately made me understand that she persuaded me to divorce because she was afraid that I would be pushed into a hurry and hurt Fanyin.If I don't get a divorce, she thinks I stay for a purpose.Does Fan's father think so too?Otherwise, why did they both ask Fanyin to treat me better?
It can be seen that they are indeed very shrewd, because I was expected by them.And they directly strangled my plan in their stomachs, I am really struggling now, I don't know whether to persuade the second personality to replace him.I like both, and hate both.


I have a feeling that every step is being counted.

I took off my watch and said, "Don't worry, as long as I see the evidence, I will divorce him immediately."

She took the watch, played with its bracelet, and said with a smile: "In order to prevent the house from being attacked, most of the rooms in his house are monitored. Including the dining room."


I did conspire with Britney Spears at the restaurant.

"These monitoring records are backed up at my father's house and mine. And only the two of us are eligible to view them." Mrs. Han tilted her head and asked, "Do you want me to continue?"

I clenched my fists.

"Besides, do you really think that you can go into the study to look through things openly?" She said with a straight face, "The alarm has sounded long ago. I didn't let them go in and arrest you."

In other words, when we went to the study to find something, she was watching us from the other end of the monitor?
I still insisted: "It was No. 1 who took me there that day."

"No. 1 is crazy to take you there." Mrs. Han's face became more gloomy: "We talked to him as early as after we persuaded you to divorce. He fully agrees with our ideas, but he still wants to know what will you do?" Do something. Otherwise, you think that prosperity is only his son, and he needs to worry about being dismissed? Why should he cooperate with us?"

Completely speechless, I bit my lip.

Her attitude seemed to me to be wrong, but was I wrong?Is it not natural for me to hate him?

"Child." Mrs. Han was silent for a long time, and suddenly softened her expression: "We understand why you want to do this, besides, you are not a bad boy. So I persuaded you to divorce over and over again, because Yinyin told us personally that he couldn't Treat you well. Then since you have one, you will have two. We don't need to put a time bomb around him. Besides, this is also of great benefit to yourself. I'm afraid he will do you before you kill him. "

My mind was so shocked by her that I now believe her words are all true.Then the pervert is also clear, which seems to explain why he doesn't want my child again.

In fact, he had warned me before, on that flight to Buenos Aires, that he exposed me right then and there.But I didn't take it seriously afterwards. I think he guessed, and it was easy to guess.

But I never thought he would be completely sure, these are two concepts.

After thinking about it for a while, I said, "Mrs. Han, what if I insist on refusing to divorce?"

"As you wish." Mrs. Han said flatly, "No one will stop you from seeking death."

"So what you just said was just trying to scare me?" I said, "Fan Yin doesn't want a divorce at all, does she?"

"It's not to threaten you." She said confidently: "It's just because your attitude offended me just now, so I also chose to make you uncomfortable. As for whether to divorce or not, it's up to you. But please remember, if one day, you take the initiative If you come to me to help you get a divorce or save your life, then you can’t do it with your current attitude. You have to apologize first. "

"That day will never come." I said, "Thank you for your kindness, and I make no apologies."

"Good luck." Mrs. Han spread out her palms and said, "Take it back."

I was puzzled again: "Why did you give it to me again?"

"It's just a watch." She smiled and said, "Take it back."

I took the watch, although I didn't understand what she meant, but the contempt in that tone was already undisguised.

I did feel ashamed, not so much of the plan, but ashamed of being so stupid that I fell for their tricks.Not long ago, I did regard them as relatives. They treated me so well and loved me so much. I felt that they were like my family.But they were just trying to stabilize me, because I was too close to Fanyin, and I was too ready to kill him.I even encouraged Britney to imitate him, and she has learned it well.

I am very conditional to make "him" disappear.

Ha ha.

I felt both speechless and extremely chilled.

Mrs. Han went back to the ward with Mr. Han, and I was still sitting on the bench in this row.

Every scene before kept replaying in my mind. When I thought that No.1 meeting would be good for me, I really forgot about Britney for a while.But when No.1 forced me to have a miscarriage, Britney rushed out to protect me.But what did I do to him?
When Fan's father said that he was only ten years old, I believed it, and I was entangled.

When Mrs. Han asked me for a divorce, I hesitated, and I considered it.

I still remember his expression at that time, he was so sad, he cried and denied it to me, he was so nervous, he kept begging me not to give up.

Why should I take their word for it?

I'm so stupid.

I should have remembered that Britney picked me, not the pervert.From the beginning to the end, he was the one who called me my wife and loved me.He's robbing that pervert's body, there's nothing wrong with that, everyone sees him like that, thinks he's just a symptom, a tumor, why doesn't he rob him?Why not grab it?
But I'm the only one who can get close to him and the boss version at the same time.

I'm his only teammate.

And this guy who brought me into these things, who was also my only teammate, is the only thing I'm here with.

Even if he is only ten years old, so what?

His heart is toward me.

The rest of the people, including the boss version, are all trying to schem with me one by one.

I didn't see Fanyin until my arm cast was removed.Which means he definitely hasn't turned into Britney Spears.

Fan's father didn't come to see me either, I guess it was because Mrs. Han must have told him these things.

I do feel a little sad because they were so much alike before.In other words, they just did what they liked. I don't have a family, so they created a family atmosphere for me.This makes me very uncomfortable now.

The day after the plaster was removed, our school also started classes.Fanyin still didn't come back, but Uncle Lin said that I had to continue the exam.

So I didn't dare to delay the course for a day, and put out ten times the effort to study hard.But today, when the class was just over, there was a person standing on the only way from the classroom to the elevator.

I didn't notice her at first because I hugged a lot of things until suddenly I got a slap in the face.

I looked up in pain, only to find that it was grapes.

Pu Tao also looked at me, and we looked at each other, and I seemed to understand why she hit me.Is Pu Lan dead?
During the confrontation, she slapped him again.

I didn't want to suffer this time, after all, I have to explain things clearly before being beaten, but her speed is too fast, I can't catch her arm, I can only let her palm come up.

(End of this chapter)

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