Chapter 103

Zai Tian Beast carried Tianshan on its back and walked out of the village. It was very fast, not as slow and clumsy as ordinary sea turtles.

The scorching sun shone on the turtle's back, illuminating the black scales on it, and the fallen trees and rolling boulders on Mount Zaitian could be clearly seen under the light.

Zai Tian Beast moved forward, and every time it took a step, there was a booming sound from the whole Beizhou land, and pieces of rocks slipped from the back of the turtle, smashing deep holes in the ground.

Walking aimlessly, it seems as simple as just wanting to get out of Beizhou.

Along the way, countless monks gave way one after another. The generous body made people fearful. Some bold monks tried to attack the turtle's back with spiritual weapons, but they didn't have any impact on the beast.

Facing the attacker, Zaitian Beast's cold eyes swept coldly, and with a flick of the whole body, a long tail suddenly appeared. At the end of the tail was a monster like a snake head, and the bulky turtle's back twisted. It was very flexible, and countless besieging monks were swept away by the tail of the turtle, flying far away, spitting blood, and the weak ones were directly killed on the spot under one blow.

Zaitian Beast didn't stay too long, and continued to move forward. Its huge body crushed countless mountains and rivers all the way. What's amazing is that when it encountered a town with a lot of people, it chose to avoid it. Only those who took the initiative to attack, It will fight back.

In the seemingly cold eyes, there is actually a soft radiance hidden.

In the sky above the North Sea, the girl and Kun were floating in the air.

Haitang put her legs together, leaned slightly on Kun's back, looked at the white clouds passing by in the sky with a pair of clear eyes, and counted the number of white clouds in boredom.

It wasn't until Beihai trembled that Haitang and Kun became alert.

The earth-shaking sound came from far away, Haitang watched the sound for a long time.

A lush green mountain appeared in the distance, and then the turtle's back and head emerged one by one, heading towards the North Sea.


Kun yelled in the direction of the turtle's back, his voice was sharp, different from the peace in the past, it seemed to be swearing the sovereignty of the territory.


Zaitian Beast didn't respond, it just walked step by step, its limbs landed on the ground, the entire North Sea shook, countless waves rolled up and fell into the sky.

Kun shook his body, Qian Li's body slowly turned around, facing Zai Tian Beast.

Zaitian Beast continued to move forward, stepping on the water of the North Sea with all four feet, rolling up countless waves, and then floating on the water with its whole body, continuing to move forward.

Kun opened his mouth wide, as if devouring it, Haitang quickly patted Kun's sides with his hands and said, "Don't suck it, it's so big, you'll die..."

Kun turned his head and glanced at Haitang: "..."

The Beihai Dragon Palace was shaken because of the beasts carrying the beasts passing by, countless jewels rolled down from the shelves, countless shrimp soldiers and crabs would shake back and forth, unable to stand still, and all of them were cursing. It’s okay to be unsafe on land, why is it so dangerous to stay at home.”

Above the North Sea, Haitang and Kun silently looked at the departing figure, with a feeling of sympathy and sympathy in their hearts, as if they were both lonely.

For the Beizhou Juyi Gang, the leader Jiang Yunchuan sat at the main seat, and the twelve hall masters below sat separately.

As one of the twelve major sects in Shenzhou, the Juyi Gang heard that there was a beast coming from the North Sea, and it was going to pass by the Juyi Gang. Jiang Yunchuan summoned twelve hall masters to discuss whether to take action to stop them. In the end, the opinions were unified, and Juyi The gang can't just watch this beast trampling wantonly in Beizhou, and vows to give this monster that has become a spirit a good look.

The Juyi gang, under the leadership of Jiang Yunchuan, set up defenses on the path that Zaitian Beast must pass.

Gang leader Jiang Yunchuan joined forces with the Twelve Hall Masters to set up the long-famous Twelve Killing Formation of the Juyi Gang, but it turned out that it was not the enemy of Zatian Beast. Everyone in Beizhou heard about it and secretly thought how powerful this monster is...

Since then, Zai Tian Beast has continued to move forward.

Fengdu, Di Ting raised his head and looked at Su Heng: "There are turtles coming from the North Sea, and they are going to pass through Zhongzhou. Only the Great Emperor can stop them."

Qijie asked from the side: "Where is this beast going?"

Di Ting continued to lie on the ground, leaned sideways and listened for a long time, raised his head, shook his head and said: "I can't hear it, it seems that this monster has never thought about its purpose, it just moves forward aimlessly, not knowing where it is going."

Qijie clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, this land of Kyushu is really getting more and more interesting."

Di Ting looked at Su Heng who had been silent all this time, and said: "No matter how the Kyushu changes, we will definitely not go wrong if we follow the footsteps of the Great Emperor."

Qi Jie squinted his eyes and listened attentively: "The origin of the heavenly beast is mysterious, and this poor monk really wants to see it."

Di Ting heard and heard immediately said: "Go together, let us admire the demeanor of the Great Emperor with our own eyes."

Qijie looked at his eyes again and listened carefully: "..."

In Zhongzhou, I heard that there are beasts carrying heavenly beasts coming from the North Sea, crushing them all the way, passing mountains and rivers, it is unstoppable.

All sects and sects are on alert after hearing the news. Although it is reported that the heavenly beasts have no intention of actively hurting people, no one dares to underestimate them. In the eyes of many people, monsters are always monsters, and they are always on the opposite side. .

Su Heng took the little girl to sit on the tower of Fengdu and waited quietly. When he saw Qijie and Diting, he wanted to come out to have a look. The little girl also came with the rabbit.

After waiting for a while, a turtle's back appeared in the distance, and the majestic Zaitian Mountain peak touched the sky, it was a colossal monster.

Di Ting glanced at the distance, then bent his ears to the ground, and said, "This is a spirit beast, not a monster."

Qi Jie looked at it in surprise and listened: "Same as you? Then this beast has an unusual origin."

Everyone was not talking, they all looked into the distance together, feeling the shock of the earth shaking and the mountains shaking.

Zai Tianshan went all the way, still the same as before, avoiding countless towns and villages on the road, but when they arrived at Fengdu, they did not avoid them, but continued to move forward.

Qi Jie glanced at him and said, "Amitabha, Feng is all in its eyes, they are all a group of dead ghosts, they are not human."

After seeing it, Su Heng jumped out of the city tower and floated in the air. Looking at the beast carrying the sky, black and white Qi gathered in his hands.

"Go back where you came from, I won't kill you."

Zaitian Beast looked at Su Heng. It was naturally sensitive to Qi, and its cold eyes showed human fear, and its whole body took a step back slightly.

"Brother Su, don't kill the tortoise." The lucky girl floated down from the tower and floated beside Su Heng, looking curiously at the beast with pure eyes.

Zai Tianshou raised his head and looked at the lucky girl, his eyes became extremely soft.

The girl faced the rising sun and pointed at Zai Tian Beast: "Come with me."

Zaitian Beast's turtle back touching the sea of ​​clouds actually began to shrink back after hearing the girl's words, getting smaller and smaller, and finally became the size of Di Ting.

After seeing it, the girl jumped onto the turtle's back, smiling happily.

"Amitabha, is this karma free, can you find it from thousands of miles away?" Qi Jie sighed when he saw this scene.

Seeing this scene, Su Heng looked at the lucky girl, and then at the shrunken tortoise. Is this a lucky tortoise?

The rabbit held in the girl's arms saw the newcomer, opened its mouth friendly, bared its teeth, and bit down on the turtle's back...

Then, the tooth broke...

The rabbit opened its mouth, screaming in pain, and looked at the girl innocently.

"The rabbit is not good." The girl slapped the rabbit's head when she saw it.

PS: Thank you for the 250 starting point coins rewarded by 'Duzhong Two Yuan [-]', thank you!

Adding the update is finally completed... Requesting Krypton's life in exchange for a recommendation ticket...

Recently, I have seen many people ask how rabbits bark and why they still bark. I have never seen such a similar question as a rabbit barking... This is actually very simple. You can know it by slapping the rabbit on the head. Do you want to scream... don't talk about it, good night!
(End of this chapter)

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