Invincible from the start

Chapter 104 Great Emperor, Hello

Chapter 104 Great Emperor, Hello
The news that the sky-carrying beast that caused a sensation in the Northern Province was subdued after it arrived in Zhongzhou quickly spread throughout Kyushu, and the monks who passed by Kyushu would always spread the news as soon as possible.

The monks in the world were not too surprised when they heard it. It seemed that everything was as it should be. When asked by others, they would always think, oh, Zhongzhou, the underworld, there are so many masters, and there is Emperor Fengdu sitting in charge... No wonder.

On the contrary, the faces of the monks in Beizhou are not very good-looking, especially the members of the Juyi Gang. It feels like their old faces are swollen.

Jiang Yunchuan, the head of the Juyi Gang, often wonders recently why there is such a big difference between people. He considers himself to be a person with outstanding talents. He has practiced diligently for more than ten years. Dare to slack off, why would he be easily overtaken by a young man in his twenties, who is now the famous Fengdu Emperor in Kyushu, while he is still confined to the one-acre land in Beizhou.

Jiang Yunchuan couldn't think about it and felt depressed, so he often bought wine to relieve his worries. The young gang members who joined the gang were basically from Beizhou. They regarded their gang leader as a god since they were young. Follow the imitation and learn, for a while, Beizhou wine is expensive...


In Fengdu, there is a new member in the underworld, a tortoise, who came to the underworld for the first time, Zai Tianshou looked around curiously with a pair of eyes, ignorant of everything.

The lucky girl has another playmate, she is very happy, she hugs the rabbit all day long, sits on the turtle's back, and wanders around the underworld.

Zaitian Beast is also very vengeful, and always remembers the last time the rabbit bit it. Although the rabbit's teeth were broken, Zaitian Beast always remembered clearly. When the rabbit was not paying attention, the snake tail behind the turtle's butt Spitting out the letter, he took a bite at the rabbit's tail.

The rabbit was unprepared, jumped up in pain, stroked its tail, and looked at the lucky girl with aggrieved eyes.

The little girl didn't pay attention, she just acted like a rabbit and became mischievous again. She faithfully carried out Su Heng's words, and if the rabbit didn't obey, she would slap her on the head more often.

"Rabbits have to be obedient." The little girl said, slapping the rabbit's head skillfully.


Su Heng, who was standing in the distance, smiled after seeing this scene, followed by Di Ting and Qi Jie.

Li Ting lying on the ground, raised his head: "This spirit beast is named Xuanwu, one of the four spirits of heaven and earth, a turtle and a snake, the most terrifying and boundless mana."

After hearing this, Di glanced at Su Heng again, and said: "Although the magic power is boundless, but the Great Emperor is invincible in the world, just a casual glance outside Fengdu City, and a scolding, made Xuanwu show fear. Although this spirit beast is powerful, it is not as good as it is." One ten thousandth of the emperor."

After listening to it, Qijie smiled, squinted and listened, and said: "In the vast world, there are many prosperity, but the most fascinating thing is that the essence remains the same, which is really rare."

The Nether Ghost King hanging on the beam of the house watched and listened, and sneered; then he looked melancholy at the lucky girl who was playing happily below. From the beginning, he was stabbed by Old Man Yan every day. Although it was painful, he would not be like It's so boring now, and later he was tied to the beam of the house and gave the girl a treasure on time. Although the dignified ghost king did not have face, it would not be as boring as it is now, but now, it is really boring. been forgotten...

The Nether Ghost King looked confused, and looked up at the purple moon hanging above the underworld. Could it be that I, the Nether Ghost King, will be trapped in this underworld for the rest of my life, unable to go anywhere, and raised like a domestic animal?
The Nether Ghost King thought of the Eastern Ghost Emperor, which was his goal. At that time, he vowed that sooner or later he would become as strong as the Eastern Ghost Emperor, or even surpass him, and become the strongest ghost emperor in Kyushu. His illusions were shattered, he was trapped in the underworld, and he was doing nothing all day long, no one cared about him, and no one understood him, he was lonely.

He is not reconciled, he refuses to accept, he is very angry, he wants to explode, he wants to go out, he wants to leave here, he wants to become an existence like the Eastern Ghost Emperor, he wants to be above all living beings, and he can judge the life and death of others with a single word.

hateful!What am I afraid of?I am the Nether Ghost King, the future Nether Ghost Emperor, the supreme existence in the ghost world, why am I afraid of them?What are these people?As long as I can get out, sooner or later, I will make them regret what they have done so far.

I am the Nether Ghost King, I want to go against the sky, even if I die, I want to leave this ghost place, I want to be free, and I want to become stronger!

The Nether Ghost King's eyes were red, and his whole body was filled with aura. At this moment, he decided that he would die at worst. If he didn't try it, he would stay here as a caged bird forever.

He doesn't want to!
Su Heng, who was looking at the lucky girl, had a feeling, and looked up at the beam.

Seeing Su Heng looking over, the Nether Ghost King showed an embarrassed but polite smile on his face: "Great Emperor, hello!"


Shushan, the Tower of Locking Demons, the side engraved with murals of demons is bathed in the rising sun, and all kinds of mural ghosts with different expressions come to life under the rising sun.

On the ninth floor of the Demon Locking Tower, Situ Chan's blue hair was mixed with a few strands of white hair, and she was dressed in a Taoist robe. She sat cross-legged, closed her eyes, and said nothing. Compared with the original, the evil spirit on her body seemed to have dissipated a lot.

There is a screen in front of it, which is painted with patterns of flowers, birds and fish, with plum blossoms, quiet and indifferent.

On the other side of the screen sat the Kongyang Divine Monk of Changsheng Temple. Like Situ Chan, he crossed his legs and closed his eyes, not saying a word.

A Shushan disciple came in with a meal, looking relaxed. He smiled and divided the meal into two, and put them in front of Situ Chanxin and Kong Yang respectively, and said with a smile: "You two, eat something, although you are both monks, you I don’t eat or drink for a long time, but most of the spiritual energy is isolated in the demon-locking tower, and the two of you can’t absorb much spiritual energy to nourish your body every day here, so let’s eat some.”

After finishing speaking, the disciple of Shushan leaned alone on the courtyard pillar beside him. He was in his twenties, with a thin beard on his mouth, a sword on his back, and a wine gourd hanging from his waist. He stretched his legs and poured wine into his mouth.

After taking a sip of wine, he smiled and said to Situ Chan, "Senior, we both have the surname Situ. Maybe we were still a family in our last life. My name is Situ Zhong. I will be in charge of the daily life of the two of you. Please take care of me in the future." .”

Situ Zhong smiled after finishing speaking, and said to Kong Yang with a bohemian face: "Master Kong Yang, don't you feel bored sitting here every day chanting scriptures and Buddha, how about some wine to relieve boredom?"

Kong Yang opened his eyes and looked at Situ Zhong: "Amitabha, please ask the little benefactor to bring the wine."

Situ Zhong was surprised when he heard this, so he just said it casually.Situ Chanxin behind the screen also opened his eyes.

PS: Everyone, please vote for recommendation, otherwise the rabbit’s head will be beaten every day, I beg you to sympathize with the rabbit...

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(End of this chapter)

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