Invincible from the start

Chapter 112 This is a ruthless man

Chapter 112 This is a ruthless man

The black Golden Crow, with feathers mixed with lavender fine lines, was originally nine, but after falling into the Wangchuan River, the nine Golden Crows fused together and turned into a black Golden Crow, with nine heads and three legs, merging into one.

If the previous golden Crow symbolizes the radiant light between heaven and earth, then this dark purple-feathered Crow is like the dark messenger from hell.

Nine heads, three legs, blood eyes, black and purple feathers, and a cry like a baby.

The black Golden Crow was much quieter than before. It soared around the Wangchuan River and then lightly landed on the hibiscus tree. It lived like this and was not noisy. Looking at Su Heng, there was an inexplicable affinity in its bloody eyes.

Su Heng glanced at the black Golden Crow, and could feel the kindness in the Golden Crow's eyes. When he thought about how he had treated the Golden Crow before, he couldn't help but think, could it be that the more he fights, the more he loves him...

The black Golden Crow didn't do anything wrong, and it didn't just make nine suns in the sky. It behaved extremely well-behaved and well-intentioned. Su Heng looked at it, and didn't think about throwing it into the Wangchuan River. Instead, he was thinking, this Golden Crow Its speed is almost the same as that of a mirage ship. If you ride on it, it will be considered a thousand miles in one day...

Zhang Chuzhi on the bank saw the Golden Crow being reborn from Nirvana in the Wangchuan River, his sluggish eyes lit up, and he suddenly regained his energy. He thought a lot. Isn't everything that happened to the Golden Crow very similar to his swordsmanship? ?They are all born towards death, just like his swordsmanship, which is born with no end, only death.

Recently, Zhang Chuzhi has thought a lot and read a lot. Following Su Heng, he has learned a lot. There are all kinds of things in the world, and all living beings come and go. Each has a different way, and each has a different way. He was once confused. Where is his way? Hey, whether his way is correct or not, now, he is no longer confused. The moment the Golden Crow flew into the sky after falling into the Wangchuan River, he finally understood that this is the real life to death.

Zhang Chuzhi looked at the boundless Wangchuan River with a calm expression. For his kendo, it was worthwhile to pay everything. He has lived for kendo all his life.

To live against death without fear, this is my way of the sword...

Zhang Chuzhi lowered his head, stroked the sword that was always with him, and then jumped into the river of Wangchuan with his whole body.

There was a thud, Master Qin and others on the bank realized that someone had jumped into the river...

Thinking of the terrifying erosive power of the Wangchuan River, Master Qin and the others panicked. If they jumped, they would definitely die...

The most panicked one was the rabbit. It wondered if it had left a scratch on Zhang Chuzhi's face. The latter couldn't think about it, so he jumped into the river and killed himself...

Why is this person's ability to bear so weak... The rabbit thought of the scene of Su Heng brutally throwing the golden crows into the Wangchuan River before, and his whole body trembled again...

Su Heng was also stunned. He only saw Zhang Chuzhi walking back and forth by the river. He thought he was comprehending some strange sword art again, but he jumped into the river right away.

Everyone stood by the Wangchuan River, they were all silent, and then they all looked at the rabbit...

The rabbit was trembling all over, its tail stopped shaking wildly, and it shrank its head...

The girl subconsciously hugged the rabbit tightly, and stopped beating her head.

In Wangchuan Hanoi, the river suddenly churned and stirred again, pulling everyone's attention back. A vortex formed in the center of the river, and a blood-red sword emerged from the river. To the sword body, soaring into the sky.

Accompanied by a deafening sword cry, the sword energy echoed on the Wangchuan River, and flew in front of everyone, the sword body trembling, as if greeting each one.

"Blood red... die for the sword... this is a magic sword..." Qin Master is worthy of being a master forging, he can see the essence of the sword in front of him at a glance, and quickly explained to everyone.

Everyone regained their composure, and looked at the magic sword in Master Qin's mouth again. Is this the sword that died at the beginning?The whole consciousness is inside the sword body?
For the sake of the so-called kendo, he refined himself into a sword, what a ruthless person...

"Everyone, I have found my own way of swordsmanship, and I will continue to cultivate, see you later." The magic sword groaned softly, and a phantom appeared, which was exactly what Zhang Chuzhi looked like before he was alive, except that he had materialized It is a phantom, which may disappear at any time.

"This is the sword spirit. He died for the sword and turned himself into a sword spirit..." Master Qin explained to everyone.

Zhang Chuzhi left a sentence, and then the phantom disappeared, and the magic sword sank into the Wangchuan River again. As he said before, he must continue to cultivate his swordsmanship.

Zhang Chuzhi chose his way, no one knows whether it is right or wrong, all I can say is that a persistent person is really scary...


Although Yunzhou is not as prosperous as Zhongzhou, there are still people coming and going, the streets and alleys are full of traffic, and the most common are those temples that can be seen everywhere, and there are many pilgrims.

Buddhism is prosperous here, and monks are everywhere.

Qi Jie walked on the street, dressed in a white monk robe, with a gentle smile on his face all the time, ordinary people would feel good with just one glance.


Qijie looked up at the high hanging plaque and smiled. He has been here a few times before, so he is quite familiar with it.

It's just that today's Huoyunju is different from the past, it is full of passengers on weekdays, and there is even a long queue outside the door, but today, Huoyunju is completely silent, and there is not even a single person at the door.

Qijie was suspicious, pushed the door open and entered, and saw the owner of Huoyunju, the boss surnamed Cui, who was slightly fat and had a good-looking appearance, sitting on the ground with a dejected expression.

"Amitabha, why did Benefactor Cui end up in such a situation?" Qi Jie clasped his hands together, walked towards Boss Cui, and looked left and right. The Fire Cloud Residence was empty, the tables and chairs were covered with dust, and the mahogany window sills were knotted. A thick spider silk was formed, and the decline was indescribable.

Boss Cui was stunned for a moment, then raised his head and saw Qijie, with a gentle smile and the demeanor of an eminent monk.

He remembered Qijie and had a deep impression on him, because no monk had ever come to his Huoyunju to buy chicken legs before, and Qijie was the only one.

Boss Cui shook his head with a wry smile: "So it's a master, good luck tricks people, and now I'm ruined..."

Qijie glanced at Boss Cui, then sat down on the spot next to Boss Cui, not caring that the spotless white robes were covered with dust, and said: "Then let the poor monk listen to Boss Cui's story. Bar."


ps: Please recommend tickets......

Thanks to 'Qianchang 0 Danxia' for the reward of 333666 coins, thanks to 'Gongyiwushu' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to 'Qianyu Xunfang' for the reward of [-] coins, and thanks to '[-] Jailbreak' for the reward Thank you for the one hundred coins donated by 'Isn't it Zima', thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by 'Shan Ruo', thank you for the five hundred coins rewarded by 'An Wenxin', thank you Ban Jiangyan 'The reward of five hundred coins, thanks to 'Wangui Zhenyi' for the reward of one hundred coins, thanks to the reward of 'Washing Carrots in the Sea' for the reward of one hundred coins, thanks to 'Sirius Soul Moon' for the reward of one hundred coins, thanks If there are any omissions in the one hundred coins rewarded by the book friend "Kryptonian has the ability to make money" in the book city, I hope you will forgive me, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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