Invincible from the start

Chapter 113 Take You to Shake the Lantern

Chapter 113 Take You to Shake the Lantern
In the empty hall, only Qijie and Boss Cui were listening, while the other was talking.

Boss Cui said that he had offended the third young master of Yunzhou's newly appointed county guard. That third young master was so cruel that his family was ruined. There were thirteen members of the family without a living. Only he escaped by chance. The relationship sued the third son of the county guard. He thought that the final result would be nothing. He even went to the county guard's mansion to carry out the assassination plan. As a result, the newly appointed county guard actually killed his relatives righteously. In front of the people of Yunzhou, Beheading his own three sons with his own hands, all the people in Yunzhou praised him. In the end, they all said that the county guard was a wise and upright official, but no one remembered the bloody case of Cui's family.

The new county guard later visited Boss Cui in person, saying that the discipline was not strict, and apologized to Boss Cui. Although the gesture was sufficient, Boss Cui was not reconciled. What he wanted was not the life of the third son, but the whole family. If the thirteen people can come back to life, how can that dude be worth thirteen lives of his family.

What makes Boss Cui most uncomfortable now is that he obviously wants to take revenge, but he doesn't know who to turn to for revenge, the sheriff?The family has already killed their relatives righteously, and even came to the door to apologize personally. He always thinks that he is also a person who can distinguish between good and evil, and he knows that the county guard is already sincere, otherwise there are few people in this world who can be cruel to their children.

Boss Cui was very confused and had no intention of continuing to take care of Huoyunju. He was depressed all day long and just sat here.

Qijie was silent for a moment, glanced at Boss Cui, and then smiled: "The benefactor will come with me."

Boss Cui was stunned for a moment, and followed Qijie out of the gate of Huoyunju. He hadn't left the room for many days. The sudden light outside dazzled Boss Cui for a while, and he slowly got used to it.

Qi Jie led Boss Cui to a corner, squatted down, and picked up a green brick. There was a group of ants and insects hiding under the green brick, and they fled in all directions when they saw the light.

Qijie took the green brick and knocked it in the palm of his hand, the blue brick broke in two, so he changed another piece, put it in the palm of his hand and knocked it, it was as good as before, then he smiled with satisfaction.

"Benefactor, how do you feel when you hold this blue brick?" Qijie handed over the blue brick and sent it to Boss Cui.

Boss Cui held the green brick, which was very thick, and his hands were still stained with mud. He was stunned for a long time, then turned his head and looked at the broken green brick on the ground, thought for a while, and then said: "Master smashed the green brick into pieces." In two halves, do you want to warn me that the past is easy to break? Let me judge the fairness of the incident with a peaceful mind, instead of being overwhelmed by anger and losing calm judgment, lest I end up harming others and myself?"

Qi Jie shook his head: "No, the poor monk just wants to test the hardness of this brick, whether it is strong or not."

Boss Cui was taken aback for a moment, not understanding Qi Jie's words.

Qijie's face remained calm, and he said lightly: "The Buddha said, fight, use bricks, shine on the head, never die, never mind."

Boss Cui: "..."

Qi Jie smiled: "You have a heart knot, if you don't get rid of it today, I'm afraid that the demon will enter your body in the future, go, take the green brick to the county guard, and the poor monk will help you settle other things."

Boss Cui stood there for a long time, looking at Qijie in disbelief, why is this monk a bit different...

Qijie glanced at Boss Cui, and smiled: "The poor monk persuades you like this, but you are not willing to go, which means that you have the answer in your heart. You think you have a clear distinction between good and evil, and you think that one person does things and one person should be responsible. You can't blame the sheriff for everything, so even if you have a brick in your hand, you can't do it, because you don't think you can find a reason to do it."

"The poor monk will give you a reason. The county guard has no way to teach his son. Half of the fault in this matter lies with him. As long as it doesn't hurt his life, you can let go of this resentment, and the grievance will be over from now on."

"After this matter is over, the poor monk can take you to a place where you may be able to find the souls of the thirteen members of your family."

Boss Cui was stunned, and then heaved a long sigh: "Cui Jue, thank you Master."


In the underworld, Su Heng has been walking the bird for a few days when he has nothing to do, riding on the Black Feather Golden Crow, cultivating mutual understanding...

The little girl recently learned a new way of playing from Su Heng, called the tortoise and the hare race. Every day, she directs the rabbit and Xuanwu to race along the bank of the Wangchuan River. In the end, no matter who wins or loses, the rabbit's head will be beaten anyway. ...

Master Qin has recently researched a new trick, saying that he was inspired by the Wangchuan River, which can divert the water of the Wangchuan River to the outside of Fengdu City, so as to avoid some monks who are always curious and thinking when they pass by Fengdu. Come in and take a look, if you are worried about the highly powerful monk Yukong coming, it doesn't matter, you can tell Zhang Chuzhi who has turned into a magic sword, aim, who will hit who, he really wants to see how the magic sword fights bird's...

It's a pity that this is just wishful thinking of Master Qin. Fengdu City itself is the top spiritual weapon, and now it absorbs the wish power of lonely souls and wild ghosts every day. Emperor level, otherwise don't even think about flying in.

Master Qin's idea is very good, Su Heng waved his hand and let him tinker.

Glancing at the little girl who was still playing the tortoise and the hare, Su Heng walked over, silently said with a smile, "It's almost time, I'll take you to a fun place."

The girl opened her eyes wide and asked innocently, "Brother Su, where are you going?"

Su Heng smiled and took out a lucky lantern, and handed it over: "I'll take you to shake the lantern."

Outside the city of Fengdu, the mirage ship went straight forward, towards the sky on the other side of the ruined wall. The setting sun was getting smaller and smaller, as if it was about to disappear.

The desert next door is gradually disappearing due to the setting sun, and the light is getting dimmer. Only relying on its own slight brightness, Jin Chanzi and Peach Blossom Demon are still facing each other there, and Supreme Treasure is still sitting in the original place, looking at the sand sea Preoccupied.

Su Heng stood on the edge of the mirage, protecting the girl through the invisible barrier, and waved when he saw Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi stared wide-eyed, looked at the girl, and lamented how this benefactor treated this ancient battlefield as his own back garden, and even if he came in and out casually, he could still bring people over...

On the mirage ship, the girl looked around curiously. She didn't bring a rabbit or a tortoise, but she held a lantern in her hand, waiting for Su Heng's order.

Su Heng stared at the setting sun, which was still the size of a palm, and countless rabbits were gnawing on it frantically.


PS: Well, everyone, don't forget to vote, thank you!
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(End of this chapter)

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