Invincible from the start

Chapter 119 The world's luck fights, Su Heng monopolizes 9 fights

Chapter 119 Ten buckets of luck in the world, Su Heng monopolizes nine buckets

In Haojing City, a white-haired fisherman wearing a bamboo hat and coir raincoat was sitting by the lake, holding a fishing rod without bait for half a month.

The city of Haojing has been snowing heavily recently, as if it is telling some grievances, and it is necessary to use this vast white snow to wash away all this.

The white-haired fisherman remained silent, maintaining the same posture for a long time, until an invisible aura called luck appeared in the sky, he finally couldn't help it, and anger appeared on his indifferent face, He stood up, threw the fishing rod in his hand to the ground angrily, and shouted angrily: "How can this be unreasonable? How could this member of the Ji clan be so unreasonable and not keep the agreement? He agreed to come see you in three days. It's been five days. Nothing happened."

The white-haired fisherman squeezed his white beard and shook his body angrily. He has been here for so long and made a gesture of taking the bait as a wisher, but none of the members of the Ji family can see through the deep meaning inside. After waiting for a long time, In the end, a clan elder named Ji Ping passed by and seemed to have noticed something unusual. At that time, Ji Ping said that he had something important to do and that he would come here to meet him in person in three days.

For Ji Ping, the fisherman was very satisfied, he was respectful and respectful from the beginning to the end, and he was a virtuous corporal. Originally, the fisherman was ready to put away his fishing rod three days later and officially joined the WTO, but after waiting for five days, he still did not see this person. Not even a servant of the Ji family saw Ji Ping's figure.

The fisherman frowned, and finally left the shore. He walked forward, and every step he took, there would be another layer of change on his body. His white hair and beard began to recede, turning dark, and his old features gradually appeared younger. He wore a coir raincoat He also disappeared, turned into a white shirt with long sleeves, and changed from a bad old man to a handsome young man with an extraordinary temperament.

The handsome young master stopped a strong man who often came and went from Ji's house, and asked where Ji Ping was with a gentle voice.

Pei Yan, who had just come out of the Ji's mansion, looked at the handsome young master in white clothes in front of him, and when he heard him asking Ji Ping, his expression became strange, and after thinking about it, he said, "Ji Ping is already dead."

Brother Young Master was taken aback, this Ji Ping had just met five days ago, he was in good health, and he had never left the city of Haojing, so he did not die at the hands of his enemies, so why did he die so well?Quickly asked what happened?
Pei Yan was silent for a moment, thought for a while and sighed: "It is said that he died due to investigation..."


In Fengdu, in the underworld, Su Heng sat cross-legged, sitting upright, rarely serious.

Qijie was gnawing on a chicken leg, standing not far from Su Heng, just in a position to deal with any sudden situation.

Su Heng closed his eyes, his mind wandered into the sky, and his whole soul traveled in the nine heavens.

Su Heng saw a cloud of gas, which was obviously invisible and colorless, but he could still see it.

This is luck, Su Heng just took a look, and he had the answer in his heart, and there was a hint in the deepest part of his heart that this is a good thing, and he must get it.

Then, Su Heng saw some people, a monk with a golden body of six feet, surrounded by Buddha's light, and a golden lotus sitting on the seat with wisps of Zen.

Wang Qingyuan, head teacher of the Taoist sect, has gray hair and a hale and hearty spirit.

Li Qingyun, an old acquaintance in Shushan, the heads of various sects in Shenzhou, the Eastern Ghost Emperor, Tushan Xiyi, the head of Tushan, the new Dragon King of the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, a monkey, a bull head, snake demons, scorpion spirits, etc. Road demons and ghosts, many people who know and don't know, gather here.

They all come here with only one purpose, which is to compete for luck.

Luck seems ethereal and invisible, but it exists, and it can affect a person's life and even change his fate.

Whether it is a human or a demon, everyone knows the benefits of luck.

"Amitabha, this luck has a predestined relationship with my Buddhism." Tathagata raised his hand and grabbed it toward the sky, and he held a cloud of luck directly in his palm with ease.

"Smelly monk, everything is related to your Buddhism." Although the Eastern Ghost Emperor was afraid of Su Heng, he was not afraid of other people, and directly snatched luck from the Tathagata's palm.

Tathagata's face changed: "Monster, how courageous!" He uttered a Zen voice, but Dongfang Ghost Emperor was not afraid, his blood turned into black wind, howling ghosts and wolves, and directly resisted Tathagata.

Then, people from all walks of life, monsters and ghosts from all walks of life joined in the robbing one after another, fighting together and forming a mess.

Su Heng looked at everything silently, thought for a while, and began to imitate the Kun in Beihai again, his hands were slightly stretched, and the luck in the sky over Kyushu seemed to be guided by some kind, and they rushed towards Su Heng one after another.

There was little luck floating in the Kyushu, but all of them rushed to Su Heng, and the cloud of luck in Tathagata's hand was even more let go, heading towards Su Heng.

Seeing this weird scene, the others grabbed hold of their luck to prevent it from slipping away, or even swallowed it with their mouths open, just in case.

Seeing that it was Su Heng, many people chose to remain silent. The prestige of Emperor Fengdu has basically been experienced by those present, and those who have not experienced it have also heard of it. The four dragon kings of the Four Seas Dragon Palace were even more frightened when they saw Su Heng. Terrified, subconsciously stay away.

"Amitabha, the benefactor is so domineering, let me see the means of the benefactor." The Tathagata was not angry and majestic, and the golden Buddha's fingers formed a mountain, pressing towards Su Heng.

The Five Fingers Foshan is shining with golden light, and various Buddhist seals and scriptures are jumping on it, covering the sky and the sun.

Seeing this scene, the Eastern Ghost Emperor glanced at Tathagata with pity, and a smirk appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Su Heng was crazily absorbing luck, he didn't care about Tathagata, the five-fingered Buddha mountain, but gathered a spiritual energy outside his body to protect himself.

The Five Fingers Foshan was full of majesty. It landed above Su Heng's head, smashed through the clouds, emitted a golden light, and fell with a roar.

Su Heng finally looked up seriously at Foshan, and then at the luck gathered all over the sky. After thinking about it, he still didn't care about Foshan after all, and continued to absorb luck.

Foshan fell and fell on Su Heng's seemingly insignificant body, and then under the eyes of everyone, the imposing Five Fingers Foshan shattered...

Tathagata froze for a moment...

The Eastern Ghost Emperor almost didn't laugh out loud when he saw it...

Others also reacted differently. They could feel the terrifying aura of the Five Fingers Buddha Mountain from a long distance away. If the Five Fingers Mountain was on top of their heads, it would be difficult to deal with it.

"This son has tried his best to resist my Five-Finger Buddha Mountain, and now [-] to [-]% of his aura has dissipated. All benefactors, this is a good opportunity to do it." On the seemingly kind face of Tathagata, the words spoken were extremely cunning.

Some people who haven't tried Su Heng's power in person heard Tathagata's words and thought about it, a little ready to move.

Su Heng glanced at these people, he didn't feel much, they were just a group of people who came to give away their heads...

"Amitabha, you claim to be Lord Buddha, but in the eyes of this poor monk, you are not worthy of being a Buddha." Qijie's voice suddenly appeared behind them, and everyone looked for their reputation, only to see a white-clothed monk standing there. In front of Heng, put his hands together, looking at the Tathagata from a distance.

The Tathagata looked at Qijie and smiled slightly: "I am the Buddha, and the Buddha is me. When you see the Buddha, why don't you kneel down?"

A few short sentences may seem ordinary, but they contain all kinds of mysteries. Every sentence contains Buddhist gatha. Ordinary people can't understand it, but the more profound the Dharma, the more it will be affected.

Qijie remained expressionless, and said flatly, "I don't believe in Buddhism."

Following Qijie's words, he and Tathagata formed a line in front of him, but he couldn't see its shape, and various Buddhist symbols instantly scattered.

Tathagata's complexion changed drastically, and he was no longer as calm as before.

Qijie smiled lightly and said: "Since you say you are a Buddha, then I will give you a great gift. If you can survive this calamity, then I will believe that you are a Buddha."

As Qijie said, a bright pearl appeared in his palm. The pearl was shining brightly, and a black lotus slowly floated out from it. After sensing the position of the Tathagata, he jumped suddenly.

At the same time, Su Heng also stopped absorbing luck, all the luck has been divided up, and there is no trace of luck in the sky over Kyushu.

There are ten buckets of luck in this world, and Su Heng monopolizes nine buckets!


PS: Once again, I implore all the big guys to vote for recommendation, thank you!
Thanks to 'King Kongda' for the reward of 150716155942397 coins, thanks to 'The Journey of Tyrannosaurus' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to 'Wan Gui Zhen Yi' for the reward of [-] coins, and thanks to 'Isn't it Zi Ma' for playing The reward of one hundred coins, thanks to 'Maybe it's because of I don't know the dream' for the two hundred coins, thanks to the five hundred coins rewarded by 'Book Friends [-]', thanks to the one hundred coins rewarded by 'Xuanmen leader', thanks Everyone, thank you.

I recommend a very good book for everyone, you can read it: "The Roar of the Red Dragon", a pseudo-DND stream, the protagonist is the Red Dragon.This is a story of a dragon-shaped self-propelled turret constantly doing trouble in another world. There is nothing a magic can't handle. If there are, then add a few more. —— Izzy.

(End of this chapter)

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