Invincible from the start

Chapter 120 So Don't Litter

Chapter 120 So Don't Litter

Tathagata looked at Qijie, looked at the bright pearl, and saw the black lotus, with a strange and evil spirit.

"Amitabha." Tathagata closed his eyes, and the golden lotus under the seat rose slowly, and the Buddha's light behind him illuminated the entire sky, and a huge golden Buddha statue appeared behind him, reaching up to the sky and down to the ground.

This monk should not be underestimated. The monkey below has witnessed everything. He has been staring at Tathagata, because he hates the breath of this monk. He remembered the Five-Finger Buddha Mountain that Tathagata just broke down easily by Su Heng. Excited and eager to move, if it is me, I don't know if I can break the five-fingered Buddha Mountain like the great emperor of Fengdu?

Qijie kept his body upright, his white robes fluttering wantonly, his face was kind, and he looked at the Tathagata with a smile.

The black lotus floated in front of the Tathagata, facing the huge and boundless Buddha statue, the black lotus emitted layers of black mist, and the black mist transformed into a young monk, it was that Motuo.

Motuo looked at the Tathagata very carefully, and then made the same posture as the Tathagata, sitting cross-legged on a black lotus, and the black mist gradually spread out behind him, and soon covered the sky, turning into a black Buddha statue, The Buddha statue is strange, and there is a little blood red in the eyes.

Tathagata opened his eyes and looked at Mo Tuo. There was no compassion in his eyes, but more caution and coldness.

Mo Tuo also opened his eyes, looked at Tathagata, and said indifferently, "I am you, and you are me."

Tathagata's complexion changed, and then he saw that Motuo coming towards him, it was a phantom, it came to the eyes in an instant, and entered Tathagata's body.

"Amitabha." Tathagata's complexion changed drastically, he was no longer calm, and he glanced at Qijie angrily, only to see the monk in white who had no demeanor, biting a chicken leg in his hand.

Tathagata burst into resentment, turned and left.

Qijie smiled: "What's so good about becoming a Buddha, the more you think about it, the more flaws you will have."

This wave of luck battle seems to be huge, but in fact it is [-]% monopolized by Su Heng. He can only feel that his whole body is slowly changing, and his whole temperament has also undergone some indescribable changes. At first glance, there is no such thing, but After careful perception, I feel that there is, but I don't know where the change is.

"Amitabha, the great emperor is blessed with a rainbow of good fortune, and the poor monk is so envious." Qijie walked over and looked at Su Heng with a smile.

Su Heng glanced at the people from all walks of life, and most of them had already dispersed. Many people looked at them with meaningful eyes when they left. Su Heng knew that these people must have thoughts in their hearts, but there was just a missing thread to connect them. Stringed together, it looks like a plate of loose sand.

Looking at Qijie again, Su Heng shook his head: "It's just a little unpredictable. I don't know what the benefits of this luck are. I seem to be able to feel it, but I can't feel it. It's very mysterious."

Qi Jie chuckled, and said: "The poor monk will show the good luck to the Great Emperor, please don't hide." Qi Jie threw the chicken leg bone in his hand towards Su Heng after speaking.

Su Heng wanted to hide subconsciously, but when he thought of Qijie's words, he froze again.

The bone of the chicken leg is big, smooth, white and shiny...

Su Heng looked at the bone of the chicken leg, it was close in front of him, and it was about to fall. Thinking of Qi Jie's words, he held back and didn't hide. He just thought in his heart, did he offend Qi Jie for something, this monk deliberately made things up... …

Su Heng was thinking wildly, when a gust of wind suddenly blew across the sky, the bone of the chicken leg was blown by the wind, and fell directly towards Qi Jie, hitting Qi Jie's shiny bald head...

"Amitabha, does the Emperor know what this luck is for?" Qi Jie asked with a smile, not caring about the oil stains on his bald head.

Su Heng thought for a long time, and then said: "So don't litter?"


In the underworld, the little girl commanded the rabbit and Xuanwu to start a new round of the tortoise and the hare with Su Heng as the goal.

The rabbit ran very fast, and did not treat it negatively like the previous few times, because it found that Su Heng's body seemed to have no soul, and there was only a body sitting there motionless. The rabbit's eyes were shining, this was a good opportunity.

The rabbit ran fast, and soon ran in front of Su Heng. Seeing the motionless posture in the meditation position, the rabbit raised its paw with a smile, extremely excited.

Huh?How did the toenail break?The rabbit was about to grab it, and then looked at the broken paw with a dazed expression. The bare paw was flat.

The Nether Ghost King lying on the beam looked at the rabbit: "..."

Seeing the behavior of the rabbit, the little girl puffed her mouth and was furious. She wanted to step forward to stop it, when suddenly she heard a voice shouting again: "Lucky, lucky..."

The girl turned around suspiciously, and saw a boy who was the same height as her, with a boyish head and wearing a red bellyband.

The boy's face was a little baby fat, a little fat, fair and clean, and looked very cute.

The lucky girl's eyes lit up: "Scatter the money!"

Scattering Cai Boy smiled and fell down. He stood there, but no one could notice his existence, and said, "Zhaocai, you have been out for a long time, and you have never returned. Grandpa asked me to come out to find you. Come back with me. "

When she heard that she was going back, the lucky girl immediately became reluctant to leave, and whispered: "I...I don't want to go back."

Sancai immediately said after hearing this: "Why, what's good here, the spiritual energy is thin, and I feel uncomfortable staying here. Come back with me, or Grandpa will be angry."

The girl was reluctant, and handed it over with a chicken leg: "This place is great, the chicken legs here are delicious, and there are also rabbits and turtles."

The Sancai boy took the chicken leg, put it in his mouth and gnawed it casually, and said, "It's not good at all, go back, otherwise Grandpa will really be angry, and it would be bad if he came to you in person."

Hearing the grandfather, the girl was a little scared, and looked at the boy who spread the money in disappointment: "Okay...then when shall we go back?"

The Sancai boy finished eating one chicken leg, picked up the second one and continued to chew, saying, "What are you doing back here, it's pretty good here."

The Nether Ghost King looked at the girl from the beam and muttered to the air alone, sometimes lost, sometimes cheerful, opened his mouth, but finally said nothing: "..."

At this time, Su Heng opened his eyes. The moment he opened his eyes, his whole body's temperament changed drastically.

When the rabbit saw Su Heng, it immediately hid its paws behind its back, bared its teeth, and smiled humanely...

Su Heng saw through the wealth-distributing boy who was hiding in front of the girl at a glance, and with a wave of his hand, the boy appeared.

Seeing Su Heng open his eyes, the lucky girl trotted over with the boy, smiling happily, her bright eyes curved into crescent moons: "Brother Su, this is for spreading money, he also wants to stay."

Wealth boy?Su Heng's expression changed suddenly, and he remembered the little girl's characteristics and the lucky lantern, so he glanced at the little girl quietly, this silly girl, how can there be so much money at home to give him away...


PS: Some readers have reported that since he voted for recommendation, his back is no longer sore, and his legs are no longer cramped...

Thanks to 'Book Friends 150705195415106' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to 'Doll City Master' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to 'Big Wife Mengmeng' for the reward of [-] coins, and thanks to 'Maybe it's because of I don't know the dream' for the reward Thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by 'Wangui Zhenyi', thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by 'Incomparable Yushu Linfeng', thank you for the one hundred coins rewarded by 'Focus Warning', thank you'~tree~' If there are any omissions in the reward of one hundred coins, please forgive me, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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