Invincible from the start

Chapter 121 Everlasting Regret Mountain, Parting Song

Chapter 121 Everlasting Regret Mountain, Parting Song

On one side, Sancai boy showed an expression that I stayed here to save face, while he was gnawing on the chicken leg with the other hand.

Su Heng took a look, twisted up the little chubby pier, then stood upside down and shook it. After shaking for a long time, nothing similar to the lucky lantern fell out.

This man is so unreasonable...

The boy was on the ground, dazzled by the shaking, and found that he couldn't resist, so he simply didn't speak, and chose to enjoy...

"You're useless." Su Heng turned the boy over in disappointment, and put the boy back on the ground. This little fat boy is white and fat, and he is more edible at first glance. The key point is that it is useless. Free food, Zhang Chuzhi also ate free food back then Yes, but he has courage and dignity, so he jumped into the river directly, so Su Heng didn't bother with him.

"Who says I'm useless? Zhaocai and I are a natural match. She attracts wealth and I distribute it. Why am I useless?" The Caicai boy was unconvinced, his chubby face was full of me being useful.

Su Heng glanced at the confident little fat man: "Does your spreading wealth mean that you have a lot of treasures?"

The little fat man continued to be confident: "I can help others spread their money."

Su Heng squinted at the little fat man, wondering where he got the confidence to say such things...

Seeing Su Heng's contempt, the little fat man glanced left and right, then realized something, raised his head, just in time to see the Nether Ghost King lying on the beam of the house, looking straight at this side in a daze.

After the little fat man saw it, he moved his hands lightly, and then a soft, skin-like semicircular strange thing emerged from the back of the Nether Ghost King's buttocks, and fell off directly.

The Nether Ghost King is in a panic now. The thing he secretly prepared is the only housekeeping treasure he has left. It is mainly used to prevent old man Yan. The old man is ruthless and often uses knives on him. It was integrated with the skin and could fool Old Man Yan, but now this thing is gone. When he thought of the butcher knife in Old Man Yan's hand, he shivered a little, and the entire beam that was connected in a line began to shake.

The old man Qin, who was studying the blueprints in the study, looked up at the trembling beams strangely, and said to himself: "It seems that the beams need to be repaired..."

At this time, Su Heng stared at the boy who spread wealth, and his mind was active for a while. Just thinking about it for a while, the girl's lucky lantern is to recruit the treasure in the other party's hand, and the boy who spread wealth directly releases all the hidden small coffers. One is to hook the hooked fish to bring home to taste, and the other is to directly pull the fishing net and release the fish for the benefit of everyone...

Su Heng thought about it, this little fat man is actually quite useful, he can take it out for a stroll in the future, and if anyone is unhappy, he can go for a stroll, and it will be regarded as robbing the rich and helping the poor.

Not far away, Qi Jie patted Di Ting on the head, made a gesture of smiling and touching the dog's head, then pointed to Cui Jue, who was roasting chicken legs, and said with a smile: "It's natural to attract money and spread money, you see , Poor monk, it’s a good time to bring it back.”


A little bit of red candle is opened, and the land of Kyushu has undergone countless reincarnations, countless times of sun and moon rotations, and once again covered with thick red makeup under the reflection of the morning sun, like a girl who is about to get married.

Accompanied by the red sun, a huge black mountain with no boundaries emerged in the void.

The peaks of Montenegro are like the waves of the sea, layered on top of each other, and they look majestic and majestic under the red sun, with extraordinary style.

Su Heng stood on the tower of Fengdu and looked at the Black Mountain. This Black Mountain appeared abruptly and had a mysterious origin.

It wasn't just Su Heng who was watching. Countless people in Kyushu were watching, watching a mountain suddenly appear in the sky, feeling at a loss.

Then, everyone noticed that some figures appeared on the edge of the black mountain. They were strangely shaped, ugly, with big eyeballs, short, slightly bowed, as if they couldn't straighten their waists.

The ugly dwarf gesticulated and danced on the top, and then took out an iron chain with a sharp hook tied in front of the chain. The dwarf swung the chain vigorously towards the bottom, and the hook fell quickly, stirring up the crowd in Kyushu. A series of people were thrown, the hook pierced through the chest, and countless people screamed and were pierced by the chain. With just one hook, hundreds of people have already been buried like this.

The dwarf stood on the top and seemed to jump happily after seeing it, and then pulled the iron chain. Hundreds of dead people were hung on the iron chain and were pulled back to Montenegro.

"Amitabha, is the Everlasting Regret Mountain alive? It seems that the group of purgators from the void world are about to come out." Tathagata looked at the sky and sighed.

"Lord Buddha, do we want to stop it?" asked a novice below.

Tathagata shook his head: "The void world has a mysterious origin. When the time comes, it will come out naturally. Once the time passes, it will disappear naturally. All of this is determined by cause and effect."

"But are you just watching these innocent people die like this?" Another old monk asked, looking at the life-threatening iron chain and those dead people, he couldn't bear it.

The Tathagata didn't speak, but his expression was unpredictable. Sometimes his face was full of compassion, and sometimes his eyes were full of ferociousness. There was also the figure of Mo Tuo vaguely.


"This is the Everlasting Sorrow Mountain, which comes from the realm of nothingness. It will definitely appear, and it will definitely dissipate." Qijie went to the tower, stood beside Su Heng, and sighed while looking at the black mountain.

Su Heng frowned: "Can you stop it?"

Qijie didn't answer, pinched two fingers, and then said slowly: "I can't stop it, if I stop it, I will offend those purgatory disciples, and more people will die, if I let it go, it will disperse when the time comes. "

Is this sacrificing a small number of people to fulfill the majority?After hearing this, Su Heng understood, and continued to frown. Everything in the world is born and restrained by each other, so there is no reason why it cannot be stopped?

Qijie glanced at Su Heng, and smiled slightly: "The great emperor is peerless, and now his luck is like a rainbow. If he takes action, he may be able to stop it."

"The great emperor of Kyushu, if he makes a move, he will definitely be able to stop it." Di Ting appeared behind at some point, lying on the ground, listening.

Su Heng nodded, looking at Everlasting Sorrow Mountain, he already had an idea in his mind.

But before Su Heng could make the next decision, a woman in white suddenly floated out of Everlasting Regret Mountain. She couldn't see her face clearly, surrounded by a faint mist, floating like a fairy.

The woman is holding a guqin in her hand, and her slender fingers are playing on the strings without any rush.

The unseen zither sounds circled Changhen Mountain, and spread to Kyushu one after another. Countless birds gathered in the sky, gathered at the foot of Changhen Mountain, singing and dancing.

Di Ting lay on the ground, listened for a long time, and finally shook his head: "I can't hear it, I don't know the source."

Qi Jie pinched two fingers, pondered for a long time before saying: "Farewell song."


PS: I heard that you can update the client tomorrow and you will be able to complain normally... I know everyone is full of words, but please vote for recommendation before complaining...

Thanks to 'Wan Gui Zhen Yi' for the reward of [-] coins, thanks to '仐微重仐' for the reward of [-] coins, thank you both.

(End of this chapter)

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