Invincible from the start

Chapter 141 Angry? Trash

Chapter 141 Angry? Trash (please subscribe!)
In the city of Haojing, Ji's old house.

Pei Yan stood on the high platform with the old Ji Zou of the Ji clan, watching Ji Zou scolding the younger generations of the Ji clan below, he smiled. At first, after Ji Qian and Ji Ping died in the investigation one after another, he was very concerned about the clan elders who succeeded him. I'm not interested in knowing the name anymore, because when it comes to the investigation, I will die...

But what is miraculous is that this Ji Zou clan elder survived the last investigation and did not die. This surprised Pei Yan, and he respected Ji Zou a lot.

In the Ji family, a big family that can kill himself, Ji Zou survived, and he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

Seeing Ji Zou standing on the high platform and giving a speech with a heroic appearance, Pei Yan couldn't help but nodded and listened carefully. He felt that he should learn from Ji Zou, so that if the Ji family's brains were to twitch in the future, he, an outsider, would be traced. , or if he had the wit to respond, he might be able to escape a catastrophe.

"Clan elder, the patriarch is here!" A junior of the Ji family walked up to the high platform and reminded Ji Zou, who was already addicted to the speech.

Ji Zou looked at this junior with dissatisfaction. He hated being interrupted when he was speaking. He didn't dare to be presumptuous when facing the patriarch, but he had already remembered this junior in his heart, so he decided to investigate him next time...

"Why does the patriarch have the time to come and have a look today?" Ji Zou walked forward with a smile, looking very familiar.

The patriarch of the Ji clan is called Ji An, with gray hair, a healthy body, and a vigorous walk. He came here accompanied by several elders of the Ji clan.

Ji An ignored Ji Zou's playful look, and looked at Ji Zou sharply with a pair of eagle eyes.

Seeing the eyes of the patriarch and looking at the serious faces of the clan behind him, Ji Zou felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly had a very bad premonition.

"Ji Zou, the old man asked you, was it you who said that someone from heaven came to you last time?" Ji An looked directly at Ji Zou with deep eyes, which made people daunting.

Hearing this, Ji Zou breathed a sigh of relief, as long as it doesn't involve the family, as long as it doesn't investigate...

"Yes, there are indeed people from Heaven who approached me, saying that they can train our Ji family to become their spokesperson..." Ji Zou nodded, and the stone in his heart was relieved. It turned out to be this matter.

Ji An continued to stare at Ji Zou: "Did Heavenly Court say when they would send someone over?"

Ji Zou arrived immediately: "Three days later."

Ji An continued to ask: "When will it be said?"

Ji Zou: "Half a month ago..."

Ji Zou's eyelids twitched, and suddenly realized that something was wrong...

Ji An snorted coldly: "Ji Zou, let's go with the old man, it seems that our Ji clan still slipped through the net."

Immediately, several guards of the Ji family came up and took Ji Zou away.

Ji An turned his head to look at the members of the Ji clan who were silent, and then randomly clicked on one of the elders of the clan: "You will carry out this investigation."

The elders of the Ji clan who were named widened their eyes, with an expression of beeping a dog...

" investigate..." Pei Yan watched from a distance, suddenly felt that the wind was a bit cold...

In Ji's backyard, on a high platform, Jiang Ziya looked at Ji Long on one side, and said with a smile, "Do you know Ji Zou's next fate?"

Ji Long squatted on the ground, looked at the ant, and said without raising his head, "Dead."

Jiang Ziya smiled after hearing this, this kid finally got the hang of it, asked him a few days ago, he didn't answer, he just knew that looking at the ants, it seems that the continuous teaching these days is still useful, Jiang Ziya was very relieved, and said: "Then you know why he died."

Ji Long was still squatting, looking at the ants, and said, "Ants."

Jiang Ziya smiled and nodded: "Ants and ants are the same. That's right. Ji Zou is just an ant. Because he is weak, he will die. If you don't want to be like Ji Zou in the future, then worship me as your teacher and I will teach you how to deal with it." You and I have learned all our lives to assist you to be that high-ranking king, to treat all living beings as ants, and to decide the life and death of others with one word."

Jiang Ziya's eloquent words sounded very annoying to the young man's ears. Finally, Ji Long couldn't bear it any longer. He raised his head and looked at Jiang Ziya: "I mean the ant is dead..."

Jiang Ziya was taken aback, and looked down at the ant in front of Ji Long, it was indeed dead...

Jiang Ziya looked up at the sky again, is this time enough...


In the underworld, Su Heng is back, but he is a little lonely and melancholy. It is really hard to live without an opponent.

"Brother Su is amazing, Brother Su is awesome, and Brother Su is number one in the world." Yu Ji has gradually become familiar with everything in the underworld these days, and has become familiar with everyone, and everyone loves this overfed little loli, Except for Su Xiaoxiao, she doesn't understand why a random yellow-haired girl is bigger than hers...

Yu Ji imitated the lucky girl to call Su Heng, her elder brother was long and her elder brother was short, but her tone was a bit whiny...

Seeing Su Heng returning from victory, Yu Ji held the chicken leg in her hand and said, "Brother Su, thank you for your hard work, let's eat the chicken leg."

Seeing the chicken legs, Su Heng also changed his face, and subconsciously walked away.

After a few days of observation, as long as you eat chicken legs, no matter who you are, no matter how high your cultivation level is, you will develop dementia in a short period of time, and the more demented you will be, the more you will eat it. The typical stupid brain will hit the brain with a hammer ...

At present, except for Qijie, as long as anyone who eats chicken legs, no one can escape this catastrophe, especially the old man Yunshan and the family of Zhaocai and Sancai, who are now holding chicken legs and eating them every day, and they can't stop .

There is also Dongfang Nian, who has recently become obsessed with chicken legs. Every time I go to the eighteenth floor of purgatory to set fire, I have to bring a few chicken legs, and I can't stop it...

However, Su Heng quickly calmed down, calmly glanced at the indescribable spot under Yu Ji's neck, and then touched the melon seeds on Yu Ji's head with his hands. It was about the same size as a lucky girl, and it felt very tactile...

"Go and play with Zhaocai." Su Heng smiled, pointed to the little girl who was gnawing on a chicken leg in the distance, stood there holding a chicken leg, and waved at Su Heng.

I'm not a child, don't treat me like a child!

Yu Ji roared in her heart, but she still had a sweet smile on her face, cute and well-behaved...

Then she glanced at Zhaocai, her eyes were a little disgusted, she didn't want to play with children...

Seeing Yu Ji, Zhao Cai also waved and shouted, "Sister Yu Ji, come and play the tortoise and the hare."

Yu Ji's eyes lit up when she heard it: "Here we come."


Lingshan, Leiyin Temple, thousands of miles of sunshine shines on the whole Lingshan, as if covered with a thick layer of gold.

On this day, Tathagata finally stepped out of Leiyin Temple, and the time agreed with the six-eared macaque arrived.

Not far from Lingshan Mountain, the six-eared macaque led the monkey here. He smiled cunningly, and then disappeared.

The monkey yelled anxiously, and the six-eared macaque that came out told him that there was a trail of Xiao Deng, so he followed him all the way, but he lost it.

The monkey was very anxious, his eyes were red with anxiety, he took the iron rod and started to swing wildly, sweeping away the surrounding vegetation one by one, and he also smashed deep holes in the uneven ground.

Until a golden light came on, it was very dazzling, and the thorny monkey closed his eyes. He subconsciously covered it with his hands, and saw a big golden Buddha through the gap between his hands, solemn and solemn, it was the Tathagata Lord Buddha.

"Old man Tathagata, it turns out that you are responsible for everything, take your life!" Seeing Tathagata, the monkey's eyes became redder, roaring furiously, and jumped up suddenly, over the top of Tathagata's head, the iron rod was golden in the sunlight , Slammed hard towards Tathagata.

"Splash the monkey, don't be presumptuous!" Tathagata opened his eyes, his eyes were indifferent, looking at the monkey as if he were looking at a tiny ant.

Back then when the monkey was in its heyday, he was still able to suppress it, let alone a monkey with weak strength now.

Tathagata raised his hand, and his five fingers suddenly grew bigger, and in a blink of an eye, the fingertips touched the sky, hidden among the sea of ​​clouds.

"Splash the monkey, catch it soon." The Tathagata's voice was like a bell, and his five fingers linked together. A five-fingered Buddha mountain fell from the sea of ​​clouds and pressed towards the monkey.

The monkey's eyes were red, he had already lost his mind, he didn't react, let alone thought that this Tathagata is not the other Tathagata.

The Five Fingers Buddha Mountain fell from the sky, and the monkey roared and rose up to resist. He roared at the sky, waved an iron rod, and smashed towards the Five Fingers Buddha Mountain.

However, in the face of the absolute gap, all futility is in vain. The monkey's resistance is extremely weak, and it can only howl and roar at the sky like a weak person, so powerless.

The Five Fingers Buddha Mountain finally fell down with a bang, suppressing the monkey, just like back then, exactly the same scene.

A piece of golden Buddhist paper flew from Tathagata's hand and landed on the top of Wuzhi Foshan. Tathagata said: "When the time comes, I will tell you."

The golden Buddhist paper replied: "I would like to follow the instructions of the Lord Buddha."

Tathagata nodded, turned his head to look at the dense jungle in the distance, and said, "Amitabha, I have done what you said, when will you hand over the lotus lantern to me?"

Liu Er walked out from the forest, and said with a smile: "The time has not yet come, I will give it to you in a few days."

Tathagata's face turned dark, and a violent momentum pressed towards Liu Er: "Amitabha, Liu Er, are you playing tricks on me?"

Six ears showed no fear: "Don't worry, I don't want to have another opponent for no reason, besides, this opponent is you, the Tathagata, you should know that this lotus lamp is useless to me, I just keep it for the time being, and I will give it to you if I say so." I will definitely give it to you, it is impossible for me to turn against your entire Buddhist sect just because of a useless lotus lamp."

"Of course, if you don't believe me, if you insist on grabbing it, you can try it." Liu Er said, holding up the lotus lantern again, with an indifferent look on his face, holding the attitude that it's a big deal.

"Little lamp!" The monkey who was suppressed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain only showed one head. When he saw the lotus lamp, his eyes were tearing apart, and he roared angrily. Unfortunately, the lotus lamp was still sleeping, His cry was not heard.

Tathagata looked at Liu Er indifferently, but finally resisted the urge to do something: "Amitabha, you should know the price of offending Buddhism." After speaking, he turned and left without even looking at the monkey from the beginning to the end.

Seeing Tathagata leaving, Liu Er smiled, walked up to the monkey, took out a whip from behind, and slapped the monkey's face fiercely, Liu Er's face was hideous, and he roared: "Monkey King Monkey King, waste! "

Liu Er swung his whip again, and then slammed it down again: "Aren't you the Monkey King, show me your strength!"

Liu Er whipped the whip again, and each time the whip went down, it would be accompanied by a roar: "Aren't you very angry!"

"You trash! Get up! Open this Wuzhi Mountain! Prove yourself!"

"The oath you made back then was far-reaching! You said you wanted to destroy the Heavenly Court, and then destroy the Buddhism?"

"Being a lackey of Buddhism for a woman! Trash!"

"Get up quickly, open the Wuzhi Mountain, open the Nantian Gate, kill the old man Tathagata, and prove yourself to the whole world!"

The six-eared whip fell down one after another, his eyes were red, and he roared angrily.

Under the distant skyline, a young figure was bathed in the sunshine. He was dressed in sackcloth, barefoot, with thick hair and beard, covering half of his cheeks. Only his eyes were visible. He was wearing gold hoop, said to himself: "I seem to feel my soul..."


PS: Now the first order is [-], and I pray that friends who read books in other channels can come to the starting point to support the first order, thank you everyone!
 Ladies and gentlemen, I really can't move my liver... Now even if there is a leader, I won't be liver anymore, I'm exhausted...

  A total of six chapters have been updated today, more than 5000 words, not short and weak...

  Thank you for your rewards and votes, thank you everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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