Invincible from the start

Chapter 142 You live like a dog

Chapter 142 You live like a dog (Please subscribe! Please vote!)

In the underworld, Su Heng lay sideways on the white jade bed, squinting his eyes, showing a comfortable expression.

Little Lolita Yuji held a small, bamboo stick-like thing in her hand, the front was slightly bent, and she looked at it seriously, with a small face focused on it.

She opened her mouth slightly, and carefully picked out Su Heng's ears...

Su Heng continued to squint. He admitted that he had changed. In order to make himself weaker, he gave up his cultivation and lay in bed every day, enjoying Yu Ji's service...

It's just a pity that the strong are born, they are born with it, even if they give up cultivation, even if they have never practiced seriously before, their cultivation is still growing every day, and they are still so strong. This is really a frustrating thing, because you are obviously doing something very seriously, but there is no way to change it...

You've obviously tried hard, but it's all to no avail...

"Brother Su, are you comfortable?" Yu Ji looked at Su Heng's comfortable face, showing two small canine teeth, and smiled happily. She felt that she had already taken the first step to conquer this man.

Su Heng closed his eyes, hummed, the life of the decadent landlord's house is always so fascinating.

Dongfang Nian was tearing at the chicken legs. He looked at Yu Ji like a little maid, and he felt guilty. After all, the elder sister wrote to him, asking him to take good care of his younger sister, but he didn't take care of her well. , This is his own dereliction of duty, Dongfang Nian gritted his teeth and mustered up his courage. He decided to talk to the emperor. Although you are the emperor and I can't beat you, why do I have to fight you? I want to reason with you ...

Dongfang Nian was thinking while gnawing on the chicken leg, and he would talk about it when he finished gnawing on the chicken leg.

After eating a chicken leg, Dongfang Nian rubbed his head, his eyes were a little confused, what was he going to say just now?

At this moment, Old Man Yan came over holding the book of life and death. He looked at Dongfang Nian with a serious expression, and opened his mouth and said, "Dongfang Nian, you are going to die soon."

Dongfang Nian was taken aback for a moment, and immediately became furious, shouting angrily, "You are the one who is going to die!"

Old Man Yan didn't speak, but handed the book of life and death to Su Heng: "Great Emperor, please take a look."

Su Heng took it curiously, glanced at it, and saw a line of words on it, Dongfang read, Shouyuan Yu: one year.

"Dongfang Nian, you are indeed going to die." Su Heng also looked at Dongfang Nian seriously.

The emperor spoke in person, Dongfang read the letter, and his face was a little flustered. Although he is handsome, he has never held a woman's hand since he was so old. When it comes to something that should have been known and tried, it can only be described. He has never tried anything, he is a conservative man, he does not want to die, but everyone says he is going to die soon, he is actually quite relieved, because it is said that good people don’t live long, so this is not proof that he is a nice guy...

"It should have something to do with your skills. Your Lieyang Shenhuo has too many side effects, and it hurts your internal organs every day. In less than a year, you will die." Old Man Yan said beside him.

"I stay on the [-]th floor of purgatory every day and set fire to it. At the same time, I borrow a little spark from the ground fire to suppress the backfire in my body. Recently, I feel much better. How could I be about to die?" Dongfang Nian said with difficulty. Accept this fact.

Old man Yan shook his head: "I don't know either. Anyway, you are really going to die, and you can live for a year at most. Don't worry, I have known you for so many years. After you die, I will definitely go to worship you every year when Qingming comes. , even if you are a cow or a horse in the next life, I will take good care of you and feed you the best grass."

Dongfang Nian glanced at Old Man Yan, thought for a while, and said, "Give me chicken legs."

Su Heng glanced sideways, and said: "There is still one year of life left, it's not difficult, I can change your life."

Old man Yan shook his head: "Great Emperor, it's because of his own skills, it's useless to extend his life for a hundred years, as long as his physical defects persist, he will consume a hundred times the lifespan of ordinary people every day. One year, the hundred years of longevity will be gone again, unless it can solve its own shortcomings."

"How to solve it?" Although the old boy Dongfang Nian is usually out of tune, Su Heng still doesn't intend to give up on him. He always thinks that he can be rescued, even if he is a man...

Old Man Yan thought for a while, then raised his finger and pointed to the top of his head.

Su Heng looked up and saw a familiar figure, the Nether Ghost King lying on the beam with a smile on his face...

Ever since old man Qin repaired the beam last time and he was taken away by old man Yan, the Nether Ghost King hadn’t been lying on the beam for a long time. Above, it is always so comfortable here, with an indescribable sense of security.

"My lord, I know a gossip that there is a female ghost named Han Ying, who is born with a cold body, which happens to be in harmony with Dongfang Nian's natural Yang body. It will definitely be solved completely." The Nether Ghost King is proud, even if you usually bully me and stab me with a knife, there are many things you don't know, but I know, and you still have to ask me in the end.

Su Heng glanced at the Nether Ghost King lightly. For some reason, this guy stays in the underworld every day, so why does he always know so many gossip.

Dongfang Nian was stunned for a moment after listening, and then thought of a terrible thing. Hearing what the Nether Ghost King said, if he wanted to survive, he had to fuse with that female ghost named Han Ying and form a pair, commonly known as ghosts?

"Where is Hanying?" Su Heng asked.

The Nether Ghost King immediately interjected: "In Daleiyin Temple, it was suppressed by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda."

Su Heng stood up and twisted his neck: "I'll come when I go."


Still that mountain, that monkey.

Liu Er was out of breath, and stopped swinging his whip. The monkey was crushed under the mountain, his face was bloodstained, his eyes were red, and he kept shouting a name, little lamp...

Liu Er squinted his eyes, squeezed the lotus lantern in his hand, and then slowly let go after a long time...

Liu Er looked into the distance, and there came a man in sackcloth, barefoot, and wearing a golden hoop.

Watching silently, Liu Er's eyes were a little dazed, thinking a lot.


My name is Liu Er!
My name is Sun Wukong!
we are brothers……

Liu Er, the old grandson has learned thousands of spells, today we will go to the Nantianmen to seek justice from the old Jade Emperor...

Alright, big brother, those **** gods in the heavens are high up all day long, bullying our monster brothers and sisters in every possible way, let's go to seek justice together today...

Brother, it's just a woman, is it worth it?
Liu Er, you don't understand, for her, I can give up everything...

Including willingly being suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain?

Monkey King, for the sake of a woman, you actually agreed to go west for Buddhism. Those who died along the way were all your former brothers and sisters. How did you do it!

Six ears, not only for her, there are many things, I can't tell you...

Enough, Monkey King, you can continue to be your lackey of Buddhism, we will wait and see!
Amitabha, I have recognized the true and false grandsons at a glance, this is the six-eared macaque, who hinders my Buddhist plan to go west, he should be killed!Wukong, how about you do it?


"Have we met?" A voice interrupted Liu Er's thoughts, he turned his head in a daze, and found that the man in sackcloth in the distance was already close in front of him.

"Get lost, who recognizes you..." Liu Er dropped his whip, turned around and left.

"I've seen it before, it seems very familiar..." Supreme Treasure looked at Liu Er's back, his eyes were a little confused.

Zhizunbao turned his head and saw the monkey who was suppressed under Wuzhi Mountain. The monkey looked at him with bloodstains on his face.

Zhizunbao stepped forward, squatted on the ground, looked at the monkey, thought for a while, and said, "You live like a dog."

The monkey raised his head, looked at Supreme Treasure, and said, "Yes, you are the same."

"Where did you come from, I am ordered by the Buddha to suppress the monster monkey here, get out of here." A voice came from the golden paper written on the Five Fingers Buddha Mountain.

Supreme Treasure raised his head, looked at the gold paper, and said, "I tore you apart, so you have no way to suppress it."

The golden paper was silent for a moment, and then the void beside it floated. It turned into a big golden Buddha hand, and tore the golden paper to pieces. Before tearing it off, it smiled and said, "You want to tear me off? How are you tearing me up? Hahahaha..."

Supreme Treasure stared blankly at the empty Wuzhi Buddha Mountain, the gold paper on it was gone...

Supreme Treasure squatted down again and looked at the monkey: "It always feels like we know each other..."

The monkey lowered his head: "They're all dogs, can you not recognize them..."

Zhizunbao reached out and touched the monkey's head. The monkey didn't resist, and a dazzling white light lit up between them.

The white light illuminated the entire Wuzhi Mountain. Under the white light, Wuzhi Mountain trembled for a while, and the boulders on the mountain began to shatter and roll down.

In the white light, the figures of the monkey and Supreme Treasure began to fade, gradually blending together, as if a brand new figure was slowly emerging.

The outline gradually emerged, it was a monkey, every hair on its body was shining with golden light, its eyes were like fire, his eyes were dull, and pictures appeared in his mind.

You are a stubborn monkey by nature, the old man will not agree to accept you as a disciple...

Brother, I am Six Ears...

You pulled out this sword, then you are my favorite!In the future, you will ride colorful auspicious clouds to marry me!
He, he is a soulless person, how can a soulless person be called a human being?

Is this the Peach Blossom Demon?Under my Buddhist purple gold bowl, no monster can escape...

This is the monkey that discarded its demon body, right?It's smart...

Yes, you are like a dog too.

Do monsters deserve to die?Born lowly?Why can I just watch them die in front of me?Why can't I resist?
Are you angry?
Have you found yourself yet?

Is this me?
Then let's fight!
Let this sky full of gods and Buddhas disappear in smoke!

Because, I am Monkey King Monkey King!

 I'm sorry, I've been revising the manuscript, it's a bit late, there will be another update later!
  Thank you all for your rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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