Invincible from the start

Chapter 143 The Unscrupulous People Want to Harm Me

Chapter 143 The Unscrupulous People Want to Harm Me (Please Subscribe)
Ghost Realm Mountain, Dongfang Ghost Emperor has been living a happy life recently, and he doesn't cause trouble, but quietly grows his power.

Dongfang Ghost Emperor sat on a stone chair, followed by a few capable men, who surrounded Dongfang Ghost Emperor, and all kinds of words of praise came in endlessly.

Dongfang Ghost Emperor didn't speak, and squinted his eyes. He enjoyed this kind of flattery very much. Even if it wasn't sincere, it didn't matter. As long as he was strong enough, these people could only live under his crotch and output silently...

"Ghost Emperor, isn't that your mirage?" A kid exclaimed, pointing at the mirage passing by in the sky.

Dongfang Ghost Emperor raised his head and watched silently: "Yeah, it's just that someone borrowed it. There are some things that you borrowed, maybe for a lifetime..."


On Lingshan, the first ray of sun in the morning greeted Su Heng's arrival. With the sound of several ancient bells from Leiyin Temple, some monks began to get busy.

Su Heng arrived in person, seeing the Dharma Protector Barrier of Lingshan as nothing, and entered easily.

The Tathagata who was sitting in the main hall opened his eyes, and his figure disappeared into the hall, and appeared outside Leiyin Temple. The large figure was deliberately shrunk a lot, and it was about the same size as Su Heng.

"Amitabha, the great emperor's presence is indeed a blessing in Lingshan." Tathagata looked at Su Heng with deep fear in his eyes. The longer he stayed in Kyushu, the more he knew the great emperor of Fengdu, and the fear became deeper and deeper. .

Su Heng was a little surprised. He thought Tathagata would remember what happened last time and make a move directly, but he didn't expect to be persuaded directly.

"Tathagata, I want to ask you for a ghost. It seems to be imprisoned in your Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda..." Su Heng went straight to the point. He didn't know why, but he hoped that Tathagata would refuse. Recently, his hands are always itchy...

Maybe this is the sword of the strong...

Tathagata glanced at Su Heng, saw the great emperor silently rubbing his palms, and his heart trembled: "Amitabha, it's just a little ghost. Even if the emperor just opened his mouth, what little ghost is it? Why bother the emperor to come in person?"

"Hanying, it is said that she is born with a cold body. Don't get it wrong, it doesn't matter if you are wrong, I will go to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda to look for it myself next time..." Su Heng glanced at the location of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pagoda.

The 99-storey Ten Thousand Buddha Pagoda looks magnificent. It is said that in addition to suppressing demons and ghosts, there are many sitting relics of eminent monks inside. I really want to go in for a stroll...

"The emperor was joking, he's just a brat, he can't be wrong."

Tathagata tried his best to show a kind smile. He was enshrined by ten thousand Buddhas as the Buddha Lord. He had to show his majestic side every day. It had been a long time since he smiled. His broad lips were slightly raised, and there was still a sense of pain...

Seeing Tathagata's strange appearance, Su Heng felt a little vigilant in his heart. Is this Tathagata still going to make a move after all? The politeness he pretended earlier was probably just trying to numb himself...

This troublemaker really wants to harm me!

Tathagata saw that Su Heng's eyes suddenly became sharper, and felt a little baffled, but he didn't care. The strong are always different, just like he usually sits in the main hall of Leiyin Temple and talks about himself. If you don’t even understand, the monks below will still show adoring eyes, and they will learn and imitate...

He beckoned, and a black shadow flew out of the Pagoda of Ten Thousand Buddhas and landed firmly in the Tathagata's hands.

"Great Emperor, this is that Han Ying, the imp born with a cold body." Tathagata handed the black shadow over.

Su Heng took it, looked carefully, and confirmed that there was nothing abnormal. It seemed that he had misunderstood Tathagata just now.

"Farewell." Su Heng glanced at Tathagata lightly, turned and left.



A monkey came with blond hair and an indifferent expression. He was holding an iron rod, and he looked menacing and exuded a terrifying aura.

Monkey's eyes were like fire, he was not in a hurry to go to Nantianmen, but was reminiscing, he thought of many things.

There was a trouble here once back then, but now it's just a repeat.

Xiao Deng is in the hands of Liu Er, I hope Liu Er will not hurt Xiao Deng...

This time, it is necessary to seek justice. I don’t care about all the gods and Buddhas and conspiracies. It’s just a pity. I’m sorry for those brothers who died on the westbound road...

They should be gone now, this time, let's just seek justice for them...

The monkey didn't think too much, and finally set foot on the Nantian Gate.

Monkey raised his head, looked carefully, and then looked left and right. He confirmed that he did not come to the wrong place. This is the location of Nantianmen, but he didn't understand why the gate building disappeared...

The monkey walked in, and the clouds and mists in front of him dispersed automatically. His gaze was like a torch, and he scanned these familiar scenery one by one, but many of them have changed...

Collapsed and broken jade pillars all over the ground...

And the stone statues that enslaved many gods and demons back then are gone...

The most important thing is that the Lingxiao Palace where he sat on a chair and laughed at the so-called gods in the heavens is gone...

The monkey was silent, he was full of anger, he wanted to use the iron rod in his hand to seek justice, he had prepared for the worst, but everything was gone, all that was left was a mess.

The monkey couldn't figure it out, so he continued to search until he saw a piece of jade biscuit engraved with pictures of fairies. The monkey looked through the jade biscuit and could see a group of trembling fairies inside.

This group of fairies hugged each other. They didn't expect that a bad star had just been sent away not long ago, and another one came today...

"Where did the Heavenly Court go? Where did the Lingxiao Palace go?" The monkey looked at Yubi and asked in a cold voice.

"Heavenly Court is gone... Lingxiao Palace is gone... I was slapped and disappeared..." A fairy's voice trembled from the jade bi.

Monkey was stunned when he heard this. Is there anyone in this world who hates Heaven more than him?Listening to the words of these fairies, it seems that one slap shattered the heavens?Who is so powerful...

"Do you know who did it?" the monkey asked casually, without much expectation.

The fairy continued with a trembling voice: "It seems... called Su Heng... I heard that he is a great emperor of Kyushu..."

The monkey was stunned again, and many memories flooded in. He really couldn't see through the great emperor. He remembered that he had asked him to go to the underworld to modify Xiaodeng's life in another day on Mount Changhen. He also remembered that in the ancient battlefield in the Gobi desert, Pulled out his Ziqing sword...

Zixia told him that only her predestined lover can pull out this sword, but at that time, the great emperor pulled out the sword. At that moment, he once thought that he was green...

Fortunately, I was reminded by that person later that anyone can pull out the Ziqing sword, but the door of its owner's heart can only be opened by myself...

Zixia lied to him for a long time...

Zixia... Xiaodeng... Zixia... Xiaodeng...

The monkey's eyes were in a trance again. He shook his head, came to his senses, turned and left the Heavenly Court. Although the Heavenly Court is gone, his anger has not dissipated. The next target is Lingshan, Leiyin Temple!

This time there was no somersaulting cloud, and he couldn't fly thousands of miles in a blink of an eye. He could only walk silently in the sky, but the speed was not slow. However, the monkey saw a boat, and there was a person standing on the boat, a person he was familiar with. People, Emperor Fengdu.

Su Heng stood on the mirage boat, saw the monkey, thought for a while, and smiled gently as a greeting, and then continued to drive the mirage boat away.

But the monkey stopped, he was floating in the air, watching Su Heng coming from the direction of Lingshan, he couldn't help thinking of the picture of the heaven in his mind...

Thinking of the words of the fairies in the heavenly court, a great emperor named Su Heng shattered the heavenly court with a single slap...

Now the great emperor seems to have come from Lingshan again. Thinking of this, the monkey fell silent...


Lucky girl: Brothers and sisters, please come to the starting point to subscribe and support the author, please eat chicken legs, okay...

 Although it's on the shelves, I still don't want to give up on the recommended tickets. You guys, you know...


(End of this chapter)

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