Invincible from the start

Chapter 145 Are You Desperate Now

Chapter 145 Are You Desperate Now (Subscribe)
"Jin Chanzi, the Peach Blossom Demon has been collected by Kassapa into the purple gold bowl, and is refined with sun fire every day. Even if it is not wiped out, it will die soon. So you are still willing to exchange it with tens of thousands of years of penance?" Tathagata's eyes were indifferent, and when he looked at Jin Chanzi, he began to feel a little displeased.

Unmoved, Jin Chanzi looked directly at Tathagata: "The poor monk is willing."

"Kasyapa, hand over the purple gold alms bowl to him." Tathagata looked at Venerable Kassapa at the side.

Kasyapa nodded, and handed the purple gold bowl to Jin Chanzi.

Jin Chanzi held the purple gold bowl in both hands, bowed to the Tathagata, and retreated outside the hall.

Jin Chanzi was standing on the spacious square outside Leiyin Temple, next to a golden Buddha with a benevolent face and the top of the Buddha touching the sky.

Carefully placing the purple gold bowl on the ground, Jin Chanzi gently wiped the purple gold bowl, and the figure of the Peach Blossom Demon gradually appeared.

She was dressed in a pink gauze dress, with a foxy face and bright eyes. She was as delicate as a flower, and there was a thumb-sized peach blossom printed on Bai Zhe's arm.

"Hey, stinky monk, you finally rescued me, you still have a little conscience, and I have been with you for 3 years in vain."

Jin Chanzi looked at the Peach Blossom Demon, his figure was already a little thin, and he couldn't last long after being refined by Kaye with Yanghuo.

"Peach Blossom, if you can completely escape from this prison in the future, are you willing to do good deeds?" Jin Chanzi looked at the Peach Blossom Demon with a smile on his face.

"Still dedicated to goodness? My mother kills a monk with one knife, as long as she is bald, she will kill them all..." Peach Blossom Demon frowned, eyes wide open, and chattered endlessly, but when she saw Jin Chanzi, the monk always had that gentle smile , her tone became weaker and weaker, and finally said softly: "Okay, as long as you don't provoke me, and I don't take the initiative to cause trouble..."

Jin Chanzi smiled, who said that a monster is a monster?As long as you are willing, it is only a matter of time...

"I know it's uncomfortable to stay in there, but you are in a slack shape now, and this purple gold bowl has become your best choice at present, but don't worry, no one will refine you with Yanghuo in the future, and I will also Find a way to wish you out of trouble." Jin Chanzi looked at the Peach Blossom Demon, and said in a calm tone, which sounded reassuring.

The Peach Blossom Demon was silent for a moment, and the free and easy expression on her face also subsided. She looked at Jin Chanzi and asked calmly: "Monk, tens of thousands of years of penance, if you say nothing, it will be gone. For me, a monster, really Is it worth it?"

Jin Chanzi looked at the Peach Blossom Demon with a gentle smile on his face all the time: "How could it not be worth it? Didn't you also say that you have been with me for 3 years, and that poor monk spent tens of thousands of years of penance to pay for it?" repay you."


In Great Yan Kingdom, Yanjing City, Zhao Jinyu sat on the dragon chair, looking down at the officials below. Since he ascended the throne, this young sage has become farther and farther away from the word immature.

Shen Gongbao took a step forward and bowed to Zhao Jinyu: "Holy Monarch, Beiqi Royal Court sent an envoy to form an alliance with me, Dayan, forever. To show sincerity, Beiqi is willing to offer Khan's daughter, Princess Yushu Shengjun, Princess Yushu is about to leave in a few days, and I suggest that Shengjun send a general to meet the princess in case of accidents."

Rumor has it that Princess Yushu is the most beautiful flower in Northern Qi Royal Court, and this time, she spent a lot of money in order to make friends with Dayan.

Shen Gongbao's expression was calm. He had already talked to Zhao Jinyu in private before what he needed to say, and all this was just a formality.

Zhao Jinyu raised her hand slightly: "Zunzuo, where is Meng Yi?"

A young and handsome general stepped out from among the generals, he clasped his fists and said, "The last general is here."

"General Meng, in order to prevent accidents, set off immediately, and remember to protect the princess' safety." Zhao Jinyu said casually, he was very optimistic about General Meng Yi, not only him, but also the national teacher.

"The last general takes orders!"


In the underworld, Su Heng continued to lie on his side on the white jade bed, and Xiao Yuji continued to help him pick out his ears. She looked serious, and for this man she swore to conquer, she would give him the best love and the most comfortable service...

Dongfang Nian has already married Hanying, and the speed is very fast. Dongfang Nian had a bitter face before the bridal chamber, and he did not look forward to the indescribable things that will happen next...

Others in the underworld don't know whether Dongfang Nian is looking forward to it or not. Anyway, it's been a long time, and he hasn't seen him come out yet...

"Report to the Great Emperor, there is a change in the purgatory world." A ghost in black floated over, the black robe covered his face, and there was a chain around his waist, with a gloomy look.

The errand came back to report according to Zhong Kui's order.

Su Heng was a little surprised. With Zhong Kui's current strength and the particularity of the exercises he practiced, he should be able to solve the general situation. Moreover, some of Zhong Kui's characteristics are very similar to Di Ting. He just wants to prove himself and prove himself all day long. It is the unique existence of the emperor's subordinates, and he must not be weaker than others. As long as he can solve it by himself, he will not ask for help even if he is killed.

Now that Zhong Kui spoke, it seemed that he was in trouble.

Su Heng waved back the yin errand, walked the yin and yang road, and led to the realm of purgatory.

In the purgatory world, it still looks like that. Under the abyss, a group of short and ugly weirdos are jumping into the fire pit one after another...

Then the ghosts were arrested one by one by the underworld agents. The fat man who lost his limbs has now grown two feet again, but the fat man is in a panic. He would rather have these feet not grow out...

When he saw Su Heng, the fat man's whole body huddled together, not daring to move, thinking silently, he couldn't see me, he couldn't see me...

Su Heng did not look at him, and with a wave of his hand, the fat man's newly grown feet disappeared again...

There were faint tears in Fatty's eyes. Seeing those ugly dwarves jumping into the fire pit one after another, he really wanted to shout, please stop jumping, isn't it good to live...

"Emperor, something strange happened to this black coffin. I can't stop it. I feel that it will break open soon." Zhong Kui looked ashamed when he saw Su Heng. He is a person with strong self-esteem, stronger Personality, when I was young, even when I was urinating, I had to compare my distance with others...

Su Heng hummed, and noticed that there was a great fluctuation of spiritual energy coming from the black coffin, and it seemed that something was about to come out.

"Hey, the old man is coming out soon. I have been imprisoned for so long, and I have broken the ghost of the old man. After the old man comes out, you will all die. Are you desperate now?" Hoarse, with a hint of sarcasm and confidence in his tone.

Zhong Kui frowned, glanced at Su Heng, and waited for the emperor to make a move.

But Su Heng didn't move, he was waiting, he wanted to wait for the thing in the black coffin to come out, and then slap him to death. Before he slapped him, he would ask him, are you desperate?


Peach Blossom Demon: Hey, hey, please help fellow Taoists, please come to the starting point to subscribe and support, otherwise, with the author's pissing nature, I will stay in the alms bowl for the rest of my life.

 Thanks for the rewards and votes, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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