Invincible from the start

Chapter 146 Great Emperor, I Will Surrender

Chapter 146 Great Emperor, I Will Surrender
The abnormality of the black coffin did not affect the work efficiency of the ghosts. They still held the soul lock chains and waited in advance on the route where the ghosts came. All they need to do is to lead these ghosts like a dog, and pull them back to the eighteenth floor of hell through the Yin-Yang Road. Incomprehensible dance...

Zhong Kui saw that his emperor was not moving, and he didn't talk nonsense, so he stood aside and looked at the black coffin with pity.

The ugly fat man who lost his legs again in the distance saw the movement here, didn't speak, just stared, looked at the black coffin with a lot of movement, and muttered crazily in his heart, dude, don't worry about it, it's good to be alive ...

The black coffin swayed from side to side and floated up. The whole coffin gave off a faint green light, and the thick coffin also turned solid into nothingness, like a piece of jade, crystal clear, revealing the scene inside the coffin. Inside lay a mass of black An unknown object like fog, the black fog occupied the entire coffin, shaking intermittently.

With a click sound, the coffin slowly opened, the coffin lid was raised, and the black mist gradually rose, exuding a strange and cold atmosphere, and a hoarse voice came from inside: "Hehehe, you must... ..."

Before the hoarse voice finished speaking, he saw a black and white light illuminating the entire purgatory world, and the purgatory world also fell into black and white, as if there were only black and white in the world.

Before Hei Mist could react, he saw a palm print emerge from the black and white light, the huge palm print fell, and the entire misty body was smashed into pieces by a slap...

Sure enough, he is worthy of being called the Great Emperor...

Zhong Kui glanced aside, although he had expected it in his heart, but witnessing it with his own eyes, compared with listening to others, the feeling was different.

"How dare you dare to destroy my physical body. My patriarch Hei Ming wrote down this account, but it is a pity that even if my Heiwu clan dies, I will share a little spiritual consciousness and return to the clan. Although you ruined My physical body, but when I return to the family and recast my physical body, I will definitely lead the army to come here to avenge my revenge." A palm-sized mist floated out of the black mist, and it floated in the air, claiming to be the ancestor of Heiming , exasperated, then opened a passage in the air, rushed in, and the passage was also closed at the same time.

"Great Emperor, this..." Zhong Kui looked worriedly at the ghosts who were in turmoil without the black coffin's traction. This brought a lot of trouble to the ghosts. It is necessary to capture these ghosts scurrying around in the purgatory world.

Su Heng didn't expect this black mist to be so special. Even if he died, he would still be able to separate a little bit of spiritual consciousness to return to the clan. He glanced at Zhong Kui, and Su Heng said with a very calm expression: "It's okay, this matter happened long ago. As expected, you wait a moment."

I have always been the only one who pretends to be a fork in front of others, how can I let others pretend to be a fork in front of me, so I can't bear it...

Su Heng took a step forward, swiped his palm lightly, and a hole was directly torn in the space.

I just glanced at it casually, and I have already remembered the passage of the black mist when it returned. This is a means to break through the space. It seems to be unfathomable. Ordinary people may not be able to understand it after watching it for 1 years. Su Heng It's different, I just glanced at it by chance, and I've already remembered it in my heart...

The strong are always troubled like this, they have never experienced the joy of learning, the joyful learning methods such as dancing to the sound of chickens, hanging beams and stabbing thighs...

Su Heng raised his head and looked up at the sky of Purgatory Realm. It is always night here, with stars dotted around, appropriately revealing a lonely figure in front of Zhong Kui.

After Zhong Kui saw it, he felt an inexplicable soreness in his nose and tears in his eyes.

Su Heng stepped into that space, and the opening closed again. Zhong Kui also woke up, touched his head, and didn't understand why he wanted to cry just now...


"Welcome to the ancestor's return!"

The Black Mist Clan is just a member of the Great Thousand World. Countless black fogs gather together, with different shapes and characteristics. The common point is that there are a pair of dark green eyes in the black fog-like body.

Feeling the fluctuations in the space and the familiar aura, the black mist looked at the patriarch who was only the size of a palm, and felt very strange. Didn't this patriarch go to the purgatory world? Didn't he cooperate with people in the purgatory world? , Do you want to absorb the steady stream of ghosts to strengthen yourself? Why is this body getting smaller instead?Their black mist clan's skills, but the more they practice to the end, the body will become bigger and bigger.

"Well, you have worked hard during my absence. This time I went to the Purgatory Realm, and it can be said that I have gained a lot." Ancestor Heiming pretended to be calm. How could he let the ancestor of the Heiwu clan The people below knew that he almost died just now, but his body was gone. In order to keep his old face, he had no choice but to continue talking nonsense: "This old man is invincible in the purgatory world, and at the same time comprehended the highest state of my Black Mist Clan's main cultivation method. The supreme method, the way back to the basics!"

It was quiet below, looking at Patriarch Heiming expectantly, waiting for him to continue talking, thinking in his heart, it turns out that Patriarch's body became smaller because he broke through and comprehended a more powerful method, he really deserves to be Patriarch .

"Everything in the world, when it reaches a certain level, will inevitably go against the extreme. It is because the old man has cultivated to this so-called extreme that he can break through, get rid of the dross and get the essence. You should practice hard in the future to reach the level of the old man as soon as possible. .” The ancestor Hei Ming calmly spoke, and the more he spoke, the smoother he spoke, and the group of black fog below all responded after hearing this.

Patriarch Hei Ming nodded in satisfaction. The aggrievedness these days is much less. It is better to be at home. You can do whatever you want. No one can break through the bragging. The next step is to recast the body and kill it again. Going back to Purgatory Realm, seeking revenge on that bastard, well, of course, this is just a goal I set, although it is definitely impossible to achieve, but there is always a dream in life, right...

"Old Ancestor, I heard that there are three thousand worlds in the Void Realm. Now that you have achieved great skill, is there anyone in this world who is your opponent?" A cloud of black mist floated over, and a pair of dark green eyes looked at it adoringly. My ancestors.

Ancestor Hei Ming continued to look calm: "Hmph, now that the old man has achieved great skill, it is hard to win. No one in this void world is the old man's opponent."

As soon as Patriarch Hei Ming finished speaking, a hole was torn in the sky above the Black Mist Clan, and then he saw a familiar figure...

After seeing Su Heng, Patriarch Heiming's complexion changed drastically, and he turned pale with panic, and immediately turned around and ran away.

Seeing the invasion of foreign enemies, the Heiwu clan also became confused, but they were not afraid. They had the ancestor Heiming who was invincible in the three thousand worlds.

"Old Ancestor, where are you going?" Hei Wu, who was asking earlier, saw the back of his Ancestor leaving, and hurriedly asked.

"This old man realizes that he seems to have comprehended a new technique just now. This opportunity is not to be missed. Hold on first, and come to you after the old man fully realizes it..."

Patriarch Hei Ming quickly disappeared, he fled to a distance, and hastily opened up a space again, wanting to escape. In this situation, saving his life is the most important thing, so let's not take care of his family.

It's just that Patriarch Hei Ming soon discovered that this space seemed to be blocked by some kind of force, and he didn't respond to the air for a long time...

Ancestor Hei Ming subconsciously turned his head to look, there was only black and white in the world, everything was frozen there, and then he saw a palm technique descending from the sky...

The Heiwu clan, with countless pairs of green eyes looking at the sky, instantly turned into powder and vanished into thin air...

"Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" A voice sounded in the air.

Ancestor Heiming looked at the destroyed Heiwu clan, his eyes couldn't help but get wet, it was his cowardice and incompetence that led to the destruction of the Heiwu clan...

It's all because he is greedy for life and afraid of death. If he stayed in the Purgatory Realm honestly and didn't come back, the Black Mist Clan would not have been wiped out...

He raised his head and looked at Su Heng, who was tall and dressed in a black robe, looking at him indifferently, his palm-sized body seemed extremely small.

Hehe, what do you want to do?humiliate me?My Black Mist Clan has been wiped out by you, now you ask me this?Is it mercy or charity?

I do not need!The big deal is death!The patriarch Hei Ming looked at Su Heng, his aura soared. Although he was weak and weak, he also burst out a lot of energy. He looked high-spirited and had the meaning that he would rather be broken than broken.

Then, Patriarch Hei Ming saw the midair, and Su Heng slapped his hands.

Patriarch Heiming trembled in his heart, why don't you continue to persuade me, is there anyone who persuades me to surrender like this, how much face, don't you know that many people actually want to surrender, but because of face, Was he pulled out and chopped up after he said something hard...

"Great Emperor, I am willing to surrender..." Patriarch Heiming's high aura instantly dissipated, and his tone became very soft. In the Purgatory Realm, he had heard Zhong Kui called him this way, and now he just opened his mouth.


In the realm of purgatory, Su Heng is back.

Zhong Kui was startled, twisted his pants and ran over from a corner where no one was around. He just made it easier, but Su Heng came back before this was over...

While tightening his pants, he said, "Great Emperor, you're back so soon."

Su Heng hummed, and threw the black mist in his hands into the black coffin again. He had just made an agreement with Patriarch Heiming, and you will continue to stay in the black coffin and do the same things as before.

Ancestor Hei Ming performed perfectly, eager to show his own value, as soon as he returned to the black coffin, he immediately started summoning souls like before...

The ghosts in the entire purgatory world became quiet again, and the ghosts also relaxed a lot, no longer having to be as chaotic as before.

Su Heng nodded in satisfaction, and explained a few words to Zhong Kui. What he said in front of Patriarch Heiming was nothing more than that if Patriarch Heiming was dishonest, he would just cut him with a knife...

After Su Heng left, Patriarch Hei Ming smiled and said to Zhong Kui: "Hi, my name is Hei Ming, you can call me Xiao Hei from now on..."

 Thanks to 'Holyfxxk' for 20180814075140394 coins, 'Book Friends [-]' for [-] coins, for 'Forgotten' [-] coins, for 'Yungui Moran' [-] coins, for 'The Journey of Tyrannosaurus Beast' [-] coins, and for 'Festivals' Only one hundred coins for 'sex blessing', one hundred coins for 'I used to be a scumbag', thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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