Invincible from the start

Chapter 149 Longevity Bit

Chapter 149 Longevity Bit (for Subscription)
Shenzhou Haotu has gone through countless years, various wars and tribulations, and many years of peace in the middle. This time, with the promotion of countless behind-the-scenes hands, Great Yan Kingdom once again launched a massive counter-insurgency war.

On the side of Yan State, Wen Zhong was in command, and when he left Yanjing City that day, Zhao Jinyu personally went out of the city to see him off for ten miles.

Wen Zhong is dressed in black armor, holding a male and female whip, riding a black unicorn, with millions of soldiers behind him, flying banners, looking from a distance, it looks like a dark cloud covering the sky and covering the sky.

The army passed through Jingzhou for a short rest and then set off again. Jingzhou was far away from the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Wen Zhong all the way and the monks in the army used various spells to speed up the journey of the army and make the army move forward at an extremely fast speed.

At the same time, Tang Emperor Li Wentian who got the news also personally entertained some foreign guests on this day.

These foreign guests are all very skilled, they can ride the clouds and ride the fog, turn the rivers and seas, all of them are immortal, and they are deeply respected by Li Wentian.

There are mainly 12 foreign visitors who claim to be the Twelve Golden Immortals under Yuxu's sect. Master Lingbao, Guangchengzi, Daoxing Tianzun, Qingxu Dazhenjun.

Facing the twelve immortals, Li Wentian was courteous and entertained them thoughtfully. After making some gestures, the twelve golden immortals saw each other and nodded with satisfaction.

Daoist Taiyi held his whisk, waved it lightly, squeezed the white beard on his chin, and said with a smile: "Thank you Tang Huang for your hospitality, this time all the brothers of my Yuxu sect will come out of the mountain at the same time, and they will definitely assist Tang Huang to win the victory. Kyushu honor."

"Hehe, that's right, don't worry, Emperor Tang. We have already discussed that Dayan dispatched Wen Zhong as a general to pour the power of the country. It is only seven days away from Dongzhou. Now the palace of Emperor Yan in Zhongzhou is empty. We have decided to go there in person. Zhongzhou, if you kill Emperor Yan in one fell swoop, then Wen Zhong's army will be destroyed without attack, and Emperor Tang can send troops out to dominate China." Master Huang Long smiled and said calmly, his words were full of confidence, as if he had made a decision win the game.

None of the eleven members of the Yuxu sect next to him said anything, they just frowned, thinking that Master Huang Long was too hasty, but after thinking about it carefully, they went out together this time, shot together, and preemptively attacked, Dayan must be unprepared, maybe they can really get up To miraculous effect.

"Then thank you all the immortals." Li Wentian smiled and cupped his hands, sending the twelve disciples away, and then sighed softly. The situation in Kyushu is really getting more and more complicated. The twelve disciples of Yuxu, the grand plan of Lingshan's westward journey , and so on have their own calculations behind everything, and it is not known whether the Great Tang Kingdom can rise in this precarious turmoil.


In the underworld, Su Heng sat cross-legged, squinting, with a rare serious expression.

The ghosts who passed by occasionally showed fanatical admiration when they saw Su Heng. The emperor is already so strong that he has long been invincible in the world, but he still practiced so diligently. Can't be thrown too far away, although it's already very far...

Su Heng is naturally not cultivating at this time. He will never practice in his life. He can't do it if he wants to become weak. He obviously has not cultivated, but he is still stronger than others. I really hate this. living day...

The past few days were too boring. I lay on the bamboo chair and changed several positions. When I was about to unlock the next position, I suddenly had an idea.

It is mainly inspired by the last time I read the imprinted jade tablet to Dongfang. If I use another method to transform the aura into something else, such as the Buddha statues in the temple, and enshrine there all day, does it mean that I can absorb the wish? force?

Wish force is erratic when you say it, and it is very similar to luck. It has only advantages and no disadvantages.

Su Heng has already made up his mind, he wants to condense his own longevity seat, and then go to various sects and factions, discuss it, and place the longevity seat in their main hall...

The longevity seat was originally set up for benefactors, and Su Heng believed that he had helped them a lot. Last time, he helped to clean up the unnamed tombstone, so as to avoid possible misunderstandings and chaos in the future, so Speaking of which, they are their benefactors, right?

Su Heng thought about it carefully again, and felt that it was a little unreasonable. People can't lie to themselves. After all, they are people who want face. After thinking about it, it is better to change the way, and don't randomly place the longevity seats on their main hall. Build a temple on the site under your jurisdiction, and then put your own longevity seat, called the Great Emperor Temple?

The more Su Heng thought about it, the more feasible it became, and he couldn't wait to try it.

There is no difficulty, no matter what to learn, no matter what to do, it is faster than others, there is no bottleneck, and there is no reason to speak...

Soon, a miniature version of something similar to a Buddha statue appeared in Su Heng's hands. It looked empty and solid, as if it had no substance, but it could feel a subtle touch when held in his hand.

The longevity image of this deity is completely in accordance with Su Heng's appearance, and he is handsome and unrestrained...

In front of the longevity seat, a vertical plaque was held with both hands, on which were written the four characters of Emperor Fengdu.

Su Heng was very satisfied, his consciousness flashed, and soon, tens of thousands of identical longevity positions appeared in front of him...

"Brother Su, what is this, why have you become countless you, can you give me one..." The lucky girl in the distance was having fun, seeing the movement from Su Heng, Immediately, she ran over with the rabbit in her arms, and she looked at these longevity places curiously, her watery eyes flickering.

Rabbit looked at these immortal places, and smiled in his heart, he had nothing to do with himself, so couldn't he vent his anger with the broken statue?Next time I will hide one privately, and wrap my paws around it every day...

"Emperor, can you give me one? I want to hang it around my neck, so that looking at it is like seeing the Emperor in person, and I can see the demeanor of the Emperor every day. Even if the Emperor is not in the mansion, I can express my feelings towards it." There are many things in my heart that I want to say to the emperor on weekdays, so as to express my admiration." Di Ting walked over with his neck crooked, and his crooked neck disease has not healed yet, and Dongfang Nian is no longer in the mansion, so he complains every day for seven days. Quit this old monk, blame him, if not for him, there will be no series of events in the future, and his neck will not be crooked.

Regarding this, Qijie expressed that he did not want to speak...

Seeing Di Ting, Su Heng nodded in satisfaction. Dahei was always the Dahei, the most loyal Dahei, so he chose one himself, and then put it on his neck.

Just as the longevity seat was put on Dahei's neck, Dahei suddenly moved and forcibly straightened his neck, saying, "Huh? Could it be that the emperor's longevity seat has divine help? Why is my neck healed?"

Qijie twitched his lips, he just heard the sound of bones cracking...

(End of this chapter)

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