Invincible from the start

Chapter 150 The Emperor's Attitude

Chapter 150 The Emperor's Attitude (for Subscription)

Zhongzhou, Yanjing.

Zhao Jinyu and Shen Gongbao walked back and forth in Gongyan's back garden, and Shen Gongbao subconsciously followed behind by half a step.

"Teacher, I don't know why. I've been restless lately. I always feel that something important is happening. I toss and turn every night, and it's hard to fall asleep." Zhao Jinyu stopped and stood by the corridor, looking through the outcropping trees under the eaves, quietly Looking at the imperial sister, Lin Zhao, who was dancing with a gun in the courtyard.

A long spear with faint thunder flashes was held in his hand. Lin Zhao was dressed in red armor and looked heroic.

A black bird was resting beside it, its whole body was black, and its appearance looked ordinary. It seemed to be just a bird magnified several times, and its body was one foot taller.

Shen Gongbao also looked over, and more eyes stayed on the mysterious bird, and said: "This mysterious bird of destiny landed in the backyard of the Seventh Princess back then. It was transformed by the Nine Heavens Xuannv, who was born for war, and now she descends to Dayan, and inherits it with the Seventh Princess, which is equivalent to bestowing a sharp sword on the Holy King, which will surely wipe out all rebellions for the Holy King, gratifying to congratulate."

Hearing this, Zhao Jinyu's face relaxed a lot, showing a smile.

Before Shen Gongbao took over Zhao Jinyu's words at this time: "The sage is respected by the world, and he deserves his name. You don't need to worry too much about other things. Just remember that there is nothing in this world that is worthy of your fear. Block your way, you can also use the sword in your hand to cut a way out, because you are the holy king, the supreme holy king."

Shen Gongbao's words of encouragement were very contagious. Zhao Jinyu listened to her ears, and her eyes became firmer, and the previous trace of worry and unsteadiness dissipated even more.

He silently clenched his fists and told himself, I am the Holy King, the supreme Holy King.

"Shengjun, now that the war has begun, the twelve reptiles under Yuxu's sect have also officially settled in Li Tang. I have also contacted the Jiejiaomen, and it will be coming soon. But for safety reasons, when the Jiejiaomen arrive Before, the Holy Monarch stayed in the palace for the time being these few days and reduced going out, and I have set up a large formation in the palace to prevent accidents." Shen Gongbao thought carefully, thinking of some behaviors of those under Yuxu's sect, he had to be cautious.

Zhao Jinyu nodded, and he obeyed the teacher's words: "Don't worry, teacher, I will try to avoid going out of the palace these few days."

Shen Gongbao nodded: "I have nothing to fear from Yuxu's sect. What I worry about is the one from Fengdu. Every word and every action can change the situation on the battlefield."

Zhao Jinyu pondered for a moment, and said: "Isn't it rumored that Fengdu is indifferent by nature and stays in the underworld all day, as long as he doesn't provoke him, don't you have to worry?"

Shen Gongbao shook his head: "Although the rumors are so, what I'm worried about is that Li Tang will contact the great emperor in Fengdu. If that great emperor agrees to help Li Tang, I'm afraid our Great Yan will be in danger."

Hearing this, Zhao Jinyu seemed to be aware of the hidden crisis, and said, "Then what should I do? How about sending a lobbyist to Fengdu to test the words of the great emperor?"

"Let me go, I have an old relationship with him, maybe I can help."

Lin Zhao, who was dancing with a gun in the distance, suddenly stopped, and she walked over with a calm expression, and occasionally some sweat dripped from her fair face, falling on the bright red armor.

Zhao Jinyu was stunned for a while, staring at Lin Zhao in a daze for a long time, Sister Emotional, you have been listening by the side...

Shen Gongbao also looked over, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Since Qigong...the general speaks up in person, it would be the best, please trouble the general."

Lin Zhao hummed casually, turned and left.

Zhao Jinyu sighed softly. In a short period of time, many changes have taken place. He inherited the throne, and the innocent emperor sister has also changed a lot. Now it seems that there is no shadow of the seventh princess of the Great Yan Kingdom. Only now General Lin Zhao of the Great Yan Kingdom.


In the underworld, Su Heng has officially dispatched the messengers to take the longevity seat and take his words to go to various parts of Kyushu to contact various factions to build temples. At least every state and county must build a Great Emperor Temple. If the effect is good in the future, It is possible to continue to expand, the wish force is a good thing, as long as it is a good thing, Su Heng wants it...

It doesn't matter if some sect refuses, Su Heng will go to talk to their headmaster in person, and then consider placing the longevity seat directly in the main hall of their sect, standing side by side with their ancestors, enjoying their kneeling...

"My lord, Lin Zhao, the Seventh Princess of the Kingdom of Yan, asks to see you." A messenger came to report.

Su Heng was stunned for a moment, and a figure gradually emerged in his mind. At first, he disguised himself as a man and called him a brother and sister, the rabbit master. Later, he returned to his original appearance, looking forward to it, eager to shock his Seventh Princess, and later, roaming the battlefield. , the bloody General of the Great Yan Kingdom...

"Hey, go slowly." Zhou Feng stood beside the black boat, smiling all over his face, which is rare. Except for some high-ranking people in the mansion, Zhou Feng has always had a cold face towards outsiders. He can't, he is good at pretending to be a fox and pretending to be a tiger. In front of the emperor, he is a grandson, but in front of outsiders, he is a grandfather.

But this time is different, Zhou Feng is not stupid at all, he has heard before that the relationship between the Seventh Princess of the Great Yan Kingdom and his own emperor seems to be unclear, although he does not know the truth, but he dare not be presumptuous, I'm afraid that if something happens, it will be brought to the emperor, and there will be no good fruit if the matter becomes serious.

Lin Zhao glanced at Zhou Feng, thought for a while and then asked, "Isn't it rumored that if you want to pass the Wangchuan River to reach the underworld, you need to hand in a spiritual weapon to the Zhou boatman?"

When Zhou Feng heard it, he immediately said with a righteous face: "It's unreasonable. Which bastard is slandering me? I am staying by the Wangchuan River. I have always been diligent and diligent. I have never been corrupt or bribed. It must be some villain behind the scenes." You are slandering me, Seventh Princess, don't listen to rumors."

Lin Zhao was stunned for a moment, but still nodded, believing Zhou Feng's words, and then left under the guidance of Yin Cha.

"Long time no see, how are you?" When I saw Lin Zhao again, he changed a lot, especially his temperament. Although Lin Zhao looked heroic in the past, there are still some behavioral characteristics that are still more inclined to that kind of behavior. A delicate woman, but now Lin Zhao is wearing a red armour, fair skin and beautiful, with long black hair tied with a red rope, casually thrown behind her shoulders, her face is still so handsome, but there is an extra murderous streak on her body. The taste of cutting and decisiveness, if thrown into the crowd, belongs to the kind that kills both men and women.

Su Heng subconsciously glanced at the flat lying on his chest, which was still an endless plain...

Well, this has not changed, Lin Zhao is still the same Lin Zhao, and the same airport...

Noticing Su Heng's eyes, Lin Zhao's serious face also twitched, and the two who hadn't seen each other for a long time also drew a lot closer because of this look.

Su Heng felt that Lin Zhao was still the familiar Lin Zhao, the familiar airport...

Lin Zhao felt that Su Heng was still the familiar Su Heng, no matter how his identity changed, he still liked to stare at the breasts of unmarried girls...

Although it has not yet reached the point of "glance without clothes" and "treat each other with sincerity", but it is not the embarrassment of the first meeting at the beginning.

"Fortunately, it's been a long time since I saw you. Today, I'm doing business for my own benefit. Come and have a look." Lin Zhao smiled, and wiped a few strands of black hair that caught her eyes behind her ears. She didn't speak, but just looked at Wang Chuanhe. , Looking at the Bianhua, his eyes became a little fascinated.

Su Heng didn't say anything, just stood by the side, the two stood side by side, watching quietly together.

"The last time I came here with my father, I didn't take a close look at it. Now that I have calmed down, I feel that every scene here is so beautiful." Lin Zhao continued to look, and she saw the red-clothed radish in the sea of ​​flowers. The petals sprinkled to the sky, and the moment the petals fell all over the sky, what she saw was not the splendor at that moment, but a touch of sadness. Women always know women best.

Su Heng thought of those evil spirits imprisoned in the [-]th floor of Purgatory. For them, this place is not beautiful, it is the real hell.

"My lord, see Lin Zhao from the Kingdom of Yan!" Under the purple moon in the underworld, Lin Zhao suddenly turned around, facing the moonlight, with a serious expression, like she was in the army, clasped her fists, and was meticulous.

Su Heng froze for a moment, the sudden earnestness made him nod subconsciously, and said in his mouth, "Oh."

After answering, Su Heng found that every time he looked at Lin Zhao, his eyes were always involuntarily aimed at that lying flat. This habit is really bad...

Lin Zhao naturally noticed it too, and the corners of his mouth twitched again, forcefully dispelling distracting thoughts, and said, "Now that Kyushu is in turmoil, and Li Tang's rebellion is rising in Dongzhou, I don't know how the emperor thinks about it."

How do you view this matter?Su Heng raised his eyebrows. He really hadn't thought about it. Now that Lin Zhao asked, he thought about it and said, "I don't have any ideas. I should eat, drink, and sleep..."

Also, if you want to shoot a rabbit, you can shoot a rabbit...

Su Heng silently added in his heart.

It was a very common sentence, but Lin Zhao understood it. It meant not to meddle in other people's business, and continue to be a salted fish as before...

Maybe this is the strong one...

After getting the answer she wanted, Lin Zhao's stern expression also relaxed, and she regained the former ease. Looking at Su Heng, she smiled, but she suddenly didn't know how to say so many things that came to her lips.

"The battle ahead is tense, so I'll leave first." The two continued to remain silent, and after looking at Wangchuan River for a long time, Lin Zhao said softly.

Su Heng glanced, nodded, then thought for a while and said: "If you get tired of disputes in the future, you can come to my place and I will reserve a place for you."

"Okay, I see..." Lin Zhao replied, without turning around, without agreeing or refusing, and left directly.

"It's rare to see the great emperor being so sentimental." Su Xiaoxiao turned the wheelchair behind Su Heng, looked at Su Heng's back, seemed to be still looking at Lin Zhao's leaving figure, and said something with a teaser.

Su Heng turned around and looked at the chief executive, especially the smile. He always felt that there was something in the words, so he didn't say much. He also glanced at the lying flat on the chest similar to Lin Zhao.

If Lin Zhaoruo is the airport, then at most you put two eggs on the airport...


Ask for a recommendation ticket...

 Thanks to 'Wangui Shinichi' for the reward of 7700, 'The Journey of Tyrannosaurus' for 100, 'Book Friends 20170105174817073' for the rewards of 100, 'Floating World Dust Owl' for the rewards of 100, 'FFOOFF Falls in Love with J' for the rewards of 100,'Book Friends 20190417173749353 '100
(End of this chapter)

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