Invincible from the start

Chapter 151 Prepare to Hit the Rabbit

Chapter 151 Prepare to Hit the Rabbit (Subscribe)
Qingqiu Tushan is like spring all the year round, and the peach blossoms all over the mountain rise and fall with the wind. Standing on the highest peak, you can have a panoramic view of most of Tushan.

The head of the family, Tu Shan Xiyi, stood on the side of the peak, looking at the red sun gradually rising among the sea of ​​clouds in the distance. Nian stood at the back, dressed in a long robe, looking at the exquisite back, secretly swallowed...

"Could it be that you came to Tushan on purpose to tell me that you are going to set fire to Tushan again?" Tu Shan Xiyi turned her head and looked not far away, a piece of black grass with some sparks in it, obviously Just went out not long ago.

Dongfang Nian looked embarrassed. Although the yang fire in his body was suppressed by most of the turmoil with Han Ying in the underworld, it has not completely recovered. According to Old Man Yan, it will last for about a month and a half.

In other words, to explain it, it means to be cursed by ghosts for another half a month...

"You know me well. I really didn't do it on purpose. This problem of arson will be resolved soon. Well, wait for another half a month, and then be ghosted... It will be fine in half a month..." Dongfang read Immediately opened his mouth to explain, he was also quite depressed, he came to Tushan specially, and before he could open his mouth, he set fire to the owner's house...

Tu Shan Xiyi continued to look at Dongfang Nian without saying a word, with a cold expression on her face.

Dongfang Nianqing coughed a few times: "What I said is true, please believe me, I really didn't mean to cause trouble, if you want to cause trouble, just use the mark that the emperor gave me and it's over, it's this mark, if you don't believe me I'll show you."

Dongfang Nian was a little flustered, and as he spoke, he took out a jade tablet imprint, waved it lightly towards the distance, a terrifying force poured out, tore apart the space, black and white lights roared past, and the mountain peak in the distance instantly melted for powder.

After Dongfang Nian saw it, he laughed and said, "You see, if I really wanted to cause trouble, your mountain would have disappeared long ago, why wait until now..."

Tu Shan Xiyi glanced at the disappearing peaks in the distance, her expression was a little dull, and it took a long time before she looked at Dongfang and read: "There is my Tu Shan's medicine field..."


The breath suddenly became a little dull, a few drops of sweat dripped from Dongfang Nian's head, he looked very guilty, and seemed to be in trouble again...

"Dongfang Nian, what on earth are you trying to do? You came here to protest me? Could it be that I dare not touch you when you stand behind Fengdu?" Tu Shan, the head of the family, was furious at this moment, his eyes full of anger. Out of anger, he stared at Dongfang Nian fiercely.

Dongfang Nian opened his mouth, and suddenly didn't know what to say. After thinking about it, he said: "There are some things I wanted to say to you. I think I might not have a chance if I don't say them. I will be very unwilling, but now I see Come on, if I tell you, I probably won't be able to leave here alive today, so I won't say anything..."

"Forget it, I'm leaving... I will compensate you for the loss of Yaotian, and see you again if there is a chance in the future." Dongfang Nian became a little lonely, and smiled self-deprecatingly. Shan, it turned out to be such a huge oolong, I can only say that apart from being handsome, he is really useless, after all, he can only rely on his face to eat honestly...

Tu Shan, the head of the family, was at a loss when he heard this nonsensical words. He couldn't stand it anymore, rushed over and grabbed Dongfang Nian's lapel: "Come back with me, when you explain clearly before leaving .”


Zhongzhou and Great Yanjing are all thirty miles away.

The twelve golden immortals under Yuxu's sect each controlled their magic weapons and rose from the sky, surrounded by clouds and mists, covering their figures.

"This is Yanjing City, the capital of Yan Kingdom, right?" Guang Chengzi gazed at Yanjing in the distance, and could clearly see the outlines around Yanjing City.

"I did a fortune-telling just now. There is the light of the Emperor Star flickering in the city of Yanjing. The Emperor Yan should be in the city at this time." Master Puxian rode a six-tusked white elephant, with far-reaching gaze, said in a deep voice.

"Shen Gongbao is also in Yanjing City, so there must be precautions. This trip may not be easy." Master Yuding pondered for a moment, then shook his head.

"From what I see, I might as well go out together and destroy Yanjing City directly. Those people who have been intercepted and taught have not yet reached Yanjing. The entire Yanjing City can only be brought back to heaven by Shen Gongbao alone." Master Huang Long was beside him hehe With a smile, the eyeballs rolled for a while.

"No, with the combined efforts of the 12 of us, I'm afraid that the entire Zhongzhou will be destroyed. There are so many ordinary people in Zhongzhou, if they all die by our hands, the karma will also fall on us. ..." The Cihangdao people immediately objected.

"Hehe, although it is possible to be contaminated by this karma, it is a rare opportunity at this time. The person who intercepted the teaching is not here. At this time, Emperor Yan is empty. If we succeed, in the future Li Tang will win this world and become the supreme in the world. Luck will be added to him. , this cause and effect will naturally be borne by the person who stopped teaching." Master Huang Long continued to persuade, and after finishing speaking, he glanced at the fellow disciples beside him.

After listening to Huang Long's words, the other people thought about it carefully, and found that there was some truth in what they said. Although they didn't want to be contaminated by cause and effect, if they could win this Conferred Gods War, they could dominate the Conferred Gods list, and naturally they could make It is indeed a rare opportunity for the people who cut off the teaching to bear this karma. As long as Emperor Yan dies, there will be open and secret struggles between the government and the country of Yan.

"I agree with that statement."

"I agree too."

"It works."

The twelve members of Yuxu's sect agreed one after another. With a single word, the life and death of countless people in Zhongzhou were determined. There was no mercy in their words, and they treated them like ants.

"Okay, then we will work together to set up a large formation here, and attack together to kill Emperor Yan here."

After finishing speaking, the twelve disciples of Yuxu didn't hesitate, they gathered together one after another, each standing in twelve directions, corresponding to the stars in the nine heavens, layers of golden light in the middle of the formation, containing domineering spiritual power enough to destroy the entire Zhongzhou.

"Let's get started." Someone gave the lead, and the remaining 11 people nodded one after another, looking down at the entire Zhongzhou indifferently with firm eyes.

The domineering golden light is on the verge of firing.

"Huh? Why do I suddenly have a bad feeling in my heart?" Master Taiyi frowned, his white beard trembled, and his eyelids twitched rapidly.

"I'm the same, I suddenly feel restless, as if something big is about to happen." Filiusun said from the side, he has always been the most sensitive to the crisis, but this time he clearly has a bad premonition, but he can't detect it Where is the crisis.

"Then shall we continue to wait? Could this be a sign from the heavens?" Chi Jingzi felt like retreating, and he also had a bad premonition.

"Hmph, we have a master sitting above us, what else can cause danger to us in the Kyushu? Now that we have reached this point, let's continue." Master Huang Long snorted coldly, speaking quite confidently .

"I heard that there is a faction in Zhongzhou called Jifu, and there is a Great Emperor Fengdu in it. From ancient times to modern times, there are not many people who dare to call themselves the Great Emperor. Could it be..." Before Ci Hangdao could finish speaking, the real Huanglong on the side had already spoken. Interrupted: "Hehe, it's just a small boy who got a little chance, deceived the heavenly secrets, and didn't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, that's all. Any one of my brothers and sisters can easily solve him."

"That being said, I heard that the one from Lingshan seems to have been crushed by him too..." Ci Hang Taoist was still not at ease, always worried.

Master Huang Long said impatiently: "Okay, these are all rumors, and you have never seen it with your own eyes, so most likely it's just rumors. I have been waiting in the mountains for so long, and the old master has never said that there is nothing in Kyushu other than that There are some other people who reach the sky, don't worry, let's continue."

Master Huanglong's affirmative tone, Cihangdao people are not arguing, nodded, thinking that there is some truth to this statement, and other people also think so, let alone that the Tathagata Buddha himself is a powerful man with magical powers, and My master is as famous as me, so how can I just let a so-called great emperor suffer casually? Moreover, their master has great powers. They have been in the Yuxu Sect for so long, and they haven't told them what kind of emperor Kyushu should pay attention to. They just said try not to provoke them. Buddhism, just be careful to stop teaching those people.

Master Huanglong glanced at the other 11 people, seeing that no one was objecting, he felt a little proud, these senior brothers seemed to be unstable, fortunately he was here to persuade them, otherwise the trip would be in vain.

Master Huanglong smiled and didn't think too much, when he was about to continue to launch the big formation, his face suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look, the other members of Yuxu Sect also felt it, and looked at it one after another.

I only saw a black and white light rushing towards my face. Wherever the light passed, the clouds of thousands of miles turned into black and white, and only black and white remained in the sky and the earth. Countless floating clouds stagnated in the light and did not move forward. Under the clouds, some The birds also stopped there.

Such an aura seems to be far superior to the master?
The members of Yuxu's twelve sects opened their mouths wide, their eyes showing horror.

The black and white light instantly engulfed them, just like the clouds floating between the sky and the earth, they all turned into black and white, and all 12 people stagnated here.

As a breeze passed by, the members of Yuxu's twelve sects turned into dust without a sound, and since then dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

At the same moment, above the nine heavens, a thick scripture-like inscription without words accompanied by thunder and lightning flashed through layers of clouds and mist, and appeared faintly. The name is clearly visible, it is the member of the twelve sects of Yuxu.


At this time, in the underworld.

The rabbit was holding Su Heng's longevity seat and hiding in the dark, with a smile on his face, he opened his mouth and bit down on the longevity seat, and then the new teeth that had just grown out broke again...

The Nether Ghost King, who was lying on the beam in the distance, saw the rabbit's actions from afar: "..."

the other side……

Su Heng twisted his arm, and the lucky girl was very curious when she saw it. Just now, she saw Su Heng slapping the sky, and asked, "Brother Su, why did you twist your arm?"

Su Heng said calmly: "Prepare to shoot rabbits."


Is three thousand plus three thousand really slow...or two thousand plus two thousand comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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