Invincible from the start

Chapter 161 The Ghost Emperor Asks How to Check

Chapter 161 The Ghost Emperor Asks How to Check
Ghost Realm Mountain, Dongfang Ghost Emperor has been out of his mind recently, always restless, always thinking about what happened last time, always suspecting that the little ghost who bewitched him has unknown origins and has a problem with his identity.

Why did that brat trick himself into asking the great emperor of Fengdu for a mirage?Are you trying to kill yourself?Why did he kill himself?Want to inherit your position?How many little ghosts like this are there in Ghost Realm Mountain?Are there dangers all around me?Are you already in danger without knowing it?Why do I always see something wrong with the eyes of the kid below?Is there something premeditated behind this?In this huge ghost world mountain, who else can I trust?

Dongfang Ghost Emperor frowned, his mind was very chaotic, he thought a lot, and the more he thought about it, the more chaotic he became, especially every time at night, he would wake up from his dream, and there would always be a bunch of chaotic voices in the dream. Crying: "Update! Update! Update!"

Dongfang Ghost Emperor didn't know what renewal meant, he just wanted to say, please forgive me...

I heard that the Ji family in Haojing City is very good at cleaning up all unstable factors inside. Should I pay a visit to the Ji family?Learn from them?Reorganize Ghost World Mountain?Eliminate all these unstable factors?
Dongfang Ghost Emperor was thoughtful, he thought for a while, finally he didn't want to wait any longer, and rushed to Ji's house impatiently, he wanted to visit Ji's house in person, and study hard. In line with the Ji family, so far, he still has a way to contact the Ji family.

Without the mirage, the Dongfang Ghost Emperor could only rely on his mana to walk in the sky, and along the way, he encountered many children from the demon-killing family. When these children saw the Dongfang Ghost Emperor, they rushed up to kill him. .

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor was very angry. He had been honestly staying in Ghost Realm Mountain for so many years without going anywhere or causing trouble. In anger, he directly slapped all these people to death. He thought that the emperor of Fengdu's slapping the dead was very handsome, and he liked it very much...


In Haojing City, Ji Family, Pei Yan held his sword and leaned against the courtyard pillars in the courtyard. He looked at the courtyard where several Ji Family guards handcuffed a chain to an elder.

The clan elder had a smile on his face, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "I knew this day would come, and I waited with fear every day, but now it's finally here, and the stone in my heart can be regarded as letting go."

The clan elder left, and the iron chain was still rattling when he left. Pei Yan stared blankly, getting used to it, and he was actually quite worried. Once the Ji family was investigated, the six relatives would not recognize each other, and whoever was caught would bite the other. , He was very afraid, afraid that one day the Ji family would be wiped out, and then he, an outsider, would be traced...

Pei Yan actually wanted to leave Ji's house now, but he didn't dare. He was afraid that as soon as he left Ji's house, the people who would investigate later would come, so he could only wait, honestly, for an opportunity...

Today, a guest came to the Ji family, Dongfang Ghost Emperor, and an elder of the Ji family personally entertained him. It was not easy for this elder. In the courtyard of the Ji family, but now the elders of the Ji family are in short supply, and they are very busy, so they can only invite this elder to come out of the mountain again.

This clan elder is called Ji Yuan. His biggest hobby is to hide in his small yard and raise chickens. He has a flock of chickens of various types and colors. This is his only hobby.

The elder of the Ji Yuan clan hadn't come out to preside over the affairs of the Ji family for more than 30 years. He was able to cope with it with ease when he came out of the mountain this time. He welcomed the Eastern Ghost Emperor into the reception hall, and the two sat one by one and talked.

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor cut to the chase, and said directly: "I have always heard that the Ji family has a lot of experience in internal investigations of their own family. I wonder if this is serious?"

Ji Yuan smiled and squeezed his white beard: "Ghost Emperor is right, my Ji family has always attached importance to internal stability, and I have directly checked out some uncertain factors. I didn't expect that even the Ghost Emperor would know now, haha .”

Dongfang Ghost Emperor's eyes lit up after hearing this: "To be honest, the ghost world mountain below has gathered all kinds of little ghosts, and the interior is also uneven. Many little ghosts have ghosts in their hearts. I am very troubled. I don't know how to distinguish who is loyal and who is evil. I also hope that the elders of the Jiyuan clan will let me know, I am very grateful."

Ji Yuan glanced at the Dongfang Ghost Emperor, smiled slightly, and then became serious: "The troubles of the Ghost Emperor, I know that the Ji family also had such troubles at the beginning, but now, such troubles no longer exist, because our Ji family has never They are all holding the attitude of rather killing by mistake than letting it go, because we have to be responsible for the whole clan, and we cannot affect the whole clan because of one person, so if the ghost emperor wants to rectify the ghost world mountain, he must have The determination and courage of a strong man to break his wrist."

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor looked serious, and understood a little bit in his heart, but he still cupped his fists and said, "Please teach me the old Ji Yuan clan."

Ji Yuan stood up, walked back and forth in the living room of the street with a smile, and said: "To investigate people, you must first investigate yourself, set an example, break before standing, and only in this way can you convince the public."

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor was taken aback: "How to check people must first check yourself?"

Ji Yuan smiled, and pointed out the hall with his finger. Dongfang Ghost Emperor looked up suspiciously, and saw several guards of the Ji family walking with chains.

Ji Yuan smiled at Dongfang Ghost Emperor, then walked forward, stretched out his hands and said, "The old man has been staying in the backyard for 30 years, and he has never taken half a step. He can stand the investigation."

After the chain was put on his hand, Ji Yuan turned his head and said to Dongfang Ghost Emperor: "Ghost Emperor can see clearly, this is to check others first and check yourself."

After Ji Yuan finished speaking, under the escort of Ji's guards, he laughed and left.

Eastern Ghost Emperor: "..."

The Ji family is very lively today. First, the Eastern Ghost Emperor is here. It’s nothing. The Ji family can at most give me a little face and send some clan elders to receive it. But now there is another even more awesome one, the Emperor Fengdu, who is here in person. Ji family.

At this moment, under the leadership of the head of the Ji family, Ji An, all the elders of the Ji family were dispatched, and stood respectfully outside the Ji family's old house to welcome the emperor.

The Dongfang Ghost Emperor sitting in the living room heard Su Heng coming, and looked out of the hall with dumbfounded eyes, his smile gradually disappeared...

Emperor Fengdu obviously has nothing to do with the Ji family, so why did he come to the Ji family?I just came to Ji's house just now, and it was on a whim, why did this guy follow right away?Why such a coincidence?I have just left Ghost Realm Mountain, could it be that there is an inner ghost passing the news to this person right away?
Why did this guy come to Ghost Realm Mountain suddenly last time and ask for the return of the mirage?Did you want to kill me last time?In the end, I didn't fall for the trick, and I want to come here again this time to find a chance?Why is he so persistent in wanting to kill me?The underworld can accommodate thousands of ghosts. Could it be that there is a ghost in Guijie Mountain who betrayed me, and as long as I get killed, he will lead Guijie Mountain to seek refuge in Fengdu?Is it the distortion of ghost nature behind this, or the loss of morality?What secret is hidden in this that I don't know?

Dongfang Ghost Emperor is very complicated now. He wanted to leave Ji's house immediately. He suddenly felt that it was too dangerous here, and it would be dangerous to stay for a second. Pretend?This Emperor Fengdu insisted on his identity, and he was embarrassed to kill me for no reason in front of everyone. He wanted to pay attention to his teacher's reputation. From the last time he voluntarily returned the mirage ship, it can be seen that returning the mirage ship is fake, as long as he dares to say yes, He must have said right away, how dare you snatch the emperor's magic weapon?die...

Now in front of so many people in the Ji family, it is definitely not easy for him to strike, so I want to go out, go out in a fair manner, and then leave in a fair manner, and I cannot give him a chance to make a black hand.

Su Heng was standing in the courtyard of Ji's house. He had never been to Ji's house, nor had he paid attention to it. The two parties had no relationship, let alone any blood feud...

Under the leadership of Ji An, the members of the Ji clan stood in the courtyard, accompanied by smiling faces, and warmly entertained Su Heng. They didn't know why the emperor of Fengdu suddenly came to their Ji family. They only knew one thing, that was when the Ji family An old ancestor went to that sword pool to trouble him, and was slapped to death...

Could this guy keep in mind that he came here to find fault this time?Then why didn't you come here to find fault before, but why did you come this time?Could it be that this person who didn't know that Jianchi was the ancestor of his Ji family before, could it be that someone in the clan informed him this time?So who told the secret?
Thinking of this, the faces of Ji An and all the elders of the Ji clan darkened...

"Hello, Great Emperor." At this time, Dongfang Ghost Emperor also came out, and he looked at Su Heng with a smile on his face. His face looked calm, but he was flustered.

"Huh? We met again." Seeing Dongfang Ghost Emperor, Su Heng also looked surprised. He didn't expect such a coincidence. It didn't take long before we parted. This one also appeared at Ji's house. Looking at the Dongfang Ghost Emperor sincerely: "I thought about it after we parted last time. It seems that the phantom ship really belongs to you. I will return it to you."

Su Heng hates people who borrow things and don't return them the most. He has been doing well in his life. Since he borrowed something, he must return it.

Dongfang Ghost Emperor now turned pale when he heard the word mirage, and immediately shook his head frantically: "The emperor was joking, you remember wrongly, I never had any mirage, this mirage is yours, don't give it to me, I have something else to do, so I'll take my leave."

Dongfang Ghost Emperor left in a panic after speaking, he was afraid that if he stayed for a second longer, he would have to give his life here.

Dian Shang, who had been hunched over Su Heng, saw the back of Dongfang Ghost Emperor, and then looked at Su Heng suspiciously: "Great Emperor, did you make a mistake, this mirage ship is actually yours."

Su Heng was taken aback. Could it be that this mirage really belongs to me?But think about it, who doesn't want a top-notch spiritual weapon like a phantom ship, but Dongfang Ghost Emperor actually refused. If it was really Dongfang Ghost Emperor's, he would definitely accept it. How could he refuse, so Dian Shang's words are very reasonable , this mirage is his own.

(End of this chapter)

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