Invincible from the start

Chapter 162 You humans have so many tricks

Chapter 162 You humans have so many tricks
Since the mirage ship is his own, then Su Heng is not welcome.Looking at Ji An, the Patriarch of the Ji Family, he smiled and said, "Patriarch Ji, I heard that the Ji Family has a Wind Lingzhu, which I just need. I wonder if the Ji Family can part with it?"

Ji An was taken aback when he heard this, the Ji family had only obtained the Wind Lingzhu not long ago, why did the emperor know about it?Is there someone to inform?

Ji An frowned, realizing that this matter was not easy...

But there was still a smile on his face and he said: "It's just a Wind Spirit Orb, since the Emperor needs it, I'll send someone to send it right away."

After Ji An finished speaking, he nodded towards the guards of Ji's family, and soon, a group of guards of Ji's family came with Feng Lingzhu.

"Great Emperor, this is the Wind Lingzhu." Ji An smiled and offered it with both hands.

Su Heng took the Feng Lingzhu, looked at it carefully, nodded in satisfaction, thought for a while, took out the mirage, and handed it over: "I don't take your stuff for nothing, this spiritual weapon has been following me, and I don’t remember when it happened, so I’ll give it to you today as an exchange.”

Originally, Ji An wanted to refuse, but when he heard that this spiritual weapon had been following Su Heng, his eyes lit up. Doesn't that mean that this mirage ship is the emperor's iconic spiritual weapon?If someone dares to provoke Ji's family in the future, just take out this phantom boat and put it there without saying a word, it's okay to scare people...

"That's my Wind Spirit Orb, give it back to me."

While Ji An was still thinking wildly, the young Ji Long rushed out from the backyard. He looked angrily at the Wind Lingzhu in Su Heng's hand. He got this Wind Lingzhu from the backyard. One day, he squatted on the Looking at the ants on the ground, he found many ants walking in front of him holding a bead, so he picked up the bead, and later found out that it was called Fengling Bead.

Today, when he heard that Emperor Fengdu was coming and needed the Wind Spirit Orb, the orb in his hand was directly taken away. He was very angry and unwilling.

Seeing his grandson's appearance, Ji An couldn't help being frightened, fearing that the brat would offend the man in front of him, he immediately scolded: "How decent is Cheng, hurry up and apologize to the emperor, and then get out!"

"Great Emperor, the child is still young and ignorant, don't mind." Ji An looked at Su Heng with an apologetic smile after finishing the reprimand.

Su Heng didn't care either. He was the best at dealing with brats, so he took out a chicken leg and handed it over.

Ji Long was a little puzzled and wanted to refuse, but the tempting fragrance emanating from the chicken leg made him unable to control his hands, so he took it, and then couldn't help picking up the chicken leg, putting it in his mouth and tearing it up. Finally, he felt that the chicken leg was too much. It's delicious, it's really worth it to exchange such a delicious chicken drumstick with a bead that I don't know what to do, so I don't make any noise.

Seeing Ji Long calm down, Ji An also heaved a sigh of relief, then looked suspiciously at the several elders behind him, who brought Ji Long here?Did he want Ji Long to anger the great emperor, and the great emperor slapped himself to death as the patriarch in a rage, and then they would inherit the position of patriarch?

Su Heng didn't care so much, got the Wind Lingzhu, and this trip to Ji's family was considered complete, so he waved his hand and left.

Dian Shang obediently lay down in advance, and when the emperor sat up, he roared and left in the sky.

As soon as Su Heng left, Ji An narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the mirage ship in his hand, thought for a while, then turned his head and said to the elders standing quietly in a row: "There are still some elders in my Ji family who have been staying There is a closed-door practice on an island in the East China Sea. Now that we are short of manpower, let’s ask these clan elders to come out to help. There used to be no mirage boats, which made it difficult to move. Now there are mirage boats, which can travel hundreds of thousands of miles a day. Send someone to invite clan elders Come back."

After the members of the Ji clan dispersed one after another, Ji Long also returned to the yard, but this time he didn't continue to squat on the ground to watch the ants, but stared at the direction Su Heng was leaving in a daze for a long time.

After Jiang Ziya saw it, he was very relieved. It seemed that the child had finally opened his mind. He came from behind and said with a smile, "Are you thinking, how can I have the same strength as the great emperor of Fengdu? Can the entire Ji family dare not resist? Then you can worship me as..."

"Their chicken legs are delicious." Ji Long interrupted Jiang Ziya's words and muttered.

Jiang Ziya held his breath in his mouth, didn't react for a long time, then looked up at the sky with a sad face, is there enough time...


Over Kyushu, Dian Shang's huge body was soaring in the sky like a small mountain peak, with a demonic aura soaring into the sky, not a single bird could be seen in the sky for miles around.

"Great Emperor, where are you going next?" Dian Shang habitually wanted to turn his head to look at Su Heng, but found that the neck could not be twisted for the time being. If he twisted it forcibly, he would probably become the same as Di Ting, raising his head every day like a mentally retarded ...

"Go to Mouse Mountain." Hearing that the Earth Lingzhu is here, Su Heng was worried at first when he heard the name, worried that the group of mice on the mountain would directly bite the Earth Lingzhu to pieces...

"Mouse mountain? Is it because there are a lot of mice on the mountain?" Dian Shang muttered suspiciously, and continued on his way.

Dian Shang, who was soaring wantonly over Kyushu, asked countless times about the way. Because of his burly figure and soaring monster aura, after scaring countless people unconscious, he finally arrived at Mouse Mountain.

"There doesn't seem to be anything special here, and I haven't seen a single mouse." Dian Shang glanced at it casually, and fiddled back and forth on the mountain with his thick arms.

Su Heng also let go of his spiritual sense, looking for the trace of the earth spirit bead.

There seems to be movement here...

Su Heng glanced at an ancient tree standing tall in the sky, with lush branches and leaves, thicker and stronger than ordinary trees.

Could it be that this is a spirited dryad?

Looking at the old tree, Su Heng thought to himself, but after a closer look, he found that something was wrong. The aura fluctuations of the Earth Spirit Bead did not come from the old tree, but a cave next to the old tree.

There was also a yellow talisman pasted outside the cave, with a few big characters crookedly written on the talisman paper.

Don't tear me up, danger!

Dian Shang also saw it from the side. He bent down and looked at the words on it with a serious expression: "My lord, it says don't tear me up, it's dangerous."

Su Heng also looked serious: "Well, it looks quite dangerous, so don't tear it up."

Dian Shang nodded: "Great Emperor, let's go then."

As soon as Dian Shang finished speaking, a voice came from behind the talisman: "No... that... In terms of normal routines, you shouldn't tear it up, right? I really don't understand your human race's routines, why do you always think so? Bizarre..."

The voice behind the talisman paper kept coming: "I have worked so hard to get these words on the talisman paper. Why are you not curious at all after seeing it? When there were no words before, people from your human race came Here, when you see it, you say that there must be a terrifying existence sealed here, turn around and run away, now I put a few words on it, you still turn around and run away, why do you have so many human routines..."

The voice behind the talisman was very angry, and the more he spoke, the more angry he became. It has been imprisoned here for so long, and it has endured for so many years. It has a bellyful of anger to vent, and when it was about to continue speaking, the voice suddenly stopped.

It actually saw the young man tearing up the talisman, its voice became ecstatic, and it roared wildly: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that my rat king would see the light of day again in this life, and finally I can leave this ghost place Yes, back then I crossed the Kyushu and killed all the factions of the human race. Now that I’m back again, everyone must die! I want blood, I haven’t tasted fresh human blood for a long time..."

A crazy and violent demonic aura came out from the cave, and the entire sky within a hundred miles seemed to be affected by the demonic force. The wind was surging, and in a blink of an eye, it was covered with dark clouds, and the entire sky seemed to be collapsing.

However, before the big monster who claimed to be the Rat King finished speaking, a slap fell from the sky, and with the sound of slap, it stopped in response and was smashed into pieces...

Su Heng calmly took out a dingy earth spirit bead from the cave, and said to Dian Shang who was also calm at the side: "The next target is Lei Lingzhu, go to Leiyin Temple."

Dian Shang nodded: "Okay."

After Dian Shang hunched over Su Heng and left, the ancient tree suddenly grew a pair of eyes. It opened its eyes, and the voice trembled: "Grandpa Shu scared me to death..."


PS: Please vote if you have votes, thank you.

 Thanks to 'Night Banquet Yannne' for the [-] rewards, to 'Grandma Floating Life' for [-] rewards, and to 'Granny's Journey' for [-] rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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