Invincible from the start

Chapter 165 Making Man From Clay

Chapter 165 Making Man From Clay
In the underworld, Su Heng continued to start his own great career of opening up the world. With the five spirit beads, he could add the indispensable power of the five elements to the list of gods.

Yin-yang and five elements, the most important prototype of a world, the most primitive aura between heaven and earth.

The Twelve Golden Immortals who were looking up at the sky in the list of gods soon felt a little movement. The sudden surge of strong spiritual power was so familiar, just like when they were in Kyushu. Once again, he was supplemented with sufficient aura.

"Senior is back."

"Senior didn't give up on us."

"I thought I'd never see my predecessor again."

The Twelve Golden Immortals exploded. Since Su Heng created the sky, the earth, mountains, rivers, etc. last time, they disappeared again. At that moment, they didn't care. They just thought that this senior must have no inspiration again. The eunuch, but I waited and waited, it seemed that I really wanted to...

When they were about to despair, hope came again, and they shouted excitedly, how could they still have the demeanor of Yuxu's disciples who were high above them on weekdays.

"I just said, senior must have been delayed by something, you still don't believe it, why don't you come back now, and you have created such a strong power of the five elements, which is exactly what we need most at present." Master Huang Long swept away calmly. Glancing at the other eleven golden fairies, he snorted coldly.

The others also looked at Huang Long with admiration after seeing it. This one who secretly made up lessons is amazing, but different. No matter what situation he is in, he is not afraid of danger, and he knows the man and goes up...

Master Huanglong was calm on the surface, secretly glanced at the Cihang Taoist beside him, and secretly said that it was a pity, he felt that in this life, he had to do something crazy to prove that he had been here, that he had been young, that this life was not in vain. Wrong, he was going to find people from Cihangdao to do a big job. Compared with the other ten old guys with handles, the people from Cihangdao, who are neither male nor female, are more suitable for him to do this big job...

Before, he also thought in his heart that this senior had forgotten them, and he was ready to completely erupt the ugliness of human nature before despair...

In the end, he stood on the edge of the cliff and was pulled back...

Su Heng silently stared at the vibrant world after being injected with the power of the five elements, the blue white clouds, the green grass, the endless rivers, the steep and boundless mountains, everything, like Kyushu, is a brand new world , but some traces of life are missing.

There is no one else here except for the twelve disciples of Yuxu. Maybe in the future, we can take the list of gods and give someone a shot to see if we can take him in to be the companion of these twelve guys.

However, Su Heng couldn't wait any longer. He wanted to create humans. He created some native people in this world by himself, watered the soil with spiritual energy, and then used the spiritual soil to create humans.

These were too simple for Su Heng. With just a move of consciousness, many steps were realized, but he hesitated for a while when creating a human being. Why must a man take the lead?Why can't it be a woman who takes the lead?Isn't it all about equality...

Su Heng thought about it carefully...

In the end, I still proceeded step by step, honestly making people out of clay, and did not carry forward my unique ideas...

"Is that made of clay?" Guang Chengzi pointed at a few more savages that suddenly appeared in the distance, with an excited expression on his face.

"Well, it's just that I haven't been educated yet, and I don't know anything about everything in the world." Master Yuding pondered for a moment and said.

"Since we have come here, why don't we teach and educate all living beings?" Master Huang Long's eyes rolled and his heart felt hot. The heaven and earth were just opened to teach and educate all living beings. This is a sage.

The eyes of the other members of Yuxu sect lit up when they heard this, it was a good idea, and they all had the same thought in their hearts as Master Huanglong.

"Okay, then we will reopen Yuxu Palace here!" Master Taiyi smiled and pinched his white beard, nodding frequently.

Master Huanglong glanced at the crowd who suddenly fell silent, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: "I think this is inappropriate. Since we have changed to a new world, we have to start all over again. I think there are 12 of us. How about following the example of the Twelve Sects of Kyushu, re-establishing the Twelve Great Sects of Nine Provinces here, and then each accepting disciples to teach them, and then every 20 years there will be a competition to see who is the most capable, what do you think?"

Master Lingbao took the lead in agreeing: "This is a great word. When we come to this new world, we will naturally have to get rid of the old and welcome the new. Now that this world is just opening up, there are opportunities everywhere. If you teach well, you will be recognized by this world." , then you will have the opportunity to achieve the karma of a saint."

saint?Like my master?

The twelve disciples of Yuxu fell silent. If it weren't for a master standing on top of them, who wouldn't want to become a saint? In Kyushu, they have no chance, but this new world, as it is said, is full of opportunities everywhere, and there are opportunities everywhere. It is an opportunity for sanctification.

"Okay, then we will re-establish the twelve sects here, recruit more disciples, and educate all living beings. From now on, we will compete with each other every 20 years to see who has the most ability." Qingxu Daodezhenjun also answered Yes, he usually speaks very little, but now that he has said a word, it feels like a final word.

None of Yuxu's twelve sects raised any objections, and they all showed their talents and began to divide the territory in this new world, and a kind of estrangement was formed invisibly.

Su Heng looked down at the Twelve Golden Immortals below, and watched them busily start a battle to snatch people. The scene was in chaos, screaming, naked, and hard to see...


Su Heng didn't pay attention to the changes in the list of gods anymore. He wanted to wait until the twelve golden immortals established their respective sects to take a look. He still had a bad taste in his heart. Did he want to bring some disaster to these twelve guys? yes, for example...

"Brother Su, eat chicken legs." Su Heng's thoughts were interrupted by Zhaocai.

The little girl handed over a chicken leg with an innocent face, and looked at Su Heng with watery eyes, ignorant, she was curious why Su Heng could meditate for a long time without moving it.

Su Heng looked at the little girl with pity, and stretched out his hand to touch the melon seeds from his forehead to his chest. This little girl really ate too much chicken drumsticks. She invited herself to eat chicken drumsticks over and over again. How stupid would she be to eat? Ah: "I won't eat, you should eat more."

The little girl nodded, and then gave the chicken leg to the rabbit next to her: "Tutu, eat the chicken leg."

When the rabbit saw the chicken leg, he opened his mouth and bit it without hesitation, with a satisfied expression on his face.

"By the way, I haven't beaten rabbits today." Zhaocai always remembered Su Heng's words, and he must beat rabbits every day, so he must not forget to knock the seeds on his head.

The rabbit with the chicken leg in its mouth is used to it, with tears in its eyes, no one here treats the rabbit as a human being...

"Tutu, eat chicken legs." Zhaocai, who had knocked the seeds on his head, handed over the chicken legs again, and after the rabbit bit down, he went down with the seeds.

And so on and on...

The rabbit ate the chicken drumsticks in a daze. It was very puzzled why there were tears in its eyes...

 Thanks for the 140513212014769 rewards from 'Anxi does not exist', thanks to 'Book Friends 100'100, thanks to 'Phantom of the Purple Star' [-], and thanks to several friends in the book city for their rewards, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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