Invincible from the start

Chapter 166 The Emperor's Apprentice?

Chapter 166 The Emperor's Apprentice?
On the North Sea, a lone boat rides the wind and waves in the vast ocean, sailing against the waves.

On the lone boat, Li Xiaoyao had a bald head and a body protected by spiritual energy. He had already comprehended the simple techniques taught by Zen Master Fahai. The loss, especially those girls who are still in the claws, need him to rescue...

But temporarily need to put aside the question of when to rescue those girls, Li Xiaoyao is now facing a problem.

A monster appeared in front of him, no, it should be called a strange fish, it was very ugly, just like a fish looks at people, it also thinks people are ugly, everyone...

This strange fish opened its mouth wide, revealing sharp fangs, one of which was as thick as Li Xiaoyao's arm.

The strange fish swam towards Li Xiaoyao, laughing strangely: "I didn't expect that there would be people who overestimated themselves and came to the North Sea. They were looking for death. I haven't tasted human flesh for a long time, Mr. Yu."

Seeing the strange fish, Li Xiaoyao panicked and terrified. He determined to be a hero, and now he is taking the first step of being a hero to save his aunt. Fish, what should we do in such a critical situation?
Li Xiaoyao was in a hurry and regretted not learning more tricks from Fa Hai. Seeing the strange fish getting closer and closer, at a critical moment, his eyes rolled and a flash of inspiration flashed, and he said, "My master is Emperor Fengdu, you can think about it." Are you really daring to touch me?"

The strange fish that was swimming towards laughingly stopped at the sound, and immediately stopped in place. The surrounding sea was churning. It looked at Li Xiaoyao dully, but soon recovered: "Boy, are you trying to scare me? Master Yu will eat you today." gone."

Li Xiaoyao panicked a lot in his heart, but remained calm on the surface: "You see, I am weak in cultivation, so why would I dare to overestimate my strength and come to Beihai alone? Is it because Master, an old man, stood behind me? His old family said that as long as When it came to a critical moment, I crushed the seal, and he arrived immediately, I just didn’t want to disturb his old man, so I talked to you here, if you still don’t know what to do, then don’t blame me for being rude.”

The strange fish looked at Li Xiaoyao, and found that this kid spoke clearly and without panic, and thinking about what he said just now, it really made sense, this kid is too weak, if thrown to Beihai, any shrimp soldier and crab general can kill him , then why is he so confident that he dared to come to Beihai alone?

Guaiyu thought about it carefully, and felt that there might be that man standing behind Li Xiaoyao...

Thinking of that man, the strange fish thought of the Dragon King of the Four Seas. At the beginning, he ran to Jiuzhou Lang, but later there was no body left, and he was not even qualified to grow grass on the grave. Later, the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas was warned by the great emperor of Fengdu not to show his head casually.

The Four Seas Dragon Palace is also a person who knows current affairs, and they all stay in the Four Seas to entertain themselves honestly, and they don't go out to make troubles. Later, the East Sea Dragon Palace somehow got in touch with Fengdu, and finally the Heavenly Court came, and they Four Seas Dragon Palace They asked Fengdu for help, and finally the emperor agreed to rescue him. They also reciprocated, saying that they would follow the emperor in the future and follow the lead.

Now this bald boy came out and said that he was the apprentice of Emperor Fengdu, and the strange fish didn't dare not believe it, the main reason was that this boy was too weak, so weak, he dared to go to the North Sea alone, how courageous it was, Anyway, if it was itself, it would definitely not dare.

"You wait first." The strange fish thought for a while, and left a sentence. He was going to report to the Beihai Dragon Palace. He was not sure if what this kid said was true. If it was fake, it would be fine, just eat it , If it is true, then even if you give 1 courage, you will not dare.

Seeing the strange fish leave, Li Xiaoyao was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, the name of Emperor Fengdu was indeed resounding, and he frightened people for a while...

Li Xiaoyao felt that he had found a way to make a fortune, and he became more courageous, and his nervousness relaxed, and he didn't take the strange fish's words seriously, you asked me to wait?I don't know if the hero is very busy, he is in a hurry.

Li Xiaoyao steered the lone boat and continued to move forward. Not long after he left, the strange fish showed up again. It had just left and returned. It was thinking, if this kid is really the apprentice of Emperor Fengdu, he is full of character, I definitely won't take my own words seriously. If it is false, I must have a guilty conscience. After being warned by myself, I will not dare to move again, so I came back to check it out. It turned out that this kid didn't take my words seriously, and walked away confidently. up.

It seems that it is more likely that it is the apprentice of Fengdu, I must go back and report, if it is really that apprentice, something happened in the North Sea, it would break the sky, thinking about it, the strange fish dived back into the sea again to leave go.

Li Xiaoyao walked straight in the sea, like a sharp sword shuttling through the ocean. Along the way, he encountered many strange fish or strange creatures in the ocean one after another. He repeated what he said before, Then none of these strange fish dared to act rashly, and they all headed towards the North Sea Dragon Palace.

Li Xiaoyao was delighted, the name of Emperor Fengdu is so useful in Beihai.

At this time, in the Beihai Dragon Palace, the Beihai Dragon King sat on the main seat with a serious face, and below was the turtle prime minister standing in Beihai, and below were the strange fish who had just met Li Xiaoyao, and they shared what they had seen and heard. Informed, and then added a few words of their own analysis and insights to each other.

After hearing this, the Dragon King of Beihai became more serious. It was related to the great emperor of Fengdu. He didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately asked Prime Minister Gui next to him: "Prime Minister, how should we deal with this matter?"

Prime Minister Gui frowned, thought for a while, and said, "My lord, we don't know if this kid is the apprentice of Emperor Fengdu, unless we ask someone to go to Fengdu to ask, but there is also risk in doing so, if this kid is not good, we will Capture this kid and give it to Fengdu, maybe you can sell one. If this kid is really the emperor's apprentice, if we ask rashly, we might be hated by this kid, and it may even arouse the anger of Emperor Fengdu. dissatisfied."

"Emperor Fengdu will definitely think, is my name not deterrent enough in your North Sea? Then I will go to your North Sea next time, so my opinion is, don't worry about this kid's real identity, as long as it doesn't endanger our North Sea. We don’t care about his interests, we even have to take the initiative to help him and do our best to help him, if it’s fake, we have nothing to lose, if it’s true, we’ll sell one, and get an adult to please.”

"Didn't Your Majesty always want to get on the line with Feng? We are now relying on the East China Sea Dragon Palace to connect the middle. The old tortoise in the East China Sea Dragon Palace is not a good thing. Maybe it will slander us in front of the Emperor, so we can take this opportunity. Make good friends with this kid, if this kid is really Fengdu's apprentice, then we will no longer have to rely on Donghai to make connections in Beihai Dragon Palace, and if something happens, we can directly contact the emperor."

After hearing this, the Dragon King of Beihai thought for a while and asked: "But if this kid is fake, then we should try our best, isn't it worth it?"

Prime Minister Gui laughed and said, "My lord, no matter it's true or not, as long as we do it, outsiders will see that our Beihai Dragon Palace is just looking at the face of Emperor Fengdu. Wouldn't it be better if it was fake? Outsiders must think that this Beihai Dragon Palace is really loyal to the emperor. As long as they hear that it is related to the emperor, they will not even ask whether it is true or not, and go all out. If these words reach the emperor's ears, what does the emperor think the emperor will think? ?”

The Dragon King of Beihai was overjoyed after hearing this, and said with a smile, "It's really my king's blessing to have the prime minister help me. Not long ago, this king just got a green shell magic weapon, and I will send it to the prime minister later."

Prime Minister Gui smiled after hearing this, he liked the green one, and cupped his hands: "Thank you, Your Majesty."

The Dragon King of Beihai then discussed with Prime Minister Gui for a few more words, and after confirming that everything was ok, he immediately waved his hand: "Send the order, and the whole Beihai will be moved by this king, and ask that young hero what help he needs. Our Beihai Dragon Palace We are determined to do our best to help each other, and there will be no mistakes."

(End of this chapter)

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