Invincible from the start

Chapter 167 The Golden Crow That Eats Chicken Legs

Chapter 167 The Golden Crow That Eats Chicken Legs

Ghosts come and go in Fengdu City. Under Zhong Kui's assessment system, every ghost begins to have ideals and passions. They don't want to be eliminated or enter reincarnation. In order to stay in the big family of Fengdu, they work every day. They are all working hard, and occasionally some tricks pop up in their minds, or they often meditate for a while, thinking that these brats are so busy, so is Emperor Fengdu even busier?
"Brother Su, turn over and change your posture." In the underworld, Xiao Yuji blinked her watery eyes and her cheeks were slightly flushed. She wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at Su who was lying in front of her. Heng said something shyly.

Su Heng, who was lying on the white jade bed, turned over obediently, and turned his back to Xiao Yuji. At this moment, even if he is the invincible emperor, he must be honest, turn over when it is time to turn over, and turn over when it is time to change. When you are in a position, you still have to change your position.

Xiao Yuji obediently continued to put on Su Heng's ears, with a serious face. Now she has perfected her ear picking skills. Sure enough, the environment can always change a person.

Su Heng faced out, looking at the little girl feeding the rabbit's chicken legs. While feeding the rabbit's chicken legs, the little girl knocked the rabbit's head with melon seeds.

Rabbit's head is swollen with melon seeds, and his eyes are confused. I don't know why, the more I eat the chicken legs, the better it tastes, but my head hurts occasionally...

Su Heng glanced behind him, and suddenly a burst of flames rose into the sky from the boundless Wangchuan River, accompanied by a clear cry, which resounded in the underworld, shocking many people. They all looked confused and stayed in the underworld for a long time , they who stayed under the emperor's crotch and were sheltered, their reactions have gradually become a little slow. There is such a big commotion in this underworld, and they are still thinking, who dares to come here to make trouble...

At this time, by the Wangchuan River, the Nether Ghost King looked flustered. He felt that he seemed to have gotten into trouble. Looking at the circling flames above the Wangchuan River, his heart beat wildly.

Because Dian Shang's arrival put a lot of pressure on him, and he didn't feel that much pressure at first. He always thought that there was only one "linguist" in the underworld who could speak well, but he didn't expect that a newcomer Dian Shang was not weak at all. Yu Di listened, this gradually made him feel that if it went on like this for a long time, there would be no place for him to stay in the underworld.

Therefore, he has become a little depressed recently. He left his most beloved house beam, strolled along the bank of the Wangchuan River, looked at the scenery, and thought about how to change it.

Originally, I wanted to be alone and quiet, but in the end, the nine-headed golden crow in the Wangchuan River should be called the nine-headed black crow now. Chicken, endless...

In order to calm the black crow down, the ghost king ran to feed the birds, and threw a chicken leg into the river. Due to the excessive force, the chicken leg was thrown directly on the Fusang sacred tree. After the nine black crows flew over, the nine heads They started to fight for the chicken legs together, but the nine chicken heads were so big that they actually ate the Fusang sacred tree...

That's right, under the eyelids of the Nether Ghost King, he swallowed the Fusang Sacred Tree. This is the Fusang Sacred Tree, the sacred tree brought back by the Emperor himself...

And then there was the later situation, after the nine-headed black crow ate the hibiscus tree, it was like taking a great tonic, the whole body of the bird turned into flames, soaring into the sky, hovering in the air, and the entire Wangchuan River shrouded in thick flames.

Although he didn't know exactly what happened, the Nether Ghost King knew that he was determined to do so. He hurriedly took out the gossip mirror and asked himself what he should do.

Baguajing: "It is recommended to wait for death..."

Hearing this answer, the Nether Ghost King was very dissatisfied. Even if he really wanted to die, he must hold the gossip mirror to be buried before he died. He was very unwilling. After dying like this, especially old man Yan and some people in the underworld often jointly bully him. He remembers these hatreds. He always thinks that when he becomes stronger in the future, he must make old man Yan regret it and let them Pay a heavy price for the behavior of bullying yourself.

But these are just thoughts, he has caused such a big disaster, later that man in Fengdu will definitely come to him to talk about his life, and then let him choose a way to die, he is not reconciled, he does not want to just wait to die like this, even He couldn't beat it, and he didn't want to be held in the palm of his hand like this again. At this moment, he had a choice!

To be a man for a second, or a coward for a lifetime?
The Nether Ghost King looked at the Wangchuan River, thinking deeply. He heard the movement behind him. He knew that the man had finally come, and it was time for him to make a choice...

In my entire life, I, the Nether Ghost King, have been worthy of the heavens and the earth. I owe nothing to anyone. No one has ever respected me. My dignity has been trampled on by them, and I have endured humiliation for a lifetime. So, this time...

I will continue to choose to endure...

"Great Emperor, I didn't expect that you would be busy working all day long, and you would come here in person. You do everything yourself. You are really a role model for us." The Nether Ghost King turned around with a smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on the face of the Nether Ghost King, Su Heng directly chose to ignore it. This old ghost lay on the beam every day, shrinking his head and shrinking his head. When he laughed, he was extremely obscene, making people unable to bear to look directly at him.

The Nether Ghost King still feels good about himself. Seeing the flames on the Wangchuan River covering the entire sky, even the purple moon was covered by the flames, he calmly said: "My lord, I think that these nine-headed black crows are carrying out A kind of metamorphosis, if it succeeds, it will definitely soar into the sky, if it fails, it will be a pity..."

Su Heng glanced at the Nether Ghost King in surprise. This old ghost can actually say such words. It seems that he misunderstood him earlier and thought he was going to make trouble, but he didn't expect that he wanted to help Heiwu complete his transformation.

The Nether Ghost King sneaked a sideways glance. Seeing Su Heng's surprised gaze, he heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he was able to stabilize this one for the time being. He didn't know what was going on with the Golden Crow. Ghost is saying...

"This Hibiscus Sacred Tree contains the essence of divine fire. After the Golden Crow swallowed it, it was fine, but instead absorbed the divine fire. What happened?" Qi Jie and Di Ting came from behind together.

Qijie looked at the flames in the sky with a puzzled look on his face.

Di Ting also raised his head to look up at the sky. Its neck is not in good shape, and it never takes much trouble to look up at the sky, because it has always been in this posture, and said: "This golden crow was originally transformed from a branch of the Fusang sacred tree, and now it has swallowed the master of the sacred tree. Zhi, I'm afraid it's going to be transformed into a remarkable existence, but I don't understand why it hasn't been backlashed by this divine fire?"

 Thanks for the 500 rewards from 'Happy New Year's Dream', 100 thanks to 'The Night Will Turn White', 500 thanks to 'What Can You Eat?

(End of this chapter)

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