Invincible from the start

Chapter 169 Xu Xuan and Xiaobai

Chapter 169 Xu Xuan and Xiaobai

"Hehe, I don't know how many years have passed, but my True Lord Taiyin has finally returned. It seems that the white snake and the brat are here."

On the city of Suhang, a black shadow floated in mid-air. It was an old man in a shabby black robe. His old face was covered with wrinkles, and he was tightly knit together. A pair of eagle eyes watched the flow of people coming and going in the city of Suhang coldly.

His name is Taiyin Zhenjun. Back then, he launched the snake hunting plan, captured all the monster snakes, and then sucked their monster power for his own use. Later, a white snake and a brat ruined his plan, and they joined forces. The deadly enemy, an old hag, defeated herself with a green vermilion hairpin.

Later, the old hag showed her true colors and fought with the white snake and the brat. He took the opportunity to escape and used a black coffin to keep his last breath.

He didn't know what happened later, he only knew that when he woke up, he had already appeared in the realm of nothingness, and the black coffin was also sealed with chains and gold charms. He lay in the black coffin and groped for countless years. In the end, he broke the seal outside and returned to Kyushu.

In this life, when he comes back again, he will never be careless. First of all, he will get the vermilion hairpin from the white snake's hand. He just didn't pay much attention to Zhu Chai, so he understood.

"There is a powerful old monk in Suzhou-Hangzhou City. Go and meet him for a while." True Monarch Taiyin was cautious and didn't dare to be careless. He wanted to find out the truth about this monk first.

In Jinshan Temple, Fahai sat there reciting scriptures all day, so he didn't go there, let alone go to Suhang City to find the white snake. The cheap apprentice Li Xiaoyao said that if he dared to trouble Xu Xian and his wife while he was away , Immediately returned to vulgarity.

Fa Hai agreed, he was not in a hurry, he had to wait for this cheap apprentice to come back, he would persuade him every day, let him understand that monsters are monsters, people are people, monsters are evil and should be killed.

Li Xiaoyao went to Fairy Island. Although the journey was far away and there were various risks, Fa Hai was optimistic about this kid, with a pure heart, and his talent and chance were far superior to ordinary people, so he should be able to successfully obtain the elixir.

The Zen incense rising slowly in Jinshan Temple, just smelling it, can make people feel peaceful and not irritable.

"Amitabha, what is the purpose of the donor coming here?" Fa Hai opened his eyes and looked at the old man in black robes in front of the Buddha statue.

Taiyin Zhenjun looked at Fahai, chuckled, stepped forward, and a thick black mist appeared behind him, involving him and Fahai at the same time, forming a world of their own, as if there were only the two of them left in the world, and the surrounding Neither monks nor pilgrims noticed.

"Zen Master Fahai, I heard that there is a white snake making waves in the city of Suzhou and Hangzhou. Why didn't the master subdue this monster?"

Fa Hai glanced at True Monarch Taiyin, frowned, and didn't answer his words: "If your Excellency is fine, please go back."

True Monarch Taiyin smiled deeply: "Master, if you are not sure how to deal with this monster, you and I can work together to subdue this monster."

Fa Hai glanced at Taiyin Zhenjun indifferently: "I don't bother to cooperate with demons, Your Excellency, please go back."

Demon way?Taiyin Zhenjun was stunned for a moment, then smiled, yes, he is a demon, in order to become stronger, he can use all means.

For example, at this time, the grandma stretched out her hand with a smile, and transformed into a black-edged golden talisman, which floated into the air and turned into countless golden paper cranes, heading towards Fahai, covering the sky and covering the earth.

Fa Hai's face changed suddenly, and there was an extra bowl in his hand, the golden light was shining brightly, and bursts of Buddhist imprints came from inside, protecting the surroundings.

True Monarch Taiyin was not surprised when he saw it, he had already guessed that this monk was powerful, and his intention was to trap this monk first, just in case, and when he became stronger, he would come back to deal with this monk.

"Master, you can stay here for the time being and take your leave." Taiyin Zhenjun smiled and left from the thick fog, leaving only Fa Hai sitting there alone against the golden origami cranes around him.

True Monarch Taiyin left without a sound. No one in Jinshan Temple noticed this at all. They only saw Zen Master Fahai sitting there with his eyes closed and meditating.


Security hall, backyard.

Xu Xian was sitting by the corridor, looking at the drizzle falling in front of the eaves, in a daze. Since the last time his wife rescued him from Fahai, he has kept this posture for a long time every day.

Every day in his mind, he was thinking about the scene of the lady using the spell, and some words that Fahai said. Is this beautiful lady like a flower really a monster?Is it really a snake demon?
Although Xu Xian is stupid, but now he has calmed down and thought about it carefully. If many tiny details are gathered together and enlarged, what Monk Fahai said may be true...

"Husband..." The beautiful woman in white came from behind, she squatted down gently, and sat with Xu Xian, watching the drizzle together, the hair falling from her ears was blown away by the breeze.

Xu Xian turned his head and glanced at her. He was silent for a long time, but finally he didn't speak.

"Husband, I'd better leave, I'm sorry, I shouldn't show up." The woman in white's eyes darkened, she glanced at Xu Xian, that look hurt her, there was no need to speak a lot of words, the two of them were actually in the same heart Already understood.

Xu Xian was still silent, watching the person who had been with him day and night stand up, he had already taken a few steps, his white clothes were already wet by the drizzle, he gritted his teeth, and finally stood up, tightly holding on to the hand, and shouted: "Enough, I don't care what monsters or not, I only know that you are my wife, the wife who will accompany me for the rest of my life, I don't care what the world thinks, and I don't want to listen to their judgments, I just know , in this life, I just want to be with you."

The person in the rain turned around and looked at Xu Xian in disbelief. Is this still that pedantic, stupid, and stupid husband? She never thought that one day, this person who was with her day and night would say such words.

"But... I'm a monster..."

Xu Xian interrupted rudely: "What's the matter with monsters? Whether it's a human or a monster, there are good and bad. Even if they can't understand, I can understand. Although I'm stupid by nature and weak in character, I'm yours." Xianggong, no matter what happens, I will definitely stand in front of you."

Bai Suzhen looked at Xu Xian, her eyes were a little moist, and she couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her face. She thought of that young man in her mind. When she was injured, he warmed herself with his body and never abandoned herself...

Said a lot of similar things to myself...

"Most people in the world are villains with two legs, so what if they have a tail?"

"Xiaobai, in this life, you are my belief."

Ah Xuan, I was your belief in the previous life, so in this life, you are my belief...


If you haven't read the Chinese manga "The Origin of the White Snake", I can recommend it to everyone...

 Thanks to 'A Little Fairy' for [-] coins, to 'The Journey of the Tyrannosaurus' for [-] coins, and friends from the bookstore for the rewards, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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